What to Consider When Purchasing New Bedding

Today, I’m sharing empowerment tips on purchasing new bedding.  The key to excellent health and well being is a good night’s sleep. When you sleep soundly, you’ll wake up refreshed, empowered and ready to tackle the day.  Aside from feeling energized, your body will have replaced and repaired any damaged cells. 



purchasing new bedding tips


Unfortunately, seven to nine hours of sleep per night is elusive for the average American adult. The liberal figure is 6.8 hours per night, but experts believe the number is even lower. Without enough rest, your health will deteriorate rapidly. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that your bedroom and sleep environment are conducive to a good night’s sleep. 

Unfortunately, the bad news is that your bed sheets play a part in your insomnia. The good news is that your bedding can positively affect your sleep, too.


Check These Things When Purchasing New Bedding: 


A High Thread Count Doesn’t Equal Comfort

Being comfortable is a significant part of falling to sleep and not waking up during the night. You’re likely to toss and turn if you’re uncomfortable.  And, this means your quality of sleep won’t be very high. So, it’s common to turn to the thread counts of your pillow and comforter.  Many people think the higher they are, the more comfortable you will be.

However, this theory is flawed because a high thread count is often cut with other materials. Instead of using 100% wool, cotton or feathers, it will combine a mixture of all three. When this happens, the comfort levels automatically drops.  Furthermore, your sheets will be coarse and hard to the touch if the synthetic finishes dissipate.  

As a rule, sleep experts recommend sticking with a thread count of 400. Anything higher is likely to be a mixture of materials that will only get uncomfortable over time.



purchasing new bedding tips



Not All Fabrics Are Created Equally

Different fabrics have individual features.  So, you must take them into consideration before making a purchase. With summertime on the way, consider your sheet’s ability to keep you cool during the night. Again, overheating will force you to wake at intervals in the night, and you’ll feel more tired in the morning. 

Authentic materials are better because they don’t trap heat in the same way as synthetic fabrics. Of course, Egyptian cotton is pricey and out of most people’s range. Thankfully, cotton is an excellent substitute due to its affordable price tag.  Also, it’s sleek and not overly insulated.  As a result, the warm bedroom air should easily pass through your breathable bed sheets. If you are unsure, a fantastic tip is to stay away from built-up fabrics, such as wool.

Anything that is designed to trap the heat won’t be healthy during the summer months. You should change materials based on the changing seasons.


Irritants Love Bed Sheets

The thread count is perfect, and the fabric is cool and breathable so everything is fine, right? Unfortunately, even cotton bed sheets with a tog count of 400 are susceptible to irritants. Mostly, they are tiny particles in the air that you can’t see with the human eye. However, your skin and nose know they are there because they cause rashes and allergies.

Eliminating irritants entirely is challenging because they are everywhere and hard to destroy.  However, washing your sheets regularly kills off the bacteria.  Additionally, it will prevent your nose from getting stuffy or your skin feeling itchy.  Wash your bedding after you purchase it.  Furthermore, you should continue to wash sheets once a week for the best results. The detergent and water will keep your sheets feeling clean and crisp, and there’s no better feeling than lying down on fresh sheets!

Speaking of detergent, you may want to try different brands if your sheets continue to irritate your skin. Usually, the fabric softener is more important than the material as toxic chemicals are incredibly powerful.



purchase new bedding tips



Some Sheets Are Beyond Help

Tossing bedding in the laundry basket every seven days doesn’t guarantee that you will be comfortable in bed. Yes, washing sheets is a brilliant way to reset their settings.  However, old bedding could be beyond your help. For instance, the thread count could drop to below 200, in which case you need a replacement.

Also, it’s worth noting that certain irritants won’t disappear because you soak your bedding in warm, soapy water. One of the lice causes is passing it from family member to family member via pillowcases. Your washing machine may kill the adults, but the eggs will remain and hatch. Therefore, your best bet is to swap your bedding with new sheets and pillowcases to stop an itchy scalp from getting in the way of your sleep.

When you buy replacement bedding is really up to you, but there are telltale signs.  Age of your bedding is the thing to look for if you’re always sleepy or fatigued.


