Newborn Help for New Parents

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on newborn help for new parents. So, congratulations, you got through pregnancy and now you have a new baby. Newborns are often difficult to care for. Especially, if you are a new parent. They require a lot of attention, and sometimes they’re hard to understand when they cry. If you’re a new mom who is struggling with caring for your newborn, this post is perfect for you! 

We’ll go over the basics of how to take care of your baby in their first few months.  Your will be relaxed as a parent, and they will grow up healthy and happy.



newborn help


Newborn Help for Parents


Newborn Help for New Parents and Keeping Baby Warm 

Keep your baby warm whether they are eating or sleeping. You can swaddle them in a blanket or put on some cozy pajamas so that he or she doesn’t get cold. 


Bathing Your Baby

Make sure your infant is clean by giving them a bath every day. Babies have very sensitive skin, so make sure you use plain water and a very mild soap made specifically for babies. The market has a variety of washcloths and wipes without any added chemicals or fragrances.


Sleep Is Important

Babies need a lot of sleep every day.  They grow rapidly; however, it may feel like your child is awake all the time! Focus on creating a comforting sleep environment for your baby.  Soft music can be soothing to a baby.  So, have a variety of lullabies on hand.  

Put your infant to sleep in their own bed not yours! If you do need to share your bed with your baby, make sure it’s safe for both of you.  

You should try to sleep when your baby is sleeping, this is the best way to ensure that you are feeling your best and ready to take care of your baby.



newborn help




Newborn Help for New Parents on Feeding 

Newborns need to eat every two to three hours. If they’re not hungry, it’s okay if you don’t feed them right away! Simply feed your baby when they’re hungry. 

A lot of times, newborns will cry, but it doesn’t always mean something is wrong with them. There are times when they just want to be comforted.  If you have any questions about whether or not to feed your baby, consult your doctor or nurse.  You should also be on the lookout for signs that they may be hungry.  For example, trying to suck on your shoulder or breast or if it’s been hours since they have eaten.   


New Born Help on Diaper Changing

Change their diapers often to keep them healthy and happy. Newborns are often messy, especially in the first few months after birth, so it’s important to change their diapers often to keep them clean. 

Changing a baby’s diaper also helps prevents diaper rash or infections that can happen due to sitting in dirty diapers for long periods of time. 

Make sure you practice good hygiene when changing your baby’s diaper, wash your hands with soap before and after touching anything near the baby’s genitals.


Check Your Baby’s Weight

Keep an eye on your baby’s weight, height, and head circumference to make sure they grow up healthy. It is very important to make sure your baby is growing well. You should also know how tall they are and what their head looks like.  Regular doctor’s visits are a must.  

If you suspect that your baby was injured in some way at birth you can get a second opinion. If it is proven to be true you can hire a team of trusted birth injury attorneys to help you.



newborn help



Choose the Right Car Seat

Use a car seat that is age-appropriate for your child and the right size for your child. A car seat that is too big or too small can be uncomfortable, and it might not protect them well in case of an accident. 

But if you have any questions about what size your child needs, ask your doctor or nurse. They will know the answer!

Car seats are designed to keep your baby safe. The safest place for an infant is in the back seat on their back, in their rear-facing car seat. 

Ideally, infants should be rear-facing until they are two years old or weigh 20 pounds. Forward-facing car seats should be used after your baby turns two years old or reaches twenty pounds.


Enjoy the Journey

Becoming a mother is one of the most exciting things that can happen to a woman. However, it can also be one of the most overwhelming. 

Knowing what you should and shouldn’t do especially when you are a new mom can help you to feel more at ease. In this way, you’ll be able to enjoy your bundle of joy a lot more.


Addressing Fears About Going Back to Work after a Baby


going back to work after a baby


If you have recently given birth and are near the end of your maternity leave, you may be feeling fearful about going back to work.  Many mothers dread this moment.  They don’t want to leave their newborn, or they feel guilty because they actually want to go back to work.  As a result,  we address fears that many moms have about going back to work after a baby:

The office has changed and you won’t know what is going on –  You fear that so many things will have changed since the last time you were in the office.  Many moms are worried that the atmosphere will be different.  Additionally, they are scared that they won’t know what to do anymore. However, many find that nothing has changed at all.  It seems like you’ve been out of the office forever.  Especially, because you have gone through such a life changing experience.

You fear your career will have to take a back seat – This is certainly not the case. Women today can have it all.  Just because you have had a baby does not mean you have to hit the stop button on your dreams. You can complete the  IMC Master’s Program online.  It’s a great way to advance your skills and move up the career ladder.  Going back to work after a baby isn’t the end of your educational goals.





