Staying Healthy Through Your Pregnancy

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on staying healthy through pregnancy.  You need a healthy body for your baby to develop well for nine months. Ideally, you can start planning for a healthy pregnancy before you get pregnant. Early preparation will allow your physician to show you how to avoid exposing your baby any form of toxins.


To achieve the best outcome without any prenatal or delivery complications, treat all chronic medical conditions properly before getting pregnant. You must also refrain from smoking, taking alcohol or illicit drugs, and excessive drinking of caffeinated drinks.



staying healthy through pregnancy 


Staying healthy through pregnancy:  


  1. Keep a Healthy Weight

Work on your weight before you get pregnant. During pregnancy, you will be eating to keep two people healthy. That means weight gain will occur during a normal pregnancy.

Tracking your weight gain during pregnancy helps you avoid putting on weight that you will struggle to lose. Check your body mass index to know if you are overweight, underweight, or normal. If you have a normal weight, you should limit your weight gain to between 25 to 35 pounds.


  1. Do More Exercise

Engaging in regular exercise improves your health. It also cuts down stress and weight gain while enhancing blood circulation.  If you want to improve your mood and sleep well at night, exercise for at least 20 minutes daily. You can walk, do Pilates, or yoga. 

Kegel exercises are also helpful while you are pregnant. They boost the strength of the lower muscles of the pelvis, and provide strong support for your uterus, bowels, and bladder. Kegel exercises may be done anywhere at any time of the day by simply squeezing your muscles to prevent the flow of urine like you do while you are in the toilet.


  1. Take Vitamin Supplements

Your baby’s brain and spine start developing from the first month of pregnancy. Ask your doctor to recommend a suitable vitamin supplement that contains essential nutrients like calcium, iron, and folic acid. You should take your prenatal vitamins early in the day, but if they nauseate you, you may take them at night. Consult your doctor if you have any issues or concerns.  


  1. Increase Your Knowledge

If this is your first pregnancy, you need to learn all you can about pregnancy and childbirth. But, if you are having a second or third child, going to prenatal classes is still a good idea. It will enable you to be well-prepared for a happy pregnancy and joyful delivery.

Attending prenatal classes gives you a chance to ask all the questions you may have about your body and baby. You can also bring up issues you’ve had during previous pregnancies with your doctor. Discuss your medical history and if possible, attend the classes with your partner.


  1. Modify Your House Chores

When you are pregnant, some house chores can become risky. For example, you may be exposed to toxins while cleaning the litter box or washing the bathroom with toxic cleaning agents. These toxins can be harmful to you and your baby.  Some of the house chores you need to avoid are:

  • Changing your cat’s litter
  •  Lifting heavy objects 
  •  Stripping lead based pain or using solvent-based paints 


You need to take special precautions if you have cats. Cats carry a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. So, put on gloves if you are working in a place where cats play and have someone clean the litter box for you.



staying healthy through pregnancy




Boost Your Diet With Fruit and Vegetables

Aim for at least five balanced meals with a rich supply of vegetables and fruit. Green vegetables contain folic acid. It is an essential vitamin for the development of your baby’s neural tube that covers the spine. You need folic acid to build new blood cells in your bone marrow.

Also, taking fruits like apples and bananas can boost your energy levels. Remember that you won’t be able to consume a lot of caffeine during pregnancy. So, eating taking natural fruits will give you the energy boost you used to get from caffeine.


By applying these health-boosting tips daily, you can reduce the risk of sickness, poor fetal development, and birth complications. However, these tips are simply for informational purposes. Always consult your physician before you do anything that can affect your health or that of your baby.

Tips for Preparing for Home Births

First, deciding on a home birth is a huge step.  So is preparing for a home birth.  As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t take it lightly. Although home births are still relatively rare compared to hospital births, more women are opting for home births.  Some reasons include having more control over the birthing process and not having to drive to the hospital during labor.  Whatever your reason, we’re sharing empowerment tips on preparing for home births.  

