How to Find More Time for You

how to find time for you

You take care of the kids, strive to be a supportive wife,  and manage the household.  Additionally, you maintain a job outside the home.  Finding time for yourself is difficult.  You care about your family, and would most certainly do anything for them.  However, you realize that you’re sacrificing your own well-being to take care of everyone and everything.  You’re wondering how to find more time for you.  You’re craving time to yourself.  You know that a little downtime for self-care, self-exploration, and self-gratification is imperative to your health.

What Happens When You’re All About Family

It may seem admirable to be all-consuming of your family’s needs and desires, but eventually it will weigh on you. When you continue to extend yourself, you could start to resent the very people you love.  You may feel that you’ve given up who you are.  Furthermore, you may feel that you’ve given up your joy for life in exchange for their happiness.   Your family is always happy, always has what they need, and they can rely on you to get it all done.  But, at what cost?  How do you find more time for you?

It’s imperative that you not ignore the signs that everything is taking it.  Some women become so overwhelmed that they end up abusing alcohol or sink into depression. This can put you and your family at risk.  It’s possible that you could end up in legal trouble for drinking and driving.  Furthermore, your substance abuse could turn into a full-blown addiction.  Unfortunately, it can have lasting effects on your loved ones.  If you’ve been feeling helpless, sad for long periods of time, moody, engaging in reckless behavior, or abusing substances, there is help in southern California.  If you’re not in the southern California area, there is help in other regions across America too.

How to Find Time for Yourself

Now you know that consuming every moment with your family can be detrimental to your health, you need to do something about it. The problem most women have is finding time in their day to make room for things they enjoy.  How to find more time for you they wonder.  We have a few solutions on how to find more time for you:

  • Start with a few minutes – Making schedule changes immediately may prove difficult, so start slow. Try to find a way to squeeze five to ten minutes out of your day for yourself. Whether you get up earlier in the morning or set aside time during your lunch break, just make sure that during that time you’re doing something for yourself. Read your favorite blog, write a poem, go for a walk, eat a healthy snack, listen to your favorite song, etc.

  • Pencil it in – Are you good with keeping appointments? If so, you should start penciling in your downtime. Treat it like a doctor’s appointment that you can’t miss. When you’re scheduling your week, add in a few hours to yourself. Make sure you have something interesting planned.  Most importantly, don’t try to get out of keeping an appointment “to do nothing”.   If you don’t have something fun planned, you may start to think about all the things you could be using that time for.

  • Accountability Partners – If you’re not going to stick to your guns and make more time for yourself, ask someone who cares about you to hold you accountable. This could be your spouse or your best friend. Let them know that you want to start spending time doing things for yourself. Express your interests and then have them to check in on you. If you haven’t been accomplishing your goals, they can express the importance and even offer a solution like watching the kids for you.

Women were built with superpowers.  As a result, sometimes we forget that we’re human.  So, you must learn how to find time for you.  As much as you love your family, you have to have just as much love and commitment for yourself.  It’s imperative to find ways to simply focus on yourself. Whether it’s a few minutes each day, a scheduled day each week, or with the help of an accountability partner.  Eventually, loving yourself will become second nature once again.

5 Things About Single Parents You Should Know

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on things about single parents you should know. Being a single parent is tough. It’s all the trials of parenthood, but the load is double and carried whether by choice or not. Furthermore, if a parent is single due to a separation or divorce there’s income to worry about as well.

According to Miller & Steiert, P.C., a family attorney in Denver, “Child support is determined here in Colorado by the calculation of each party’s gross income.  This includes the calculation of the amount of overnights that each party has with the children or child, the amount of money that’s spent for daycare, for health insurance, for extraordinary expenses.”



single parents



Even if an ex-spouse is required to pay out child support, getting an ex-partner to fork out payments might be a source of stress, too.  So, there are a few questions single parents wish you would stop asking.  Here’s the rundown that will keep your next conversation with a single parent from going into awkward territory.


  1. Stop asking if they’re ok.

The most well-meaning question of them all, but single parents have heard it from every person in their life.  They don’t need to hear it from you too over and over again.