Stress Is A Thing

Going to bed shouldn’t be stressful.  Remember these things when purchasing new bedding.  Replacing your bedding with softer materials will help you enjoy a good night’s sleep. Satin is a popular choice, so is silk. Other than that, you should sleep on your back and avoid burying your face into the pillow so that the skin on your face isn’t in harm’s way.

Of course, co-sleeping with a baby is stressful, too.  So, look for bedding that will enhance your co-sleeping experience too.  You want it to be a memorial experience for both you and baby.  




How to Boost Your Energy As a Parent

Being a parent is tiring, no matter the age of your children.  Once the sleepless nights of infanthood are over, you need to run around after adventurous toddlers.  Furthermore, there’s the ever-changing emotions of teenagers.  It’s not particularly surprising that most parents are absolutely exhausted.  Rather than let this fatigued state become your new normal, you should do something about it.  There’s not enough caffeine in the world to combat this problem, but there are things that you can do.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on how to boost your energy as a parent. 




how to boost your energy



1. Head To Bed Earlier

Once you’ve put the kids to bed, it can be very tempting to stay up late watching television or catching up on the chores. However, you need adequate rest to be able to function properly. For this reason, you should head to bed a little earlier so that you can get around eight hours of sleep. Adopt healthy sleep habits, like sticking to a sleep schedule and turning off electronics in the evening.


2. Eat A Nutritious Diet

The food that you put into your body can have a significant effect on how you feel. Therefore, if you’ve been feeling sluggish and tired, it might be worth looking at your eating habits.  Your body needs fuel to keep you up and running.  So, ensure that you eat the best that you can. Whole, nutritious foods, like nuts and seeds, leafy vegetables, and lean red meats all provide plenty of energy.  Also, vitamins and minerals that your body requires to function at its very best.


3. Steer Clear Of Sugar

When you feel tired, it can be so easy to reach for a sweet and sugar-filled snack. This offers a much-needed energy boost, but, unfortunately, provides one that doesn’t last very long. Your blood sugar levels will spike for a short time, but, when they fall again, you are usually left feeling worse than before. Eating large quantities of sugar can also heighten your risk of developing certain health problems. For this reason, it’s best to stick to healthier, more nutritious snacks.


4. Work Out Every Day

You might think that exercise will tire you out, but it can actually boost your energy levels. The reason for his is that it helps to increase your stamina and strength, as well as your heart rate. This increase heart rate pumps blood faster around your body so that fuel is delivered more efficiently to tissues and muscles. Exercise also triggers the release of endorphins, which combat stress and boost mood. Because of this, you should try to work out every single day.



how to boost your energy



5. Find Reasons To Laugh

Like exercise, laughter also releases endorphins into the brain. These feel-good chemicals do a lot of good for your body and mind, including helping you to feel refreshed and awake. Finding reasons to laugh, therefore, can be incredibly beneficial. When you have a little one to look after, you’ll find a lot that they do is comical. You can also watch funny shows and films. When you’re not in a particularly comedic mood, fake laughing works too and can make you laugh for real.


6. Combat Your Hearing Problems

The harder it is for you to hear, the more energy your brain will use trying to do so. This can leave you feeling exhausted, even after only a short conversation. For this reason, if you’re struggling to hear, you should speak to a professional. They might suggest wearing a hearing aid, like the Miracle-Ear GENIUS 3.0. Sometimes your hearing problems aren’t quite so serious. All that might be required is for you to clean them out or have them cleaned out a bit more regularly.


7. Learn How To Relax

It’s not uncommon for parents to feel stressed, especially when you have a particularly busy schedule. However, that doesn’t mean that you should just ignore it when you feel overwhelmed. This won’t solve the problem and can actually make it worse.  There are many ways you could reduce your stress levels, from yoga to medication and even drawing. Some people also find that journaling about their troubles helps them to combat them too.


8. Kick That Smoking Habit

Everyone knows what a terrible habit smoking is. It’s one of the worst things that you can do for your health, increasing your risk of developing a number of incredibly serious health issues, including heart disease and cancer. The tar and toxins from cigarettes can also reduce the efficiency of your lungs, making you feel tired. The only way to fix this is to kick your smoking habit. There is a lot of support out there that can help you through this, so speak to your doctor.