Your boss won’t understand or agree to flexibility – Most people will assume that their boss won’t understand the demands of having a child.  This causes a lot of anxiety about going to work after a baby.  Most bosses aren’t as scary or as unreasonable as we think.  Your boss will be flexible so long as you show commitment to the position and company.  If you know that you need to be home with your baby or have an appointment put in the hours elsewhere.  For example, come in early or work a half day on a Saturday.  It’s certain your boss won’t have a problem with it.

You feel terrible because you can’t wait to go back to work – Last but not least, a lot of women feel awful because they cannot wait to get back to work. They are literally itching to get back into the office environment. There is nothing wrong with this! It does not make you a bad parent. It certainly doesn’t make you love your child any less than someone who doesn’t want to go back to work either.

Hopefully, you don’t feel as anxious about going back to work after a baby.  Most importantly, because you have had a baby does not mean that your career needs to take a backseat. You can have it all – if that is what you want.

Values Help Develop Kid’s Self-Confidence

  kids self-esteem, motivating children, kid's values


First, parents play a vital role in grooming and developing a child’s personality and self-esteem.  Do you want to be the proud parents of a child who is full of self-confidence?  Furthermore, do you want your child to walk with their head held high?  Here are some things you can do that will in turn help boost your child’s self-confidence:

  • Do Not Let Any Negative Thoughts, Emotions and Limitations Pull you Down Negative thoughts undermine your confidence. Do not let your true capabilities be overshadowed by inhibitions of the mind and heart.  Furthermore, exercise self-control and learn to maintain your calm.  Also learn to stay composed in panic situations.  So keep brainwashing yourself.  Filter out the negative thoughts and keep going.
  • Positive Thinking Breeds PositivityBack your positive thoughts by positive actions. Even when you are on the lowest ebb, let the light of positivity shine through.  Your children will see it.
  • Face your fears and overcome any hurdles that come your way – Feed your self-esteem by challenging yourself and facing your biggest fears. Doing things which seemed unattainable in the past, can contribute significantly in raising your self-confidence.  You will soon believe that you will be able to cross hurdles and obstacles that would normally deter your progress.
  • Replace bad habits with healthy habits –   You need to correct your inner flaws and short comings to feel confident from within. It is very easy to get into bad habits, but hard to get over them.  Indulging in  healthy habits will help you emerge as a confident individual. Anything that makes you feel good about yourself, will ultimately lead to higher self-esteem.  Teach these healthy habits to your children.
  • Be Grateful for Whatever You Have and Live a Meaningful Life – It is very easy to be ungrateful.  Focus on the good in your life.  Happiness and true bliss can be found in the small things in life. This is where our individual perceptions come into play.  If you envy other people, you will be ungrateful for your blessings.  This keeps you in a constant state of restlessness because you always feel the other person is better off than you. Until you are truly content and satisfied at heart, you will continue to seek ways to make you happy. Being happy with who you are.  It will lead to living healthier and a more productive life.  It will also teach your children to happy with who they are, and to be grateful for the little things in life.
  • Emerge from failure as a stronger, experienced individual –  If at first you don’t succeed; try, try, try again. Do not let failure overpower you to a point where your reasoning and logic is clouded.  Impaired reasoning leaves you confused and demoralized.  Accept your failure, pick up the broken pieces and get on with life.  You can always try again.  Your children will see that failure is a part of life.
  • Raise your intellectual standards – Be consistent in searching general knowledge and awareness. Being knowledgeable makes a person more confident. Personal growth is a continuous process. Stay updated with current national and international events. Become a participant on various topics such as politics, business and sports. Try learning new things on a daily basis and keep your child updated too.
  • Engage in philanthropic activities – Teach your children to think about society.  They need to learn to empathize with the people who are not a fortunate as them.  Be an example by being an active part of it. Children need to learn to spread happiness around them.  Spreading happiness will make others feel good about themselves as well as others.  It also makes them forget about the negativities that surround us.  It enhances our confidence level too.

Finally, be an example for your children.  They will follow in your foot steps, and remember you may not see immediate changes in your child/children.  Building confidence is a life time endeavor.

I want to thank James Smith for this amazing guest post!  You may also like: Teaching Children Responsibility

About the author: James Smith is a survivalist, who loves to write about survival skills and techniques. Currently, he is working for Teotwawki Supplies, offering a complete range of survival and emergency kits. Follow him on twitter @jamessmith1609.