If your due date is drawing near, you need to prepare your home in order to make your home birth smooth and complication-free.  Here are the necessary steps that you need to take to prepare for a home birth:



home births



Step 1: Find a Midwife

The most important step in preparing for home births is finding the right midwife to help you through the process. Think of your midwife as your birthing coach, your partner, your medical assistance, and your assistant, all rolled into one.

A certified midwife is someone who has undergone medical training and has a license to practice midwifery in your location. In the United States, it is necessary for a midwife to have passed the certification process of the American College of Nurse-Midwives in order to practice and assist women during home births.

Step 2: Prepare Your Home

After you have chosen your midwife, the next step is for you to physically prepare your home for your home birth. You need to pick the right room where you will give birth. The room must be spacious and roomy, and free from clutter. Make sure to clean your home thoroughly; you might even consider getting professional cleaning services to ensure that your home is as clean as possible. If you have pets around, you should consider getting them boarded during your home birth so that they don’t get underfoot when the birth is on-going.

Step 3: Prepare Other People in Your Home

It is also important to prepare everyone else who lives at home with you. If you have a spouse or a partner, make sure that they feel included and essential to your home birthing process. This is also applicable to other children you might have.

Home birthing can be a difficult experience for a spouse or children who has never seen a birth before. It can be helpful to attend live birth classes so that they know what to expect during your own home birth. You can also help them by giving them tasks to do during the birth itself.  This can include providing encouragement for you or providing fresh water when you need it.


home births


Step 4: Have All the Essentials Ready

Before your home birth, you should have all the essentials ready and close at hand so they are available when you need them.  Here are some of the basic items that you will need:

  •       Disposable pads
  •       Peri-wash bottle
  •       Disposable underwear (preferably mesh)
  •       Birthing/exercise ball
  •       Gauze
  •       Gloves
  •       Alcohol

If you are unsure what else to add to your essentials checklist, you should consult with your midwife to ask what else you might need.

Step 5: Draw Up a Home Birth Game Plan in Case of an Emergency

In general, home births are just as safe as hospital births if you go through the proper planning and preparation.   However, there are times when emergencies can happen, and you should be prepared for this eventuality. You should have the number of the nearest hospital ready, as well as a way to get there. You should also have an emergency kit prepared as well.

Certified midwives do have the necessary training to deal with most common emergencies that can occur during a home birth, but if there is a need for medical equipment or procedures in a hospital setting, you need to be able to get to a hospital as soon as possible.



home births

Step 6: Prepare For Your Newborn’s Needs

Once your baby is born, you will need to provide for them to keep them warm and comfortable. Here are some of the items that you will need for your baby:

  •       Comfortable baby gown
  •       Newborn beanie or hat
  •       Newborn diapers
  •       Baby wipes
  •       Swaddle blanket

Step 7: Prepare for the Mess

A lot of people envision a home birth to be messy and bloody affairs, but if you prepare properly, you can avoid making a huge mess. In fact, if you have a highly-efficient and experienced midwife, you won’t be making much of a mess at all. However, you can still help with making the cleanup as quick and easy as possible. Make sure to lay down a large waterproof plastic sheet on top of the area where you will give birth, and have a supply of towels and disposable pads nearby.



How to Prepare for Being a Mother Again

If you already have kids, and you have taken a break to build your career, or to focus on creating the right family environment, chances are that you might be worried about whether or not you can go through the process again.  Finding out that you will be a mother and thinking about how to prepare for being a mother again can be challenging.  But, also very exciting. You can rely on the support of your kids and family, and you will be able to grow. First, however, you will need to get rid of the frustration to make the most out of these few special months. Find out more below.



Pregnancy Tips


Check You Are Physically Ready

One of the things you will have to do when you find yourself pregnant again after not thinking about having more kids is to prepare your body for the challenge. There are loads of physical changes you will go through.  And, you will need to ensure that you are ready. Get a general health checkup.  Additionally, find out whether or not you will need to take supplements.  Furthermore, talk to your practitioner about the risks and how to avoid them.  Especially, if you are over 40.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

The next thing you have to do is make sure that you have the right mindset to start raising kids again.  First, you might be tired, or exhausted, or simply tied up with the school and organizing family life. It is crucial that you ask for help from your family members if you need it.  And, make sure that you are able to focus on preparing yourself for the pregnancy and welcoming a new family member. You may have to dig deep, and this might be the right time to take some time off to focus on your spiritual well being.