“I don’t know how you manage it when I can barely manage my kids with a partner.” This might be your attempt at a compliment, but it won’t sound as such to the person you are talking to. Instead, it might come across like you are boasting about being in a relationship.

Empty compliments bring nothing to a relationship. If you want to compliment the other parent, or if you truly admire them for the way they are handling their children, get specific. And then ask them how they handle certain situations that you find difficult. You might walk away with some tips that might work for your brood.


  1. Do not compare your weekend alone with their situation.

You find out that a mom you see regularly is a single mom.  You immediately feel like you can relate since your partner is away for the weekend. Do not go there.  It is not the same.

Managing on your own for one weekend does not compare to the workload that a single parent carries daily. Avoid voicing a comparison of your situations.  Unless you want to ruin all chances of a friendship or a friendly acquaintance.

Making good mom friends is hard enough. Your chances of gaining a buddy will be higher if you avoid this unintentional gaffe.


  1. It is none of your business why or how they became  single parents 

It is natural to be curious. But asking why and how a person became a single parent may feel intrusive, and downright rude.  Occasionally, you might come across a parent who does not mind sharing her story.  But as a rule, do not ask. When they are ready and feel comfortable they will tell you their story. Until then, talk about the things you have in common. Not the things that make you different.



things about single parents




  1. Don’t try to set them up with your friends 

You have their best interest at heart, but just because they are single doesn’t mean that they are looking for love. Many women today are choosing to experience motherhood on their own.

The impression you give when you try to set someone up is that their life must be sad and lonely without a partner.  You are showing a narrow-minded view, and your statement suggest they must be miserable without a husband or a wife.

If the single parent asks for dating advice or makes it clear he or she is looking, then that’s the green light for you to trot out your single friends.


  1. Be helpful, parent to parent 

If it seems that interacting with single parents comes with navigating many potential landmines, it’s not.  You are both parents.  They get exhausted and want to ship their kids away to a grandparent just like you. They have parenting issues with their children, just like you.

So, if you really want to help talk to them parent to parent.  But do not offer advice because they are a single parent. Offer because they are a parent—and parenting is tough—single or not.  No further qualification necessary.


Working From Home: A New Parent’s Guide to Side Cash

You did it! You spent 9 months of time, energy, spending money, and sleepless nights preparing for your new baby. Now that your baby is home, the bills are stacking up and things are getting stressful.  However, you can’t bear to send your baby to daycare. Furthermore, you’re not sure you can afford it. So, how do you come up with side cash ideas and still get to enjoy being a new parent?   We have a few ideas on how to make side cash and put you on the path to empowering yourself.  Check out the tips below:



side cash ideas





A popular option for stay-at-home parents is to blog. This is especially popular for new parents. Your audience will love to take the journey with you.  Soon, they feel like a part of your family. You’ll get advice, tips, prayers, goodwill, and some good side cash. You’ll want to look up tips to make your blog successful, research good marketing tips and tools, and have a regular publishing schedule to really make money blogging. And don’t give up hope if it doesn’t take off right away, but great things take time.


Cash Back & Survey Apps

If you’re wanting a job you can do one-handed when Baby is fussy, eating, or sleeping, trying cash-back and survey apps.  All you need is a phone and a free finger to start making money. They may not pay out huge, but with consistency, they can pay out decent cash at a steady rate. They’re easy, fun, and you don’t have to worry about putting your baby in childcare while you work.


Article Work & Writing

Maybe you don’t have the finances to start a blog, but you like the idea of writing. There are several sites – like HubPages and Textbroker – that can help you generate cash by writing.  Each one pays differently, has different metrics, and employs different rules. So, read through each carefully to make sure you’re choosing a good platform for you.   Additionally, make sure the work is easy, doesn’t take too much time, and you get paid very consistently.


Tutoring & ESL

Did you know that you can teach ESL without a degree from the comfort of your home? With sites like iTalki, you can set your own rate and schedule and get paid regularly.  You must speak English or any other language fluently to qualify. It really is that easy!  There are lots of other tutoring and language learning sites out there that will pay you to teach from the comfort of your home as well.