9. Drink Plenty Of Water

Our bodies are made up of mostly water, so it should be no surprise to you that we need water to feel our best. Throughout the day, you lose water when you sweat and go to the bathroom. This can leave you dehydrated, which can affect your brain function and energy. To stay hydrated, you must drink more water each day, especially when it’s warm. Carrying a water bottle around with you can remind you to take regular sips so that you don’t get thirsty.


   10. Consult With Your Doctor

Tiredness is not something that should be ignored. If you’ve done everything that you can to boost your energy levels, but still feel fatigued, then you should consult with your doctor. This is a symptom of many different illnesses and health problems, like thyroid conditions, anemia, and even depression. These conditions must be dealt with quickly, so you should book a checkup right away if you think that something could be wrong.

Tired shouldn’t be the new normal, even for parents. Hopefully, with the advice above, you can boost your energy levels and feel refreshed.

How To Deal With A Serious Injury As a Parent

Suffering a serious injury can be one of the toughest things an individual deals with during their lifetime.  This becomes exponentially more difficult when you have children.  Unfortunately, serious injuries often impact all of those close to you.   Furthermore, seeing a parent injured can be quite devastating to a child.  They think their mother or father is a superhero.  The most important thing for you to do is to start recovering and realize that the entire family is with you.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on how to deal with a serious injury when you have children.


how to deal with a serious injury


Focus On Rehabilitation

The best thing that you can do for yourself and your children is to recover as quickly as possible.  So, do not miss a rehabilitation session.  You need to be dedicated to physical therapy daily to recover fully.  Understanding the difference between pain and discomfort is important during your recovery period.  Remember, pushing yourself too hard can lead to aggravating the injury again.  Just as important, not pushing yourself enough will delay recovery time.  As a result, find the balance and continually give input to your physical therapist.  Getting upset that recovery is not going as planned can be an easy mindset for you to fall into.  So, look at every day as a challenge with some days being tougher than others.


Do Not Take Your Frustrations Out On The Family

One of the most frustrating things is not being able to do something simple due to your injury.  This can include not being able to do dishes because of a broken leg or not being able to shower without help.  This is not the fault of your family, and that is something you need to remember.  Unfortunately, it can be easy to take out a bad day on them.  If you are at home due to the injury spend that extra time with the kids.  An injury can have positive impacts depending on how you look.  Having extra time with the family can be positive.  So, learning how to deal with a serious injury as a parent is imperative.


Discuss How The Injury Is Impacting Your Family

Your children could be devastated that you are hurt.  So, it is important to ask them about their feelings on the current circumstances.  Have your children see a therapist if they are unwilling to open up.  Your injury could be the source of their problem.  Take the time daily to let them know that you will be back to your old self after recovery time.  If you have suffered a permanent injury, sit down with them so you can talk about how life is going to change.  Do not leave them to figure out these things alone. It can be a trying time for them as well as others in your family.



injured parents


Have Your Significant Other Help Pick Up The Slack

Your significant other is going to have to pick up the slack in order to keep thing running smoothly.  You will be able to do some things, so trading off responsibilities will help everything run smoothly.   Be sure to tell your significant other how much you appreciate what they are doing.  Furthermore, sit down weekly to talk about how you can start doing more to help the family get through the post-accident recovery process.


Seek Financial Compensation

As a parent you cannot allow your family to endure financial stress coupled with the emotional stress that everyone is already feeling. Finding the nearest attorney can be done with a simple internet search.  The Barnes Firm, a personal injury lawyer in San Diego, says, “Suffering from a personal injury is devastating, regardless of the circumstances. The unfortunate reality is that many of these injuries often go far beyond the physical effects and may affect ability to work and one’s future wages that deserve to be compensated.”   Filing a lawsuit and winning will not only provide financial compensation, but it’ll help you feel empowered and show your children you fought for what was right.

The above tips can help you deal with a serious injury when you have children.  But, a positive attitude throughout this process can make all of the difference. A negative attitude can lead you into depression and the trap of feeling sorry for yourself. An injury can be life changing, but at least you have your life as well as family. Remembering things could have been much worse is a way to stay grateful for what you have currently.  Always stay positive during the difficult times!


You may also like:  Choosing the Right Medical Mattress.  