Get Your Family on Board

If you have other kids, who are older, or school aged, you will definitely face some kind of jealousy.  So, you may have to sit down with your kids and partner to discuss the changes the arrival of the new baby will bring forward.  Get them on board, so you will be able to rely on their help and moral support. If your kids are smaller, you will have to explain to them that having a new sibling will be exciting, but there will certainly be challenges.



pregnancy tips


Find the Right Doctor

It will be a good idea to find a doctor you can trust.  Figuring out how to prepare for being a new mother can be unsettling at times.  It might have been a couple of years since you had your last baby.  If so, this means that you will have to find out about the latest trends and screenings.  So, ensure that you are in good hands and have a great birth without any complications.

Take Advantage of Technology

There are some great devices that will take the anxiety out of your pregnancy. You should take advantage of the devices and health monitoring apps available. If you don’t want to worry about your baby’s health or your own, you might want to check out some of the latest technological inventions introduced in maternity care. For example, Bloom Life Can Time Braxton Hicks Contractions.  So, check it out so you will know when to grab your bags and head to the hospital.

Prepare the Family for the New Lifestyle

It is also a good idea to determine if  family members are ready for the change in their lifestyle.  Also, you can you meet their emotional and physical needs. It might be the case that your kids will have to take the school bus instead of getting a ride from you.  No matter what type of changes you  introduce, always sit down and discuss it with the kids and your partner.

Embrace the Moment

Motherhood is one of the best experiences in the world.  So, it is important that you prepare for being a mother and enjoy it. Take a step back from your business, outsource some of the processes if you can, and make the most out of your time alone. Become less busy, so you can ensure you are providing the best care for your family.

Most importantly, you will have to make sure that you are comfortable with the changes.  Also, make sure your family is ready for the challenges and new lifestyle. Choose the right doctor and plan carefully.  Make sure you look after number one, as your new baby is relying on you.


How to Choose the Perfect Baby Name

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Name is a question many parents have.  We have parenting tips on how to choose the perfect baby name.  Not only do you need to find a name that you both like, but you also need to consider suggestions from over-eager family and friends.

One of the main concerns for parents now is that they may unintentionally choose a bad name not realizing that a particular name has connotations and could even threaten job opportunities later on. With so much to consider – how can you possibly choose the right name?


how to choose the perfect baby name



Consider Family Names

When you are choosing a name, one of the best places to look for family approval is your own family names. There is a long-standing tradition for naming children after parents and grandparents though you wouldn’t have to stick to the strict rules for which child gets named after which person!


Naming a baby after a family member is a huge mark of respect and something you might consider. Even if you want to choose another first name, picking a middle names from within your family is a nice way to show someone how much you care about them. And, if you are worried about choosing a ‘bad’ first name, a more regular middle name could be used later on. Of course, the same is true the other way around.  You could just pick a regular first name and then go a little wilder with the middle name.


baby names

Factor Nicknames into Your Decision

Finding a name is hard enough without having to worry about the kind of nicknames it might bring up. For example, you might love the name ‘Minerva’ but hate the inevitable nickname ‘Minnie’.  Nicknames tend to follow a similar pattern so you should consider all the different options that may present themselves.

A nickname might also be part of the reason for choosing a name. You might love ‘Minnie’ but worry that it won’t look great on a CV where Minerva might look better. Of course, the reality is that by the time your baby is looking for a job, things might have changed considerably. It’s entirely possible to overthink the name you choose and in the end, you have to pick something that you love.

A Name is For Life!

Something that some parents seem to forget is that a name is for life.  In some cases, it’s until the child reaches the legal age to be able to change their name.  While celebrities seem entirely fine with giving their children cutesy and often bizarre names, this seems to be a Hollywood thing that is best left alone.