Get Crafty

Crafts are great side cash ideas.  With sites like Etsy, you can bring your crafting, DIY, and refurbishing skills to light and make money.  For a small fee, you can sell all sorts of things on Etsy. You can even do the crafts with your kids and make it a family event. Now is the time to experiment and have some fun.


Be a Friend

While this isn’t technically a stay-at-home job, it is a job that you don’t have to go to every day. Sites like Rent a Friend will let you set your own hours and schedule. You get paid to hang out with people, and the people who pay you also pay for your meals, events, concerts, and more. It’s a pretty sweet deal. These are strictly platonic and you get to make tons of new friends.


Freelancing offers fun and wonderful way for side cash ideas or full-time cash if you put the work in!  But, it is also not for everyone. You get what you put in. Find an avenue you like doing work that you enjoy, and that won’t be a problem at all. Good luck and congratulations on your new baby!

10 Natural Ways To Increase Your Breast Milk Supply


increase your breast milk supply


One of the biggest concerns for new mothers is whether they are producing enough milk for their baby. Luckily, a low milk supply can easily be remedied by following a few simple steps. The following is a list of the ten things every breastfeeding mom should know about to increase your breast milk supply. The inclusion of a supplement into your routine could help you make a dramatic difference to the amount of milk your body produces. For more information about supplements that can help you to increase your supply, the review site Research and You is a great first stop to look at what is out there. This is an excellent resource for people who are looking for reviews to compare the latest products.  Most importantly, discuss any concerns or products with your doctor before use.  


Skin To Skin Contact

One of the best things you can do for yourself and for your baby is to keep them close. Studies have shown that skin to skin contact can dramatically increase your milk supply. Not only is it comforting for your baby, but it also triggers the release of hormones such as endorphins and dopamine which support breastfeeding.  Also, drink plenty of water

Dehydration can have a significant impact on the amount of milk your body produces. It is recommended that breastfeeding mothers drink at least ten glasses of water each day to ensure an adequate supply. Breast milk is primarily made from the mother’s blood so it is vitally important to keep fluid intake high.

Include The Right Vitamins And Minerals In Your Diet

Unfortunately, most people are not getting enough nutrients from the food they eat. For breastfeeding moms, it is even more important that you are getting the right amount of vitamin D, calcium, iron, and folic acid. These nutrients are important because they nourish your body meaning you are able to produce nutritious milk for your baby.

Try Taking Fenugreek

The oil present in fenugreek seeds is often revered for its incredible ability to support the mother’s body to produce more milk. Mothers who regularly use fenugreek often report an increase of up to 900% in the amount of milk they are producing. An easy way to include fenugreek into your diet is by taking a supplement.


Co-sleeping is probably one of the easiest things you can do to increase your breast milk supply for your baby. Your baby will be able to feed on demand, you will both be more comfortable and you will be able to get more sleep. The more stimulation your breasts receive the more milk they produce to keep up with the needs of your baby.

Brewer’s Yeast

This healthy natural supplement is safe for mothers to take while breastfeeding. Brewer’s yeast is naturally high in vitamin B, protein and iron. These are all nutrients that your body needs to make milk. Additionally, many people believe that taking brewer’s yeast can alleviate fatigue and symptoms of depression. People who regularly use this supplement also say that the condition of their hair and skin improve after continued use.

Have Oats For Breakfast

Studies have shown that oats are a powerful galactagogue. In other words, this is a food which stimulates and increases the flow of milk. Additionally, oats are high in iron, zinc, manganese, and calcium. It is an excellent source of fiber and it contains plant estrogen. Plant estrogen has been found to stimulate breast tissue and increase your breast milk supply. 

Avoid Formula Top-Ups

Giving your baby additional bottles of formula when you think you do not have enough milk for your baby could be the beginning of a low supply spiral. Formula leaves babies feeling fuller for longer than breastmilk does as your baby can not metabolize it as quickly as your milk. So your baby is not hungry as often which means that you are not putting your baby to the breast as often and so your body begins to make less milk. Although no one wants their baby to go hungry, formula should only be seen as a last option.