Four Ways to Look and Feel Your Best Every Day


how to reduce stress

Since two million years ago when our ancestors were born in Ethiopia’s Ledi River Valley, people have experienced stress.  Over the years, it has been determined from our ancestors that the number one way to look and feel better is to relieve the stress.  Unfortunately, many people do this by self-medicating either with alcohol, street drugs or pharmaceuticals.  But, there are other ways to relieve stress that won’t damage the body.  For example, raising your self-esteemed will make your body function more efficiently and naturally.  Here are 4 simple tips for that will help you feel your best everyday:


 1. Work Out 

 Our first tip on how to reduce stress is to exercise vigorously for an extended period.  Good things happen to your body when your exercise.  Your brain produces endorphins – hormones that are analgesics, which relieves stress.  Additionally, the oxygenated blood from your workout brightens your skin.  Furthermore, it lowers cortisol levels which makes your skin more elastic .  It also helps to reduce wrinkles and gives you better muscle tone and reduces fat.  A good workout is the best bang for your buck commitment. 

2. Smile Every Day 

Our second tip on how to reduce stress is to smile.  As Mother Theresa once said: “Peace begins with a smile.”  There is research data that supports the theory that even if you’re in a bad mood, if you force a smile it can actually make you feel happier.  It only takes a brief smile to experience this benefit.  One expert, Dr. Javod K. Gol, at Precision Dentistry in Columbia, MD, states: “Your smile is the very first thing that people notice about you. A bright and confident smile makes a great first impression and naturally makes you more attractive personally and professionally.” 

Psychologists say that a person who is smiling seems more friendly.  Thus more trustworthy than a person who is frowning.  There are also psychological studies which support the concept that the habitual act of smiling helps the mind move into more positive thinking patterns.  All you have to do is remember that we all live in a world of endless possibilities – so why not smile about it?


3.  Protect Yourself  From the Sun 

Another tip on how to reduce stress and have healthy skin is to protect yourself from the sun.   Although that suntan may seem like it makes you more sexy and attractive, it’s also drying your skin.  Too much sun makes it less elastic and, therefore, more susceptible to wrinkling.  You should make sunscreen application a daily habit. It is especially important to protect your skin during the summer months.  The sun is high and more intense for longer periods of time during the summer.  I

It’s also a good idea to cover up as much of your body from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet radiation during 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.  Rays are the most powerful during that timeframe.  Being cautious also protects you from the hazards of melanoma, a form of skin cancer.  Melanoma occurs when pigment-producing cells, known as melanocytes, mutate and become cancerous.


4. Get the Proper Amount of  Sleep 

Our last tip on how to reduce stress is sleep.  The best way to de-stress and feel better is to make sure you get a good night’s sleep.  Not only does sleep help you manage anxiety, it also enhances your mood.  Additionally, it strengthens your immune system, increases energy levels, improves memory and expands cognitive functioning.  If you’re injured, sleep periods are when the body produces hormones, which helps it repair and heal itself.   As a result, sleep is an important component of recovery.  Also, you produce more white blood cells while you sleep.  White blood cells help strengthen your immune system.  So, sleep provides fundamental needs for your body.  Most importantly,  make sure you get plenty of it.


15 Homeopathic Treatments for Chronic Back Pain After Pregnancy


chronic back pain after pregnancy


Back pain to some degree affects approximately 80% of Americans at one point in their lifetime.  Unfortunately, if left untreated it can grow into chronic back pain.  Chronic back pain after pregnancy can affect both your professional life (days lost at work) and personal life (not being able to live the lifestyle you want).   Many women start getting back pain during pregnancy.  It normally stems from the extra weight they are carrying.  As a result, more women are looking for alternatives to deal with their chronic back pain after pregnancy.  Homeopathy and other natural methods are among the most popular.  Many pregnant women prefer not to put any unnecessary medication in their bodies.  Therefore, natural remedies become a part of their lifestyle.  

