Helping Kids Through a Move

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on helping kids through a move. The average American moves to a new home over 11 times in their lifetime. Moving is always a big decision, especially if you’re moving to a new state or even a new country. For adults, the experience can be daunting. But for children, it can be a source of stress and anxiety as they have no control over what happens. 

Unfortunately, children often feel trapped by a big move. Sometimes moving comes out of the blue, and they don’t understand why it is happening or how to cope. As a parent, you have a responsibility to make things as smooth and stress-free as possible for your children. 


helping kids through a move



Helping Kids Through a Move


Address the situation honestly

Ideally, you don’t want to leave it until the last minute. You have to be honest and upfront about the move. If the family is planning to relocate in a different city or state, have a conversation with your child.  Let them know what is happening and when as soon as possible. It is even more important to be up front and honest in a case where only one of the parents will be moving with them, such as following a separation.

Your child needs to understand that it isn’t their fault. More importantly, you need to reassure them that their parents will always be there for them, even if they live in different houses. You can also take the time to discuss what their bedroom will look like in a new home. In a divorce, the child can share their life between both homes, which means they have two bedrooms.


Dealing with removal stress

Moving is synonymous with packing. Unfortunately, there will be a lot of packing and the task can take up a lot of your time.  So, give your kids a chance to spend time with their other family members or friends. Also, it can be helpful to keep things hassle-free by reaching out to a professional removal company. They can pack and ship your belongings for you. For long-distance moves, you can even consider car shipping services to your new address, so you don’t have to drive across the country! Ultimately, when you’ve got the move under control, you’re in a better position to arrange a goodbye party for your kid. 



helping kids through a move




Make sure there will be memories

It is terrifying to leave the friends they’ve made behind. So, it is important to reach out to friends, neighbors and teachers as soon as you know the move is happening. You can plan a going-away party for your child (and even yourself). Don’t forget to bring a book to collect all addresses and contact details.  For example, bring a sign-in book or a huge box where people can leave their cards. You can also create a Facebook page or an Instagram #hashtag for the occasion so that those who couldn’t make it can still get in touch. 


Moving into a new home can be difficult for everyone. It forces you to change your habits and to meet new people. For children, it can be a scary experience, whether the whole family is moving out or just one parent. You can help them understand and prepare for the move by making time to talk. 

Inspirational Divorce Quotes for Women

Today, I’m sharing empowerment tips using inspirational divorce quotes.  When we go through difficult times in our life finding something to life us up can be welcoming.  I love quotes, and I can always find inspiration, motivation, or determination in them.  Quotes are empowering, they help us plow ahead and out of a dark place.  They help us find the light and allow it to penetrate our soul.  They speak to us.


divorce quotes


Inspirational Divorce Quotes for Women: 


I love this quote by Gina Carey.  Life is full of obstacles and challenges.  I believe in taking them head on rather than dwelling on them.  The sooner you face your challenge, the sooner you can come up with a plan and move forward.




inspirational quotes



Letting go of people and things can be difficult at times.  When you finally get the strength and courage to walk away, pat your on the back.  But, my best advice is walk away and don’t look back.  Your future is ahead of you not behind you.



inspirational quotes



When you are going through a divorce, it’s a good idea to emerge yourself in things that you love.  Just as important, is to surround yourself with people that you love.  Try gardening, writing or doing crafts.  Get those besties on the phone or out to dinner or lunch.  Now is the time to make a life for yourself.  Joining a gym, purchasing a treadmill or taking long walks are perfect ways to get rid of stress.  Most importantly, hug your children tightly.



inspirational divorce quotes



One thing that I have learned along the way is the fact that people outgrow each other.  You decide that you want different things in life.  You may see that the person you thought you married is no longer before you.  People change and many factors play a part.  I have learned that the same thing can happen with friendships.  My advice is to embrace it or at least accept what has happened and let go.  The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can start moving forward.



inspirational divorce quotes



Unfortunately, letting go can be difficult, especially if the relationship is one-sided.  By one-sided, I mean only one person is giving in the relationship.  And, as a result only one person’s needs are being met.  We don’t want to give up hope that the relationship can’t be saved.  Or, you’re hoping that your husband will return to the man you fell in love with.  Unfortunately, it is not to be.  Don’t turn to husband or soon to be ex-husband for comfort.  Get into counseling or call your sister or friend.  Trust me, he isn’t interested in comforting you.



motivational divorce quotes



So, going through a divorce is just like grieving a death.  What you had with that person is over, and it will never be again.  You can’t stop it and you can’t change it.  You must accept it and go through the grieving process.  People grieve differently, but I can guarantee that you will survive.  Not only will you survive, you will emerge a stronger and better person.



motivational divorce quotes




When it’s time to let go, it’s time to let go.  Furthermore, don’t spend time and energy trying to rekindle the relationship.  It’s like trying to get back into those jeans that you’re holding on to, but you will never wear again.  Your relationship is that pair of jeans.




inspirational divorce quotes



So, I’ve given this advice to many woman:  stop waiting for people to do things for you.  If you want flowers buy them or beauty yet start gardening.  I did and I love it.  If you want to go out to dinner, go.  If you want to travel join a travel club.  It’s up to you to define your life now.




inspirational quotes after divorce


Last, I hope you enjoyed my inspirational divorce quotes.  Meditate on a few, and allow them to penetrate your soul.



