How to Learn More About Yourself

Learning more about yourself is always a good thing.  It can enhance your career prospects or help you get insight into how you can be a better person.   During your journey, you may end up unearthing a skill that you never knew existed.  Most importantly, you may be able to use that ability to help your future.  However, you must enter into the world of  self-discovery in order to learn more about yourself and become self-empowered:



confidence tips



 Push yourself out of your comfort zone

 You’re never going to unearth any skills that you may have lying under the surface if you don’t find a way to bring them out.  As a result, you have to start finding your way into alien territories and push yourself to enhance. 

Quite simply, this means stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new. This could mean doing taking on different tasks at work set to taking on new and exciting challenges with friends.  For example, such as entering an Escape Room.  An Escape Room is where you can play games and solve puzzles with others.  Each room has its own storyline.  You have 60 minutes to search for clues and solve the puzzles to earn your freedom and escape the room!  It’s an opportunity to find make new friends and to do something different.  Taking on new tasks allows you to offer your skills or assistance on a new project.  Think about your knowledge and skill and put them to use.  Doing so will help you learn more about yourself.  

 Adhere to your body clock

 You may have been told from a young age that “the early bird catches the worm.”  But, you don’t necessarily have to get up early in the morning in order to be successful.  Everybody’s body clock is different.  For some people, getting up later or even during the day is just more natural. So, if you feel like getting up early does nothing at all to help you to be proactive then try getting up a bit later.  

 Listen to your gut

 Start listening to those gut feelings you get in certain situations.  It’s your intuition raising red flags so you can assess what’s happening.  Most of the time it’s a warning about something or someone.  If something doesn’t sit right follow your instinct.  

 Finally, take heed and implement these steps into your life so you can learn more about yourself. 

How to Find More Time for You

how to find time for you

You take care of the kids, strive to be a supportive wife,  and manage the household.  Additionally, you maintain a job outside the home.  Finding time for yourself is difficult.  You care about your family, and would most certainly do anything for them.  However, you realize that you’re sacrificing your own well-being to take care of everyone and everything.  You’re wondering how to find more time for you.  You’re craving time to yourself.  You know that a little downtime for self-care, self-exploration, and self-gratification is imperative to your health.

What Happens When You’re All About Family

It may seem admirable to be all-consuming of your family’s needs and desires, but eventually it will weigh on you. When you continue to extend yourself, you could start to resent the very people you love.  You may feel that you’ve given up who you are.  Furthermore, you may feel that you’ve given up your joy for life in exchange for their happiness.   Your family is always happy, always has what they need, and they can rely on you to get it all done.  But, at what cost?  How do you find more time for you?

It’s imperative that you not ignore the signs that everything is taking it.  Some women become so overwhelmed that they end up abusing alcohol or sink into depression. This can put you and your family at risk.  It’s possible that you could end up in legal trouble for drinking and driving.  Furthermore, your substance abuse could turn into a full-blown addiction.  Unfortunately, it can have lasting effects on your loved ones.  If you’ve been feeling helpless, sad for long periods of time, moody, engaging in reckless behavior, or abusing substances, there is help in southern California.  If you’re not in the southern California area, there is help in other regions across America too.

How to Find Time for Yourself

Now you know that consuming every moment with your family can be detrimental to your health, you need to do something about it. The problem most women have is finding time in their day to make room for things they enjoy.  How to find more time for you they wonder.  We have a few solutions on how to find more time for you:

  • Start with a few minutes – Making schedule changes immediately may prove difficult, so start slow. Try to find a way to squeeze five to ten minutes out of your day for yourself. Whether you get up earlier in the morning or set aside time during your lunch break, just make sure that during that time you’re doing something for yourself. Read your favorite blog, write a poem, go for a walk, eat a healthy snack, listen to your favorite song, etc.

  • Pencil it in – Are you good with keeping appointments? If so, you should start penciling in your downtime. Treat it like a doctor’s appointment that you can’t miss. When you’re scheduling your week, add in a few hours to yourself. Make sure you have something interesting planned.  Most importantly, don’t try to get out of keeping an appointment “to do nothing”.   If you don’t have something fun planned, you may start to think about all the things you could be using that time for.

