How to Cope with Having A Hysterectomy

surgery tips

For many women, the decision to have a hysterectomy can be a difficult.  It is a serious medical procedure that comes with its own set of problems. Not only is the surgery a risk, it can result in a range of physical and emotional symptoms.  For many, this procedure is not a choice.  Because it is not their choice, it makes the grief and emotions even more difficult.  As a result, how you deal with your feelings will play a role in how you move forward after surgery. There are several things you can do to improve your chances of a smooth recovery:

Recovery Period

Recovery from having a hysterectomy can take up to two months.  Knowing what to expect will reduce the frustration.  However, don’t expect to walk out of the hospital and get back to normal.  This very rarely happens, there is a recovery period.  You are going to experience a variety of symptoms, including fatigue and depression.  Premature menopause may also be triggered. With depression comes the risk of depending on drugs or alcohol to numb the pain. This doesn’t work and can sometimes lead to an addiction  Addictions can lead to the need for adult drug treatment. For this and many other symptoms, there are effective treatments available.

Understand the Procedure

There are many reasons for women having a hysterectomy.  It’s natural to feel nervous and afraid of the outcome. To reduce any anxiety, understand what the procedure entails.  Understand the effects it have on your body, your emotions, and your fertility.  Your doctor and healthcare professionals are the best people to ask questions, and talk about your concerns. The more you understand, the better and more relaxed you’ll feel on the day of surgery.

Have a Support System in Place

Next, don’t wait until you’re on your way home to organize support.  Make sure there is a system in place before the surgery.  Furthermore, you will need physical support as well as emotional support.  So, talk to friends and family about how they can help.  Additionally, having a hysterectomy support group in your area or a therapist who helps with specialist counseling.

Learn How to Relax

This is going to be a very important part of the recovery process. Relaxation techniques have been found to help reduce anxiety and tension.  As a result, research techniques that include progressive muscle relation.  You should also include breathing techniques, guided imagery, and meditation. If you want to know more, your doctor or therapist will be able to provide information.

Finally, you shouldn’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about any fears, misgivings or issues you might be experiencing.  Discussing all your concerns and symptoms with your doctor about having a hysterectomy will help to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery.

15 Homeopathic Treatments for Chronic Back Pain After Pregnancy


chronic back pain after pregnancy


Back pain to some degree affects approximately 80% of Americans at one point in their lifetime.  Unfortunately, if left untreated it can grow into chronic back pain.  Chronic back pain after pregnancy can affect both your professional life (days lost at work) and personal life (not being able to live the lifestyle you want).   Many women start getting back pain during pregnancy.  It normally stems from the extra weight they are carrying.  As a result, more women are looking for alternatives to deal with their chronic back pain after pregnancy.  Homeopathy and other natural methods are among the most popular.  Many pregnant women prefer not to put any unnecessary medication in their bodies.  Therefore, natural remedies become a part of their lifestyle.  

Seeking Alternatives

Homeopathic treatments are becoming popular as people look at alternatives for traditional drugs and procedures.  However, not all are equal when it comes to scientific backing.  As a result, be sure to utilize available industry resources like, meet with your personal medical doctor.  They will know enough about your pain and body to help you pick the best option.   Doing research will help you better understand their suggestions as well.  To start, some herbs are more popular than others.  If you don’t know where to start when it comes to your back pain after pregnancy, here are a few suggestions: 


chronic back pain after pregnancy

1. Capsaicin –  Derived from chili peppers.  Capsaicin serves as an anti-inflammatory, which reduces inflammation, pain and pressure in the  lower back.

2. Ginger –  Similar to Capsaicin, ginger’s phytochemicals also have anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Feverfew Feverfew has been used for pain relief for headaches, stomachaches, and toothaches.  Its lack of major side effects mean it may be worth using for back pain as well.  However, pregnant women should not take Feverfew.

4. Devil’s Claw – Some scientific evidence shows potential for this herb in managing arthritis and lower back pain.  More evidence is needed.  Pregnant women or those with gallstones or stomach/intestinal ulcers should not use this herb.

5. Turmeric – A staple of the Ayurvedic Diet, Turmeric’s active ingredient, Curcumin, is used to relieve heartburn and arthritis pain.  Furthermore, it reduces inflammation.  It is one of the most popular natural pain relief options you will find.  Additionally, there is scientific evidence supporting its use.

More classical homeopathy uses herbs on the exact location of the pain in your back.  There is no scientific evidence on this technique, and not much research backing it.  But, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting that it may help.


chronic back pain after pregnancy


6.  Rhus Toxicodendron   This remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back.  Aching and stiffness gets aggravated by cold, damp weather.  However, relief is found with warm applications, baths or showers, and massage.

7.  Aesculus –  This remedy is suited for pain in the very low back (the sacral or sacroiliac areas).  It feels worse when standing up from a sitting position or from stooping.  Aesculus is good for people with low back pain who also have a history with venous congestion and hemorrhoids.