Trust Your Body

Stressing over the amount of milk you are producing will not increase your supply. Rather focus on things that you can do to boost your milk supply and remember that the sole purpose of your breasts is to feed your baby. Your body knows what to do and with adequate support, you will increase your breast milk supply in no time.



Key Ways To Help Boost Your Iron In Pregnancy


boost your iron in pregnancy



You just found out you’re pregnant.  You’re very excited to become a mother.  You can’t wait to spend time with your little bundle of joy, and take care of him or her throughout the years.  But aside from the excitement that you’re feeling, you’re also worried because there’s now a lot of responsibilities in your hands. Your child’s life depends on everything that you do.  So, you want to be careful and nurture your child in the best way possible.

Furthermore, you want to start off ensuring that your child will grow up healthy.  Iron plays a big role in your child’s development.  As a matter of fact, your body might not be able to provide the minerals and nutrients your unborn child needs without it.  However, there are ways to boost your iron in pregnancy.

Why You Need Iron During Pregnancy

Being a mother is a fulfilling yet challenging role.  It’s imperative that you give everything that your unborn child needs.  Iron is important in your pregnancy because:


  • It’s a requirement for making hemoglobin, the protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen to other cells.  Remember, you’re carrying another person in your body – the more hemoglobin, the better.
  • It’s also an essential component of myoglobin (the protein responsible for supplying oxygen to your muscles), collagen (the protein found in your bones and other connective tissues), and many other enzymes.
  • It helps maintain a healthy and strong immune system throughout the pregnancy.


How To Boost Iron During Pregnancy

Also, iron supplies several proteins in your body, which your child needs. To help boost your iron in pregnancy, take note of the tips below:


iron boost in pregnancy


  • Take an iron supplement during your pregnancy:  There are several iron supplements available in the market.  But, before deciding make sure you ask for your doctor’s approval.  If they have a recommendation on a particular iron supplement for you, follow it. Also, inquire how many times in a day you should use it.  Ask if there are dos and don’ts while you’re taking these supplements. Remember, your iron intake should help you during your pregnancy, not complicate it.
  • Eat your spinach:   Another way to boost your iron in pregnancy is to eat your spinach.  Spinach can be bought anywhere and is a very good source of iron. Raw spinach is great in salads. You can eat your spinach with sliced strawberries, grilled meat, pasta, and cheese!
  • Keep your caffeine intake down: All of your efforts to eat iron-enriched foods and supplements will be useless if you’re consuming too much caffeine. Caffeine actually dashes the effects of iron in your body. This means that if you drink cola after eating an iron-rich steak, your body will absorb less iron.
  • Add more vitamin C: Vitamin C is known to improve iron absorption in your body. So whenever you’re taking your iron supplements, finish it with a glass of orange juice. You can also add fresh strawberries to your oat bran cereal or add a side of pepper with a shrimp dish to get your daily dose of Vitamin C!


Preparation Is Key

When you’re an expecting parent, you want everything to be perfect. In addition to providing for your baby in the womb, you should also be preparing financially.  A pregnancy cover from your insurance policy can help.  Knowing that you have everything covered will help you have a stress-free and easy childbirth.


Jessica Wilson   iron boost in pregnacy

Jessica is a professional health expert who works for some major health industry giants. She currently writes for Membersown and is dedicated to helping people learn more about health related topics along the journey. When she’s not a health advocate, she enjoys some down time traveling or talking with family