  • Accountability Partners – If you’re not going to stick to your guns and make more time for yourself, ask someone who cares about you to hold you accountable. This could be your spouse or your best friend. Let them know that you want to start spending time doing things for yourself. Express your interests and then have them to check in on you. If you haven’t been accomplishing your goals, they can express the importance and even offer a solution like watching the kids for you.

Women were built with superpowers.  As a result, sometimes we forget that we’re human.  So, you must learn how to find time for you.  As much as you love your family, you have to have just as much love and commitment for yourself.  It’s imperative to find ways to simply focus on yourself. Whether it’s a few minutes each day, a scheduled day each week, or with the help of an accountability partner.  Eventually, loving yourself will become second nature once again.

Tips for New Moms: Taking Care of Yourself After Childbirth

tips for new moms

Giving birth is a special event in a woman’s life.  Giving birth changes her role in her family from a wife or lover to that of a mother.  While you’re managing the children, the house, husband, and career, things can become overwhelming.  Moms strive to not lose themselves in the midst of all of it. Many of us, including myself, have seen our moms leave behind everything just to manage the kids and other domestic responsibilities.  They forget about themselves, their hobbies and who they are.

During my parent’s era, moms gave up a lot to give their children a better upbringing.   That was the norm. However, today we have lots of help from technology and loads of information at our fingertips that can help us keep track of our domestic chores while managing our work and self-integrity. By following these simple tips for new moms, women can prevent becoming their own worst enemy.  They can also learn to keep their passions and charm alive while being a great parent.

  1. Hire help: The first principle to implement is to hire a babysitter or a weekly maid of. Being a mother will likely take all of your time. According to Happy Worker’s Mothering fun facts, moms have to stop 210 times in a day to attend to their toddlers! So if you are in that position, you deserve to have a day off.  Learn to relax or go off with your girls for a spa day.  Furthermore have dinner or drinks.
  1. Have me time: To prevent yourself from becoming lost, you need alone time where you can be at peace.  Take the time to just contemplate on yourself and your life. This is the time where you think about your present and your future.  So, me time will allow you to realign with the person you are under all the different robes of responsibilities that you have to wear.  Furthermore, use this time to get in touch with your passions, inner desires, hobbies and interests. There may be times that you will have to say no to your boss, the nosy neighbor, your children and/or husband.  Let your husband take care of the kids. If you are happy, healthy and enthusiastic about your own life, you can be a good role model to your children.
  1. Don’t multi-task: Women often embrace the multi-tasking label. However, scientists have revealed that no matter the gender, multi-tasking is not that great. Our brain’s wiring is such that we are much happier when we see a task right up to its conclusion. Multitasking has been proven to be bad for the brain impacting productivity and is more draining as it takes more energy to get back to the initial task.
  1. Take care of your physical health: When you are physically stressed, it affects you and your family. If you don’t take care of yourself, you may become low on energy.  Also, it can grow into other complications and chronic illnesses. Find an exercise that you enjoy and one that will give you time to think.  For example, cycling or walking your dog will allow the mind to relax while you work your body. If you have gained extra weight, plan a workout to lose it in a healthy way. There are many online tools and mobile applications that will help you plan a weight loss regime according to your needs. Remember, just like you take care of your baby’s body you should also take care of your own. Have a morning pampering routine, indulge in intense exercises regularly, and rekindle any lost sexual intimacy with your partner.

Many mothers often end up judging themselves when they put their needs before the children. You are a caregiver, a guardian, and a parent.  However, you are entitled to take care of yourself too. So, don’t criticize yourself for being disorganized or inadequate.  You have been doing enough already, and a little self- love is not only good it is necessary.  We hope our tips for new moms have been beneficial.

About the author: James Smith is a survivalist, who loves to write about survival skills and techniques. You can follow him at @JamesSmith1609.