Parenting 101 Please



If I read one more story about a child being abandoned, left in a hot car, neighborhood parks while mom is working or carjacked while mom is paying for gas I’m going to scream. I read these stories, and I’m in disbelieve.  It’s one after the other. People need a licence to have a dog, but anyone can be a parent. There’s no background checks, credit checks, education requirement, income requirement, we can just procreate. Many can’t afford to buy a box of pampers or can of milk for their child, but they have them and with no thought on how they’re going to take care of them. Providing a safe and productive life is an afterthought.   
[Read more…]

Is Your Child A Cyber Bully

Why aren’t more parents monitoring what their children are doing on-line?  The answer most parents give is because they are intimidated by the computer.  They lack computer skills, don’t have a smart phone and they really aren’t interested in learning how to use one.  As parents, we must be involved in what’s happening in our child’s life, especially in the age of modern technology.  From one mother to another, I think it’s imperative that we get involved in our children’s activities and stop thinking they’re doing the right thing and don’t need to be monitored.  

As parents we all want to think that we’ve raising angels and our children know right from wrong.  We’re shocked when we get a call to come into the school for inappropriate behavior from our child, when we receive a call from jail to bail them out or the cop knocks on the door to deliver bad news.  We all think that these things couldn’t possibly happen to us, these situations happen in other people’s homes.  So why should we concern ourselves.  How many times have you heard, my child would never do that!

I can give you a few reasons.  Did you hear about the Florida teens, 15 and 16, that were arrested for setting up a phony Facebook page that was X-rated several years ago.  They were charged with pasting the face of a school mate, whom they didn’t like, on a nude body and filled the page with foul language.  They thought it was a joke. They were charged with felony stalking.    

How about the young lady that committed suicide last year because she was bullied.  We must overcome our fears.  A blogger recently experienced cyber bullying with her daughter.  As a matter of fact her blog was down for most of a day because it was hacked. Bullying is real, and it wrecks havoc on families.  A teen in my neighborhood committed suicide a few years ago.  If we as a parents won’t face our fears, how do we encourage our children to face theirs?  

Here are a few suggestions on how to overcome the fear of the computer and how you can get involved to help stop cyber bullying:

  • If you don’t consider yourself to be technically savvy, take a class or better yet get your child to teach you.  They love showing off their computer skills.  
  • Ask questions about your child’s friends and what’s happening in their life.  Follow them on sites popular with teens and make sure you have access to their accounts.  
  • Ask other parents, aunts, uncles, sisters and brothers to stay involved with your children on-line.  We can’t monitor our children 24/7, but you can recruit family and friends to assist.  It takes a village to raise a child.    
  • Computer etiquette starts at home.  Have conversations with your child or children on what’s appropriate or inappropriate to put on-line.  If they’re minors, you’re in control and you need to let them know you’re ruling the roost.  They must follow rules that you have set for on-line activities.   
  • Discuss the consequences of cyber stalking and the legalities of posting inappropriate posts. It’s illegal and the consequences are certainly worth a conversation with your child. 

Do you see the importance of keeping up with your child?  Better yet stay in front of them so you can lead.  If you can’t stay in front of them stay beside them.  Taking a class is cheaper than paying a lawyer to get your child out of a felony for on-line harassment or other effects from bullying.  Would love to know your thoughts on this post and how you monitor your child’s on-line activities.    

You may also like:     15 Tips to Detect If Your Child Is Being Bullied

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Toddler Girls Garanimal Sets

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Garanimals Baby Girls' 2 Piece Graphic...
We found these adorable 2 piece Garanimal sets at Wal-Mart on-line.  I’ve been a big fan of Garanimals since Xavier was a baby.  I purchased these for Zarriah to knock around in on the week-ends or lazy days.  They’re great for everyday play wear and adorable enough to head to the mall or grocery store when you have to run errands. 

I have found that Garanimals hold up well on the playground, lounging around the house and through the wash.  This I’m so Sweet set include a fleece top and pants, so Zarriah will be nice and toasty this winter while playing with her Disney Princesses. 

Garanimals Baby Girls' 2 Piece Graphic...

I fell in love with the Double the Fun set too.  This set is made of fleece as well.  Both will look adorable with a pair of sneakers or flats if your heading to the mall or grocery store.  I purchased both sets for $7.76 each.  I ordered additional items, so I was able to get free shipping to my house.  I love a bargain, especially when I don’t have to pay a fortune for cloths that my little sweeties will grow out of in months. 

Great Find – Melissa and Doug Deluxe Standing Easel

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Melissa and Doug easel

Christmas is around the corner and Mother 2 Mother is in search of great finds.  I purchased Melissa and Doug’s Deluxe Standing Easel for my little Picasso Xavier for $57.00.  As a Prime member, shipping was free.  Xavier loves to paint, so this will be a perfect gift for him.  The easel is listed as one of Amazon’s 2013 best gifts for kids.  I agree. 