How to Snag a Promotion Without Compromising Your Kids

Not many people can say that they have the perfect work life.  There’s always room for improvement.  Furthermore, if you are a working mother then you may find it hard to completely throw yourself into your job.  You may even find it hard to concentrate on a day to day basis because you have a thousand things running through your mind.  This could include whether or not you packed a juice box in your child’s lunchbox or who has soccer practice later that day.  Either way, juggling kids and a career can be difficult.  But, that doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on a promotion or time with the kids.  You can have both of these things.  Additionally, it’s a great way for you to boost your income.  Today, I’m sharing a few tips on empowering yourself and how to snag a promotion:






how to snag a promotion




Know the Needs of Your Department

If you want to nail that interview for a promotion, then it helps to know what is needed in the department.  You’ll want to be a leader for your department.  It’s important that you take on tasks in the new department, and show initiative.  Your manager doesn’t need to see you doing these tasks.  They will know that it was done, and this can  work in your favor if you are working in a team.  It may not be your job to do some paperwork at the end of the day, however, if doing the paperwork helps out a teammate, your manager or anyone else in the company than it is well worth it.  Your efforts will never go unnoticed.


how to snag a promotion


Be Friends with Your Boss

Your boss is ultimately the one who controls your destiny. It is in your best interest to get to know them better.    This doesn’t mean going to their home, babysitting their kids or buying gifts for them.  However, if you’re invited to dinner or cocktails accept the invitation.  By learning what makes them tick, you will be able to communicate with them.  This can work in your favor.


Be Successful

How to snag a promotion includes having a positive attitude.  A positive attitude it can been seen in your facial expressions.  Also, it can be seen in the way you carry yourself.  Even the speed of your voice can show how you feel about your job.  So, it’s really important that you are confident and  qualified.  When you know you have the training required to do the job well, this can be a huge boost to your self-esteem.  Furthermore, it can also make you feel more at home in your job.  If you have not enhanced your skills in quite some time, don’t worry.  If you work in the engineering industry,  go for an engineering masters course.  You can even do this online.  Which means that you don’t have to give up family weekends.  So, it’s worth considering.


how to snag a promotion


Know your Industry

The industry that you work in is constantly changing.  So, if you want to know how to snag a promotion it’s important that you keep up with what is happening.  A lot of industries have trade magazines or even websites that are completely devoted to news regarding your working niche.  By educating yourself, you can show that you have an interest in your job.  Just as important, you can also show those around you that you are willing to push yourself to go the extra mile. You can be an example for team members and other office personnel.  Demonstrate that that you’re willing to learn.  Take a newspaper or magazine in your industry to work with you.


how to snag a promotion



Be the Creator of Solutions

If you want to know how to snag a promotion, bringing a solution to the table is only half of the equation.  Your managers want you to bring an actionable plan. When sharing your ideas, help your manager and team members see your vision.  Present the path that you will take to implement the idea.  You will be seen as an asset to the company.  It is these types of employees who often end up with the promotion.  Unfortunately, you may not be able to come up with ideas all the time.  However, you don’t need to be a never-ending source of knowledge.  Just make share  you have ideas, and that you share them in a way that provides a solution.


Get a Mentor

If you are new to the company, feel as though you have fallen behind in your job or looking for a promotion, get a mentor.  However, you’ll need to make sure that this person has the qualification to help you.  Of course, it helps to find someone who you respect too.  Your mentor can be someone who works in your company or it could be someone on social media.  Take them out for lunch from time to time and talk about how you can be a better employee.  It also helps to talk to them about non-work related topics as well.  Having a genuine friend in your mentor is always a great thing to have.


Your Communication

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is not coming to the table to talk about issues that they have. You may have a fear of confrontation and this is completely normal.  But, honesty is always the best policy.  So, you need to make sure that you are always willing to work through conflict. This will help you to become a better leader.  Furthermore, it will stop you from dwelling on any work issues that you have.  If you leave these problems unaddressed they can cause stress.  Stress can affect your job performance as well.


Working Hard

Some employees try to set limits and even boundaries for themselves.  They don’t want to get involved in a project that will require them to work overtime.  Set your schedule so you can complete your work and still be able to pick up the kids from school or other afterschool activities.  If you must work late, have a family member or friend pick up the kids and keep them for a few hours.  It’s important that you be home for bedtime and homework checks.

So, how to snag a promotion is possible if you follow the above tips.  If you can’t implement them all, pick a few so you can make the most out of the job that you have or want.