Seeking Alternatives

Homeopathic treatments are becoming popular as people look at alternatives for traditional drugs and procedures.  However, not all are equal when it comes to scientific backing.  As a result, be sure to utilize available industry resources like http://chiropractoratlanta.com/Furthermore, meet with your personal medical doctor.  They will know enough about your pain and body to help you pick the best option.   Doing research will help you better understand their suggestions as well.  To start, some herbs are more popular than others.  If you don’t know where to start when it comes to your back pain after pregnancy, here are a few suggestions: 


chronic back pain after pregnancy

1. Capsaicin –  Derived from chili peppers.  Capsaicin serves as an anti-inflammatory, which reduces inflammation, pain and pressure in the  lower back.

2. Ginger –  Similar to Capsaicin, ginger’s phytochemicals also have anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Feverfew Feverfew has been used for pain relief for headaches, stomachaches, and toothaches.  Its lack of major side effects mean it may be worth using for back pain as well.  However, pregnant women should not take Feverfew.

4. Devil’s Claw – Some scientific evidence shows potential for this herb in managing arthritis and lower back pain.  More evidence is needed.  Pregnant women or those with gallstones or stomach/intestinal ulcers should not use this herb.

5. Turmeric – A staple of the Ayurvedic Diet, Turmeric’s active ingredient, Curcumin, is used to relieve heartburn and arthritis pain.  Furthermore, it reduces inflammation.  It is one of the most popular natural pain relief options you will find.  Additionally, there is scientific evidence supporting its use.

More classical homeopathy uses herbs on the exact location of the pain in your back.  There is no scientific evidence on this technique, and not much research backing it.  But, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting that it may help.


chronic back pain after pregnancy


6.  Rhus Toxicodendron   This remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back.  Aching and stiffness gets aggravated by cold, damp weather.  However, relief is found with warm applications, baths or showers, and massage.

7.  Aesculus –  This remedy is suited for pain in the very low back (the sacral or sacroiliac areas).  It feels worse when standing up from a sitting position or from stooping.  Aesculus is good for people with low back pain who also have a history with venous congestion and hemorrhoids.

8. Nux Vomica –  This remedy is good for muscle cramps or constricting pains in the back.  Pain is usually worse at night, and the person may have to sit up in bed to turn over. Nux vomica may also be good for backaches that get worse when constipated. 

9. Cimicifuga Racemose –  Use this remedy for severe aching and stiffness in the upper back and neck, as well as the lower back, with pains that extend down the thighs or across the hips. It is often helpful for back pain during menstrual periods, with cramping, heaviness, and soreness.

10. Calcarea Carbonica   This is another go-to remedy for muscle weakness and low back pain. The ideal candidate will have a tendency toward chilliness, or may easily feel tired from exertion. The person’s symptoms will tend to worsen from damp and cold weather.

11. Natrum Muriaticum –  This is good for back pain that improves from lying on something hard.  Also, pressing a hard object (such as a block or book) against the painful area is a good for this remedy.

In conjunction with these, many doctors will recommend a set of lifestyle changes to properly complement your efforts.

12. Exercise –  The days of trying to rest off back pain are over, as more and more people are realizing that you need to exercise to strengthen the muscles that support your back. The key is to do exercises that target these areas, but aren’t overly intensive. Yoga and pilates are great programs that fit the bill, and many back pain exercises you find borrow from them.

13. Physical therapy –  If you are struggling to put together a proper routine, a physical therapist may do the trick, combine stretches with other treatments like heat and ice therapy.

14. Improve your sleep –  Pain is actually a leading cause of insomnia, but what you may not realize is that there is a vicious cycle at work here. Inadequate sleep can actually make your pain worse. See a doctor to find ways to help improve your sleep, and try to keep to a regular schedule to make it easier for your body to adjust.

15. Diet for a healthy back –  You won’t be able to necessarily eat your pain away, but many times, nutritional deficiencies can lead to back issues.  Back issues lead to pain.  Some of the nutrients you may want to look to are calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K.  Foods like leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach, broccoli) and cold-water fish (salmon, herring) are some of your best options.  

Note:  Again, please consult your medical doctor before utilizing any of the natural herbs/remedies mentioned in this post.  We hope that you will find relief for your chronic back pain after pregnancy.  