The easel includes extra-large chalkboard, dry-erase board, and easy-load paper roller.  You will need to buy the accessories kit for an additional $27.00.  The kit includes: 

  • 4 Bottles of Poster Paint and 4 Spill-Proof Paint Cups
  • Easel paper roll, chalk, paint brushes, dry-erase marker and eraser

  • The easel alone usually runs around $80.00, so this is a Great Find.  If your child enjoys drawing and writing, I encourage you to check out this deal and have Santa deliver this great gift Christmas Eve.  Your child can look forward to hours of entertainment on those cold, snowy, winter days.  This item is appropriate for ages 3 and up. 

    Look Who’s Six – Happy Birthday

    Hard to believe my baby boy turned six this week-end.  We spent the week-end celebrating his 6th birthday.  Yep, the top picture is from three years ago.  He is going up fast.  I’m amazed how his likes have changed as well.  No more Nick Jr. unless he’s watching cartoons with his baby sister.  He’s turned to Disney where they have real people,  as real as it gets on TV anyway.  No more dinosaur figures, hot wheels or toy soldiers.  He has iPad, X-Box and Kindle
    Fire to play computer games and learning activities and a new four wheeler for outside fun.  You can find either a football or basketball in his hands.  We received a new bike for his birthday.  One without training wheels at that. 

    His taste in clothes has changed as well.  No more Elmo, Handy Manny, or Cars tees.  He’s into Nike, Addias and Puma.  He now wears boxers, Jordan tennis shoes and his favorite sports team hats.  He’s playing flag football and basketball.  Where does time go?  

    There was a part of me that was happy to be celebrating his 6th birthday, but a sadness too because I know it’s just a matter of time before his interest change even more.  Thankfully he still loves to snuggle with Mawmaw and thinks girls are yucky!  I have a few years left before he asks for the car keys and heads out on a date. 

    Bad Parenting or Unfairly Treated?

    Kids behaving badly or family unfairly treated?  This family believe they were unfairly treated because they were asked to leave Applebee’s as a result of their children misbehaving in the restaurant.  According to the parents their children are active, they were acting like children.  According to other patrons in the restaurant at the time, the children were literally running around the establishment and disturbing other customers.  This was in fact why they were asked to leave. 

    As I look at this picture, I can believe they were running around disturbing customers.  Look at the mom holding the child on the right.  He’s about to take off in the picture.  Reminds me of my trip to TJ Max the other night.  There were two ladies there with a little boy and girl.  I’m thinking mother and grandmother.  The children ran through the store the entire time I was there and the grandmother yelled at them.  They just laughed and ran until their heart was content.  As I was checking out, the mother was at another register.  She tells the clerk,  “I have to go find my kid”.   My thought, she’s going to hold up the line to go find her kid. 

    As I’m leaving the store, there’s a lady outside with 3 children.  She seems to be overwhelmed.  I’m looking at her and looking back at the lady in the store yelling at the children.  The lady outside proceeds to tell me that the little boy had run out in the street.  She grabbed him and took him back inside.  She stated she didn’t know who he belonged to he just took off running once he got inside.  She was clearly affected by the incident.  I know that I was affected by them running throughout the store, and the grandmother yelling.  So, I can see Applebee’s asking the parents to leave.  I wished TJ Max had asked the 2 ladies and their children to leave.  It definitely affected my shopping experience.  

    If the children were running through the restaurant, I have no sympathy for these parents.  Parents control your kids, or stay home!  There are other paying customers there who would like to enjoy their evening out, and not be distracted by your “active” children. 

    Do you sympathize with the parents or do you believe Applebee’s took the appropriate step?  Please leave a comment. 

    Beyonce Uses Harness For Blue Ivy

    Looks like Blue Ivy is about to loose a slipper.  Aren’t they adorable.  Beyonce takes advantage of the beautiful weather we’re having on the east coast and strolls with her bundle of joy in New York.   Blue Ivy is becoming a big girl.  According to her grandfather, Matthew Knowles, she’s going to be tall.  Granddaddy said,   ‘You just want to love and kiss her, but the great thing with grandkids is that you can give them back.’

    I agree with Matthew on that note.  You allow your grandchildren to get away with things th at you wouldn’t let your children get way with.  Extra treats, sweets, late nights with the TV and the list goes on.   Blue Ivy is the second grandchild for Matthew and his ex-wife Tina Knowles who divorced him after 31 years of marriage.  He has a grandson, Daniel “Julez” Smith, by his daughter Solange Knowles.  Thanks to the Daily Mail for the picture of mother and daughter.