15 Homeopathic Treatments for Chronic Back Pain After Pregnancy


chronic back pain after pregnancy


Back pain to some degree affects approximately 80% of Americans at one point in their lifetime.  Unfortunately, if left untreated it can grow into chronic back pain.  Chronic back pain after pregnancy can affect both your professional life (days lost at work) and personal life (not being able to live the lifestyle you want).   Many women start getting back pain during pregnancy.  It normally stems from the extra weight they are carrying.  As a result, more women are looking for alternatives to deal with their chronic back pain after pregnancy.  Homeopathy and other natural methods are among the most popular.  Many pregnant women prefer not to put any unnecessary medication in their bodies.  Therefore, natural remedies become a part of their lifestyle.  

Seeking Alternatives

Homeopathic treatments are becoming popular as people look at alternatives for traditional drugs and procedures.  However, not all are equal when it comes to scientific backing.  As a result, be sure to utilize available industry resources like, meet with your personal medical doctor.  They will know enough about your pain and body to help you pick the best option.   Doing research will help you better understand their suggestions as well.  To start, some herbs are more popular than others.  If you don’t know where to start when it comes to your back pain after pregnancy, here are a few suggestions: 


chronic back pain after pregnancy

1. Capsaicin –  Derived from chili peppers.  Capsaicin serves as an anti-inflammatory, which reduces inflammation, pain and pressure in the  lower back.

2. Ginger –  Similar to Capsaicin, ginger’s phytochemicals also have anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Feverfew Feverfew has been used for pain relief for headaches, stomachaches, and toothaches.  Its lack of major side effects mean it may be worth using for back pain as well.  However, pregnant women should not take Feverfew.

4. Devil’s Claw – Some scientific evidence shows potential for this herb in managing arthritis and lower back pain.  More evidence is needed.  Pregnant women or those with gallstones or stomach/intestinal ulcers should not use this herb.

5. Turmeric – A staple of the Ayurvedic Diet, Turmeric’s active ingredient, Curcumin, is used to relieve heartburn and arthritis pain.  Furthermore, it reduces inflammation.  It is one of the most popular natural pain relief options you will find.  Additionally, there is scientific evidence supporting its use.

More classical homeopathy uses herbs on the exact location of the pain in your back.  There is no scientific evidence on this technique, and not much research backing it.  But, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting that it may help.


chronic back pain after pregnancy


6.  Rhus Toxicodendron   This remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back.  Aching and stiffness gets aggravated by cold, damp weather.  However, relief is found with warm applications, baths or showers, and massage.

7.  Aesculus –  This remedy is suited for pain in the very low back (the sacral or sacroiliac areas).  It feels worse when standing up from a sitting position or from stooping.  Aesculus is good for people with low back pain who also have a history with venous congestion and hemorrhoids.

8. Nux Vomica –  This remedy is good for muscle cramps or constricting pains in the back.  Pain is usually worse at night, and the person may have to sit up in bed to turn over. Nux vomica may also be good for backaches that get worse when constipated. 

9. Cimicifuga Racemose –  Use this remedy for severe aching and stiffness in the upper back and neck, as well as the lower back, with pains that extend down the thighs or across the hips. It is often helpful for back pain during menstrual periods, with cramping, heaviness, and soreness.

10. Calcarea Carbonica   This is another go-to remedy for muscle weakness and low back pain. The ideal candidate will have a tendency toward chilliness, or may easily feel tired from exertion. The person’s symptoms will tend to worsen from damp and cold weather.

11. Natrum Muriaticum –  This is good for back pain that improves from lying on something hard.  Also, pressing a hard object (such as a block or book) against the painful area is a good for this remedy.

In conjunction with these, many doctors will recommend a set of lifestyle changes to properly complement your efforts.

12. Exercise –  The days of trying to rest off back pain are over, as more and more people are realizing that you need to exercise to strengthen the muscles that support your back. The key is to do exercises that target these areas, but aren’t overly intensive. Yoga and pilates are great programs that fit the bill, and many back pain exercises you find borrow from them.

13. Physical therapy –  If you are struggling to put together a proper routine, a physical therapist may do the trick, combine stretches with other treatments like heat and ice therapy.