8. Nux Vomica –  This remedy is good for muscle cramps or constricting pains in the back.  Pain is usually worse at night, and the person may have to sit up in bed to turn over. Nux vomica may also be good for backaches that get worse when constipated. 

9. Cimicifuga Racemose –  Use this remedy for severe aching and stiffness in the upper back and neck, as well as the lower back, with pains that extend down the thighs or across the hips. It is often helpful for back pain during menstrual periods, with cramping, heaviness, and soreness.

10. Calcarea Carbonica   This is another go-to remedy for muscle weakness and low back pain. The ideal candidate will have a tendency toward chilliness, or may easily feel tired from exertion. The person’s symptoms will tend to worsen from damp and cold weather.

11. Natrum Muriaticum –  This is good for back pain that improves from lying on something hard.  Also, pressing a hard object (such as a block or book) against the painful area is a good for this remedy.

In conjunction with these, many doctors will recommend a set of lifestyle changes to properly complement your efforts.

12. Exercise –  The days of trying to rest off back pain are over, as more and more people are realizing that you need to exercise to strengthen the muscles that support your back. The key is to do exercises that target these areas, but aren’t overly intensive. Yoga and pilates are great programs that fit the bill, and many back pain exercises you find borrow from them.

13. Physical therapy –  If you are struggling to put together a proper routine, a physical therapist may do the trick, combine stretches with other treatments like heat and ice therapy.

14. Improve your sleep –  Pain is actually a leading cause of insomnia, but what you may not realize is that there is a vicious cycle at work here. Inadequate sleep can actually make your pain worse. See a doctor to find ways to help improve your sleep, and try to keep to a regular schedule to make it easier for your body to adjust.

15. Diet for a healthy back –  You won’t be able to necessarily eat your pain away, but many times, nutritional deficiencies can lead to back issues.  Back issues lead to pain.  Some of the nutrients you may want to look to are calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K.  Foods like leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach, broccoli) and cold-water fish (salmon, herring) are some of your best options.  

Note:  Again, please consult your medical doctor before utilizing any of the natural herbs/remedies mentioned in this post.  We hope that you will find relief for your chronic back pain after pregnancy.  

Tips on How to Become a Healthy Mom

As a mother, they say your work is never done.  In the modern age, it can be tough to stay on top of as your role as a mother.  It is even more difficult to figure out how to become a healthy mom.  Maybe you work a full-time job during the day. In fact when you’re a mother working a part-time job, doing household chores, or simply volunteering can be difficult.   Finding time for you can be even more difficult.  Today, I’m sharing tips on how to parent and becoming a healthy mom.

how to become a healthy mom




However, you’re still a human being even when you feel like a robot at times. Your health is just as important as the health of your children.  In fact, it’s important to the well being of your family that you stay healthy.  Your kids want you to be healthy and happy  Furthermore, your mental and physical state affects them too.  A happy mom is more likely to ensure that her entire family is happy.  Being a healthy mother is easier than you think.  So, let’s talk about  ways in which you can improve your health:

Fix your eating habits.

Another tip on how to become a healthy mom is how you eat.  If you want to be as healthy as your kids, fix your eating habits. When you take time to prepare a healthy packed lunch for your kids, you should do the same for yourself. If tell your kids to eat healthily then you need to lead by example.  After all, eating well is the best way to maintain physical and mental healthiness.

It’s important that you get the sustenance you need. That doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to the occasional chocolate bar or glass of wine.  But, you need to eat everything in moderation. Even vegetables and fruit are only good for you in moderation. Your diet needs to be full and varied. A balanced diet should contain protein, iron, calcium, and potassium.  Your diet should include all other nutrients and minerals necessary to keep your body healthy. Better eating habits could improve your mental health too.

Stay physically active.

As a mother you rush around everyday in order to get your kids ready for school.  Additionally, you do household chores.  However, you may not necessarily be getting all the physical exercise you need.  Especially,  if you’re cooped up in an office or your home all day.  Most of live sedentary lifestyles even if we do have a lot on our plates.  But, you need to find some time to stay physically active.  This doesn’t mean fitting a 3-hour gym session into your day, but you need to exercise regularly.

You could even combine exercise with some of your responsibilities. For example, you could walk rather than taking the car during some of your errands.  If you have a small children, check out the 10 best double jogging strollers of 2018 reviews.  Taking your children to the local park would be a good way for you to exercise while bonding with your little ones.  You might only find 10 minutes to do push-ups in your living room, but 10 minutes of daily exercise can make a massive improvement to your physical and mental health.


healthy mom tips



Make sure you get your rest

It’s hard for any mother to get rest when you’ve got so much to do.   When you think about how to become a healthy mom consider how much you’re getting.  You may even struggle to get to sleep because you’re always thinking about the things you’ve got to get done.  And, if you work outside the home then the pressure can feel overwhelming.  We live in a society that’s obsessed with productivity.  As a result, rest is often put on the back-burner.  However, you need to make sleep a priority.