While you are looking down at a little baby, do consider what that baby may grow up to be. Nominative determinism may not be a sure fire way towards success but equally, your baby is going to be an adult for a lot longer than they are an adorable bundle of love.

Finding the right name is a case of trial and error. As you research throughout your pregnancy, you will likely go through phases but in the end, when you look at your baby in your arms for the first time, you will know what the right answer is.


5 Common Pregnancy Complications


pregnancy complications


Complications in pregnancy are quite common regardless of age or the stage of the pregnancy.  Some women have healthy and easy pregnancies while others have difficulties from the first trimester.

Here’s five of the most common complications.

  • High Blood Pressure

Also called hypertension.  This condition is common in most women who had issues with their blood pressure before pregnancy.  Narrow arteries increase your blood pressure increases. This can reduce the amount of blood and nutrients reaching the fetus.  If not treated, hypertension can lead to pre-term labor.

If high blood pressure only occurs during the second trimester, it is called gestational hypertension.  Usually, it will go away after childbirth.  Medication can control high blood pressure.  Monitor your high blood pressure regularly.  Relaxing more reduces stress, which makes your blood pressure spike.

  • Gestational Diabetes

Food is turned into glucose.  The pancreas releases a hormone, insulin, to help this process happen.  Hormonal changes could make the insulin either not enough or it is not well utilized by the body.  This could lead to glucose flooding the blood. Gestational diabetes can be controlled by following a specific meal plan.  It should go away after delivery.

  • Low amniotic fluid 

The fluid that protects your baby during your pregnancy should be enough to absorb any shock, and keep them safe for the nine months.  Oligohydramnios develops if their is not enough fluid.  This complication can occur if the mom to be is a GST Lawyer, stay at home mom or a secretary.  However, the solution to Oligohydramnios is to monitor things closely to ensure the baby continues to grow normally.  If the situation is dire and the mother is close to her due date, then labor can be induced.

  • Ectopic pregnancy

A fertilized egg should transplant inside the uterus, not attach on the wall or the fallopian tube.  Transplants outside the uterus are ectopic.  There is no way to transplant the egg inside the uterus after this happens.  So, the only solution is usually to end the pregnancy.  If left to develop, the growing embryo could rupture the fallopian tube and cause internal bleeding which could be fatal.


This is certainly the most difficult complication as the mother-to-be loses a baby in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.  A majority of miscarriages happen before the 12th week.  Chromosomal abnormalities cause miscarriages.  These abnormalities prevent the baby from developing.  The first signs of a miscarriage are vaginal spotting or bleeding.  If these symptoms occur, seek medical attention immediately.

Key Ways To Help Boost Your Iron In Pregnancy


boost your iron in pregnancy



You just found out you’re pregnant.  You’re very excited to become a mother.  You can’t wait to spend time with your little bundle of joy, and take care of him or her throughout the years.  But aside from the excitement that you’re feeling, you’re also worried because there’s now a lot of responsibilities in your hands. Your child’s life depends on everything that you do.  So, you want to be careful and nurture your child in the best way possible.

Furthermore, you want to start off ensuring that your child will grow up healthy.  Iron plays a big role in your child’s development.  As a matter of fact, your body might not be able to provide the minerals and nutrients your unborn child needs without it.  However, there are ways to boost your iron in pregnancy.

Why You Need Iron During Pregnancy

Being a mother is a fulfilling yet challenging role.  It’s imperative that you give everything that your unborn child needs.  Iron is important in your pregnancy because:


  • It’s a requirement for making hemoglobin, the protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen to other cells.  Remember, you’re carrying another person in your body – the more hemoglobin, the better.
  • It’s also an essential component of myoglobin (the protein responsible for supplying oxygen to your muscles), collagen (the protein found in your bones and other connective tissues), and many other enzymes.
  • It helps maintain a healthy and strong immune system throughout the pregnancy.