Helping Children Through Divorce

Today, I’m sharing empowerment tips on helping children through divorce.  Divorce can be a stressful time for anyone who is going through one.  I believe everyone enters marriage thinking they will be with their partner for life.  However, things don’t always work out that way.  Marriages end for many reason including infidelity, money problems, lack of communication, or people simply outgrow each other.

Divorce is also a stressful and scary time for children too.  Their comfort zone has been interrupted, their parents are arguing or not speaking or  one may have moved out and now they are separated.  Sadly, the children don’t know what will happen to their life or the comfort they once knew.  It’s the responsibility of the parent to assure them that their life will remain stable.

helping children through divorce



Helping Children Through Divorce:

  • Assure your children that the divorce is not their fault.
  • Let them know that mommy and daddy love them and will always be there for them.
  • Explain co-parenting, and let them know that you’re not the only family who goes through divorce.
  • Avoid arguments over child support and/or spousal support in front of the kids.
  • If possible, have some of the above conversations with your soon to be ex-husband or partner.
  • Try to attend school or other functions together to assure the children see that you can get along.  You don’t have to sit beside each other, but in the same vicinity is great.  Your child can see both of you without having to scour the room to find mommy and daddy.
  • If one or the other plans to remarry or becomes involved with another person try to get along with the new people.  It’s important for your children to see that life moves on and it’s okay when it happens.
  • Invite daddy to the birthday parties and other major events.
  • Stick to the visitation schedule.  If their dad gets them at 6:00 pm on Fridays have them ready.
  • Keep dad informed about doctor and dental visits.  He has a right to know what’s happening with his children’s health.
  • Share the football, baseball, ballet schedule or other activities with your ex-husband or partner.



helping children through divorce



Life is full of changes.  If we learn to deal with life as it comes and as mature, responsible and intelligent parents we can overcome the obstacles and live a healthy, healthy life.  Divorce is hard, but it doesn’t have to be the event that breaks you.

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So, I hope that you have found my tips on helping children through divorce beneficial.  Most importantly, I hope you will implement a few.  They worked for me, and I’m confident they will work for you.  You may also like Tips from Divorce Lawyers.

Tips For an Amicable Divorce

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on tips for an amicable divorce when you have children.  There’s no such thing as a perfect family.  One of the best divorce tips is that the “best” families have to face and endure trouble. When a marriage becomes the problem, it can have a profound effect on family and how they function.  Especially, if the marriage ends in divorce. Divorce can be a very stressful and overwhelming journey.  Furthermore, when children are involved divorce can be even more stressful. 


tips for amicable divorce


Getting for an amicable divorce:


Unfortunately, the divorce process will not only affect the welfare of your child, but the way they will grow up.  Furthermore, divorce proceedings must handled with care.  You should consider your role as a mother and your children during the process.

According to Huffington Post, if divorce is the only option left between you and your spouse perhaps it’s the best move for your sake and your children’s.  However, there are things to remember when divorcing with a child.  It’s important to take these things into consideration.


You Have to Explain It to the Kids

When you’re getting divorced, remember that your children may not be old enough to understand your situation completely.  There is no guarantee how your children will feel when they find out about the separation.

  • Remember, while you should be able to calm yourself down in order to still be able to perform your duties as a parent, your children don’t function on the same level.
  • Your children have their own processes, desires, and interpretations.  Kids have their own ways of comprehending and grieving about the situation. As a result, it’s important to remember that your emotions may become a part of their interpretation.
  • If you feel as though your relationship with your children will be tainted by the divorce, try to work with them towards accepting the separation.  Try to explain how things will work.  Most importantly, don’t ignore their feelings.


tips for an amicable divorce


You Will Experience Many Feelings 

Even if the divorce was a mutual decision, there will be instances where one party will feel emotional.  This includes  feeling revengeful, abandoned, desperate, terrified, distraught, or betrayed.  These feelings may not surface immediately, but some may appear in numerous ways.

  • Try to be careful how you express your emotions, and who you express them to.  If you have children, consider how they might react to your emotions.
  • Realize that your actions, especially fights that may take place with your former partner, will most likely have a lasting impact on your children. Be mature enough to handle any disagreements or emotions in private.  Most importantly, try to maintain a positive demeanor about the divorce when in the presence of your children.


You Have to Make Financial Arrangements

Another one of our tips for an amicable divorce is to make sure you consider spousal and child support. This might be the most difficult part of the divorce process, but it is essential to ensure the well being of all parties involved.

  • If possible, sit down with your spouse and decide on visitation, holiday visits and co-parenting options.
  • Discuss debts, extra expenses, and how much support will be granted for the children.
  • Remember, the goal is to work together so you can decide how you will be able to help your children in the best way  possible.


tips for an amicable divorce


Make This a Gentle Process for Everyone

 These tips may seem overwhelming, especially when you have to consider the responsibilities you have as a mother.  As a matter of fact, a soon to be single mother.  However, we hope our tips for an amicable divorce will help you  cope and make the process less stressful.   If you’re looking into the legal implications of the subject, you may click here for more information.  You may also like:  How to Raise Your Credit Score After Divorce.


About the author: Peggy Fleming

Peggy Fleming is a promising young law writer. She adds a modern take to her pieces on various law topics, which she writes for the common reader. She enjoys playing tennis with her siblings during her