14. Improve your sleep –  Pain is actually a leading cause of insomnia, but what you may not realize is that there is a vicious cycle at work here. Inadequate sleep can actually make your pain worse. See a doctor to find ways to help improve your sleep, and try to keep to a regular schedule to make it easier for your body to adjust.

15. Diet for a healthy back –  You won’t be able to necessarily eat your pain away, but many times, nutritional deficiencies can lead to back issues.  Back issues lead to pain.  Some of the nutrients you may want to look to are calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K.  Foods like leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach, broccoli) and cold-water fish (salmon, herring) are some of your best options.  

Note:  Again, please consult your medical doctor before utilizing any of the natural herbs/remedies mentioned in this post.  We hope that you will find relief for your chronic back pain after pregnancy.  

Addressing Fears About Going Back to Work after a Baby


going back to work after a baby


If you have recently given birth and are near the end of your maternity leave, you may be feeling fearful about going back to work.  Many mothers dread this moment.  They don’t want to leave their newborn, or they feel guilty because they actually want to go back to work.  As a result,  we address fears that many moms have about going back to work after a baby:

The office has changed and you won’t know what is going on –  You fear that so many things will have changed since the last time you were in the office.  Many moms are worried that the atmosphere will be different.  Additionally, they are scared that they won’t know what to do anymore. However, many find that nothing has changed at all.  It seems like you’ve been out of the office forever.  Especially, because you have gone through such a life changing experience.

You fear your career will have to take a back seat – This is certainly not the case. Women today can have it all.  Just because you have had a baby does not mean you have to hit the stop button on your dreams. You can complete the  IMC Master’s Program online.  It’s a great way to advance your skills and move up the career ladder.  Going back to work after a baby isn’t the end of your educational goals.





Your boss won’t understand or agree to flexibility – Most people will assume that their boss won’t understand the demands of having a child.  This causes a lot of anxiety about going to work after a baby.  Most bosses aren’t as scary or as unreasonable as we think.  Your boss will be flexible so long as you show commitment to the position and company.  If you know that you need to be home with your baby or have an appointment put in the hours elsewhere.  For example, come in early or work a half day on a Saturday.  It’s certain your boss won’t have a problem with it.

You feel terrible because you can’t wait to go back to work – Last but not least, a lot of women feel awful because they cannot wait to get back to work. They are literally itching to get back into the office environment. There is nothing wrong with this! It does not make you a bad parent. It certainly doesn’t make you love your child any less than someone who doesn’t want to go back to work either.

Hopefully, you don’t feel as anxious about going back to work after a baby.  Most importantly, because you have had a baby does not mean that your career needs to take a backseat. You can have it all – if that is what you want.

How To Raise Your Credit Score After A Divorce

“Couples with the lowest initial average credit scores are two or three times more likely to end up divorcing with their partners than couples with high credit scores.”  That’s according to a 2015 study on the link between bad credit and divorce by researchers at the Federal Reserve Board.  Finances have always had an impact on marriages.  And, are one of the factors that lead to couples divorcing.  Divorces that involve a child are even more complex.  If possible, you should handle the divorce amicably.  Also, this post shares tips on how to raise your credit score after a divorce Having good credit will empower you to move forward with your life and to purchase items you need in your life.  



how to reaise your credit score



Repair your credit report 

Major events such as weddings or divorces have a significant impact on your creditworthiness.  As a matter of fact,  divorces require that you close joint accounts.  As a result, your spouse’s financial history is synced with yours.  However, information may be misfiled during the process.  This could affect your ability to provide for your family. So, a dispute with the credit bureau can be corrected by visiting a credit repair company.  The company will follow up and ensure all your information is correct.  So, if you want to know how to raise your credit score follow-up with this tip.


The importance of weekly and monthly budgets

The responsibilities of raising a family is diverse and cannot be accounted for all the time. Precautionary funds are hard to determine.  Nevertheless, setting up a weekly and monthly budget helps you cut back on expenses.  Especially, expenses that eat into your finances.  For example, daily expenses such as lunches can be reduced with fresh foods from your backyard garden.  Pay utility or credit card bills on time with your savings.  This is a great tip on how to raise your credit score too.