How To Boost Iron During Pregnancy

Also, iron supplies several proteins in your body, which your child needs. To help boost your iron in pregnancy, take note of the tips below:


iron boost in pregnancy


  • Take an iron supplement during your pregnancy:  There are several iron supplements available in the market.  But, before deciding make sure you ask for your doctor’s approval.  If they have a recommendation on a particular iron supplement for you, follow it. Also, inquire how many times in a day you should use it.  Ask if there are dos and don’ts while you’re taking these supplements. Remember, your iron intake should help you during your pregnancy, not complicate it.
  • Eat your spinach:   Another way to boost your iron in pregnancy is to eat your spinach.  Spinach can be bought anywhere and is a very good source of iron. Raw spinach is great in salads. You can eat your spinach with sliced strawberries, grilled meat, pasta, and cheese!
  • Keep your caffeine intake down: All of your efforts to eat iron-enriched foods and supplements will be useless if you’re consuming too much caffeine. Caffeine actually dashes the effects of iron in your body. This means that if you drink cola after eating an iron-rich steak, your body will absorb less iron.
  • Add more vitamin C: Vitamin C is known to improve iron absorption in your body. So whenever you’re taking your iron supplements, finish it with a glass of orange juice. You can also add fresh strawberries to your oat bran cereal or add a side of pepper with a shrimp dish to get your daily dose of Vitamin C!


Preparation Is Key

When you’re an expecting parent, you want everything to be perfect. In addition to providing for your baby in the womb, you should also be preparing financially.  A pregnancy cover from your insurance policy can help.  Knowing that you have everything covered will help you have a stress-free and easy childbirth.


Jessica Wilson   iron boost in pregnacy

Jessica is a professional health expert who works for some major health industry giants. She currently writes for Membersown and is dedicated to helping people learn more about health related topics along the journey. When she’s not a health advocate, she enjoys some down time traveling or talking with family

15 Homeopathic Treatments for Chronic Back Pain After Pregnancy


chronic back pain after pregnancy


Back pain to some degree affects approximately 80% of Americans at one point in their lifetime.  Unfortunately, if left untreated it can grow into chronic back pain.  Chronic back pain after pregnancy can affect both your professional life (days lost at work) and personal life (not being able to live the lifestyle you want).   Many women start getting back pain during pregnancy.  It normally stems from the extra weight they are carrying.  As a result, more women are looking for alternatives to deal with their chronic back pain after pregnancy.  Homeopathy and other natural methods are among the most popular.  Many pregnant women prefer not to put any unnecessary medication in their bodies.  Therefore, natural remedies become a part of their lifestyle.  

Seeking Alternatives

Homeopathic treatments are becoming popular as people look at alternatives for traditional drugs and procedures.  However, not all are equal when it comes to scientific backing.  As a result, be sure to utilize available industry resources like, meet with your personal medical doctor.  They will know enough about your pain and body to help you pick the best option.   Doing research will help you better understand their suggestions as well.  To start, some herbs are more popular than others.  If you don’t know where to start when it comes to your back pain after pregnancy, here are a few suggestions: 


chronic back pain after pregnancy

1. Capsaicin –  Derived from chili peppers.  Capsaicin serves as an anti-inflammatory, which reduces inflammation, pain and pressure in the  lower back.

2. Ginger –  Similar to Capsaicin, ginger’s phytochemicals also have anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Feverfew Feverfew has been used for pain relief for headaches, stomachaches, and toothaches.  Its lack of major side effects mean it may be worth using for back pain as well.  However, pregnant women should not take Feverfew.

4. Devil’s Claw – Some scientific evidence shows potential for this herb in managing arthritis and lower back pain.  More evidence is needed.  Pregnant women or those with gallstones or stomach/intestinal ulcers should not use this herb.

5. Turmeric – A staple of the Ayurvedic Diet, Turmeric’s active ingredient, Curcumin, is used to relieve heartburn and arthritis pain.  Furthermore, it reduces inflammation.  It is one of the most popular natural pain relief options you will find.  Additionally, there is scientific evidence supporting its use.

More classical homeopathy uses herbs on the exact location of the pain in your back.  There is no scientific evidence on this technique, and not much research backing it.  But, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting that it may help.


chronic back pain after pregnancy


6.  Rhus Toxicodendron   This remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back.  Aching and stiffness gets aggravated by cold, damp weather.  However, relief is found with warm applications, baths or showers, and massage.