Providing Care When Your Child Has A Long-Term Illness

Statistics show that 3.2% of children aged 5-11 years who missed 11 or more days of school were either ill or injured. This may seem like a small number, but this is only one age bracket.  Even a few days off can be something that a lot of families have to  make adjustments for.  For example, if both parents are working who will stay home and administer care.  There’s also the concern about the time in school that has been lost.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on children with long-term illness.



children with long term illness



Furthermore, a chronic or potentially debilitating condition can even be more concerning. The entire family’s life will be changed.  If you a have a child that has a long time illness, we have a few suggestions that may help you make the situation easier: 

Explaining The Illness To Your Child

Naturally, as a parent, your first thought is going to go toward your child’s health.  When you explain the situation to your child, be honest.  Especially, if the condition will require long term care.  Explain the sickness and the type of care that will be needed. Hospital stays and various procedures may be scary.  But, explain to your child that it’s necessary so they can get better. Depending on the age of the child, it may be important to remind them that their sickness is not their  fault.  

In some cases, you may want to consider getting professional counseling if your child is having a difficult time adjusting.  This is even more important if mortality is a concern.  In some cases, this can lead to acting out emotionally.  Depending on the severity of the condition, this can be normal.  Furthermore, you may want to see someone for yourself as well. Studies show that stress levels in parents tends to spike when it comes to dealing with children’s health.  This can stem from the child’s condition as well as the lack of control that goes with it.  

Home Health Care

When your child has a long term illness, parents must avoid getting overwhelmed and stressed out.  As a result, consider home healthcare.  In general, home healthcare encompasses a series of procedures that can be done in your home for an illness or injury. Home healthcare can include a variety of procedures, including:

  • Monitoring what your child is eating and drinking.
  • Checking your child’s vitals, like blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and breathing.
  • Ensuring your child is taking their medication and handling their health treatments correctly.
  • Teaching parents how to provide the needed care and making sure it done properly.
  • Coordinating care with doctors and hospital staff.

The intention isn’t to supplant hospital visits or appointments, but to take a little bit of pressure off of the family and patient themselves.  When you’re child has a long term illness, additional help is invaluable.  

Additionally, there are many resources you can go to for home healthcare assistance.  Providing care when your child has a long term illness is essential.  So, check out home healthcare providers, industry associations, and other experts in the healthcare field.  This includes sick children, the disabled, and the elderly. 

Finally, long term illness affects each member of the family.  You not only have to adjust the child’s lifestyle, but your own, your spouse’s and other children. This is a massive undertaking on an emotional level as well being a financial burden.  It’s okay to feel overwhelmed every now and then. What you want to do is combat this issue by getting plenty of help and support for your family.  We hope that you find our tips on children on long term illness beneficial.  

Women’s Health Problems: Taking Back Your Health


women's health care

“Take care of your body” is the leading mantra of the 21st century. It sounds like the most sensible and integral part of every lifestyle. However, it can come as an enormous surprise.  As a matter of fact, this frame of mind virtually didn’t exist among global communities years ago. It was mostly related to extreme lifestyle enthusiasts, people with money and superstars.

Fortunately, taking care of one’s health has become quite common.  We have so much access to detailed information related to medicine and biology today. The old saying goes – “prevention is better than cure.” So, it’s important to discuss some of the basic preventive health checkups every woman should do in order to reclaim their health. 

 Gynecological checkup

 A gynecological checkup should be done once every six months, although once a year is also acceptable. Consult your doctor to determine the appropriate schedule for you.  Additionally, this checkup should be an indispensable part of every modern woman’s schedule.  When compared to other checkups, it is the one that is most consistently done.


A Pap Smear is still one of the most reliable procedures to detect cervical cancer.  After the age of 20 and up until the age of 65, most women should do this test every three years.  Based on your medical history, after the age of 65 testing may be discontinued.  Consult your doctor with any questions or concerns. 

Breast checkup

Doing a self-exam of your breasts is one of the key checkups in the life of every woman. Every woman should have a clinical breast exam every three years up until the age of 40.  Examinations should be done yearly after the age of 40. 

By combining extensive knowledge with detailed examination and thorough questioning, your health care provider can determine the health of your breasts pretty confidently.  After the age of 50, every woman needs to start doing mammography tests, if not sooner. This test has been steeped in controversy because it uses ionizing radiation to detect malignant changes.  The health community agrees that benefits outweigh the risks by a significant margin.