Open a savings account

Once you ensure that your credit report is accurate, your next step would be to open a savings account.  Saving in a kitty jar is helpful, but saving in a bank account is more ideal. Apart from making budgets and cutting back on spending, you can set up a saving account from your salary.  A savings account is a venture you and your family can undertake together.  Not only does it improve your credit score, it serves as an example for your children. Encouraging your children to save is a good step.

Raising kids, affording a family vacation or starting a family business are all financial responsibilities a family has to always consider regardless of divorces.  If you decide to remarry, the burden can be shared between the spouses.  But, you must ensure your credit reports are accurate single or married.  So, when you think about how to raise your credit score, remember you must take the right steps. Doing so can improve your credit report.

Tips For an Amicable Divorce

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on tips for an amicable divorce when you have children.  There’s no such thing as a perfect family.  One of the best divorce tips is that the “best” families have to face and endure trouble. When a marriage becomes the problem, it can have a profound effect on family and how they function.  Especially, if the marriage ends in divorce. Divorce can be a very stressful and overwhelming journey.  Furthermore, when children are involved divorce can be even more stressful. 


tips for amicable divorce


Getting for an amicable divorce:


Unfortunately, the divorce process will not only affect the welfare of your child, but the way they will grow up.  Furthermore, divorce proceedings must handled with care.  You should consider your role as a mother and your children during the process.

According to Huffington Post, if divorce is the only option left between you and your spouse perhaps it’s the best move for your sake and your children’s.  However, there are things to remember when divorcing with a child.  It’s important to take these things into consideration.


You Have to Explain It to the Kids

When you’re getting divorced, remember that your children may not be old enough to understand your situation completely.  There is no guarantee how your children will feel when they find out about the separation.

  • Remember, while you should be able to calm yourself down in order to still be able to perform your duties as a parent, your children don’t function on the same level.
  • Your children have their own processes, desires, and interpretations.  Kids have their own ways of comprehending and grieving about the situation. As a result, it’s important to remember that your emotions may become a part of their interpretation.
  • If you feel as though your relationship with your children will be tainted by the divorce, try to work with them towards accepting the separation.  Try to explain how things will work.  Most importantly, don’t ignore their feelings.


tips for an amicable divorce


You Will Experience Many Feelings 

Even if the divorce was a mutual decision, there will be instances where one party will feel emotional.  This includes  feeling revengeful, abandoned, desperate, terrified, distraught, or betrayed.  These feelings may not surface immediately, but some may appear in numerous ways.

  • Try to be careful how you express your emotions, and who you express them to.  If you have children, consider how they might react to your emotions.
  • Realize that your actions, especially fights that may take place with your former partner, will most likely have a lasting impact on your children. Be mature enough to handle any disagreements or emotions in private.  Most importantly, try to maintain a positive demeanor about the divorce when in the presence of your children.


You Have to Make Financial Arrangements

Another one of our tips for an amicable divorce is to make sure you consider spousal and child support. This might be the most difficult part of the divorce process, but it is essential to ensure the well being of all parties involved.

  • If possible, sit down with your spouse and decide on visitation, holiday visits and co-parenting options.
  • Discuss debts, extra expenses, and how much support will be granted for the children.
  • Remember, the goal is to work together so you can decide how you will be able to help your children in the best way  possible.


tips for an amicable divorce


Make This a Gentle Process for Everyone

 These tips may seem overwhelming, especially when you have to consider the responsibilities you have as a mother.  As a matter of fact, a soon to be single mother.  However, we hope our tips for an amicable divorce will help you  cope and make the process less stressful.   If you’re looking into the legal implications of the subject, you may click here for more information.  You may also like:  How to Raise Your Credit Score After Divorce.


About the author: Peggy Fleming

Peggy Fleming is a promising young law writer. She adds a modern take to her pieces on various law topics, which she writes for the common reader. She enjoys playing tennis with her siblings during her