7.  Aesculus –  This remedy is suited for pain in the very low back (the sacral or sacroiliac areas).  It feels worse when standing up from a sitting position or from stooping.  Aesculus is good for people with low back pain who also have a history with venous congestion and hemorrhoids.

8. Nux Vomica –  This remedy is good for muscle cramps or constricting pains in the back.  Pain is usually worse at night, and the person may have to sit up in bed to turn over. Nux vomica may also be good for backaches that get worse when constipated. 

9. Cimicifuga Racemose –  Use this remedy for severe aching and stiffness in the upper back and neck, as well as the lower back, with pains that extend down the thighs or across the hips. It is often helpful for back pain during menstrual periods, with cramping, heaviness, and soreness.

10. Calcarea Carbonica   This is another go-to remedy for muscle weakness and low back pain. The ideal candidate will have a tendency toward chilliness, or may easily feel tired from exertion. The person’s symptoms will tend to worsen from damp and cold weather.

11. Natrum Muriaticum –  This is good for back pain that improves from lying on something hard.  Also, pressing a hard object (such as a block or book) against the painful area is a good for this remedy.

In conjunction with these, many doctors will recommend a set of lifestyle changes to properly complement your efforts.

12. Exercise –  The days of trying to rest off back pain are over, as more and more people are realizing that you need to exercise to strengthen the muscles that support your back. The key is to do exercises that target these areas, but aren’t overly intensive. Yoga and pilates are great programs that fit the bill, and many back pain exercises you find borrow from them.

13. Physical therapy –  If you are struggling to put together a proper routine, a physical therapist may do the trick, combine stretches with other treatments like heat and ice therapy.

14. Improve your sleep –  Pain is actually a leading cause of insomnia, but what you may not realize is that there is a vicious cycle at work here. Inadequate sleep can actually make your pain worse. See a doctor to find ways to help improve your sleep, and try to keep to a regular schedule to make it easier for your body to adjust.

15. Diet for a healthy back –  You won’t be able to necessarily eat your pain away, but many times, nutritional deficiencies can lead to back issues.  Back issues lead to pain.  Some of the nutrients you may want to look to are calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K.  Foods like leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach, broccoli) and cold-water fish (salmon, herring) are some of your best options.  

Note:  Again, please consult your medical doctor before utilizing any of the natural herbs/remedies mentioned in this post.  We hope that you will find relief for your chronic back pain after pregnancy.  

Getting Your Mojo Back: After Birth Tips


pregnancy tips


Becoming a mother is the one of the greatest privilege in life.  Being a mother is not an easy task, but it will be one which you love with every fiber of your being.  Furthermore, preparing for and giving birth to a baby can be exhausting.  In the weeks following birth it can be difficult to feel up to anything; however, you must transition in the routine of after a new life.  You can get your mojo back, and be a happy, healthy and fit mom in no time at all.  Check out our after birth tips:

  1. Act like a mom

It might seem pretty obvious that once you become a mom you will act like a mom.  But, it can actually take time to adjust to your new role.  It can be stressful to adapt to this new environment at times.  However, the moment you start acting as if you know what you are doing, you will feel much more confident in your role as a mother.  Exuding confidence will make your baby feel safe too.

  1. Ignore bad advice

For the first few weeks of having a baby everyone will have advice.  They will want to give their two cents on how to look after your baby. The key is to not listen to any advice which doesn’t correlate with how you want to nurture your baby.  If your parents or friends start to tell you what your baby needs listen, but follow your own instincts.  You are the baby’s mother, and you know what’s best for your baby.

  1. You are not a bad mother

One of the biggest insecurities after giving birth is the feeling of not being good enough for your baby. This can be a condition which runs alongside post natal depression.  It is crucial for you to remember that you are new to this, and every new mother has experienced this at one point in their lives.  Most importantly, it is normal to feel this way.  When you feel these insecurities bubbling to the surface, remember to put things into perspective.  Most of the time your guilty feelings are totally unfounded.  You are not a bad mother if you baby cries a lot.  Some babies do!  Consult your pediatrician for any concerns that you really don’t know about.  They will be happy to provide any guidance, recommendations or insight needed.