In these hectic times when most people are exposed to a lot of stress and a breakneck lifestyles, many institutions and celebrities like Kylie Minogue and Angelina Jolie, are trying to raise awareness of these issues.

Hormone balance checkup

 Fatigue, mood swings, irritability, hot flashes, night sweats, and poor sleep are signs of a hormone imbalance.  Additionally, noticeable skin changes can also be a sign. These are especially known to hit women who are entering menopause.

Saliva testing and blood testing are regular methods to test for imbalances. Most importantly, it influences your metabolism and cardiovascular system.  In particular, the rate and strength of the heartbeat.

Heart checkup

Statistically speaking, men are more prone to heart problems.  However, heart disease is a big issue for women as well.  When we talk about heart problems, the first thing that comes to mind is a healthy diet.  Nonetheless, some people have heart problems unrelated to diet and weight, and some of the problems are hereditary.

This is why checkups for heart disease are important. Blood pressure and weight measurement are the most noninvasive checkups. Blood tests take a prick in the thumb or the arm, but they are generally fast, and extremely important for monitoring your cholesterol levels and triglycerides. 

Eye checkup

 women's health care


Of all the senses, the eyesight is the last one anyone would give up.  So, have your eye examined at least once a year. Due to the lifestyle that includes a lot of eye strain, the eyesight problems are becoming more and more frequent. This is why Australia is one of the leading countries trying to raise awareness about the importance of regular eyesight checkups with its versatile eye health campaigns. For instance, you can do a complete specialized eye test in Parramatta and spend a little time on a non-invasive test that can mean a lot.

Scientific research has shown that, just like with the heart, a healthy diet and taking care of your weight can have a lasting positive impact on your eyesight.

Your body is your temple. Taking care of yourself has not only become a necessity, but a rite of passage to adulthood. 


Author BIO:  Sophia Smith is Australian based beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogger. She is also very passionate about DIY projects, latest fashion trends and organic beauty products. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is regular contributor at High Style Life.

Find her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google +


10 Tips To Get Healthy and Stay Healthy

tips to stay healthy

First, it’s a new year and my main goal is to eat healthier, exercise and stay healthy. Unfortunately, I’ve fallen off track on my healthy eating goals so many times I’ve lost count. This year I decided to pick myself up, brush myself off and get back on track. I made peace with the fact that there’s no quick fix, it requires a lifestyle change. I’ve tried fad diets, prepackaged food diets, eating like a bird, not eating, you name it.  I only ended up frustrated and returning to my bad habits.

They say timing is everything. When I was contacted by Molina Health Care to do a post on health issues that affect me and my family I gladly accepted.  Why, because the first step to overcoming struggles is to talk about them.  I had put together a list of tips to achieve and maintain a healthy eating lifestyle, and most importantly they are tips to stay healthy.  I thought I would share them in this post.

Next, the turning point for me to get healthy was when I looked at pictures and realized just how much weight I had gained. I reached a point where I hated to get my picture taken. Unfortunately, I was missing out on three generations of family pictures with my daughter and granddaughter.  I couldn’t bear to look at the majority of the photos that were taken of me. If there’s a health issue blowing in the wind it will find my family.  So, I knew that I had to get serious and get to work. We have a family history of high blood pressure, diabetics, obesity, heart attacks, cancer and the list goes on.

My daughter was a ballet dancer.  As a result, eating healthy was always a must in my home. So, a snack for her was Jello when she was growing up.  I truly believe my high stress job took its toll on me over the years, along with a lack of exercise.  However, I knew that I could no longer allow my job to control me. My job was a means to make an income, not a means to end my life. Here’s the tips to stay healthy that I am currently using:

  1. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet –  I started a kitchen garden several years and I grow the majority of my vegetables during the summer along with fresh fruits. There’s nothing better than being able to pick fresh fruits and vegetables outside your door.
  2. Preserve fresh vegetables – I now preserve fresh vegetables during the summer to make soups and other dishes throughout the year. I also grow fresh herbs to flavor my dishes. If you don’t have a kitchen garden, visit a local Farmer’s Market. Seal and freeze the fresh vegetables for later use.
  3. Get a partner  –   One the big tips to stay healthy is finding a partner to help you stay on track.
  4. Don’t deprive yourself – Give yourself a day or two to enjoy the foods that you truly love. Depriving yourself is a set-up for failure. Saturday or Sunday are my days to eat out and enjoy a burger, slice of pizza or pasta dish.  I look forward to it and I don’t feel guilty.
  5. Give up the excuses – Most importantly, make your health a priority.
  6. Exercise –  Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. If you can’t get in 30 get in 5, 10, 15 or 20. Some is better than none.
  7. Educate yourself  –  One of the most important tips to stay healthy is education. Learn what foods provide nutrition and energy for the body. Prepackaged and junk food are empty calories and contain high amounts of sodium and sugar. I’ve replaced chips with popcorn, candy bars with fresh fruit, ice cream with frozen yogurt. Gradually add healthy items into your meal plan.
  8. Drink plenty of water and don’t skip meals – I love water, so drinking it has never been a problem for me. I replaced soda with water and Gatorade and eat 4 – 5 small meals a day.
  9. Learn portion control – So, I took a class at my local hospital on eating healthy. You will be surprised on what is considered a healthy portion. (I got my answer on how I gained the excess weight).
  10. Relieve stress and get rest – Know the stress factors in your life and eliminate as many as you can. Get plenty of rest. Replace bed pillows if they are old and purchase them according to how you sleep. I’m a side sleeper, so I purchased pillows made for my position. I sleep through the night now.

Finally, I have incorporated these 10 tips to stay healthy into my life.  However, getting healthy won’t happen overnight and there are no quick fixes.  Believe me, I have tried them all.  It requires a lifestyle change.  Which, requires you to make your health a priority every day.  Also, check out the Eating Well article on Molina Health Care. It discusses acceptable servings from each of the food groups and is worth the read. It’s great information for healthy eating.


Healthy Eating Tips for Children

I heard an interesting question on one of the news channels, and I’ve really been pondering the answer.  Should social workers take obese children from the home?  I’ve taken time to really think about the question.  Is the obesity due to a medical problem?   If it is a medical problem or unhealthy foods?  It’s a parent’s responsibility to teach good eating habits.  So, today I’m sharing parenting tips on healthy eating tips for children.



healthy eating tips



So, the American Medical Association believes instilling healthy eating habits is the ethical thing to do.  Most importantly, they believe the child should be removed from the home and taught the proper eating habits.  The importance of getting physical activity is included as well.  Once this is accomplished, the parents and child can be reunited.  Do you agree?  Teaching healthy eating as a family would also be beneficial?

Because children spend so much time on the computer or playing computer games these day, they rarely get physical activity.  The lack of physical activity along with unhealthy meals has lead to severe obesity in our country.  There are approximately 2 million obese children in the United States.  This is a serious problem wouldn’t you say?  I do see a few kids in my neighborhood out riding a bike or walking.  And it’s so pleasing.

Unfortunately, doctors have told parents that they are literally killing their obese children.  It’s such a sad and break breaking situation to see.  Parents are literally loving their children to death.

Also, many parents complain that they can’t afford the healthier foods.  It’s cheaper to buy soda and other junk than all natural juice,  veggies and better cuts of meat.  I decided to plant a garden to cut down on my food bill.  Canning and freezing freeze fresh veggies and tomatoes for sauces, salsa, soups and chili will produce healthy meals.  For example, soups and chili are nutritious.  Homemade salsa with chips make a great snack.  Use homemade sauce for pizza or dipping sauce for baked mozzarella sticks.  Plant corn for popcorn and season with your own spices.  Gardening can be a great learning experience for kids.



healthy eating tips


Unfortunately, not everyone has room for a garden,  But there are alternatives like container gardening that can be done on a patio or balcony.  The prices in the grocery store are ridiculous and the vegetables taste like cardboard.  Furthermore, fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries can also be grown in containers.  I don’t blame the kids for not wanting to eat produce from the grocery stores.  I can barely get them down, and one of the reasons I started gardening.  There’s a million recipes for chicken, which is the one meat that is not that expensive and considered healthy.

I’m not sure about removing the child from the home, but I am sure that we have a child obesity problem in this country and it is leading to high blood pressure, diabetics, and other health problems.  Do you promote healthy eating and physical activity in your home?