5 Tips To Becoming A Confident Woman

 self-improvement, self-confidence, self-esteem

Have you seen women that exude an air of confidence and self-assurance.  Sadly, you wish that you had the confidence and you could carry yourself in that manner.  They seem to be able to conquer the world and achieve anything.  As a result, you admire them and wonder how they reached that level.  You secretly wish you had half of their skills and success.   You ask, how do you become a confident woman?

Unfortunately, I was there at one point in my life.  As a single mother, it was hard to imagine how I could ever reach such a level of confidence.  I was barely able to pay my bills.   I dreamed of making a six figure salary.  So, I wanted to know how to get there.  I wanted to be a strong mother, leader, a mentor and manager.  The fact that I couldn’t achieve success on my own became a reality.   Therefore, I needed guidance and advice on how to start my journey on becoming a  confident woman.
Our roles as mothers, spouses, partners and influencers is huge.  We need to display confidence around our children.  We also need to be confident around our spouses and significant others at times.  Additionally, we have a responsibility to others that we influence in our life and on the job. Building confidence is a process.  It doesn’t happen over night, but if you continually enhance your skills you will become a confident woman.
Here are a few traits that I believe all women need to become confident:
  1. Define Your Belief System –  First, these are your core values that remain unchanged.  They can include but are not limited to being ethical, family-oriented, reliable, trustworthy.  Define them and stand firm.
  2. Be ConsistentYou must be consistent in all areas of your life for the most part, but be flexible when needed.  If you’re inconsistent you won’t be taken seriously by your family, co-workers or anyone else that you influence.
  3.  Become An Achiever –  Next, set goals and make a plan to achieve them.  It’s important to be an example for your children in this area.  Achieving goals requires stamina and hard work.  
  4. Be PositiveI read daily affirmations to help me stay positive.
  5. Have a sense of humor Last, know that you will make mistakes along the way.  Be able to laugh, pick yourself up and move on.
Finally, if you don’t want to obtain a mentor, surround yourself with positive people.  Especially, those who have arrived at the destination that you’re trying to achieve.  Ask for advice when you need it.  Unfortunately, there isn’t a road map how to achieve success in your business or on how to be a good mother.  Most importantly, becoming a confident woman and believing in yourself will help you achieve your goals in all areas of your life.  Your spouse, partner and children will see it and believe it.  Take the first step to becoming a confident woman, and everything else will fall into place.  You may also like Why I Am Thankful For The Stumbles In My Life.


Dads Are Winning Custody of Their Children

Are you going through a custody battle for your child or children?  More dads are winning child custody these day. Yes, fathers are obtaining primary or joint physical custody. More fathers are becoming the primary care giver of their children because they are proving they are just as capable as women in raising their children.  Today, I’m sharing a few tips on why dads are winning custody.  Knowledge and being prepared for a custody battle will empower you to position yourself.  


winning child custody


How and why are men achieving this position? Here’s several reasons:

    • They are becoming more involved in their children’s upbringing. They are changing diapers, giving baths, reading books, and fixing meals. Mr. Mom has become a reality.
    • They are educating themselves on how to win.  Instead of convincing the judge that the mother is unfit, they spending their time convincing the judge that they are just as fit. 
    • Women are emotional. Men are proving they are more stable emotionally and they are using intelligence to win.
    • More men are willing to spend the money on attorney fees preparing for the fight. They are taking the time to seek the best representation in court.
    • Not only are they willing to pay the attorney’s fees, they are seeking child support from the mother in certain cases. If they receive joint custody, they are asking that the amount of child support be lowered or they not have to pay support since they are responsible for buying diapers, milk, cloths etc. when they have custody.
    • Men are forming support groups and learning from other fathers who have won custody.

Men are proving they can provide a more stable environment because they have a bigger pay day.  For example, they are willing to give up the two seat vehicle and bachelor pad. They are buying homes with backyards and SUVs to ensure they have room for the children and excursions.  This thinking is leading to dads winning child custody.  

The days of having to prove the mother unfit are over ladies. I know, I watched my brother win custody of his two sons.  I have not only watched my brother win custody of his sons, his son just won full custody of his son.  Men winning child custody is becoming more and more realistic.

After the separation from his wife, my nephew was ordered to pay child support.  Additionally, he had the usual court order which states the visitation rights, and how much he was to pay in child support and when.  He decided to obtained a new attorney and won joint custody and no child support the second time around. What was different the second time? His attorney focused on the fact that he had a better job and medical benefits.  Furthermore, he owned a home and his son’s grandparents were within a mile to assist him with the baby’s care.  Most importantly, they were available to provide child care and there was no better environment for the baby than his grandparents when he was working.  The change occurred within a 3 month timeframe.

He decided to go back to court a few years later to obtain full custody.  Because his son would be entering school full time; it would be impossible to split time between the two homes.  Even though his ex had gotten remarried and had another son, he decided his son would have a more stable home with him.  Most importantly, he wasn’t willing to miss time with his son.   He obtained his lawyer’s assistance and geared up for another fight.  This time he would be fighting for full custody.  He won!  He now has his son in his care 24 x 7.  As a result, his ex has visitation rights.

Last, I’m proud to say that I’ve watched my son-in-law with my grandchildren.  There is no doubt in my mind that he would not fight for joint custody of children. The thinking of young men these days is quite different from my generation. Most men in my generation did not seek custody, they were happy paying child support and having their freedom if there was a divorce.

In conclusion, it seems that if it’s impossible to keep your marriage together mothers may have to gear up for a fight.  Because dads are winning child custody at an unprecedented rate.