  1. Find privacy

In the first months of your child’s life, you will likely be inundated with visits and people visiting.  Sometimes your baby will become irritated and they will start to cry while other people are around. This is purely because being in a stimulating environment for too long can be too much for them to handle.  As a result, if your baby becomes stressed and difficult to control, take your baby and leave the room.  Let your visitors know that you will return once you have the baby calmed down.

  1. Be decisive

Our after birth tips includes becoming decisive as a new mother.  Mom always knows what to do in any situation.  They always know if you have a cold or the flu, they seem to be mind readers. You might wonder how you will ever get to this stage with your own child.  You have to trust your own instincts. If you have a gut feeling that your child is ill, you are probably right.  Trust your instincts, because 99% of the time you are absolutely right. Be decisive and be confident in your abilities with your baby. Remember that you are the most qualified person in the room because you are the baby’s mother.

  1. Listen and learn

When you take trips to your doctor, make sure you listen to what they are saying.  Take notes if you need to, so you will remember everything that was discussed.  You can reference your notes in the future when the same ailment affects your child.  The more information you can take in, the better it will be for you and your baby.

  1. Don’t bottle up your feelings

Motherhood can be overwhelming.  Some days you will want nothing more than to walk out of the door and leave for a vacation.  It is perfectly normal to feel this way. You are not a bad person for getting stressed out with your child. Just make sure you don’t bottle up these feelings.  It can lead to anxiety, depression and physical ailments too. If you are having a hard time, confide in your partner and take a break.

  1. Don’t worry about competition

Every child is unique.  When they say their first word or take their first step will be different for every baby.  So, just because your friend’s child walked at 1, doesn’t mean that you are failing.  Be patient, their day will come.

  1. Take time for yourself

Finally, our after birth tips include personal image.  Many women struggle their personal image after giving birth.  Dealing with pregnancy stretch marks within 2 weeks of giving birth is not realistic for most mothers.  Take your time getting back to your old self.  Most importantly, take time for yourself.   Get someone to look after the baby or when they baby is napping, pamper yourself.  Do a few exercises or relax. You will be back to your old confident self in no time.


How To Choose Super Comfortable Maternity Lingerie


maternity lingerie


Pregnancy is a great phase of your life.  So, it is vital that you choose to be comfortable during this time.  Comfortable maternity clothes to maternity lingerie are important.  Both lace chemise and comfortable bras can give you the  comfort that you need during your pregnancy.

As a result, wear maternity bras that provide you with maximum coverage and support the upper bust area. Most importantly, choose lingerie that will be functional during your pregnancy.  We suggest that you choose maternity bras with wider straps.  Additionally, wear cotton lingerie if possible.  It will help your skin to breathe.  When you start to feel restricted wearing your regular bra, start wearing a nursing bra.

If you are wondering how you would choose maternity lingerie, here are a few tips for you.

  1. Soft Nursing Bra

Soft bras not only make you feel at ease, but also make you look stylish during pregnancy. This comfortable nursing bra has clip off nursing straps that can be adjusted accordingly. The bra has padded cups that support you and fits just right.  The floral lace design has a sexy look. This maternity lingerie design is a must for your maternity fashion. It is available in different colors and sizes.

  1. Maternity Thong

Maternity thongs are comfortable, so add them to your maternity wardrobe. The cotton thong has full stretch and full coverage that adds to the comfort. It has a cotton lined gusset and minimal coverage on the backside. The floral design on the front side is crafted with lace. Its available in six different colors and three sizes.

  1. Racerback Bralette

Bralette bras look trendy. You can choose a racer back bralette for your maternity wear too.  This bralette has an easy clip-on strap with padded support. The deep neckline makes the bra sexy and stylish to wear.  Furthermore, there is a wide band under bust coverage with lace back detail.  Because it is completely wire-free, it’s comfortable to wear during pregnancy.

  1. Hotpants

Hotpants look really sexy, so you must own a pair or two during pregnancy. The cotton hot pants have wide coverage that contributes to the comfort. It has lace trim at leg openings with cotton-lined gusset.  They are sexy and stylish. Additionally, they are available in two different colors with two different sizes for your comfort level.  So, buy a pair of hot pants to add to your maternity lingerie.

  1. Lace Slip

If comfort is what you are looking for, then a simple lace chemise or slip can really help you. It is stylish and simple enough to wear at home during pregnancy.  Furthermore,  it has a full lace body with lace trim design at the neckline. It has a single back seam that helps to enhance its comfort. There are many colors and sizes to choose from. It is a must buy style for your maternity fashion.

  1. Simple nursing bra

It’s a must to own a simple nursing bra during pregnancy. The bra has nursing straps for easy opening and adjustable sling cups that give you full support. The straps can also be converted for sheer support. A basic maternity lingerie will make you feel comfortable during pregnancy. It is available in two different colors and three different sizes.

You can look sexy and feel stylish with the above styles of lingerie. Who says you can’t be fashionable when you are pregnant. Go ahead and shop for styles that would make you comfortable and sexy.

Author Bio:

Jennifer Saylor is a creative writer by profession and hobby, currently working as a freelance writer. She aspires to help her readers achieve their best style by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research.

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy and Childbirth

In case you’re considering getting pregnant or you are pregnant –  you probably know some essentials about dealing with yourself and the child.  Giving birth can be a physical challenge.  Preparing for childbirth causes us to face our inhibitions.  Moving through the birthing process causes us to feel excitement, fear, anxiety, and finally a feeling of ecstasy as we give birth to our child.  Here are a few more parenting tips for a healthy pregnancy:



tips for a healthy pregnancy



  • Eat healthy  

Plan to eat a solid, balanced diet during your pregnancy.  Pick wholegrains as opposed to white sugar to ensure a sufficient amount of fiber.  Daily portions of protein is important too.  For example, fish, meat, eggs, nuts and some milk and dairy are important for a balanced diet.

  • Fluids

Be sure to drink water and other nutritious drinks.  Great sources of nutritious drinks include low sodium V8 juice, fresh squeezed orange juice or nonfat milk.

  • Exercise

Staying fit is an absolute necessity for most mothers to be.  So, one of our tips for a healthy pregnancy is exercise. Standard activity will offer you some assistance with controlling your weight.  Exercise also helps clear your head and help you sleep better. Furthermore, keeping your diet in check and doing these simple exercises at home will help with delivery.  Pilates, yoga, swimming, and walking are good exercises for most pregnant women.  However, check with your doctor before beginning any physical activity program.

Special prenatal exercises like squatting and Kegels help with childbirth and can possibly shorten the labor time. Yoga and a massage are great ways to relax and help ease contractions during labor.

  • No smoking, alcohol or caffeine

If you smoke, now is a great time for you to quit.  Also, do not allow yourself to be exposed to second hand smoke. Additionally, eliminating alcohol is advised as well.  An occasional glass of wine may be allowed.  Consult your doctor before consuming any alcoholic beverages or caffeine.  Both could possibly affect the birth weight, development hindrance and premature delivery.

  • Stay at home for as long as possible

Staying at home allows you to move freely and comfortably until your contractions are strong and coming every 3-5 minutes apart.

  • Think positive and Stay focused

Just thinking of your new baby will help give strength to bear the labor pains and the process of childbirth.

This tool is used for relieving labor pain and can be used through childbirth to reduce pain awareness by stimulating the production of endorphins.  Consult your doctor before using this machine.

  • Hydrotherapy

If you are considering an epidural for pain relief, you may try a birth pool instead. Soaking yourself in warm water increases oxytocin production, encouraging dilation.  Consult your doctor for options.

We hope that you enjoyed our tips for a healthy pregnancy.  Again, consult your physician before starting any exercise routines, concerns about your diet or labor desires.