The more rested you are, the better you’ll be able to concentrate and focus on the things you need to get done. You should get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.  Just as important is your mattress.  It’s important that you mattress  give your body the support it needs while resting.  Your body and mind recover while you sleep.  You’re giving yourself energy, but also keeping yourself healthy.  So, if you want to be a healthy mom then start making sleep a priority. You need to let your mind shut down from time to time so that it can recharge.





Focus on your mental health.

If you really want to stay healthy focus on your mental health.  As a mother each day is demanding.  It can take a toll on your body as well as your mind.  It might be easier to notice your aching back than it is to notice your declining mental health.  However, that doesn’t make your physical health more important. It just means that you need to take assessment of your mental state frequently. It could be beneficial for you to read a book from time to time.  Maybe you could read it while soaking in the bath.  Allow yourself some “me time” so you can unwind and let your mind relax.  Finally, talk to your partner or friends if you’re feeling stressed or feeling anxious. Communication is key.

We hope that you will consider all of our tips when you’re putting your plan together on how to become a healthy mom.


Want to Eat Healthy: Check Out the Bulu Box


Bulu Box Review

Are you trying to get healthy? I am and the perfect partner in the pursuit of a healthier you is the Bulu Box.  It’s like having a personal trainer and a nutritionist as a best friend. Each month, a box of healthy discoveries is shipped right to your door for just $10 per month. You learn about that month’s 4-5 premium samples.  So, try each one and see what fits into your individual healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, shipping is always free and you can cancel anytime your subscription anytime.

Also, if you share your opinion on each month’s samples through a quick survey, Bulu will give you 50 Rewards Points (that’s $5!).  So exciting, because you can use the points in the store to get more of your favorites.  Furthermore , you can get a 3 Month Subscription for just $15 (regularly $30)! Use code WOWZA .

As a matter of fact, you have two Bulu Boxes to choose from.  If you’re trying to loose weight the Weight Loss Box may be the best option for you.  The boxes can contain anything from vitamins, herbs, and detox products to snacks, protein bars and more.  The Original Box contains products like sleep aides, products to relax you, and products for energy and endurance.

For products that you like, you can visit the shop and buy them individually.  For example, I liked the Oh Yeah protein bars. I like being able to toss a few in my purse and grabbing one to curb my appetite until I get a meal.  They also have protein chips for snacking on the go or between meals.  So, sample the boxes each month and than purchase what you like individually.

Head over and check them out.  Vitamins, sports nutrition, diet, and healthy snacks are a few of the options to choose from.  It’s great for family, there’s a women’s, kid’s and men’s categories.

Women’s Health Problems: Taking Back Your Health


women's health care

“Take care of your body” is the leading mantra of the 21st century. It sounds like the most sensible and integral part of every lifestyle. However, it can come as an enormous surprise.  As a matter of fact, this frame of mind virtually didn’t exist among global communities years ago. It was mostly related to extreme lifestyle enthusiasts, people with money and superstars.

Fortunately, taking care of one’s health has become quite common.  We have so much access to detailed information related to medicine and biology today. The old saying goes – “prevention is better than cure.” So, it’s important to discuss some of the basic preventive health checkups every woman should do in order to reclaim their health. 

 Gynecological checkup

 A gynecological checkup should be done once every six months, although once a year is also acceptable. Consult your doctor to determine the appropriate schedule for you.  Additionally, this checkup should be an indispensable part of every modern woman’s schedule.  When compared to other checkups, it is the one that is most consistently done.


A Pap Smear is still one of the most reliable procedures to detect cervical cancer.  After the age of 20 and up until the age of 65, most women should do this test every three years.  Based on your medical history, after the age of 65 testing may be discontinued.  Consult your doctor with any questions or concerns. 

Breast checkup

Doing a self-exam of your breasts is one of the key checkups in the life of every woman. Every woman should have a clinical breast exam every three years up until the age of 40.  Examinations should be done yearly after the age of 40. 

By combining extensive knowledge with detailed examination and thorough questioning, your health care provider can determine the health of your breasts pretty confidently.  After the age of 50, every woman needs to start doing mammography tests, if not sooner. This test has been steeped in controversy because it uses ionizing radiation to detect malignant changes.  The health community agrees that benefits outweigh the risks by a significant margin.

In these hectic times when most people are exposed to a lot of stress and a breakneck lifestyles, many institutions and celebrities like Kylie Minogue and Angelina Jolie, are trying to raise awareness of these issues.

Hormone balance checkup

 Fatigue, mood swings, irritability, hot flashes, night sweats, and poor sleep are signs of a hormone imbalance.  Additionally, noticeable skin changes can also be a sign. These are especially known to hit women who are entering menopause.

Saliva testing and blood testing are regular methods to test for imbalances. Most importantly, it influences your metabolism and cardiovascular system.  In particular, the rate and strength of the heartbeat.

Heart checkup

Statistically speaking, men are more prone to heart problems.  However, heart disease is a big issue for women as well.  When we talk about heart problems, the first thing that comes to mind is a healthy diet.  Nonetheless, some people have heart problems unrelated to diet and weight, and some of the problems are hereditary.

This is why checkups for heart disease are important. Blood pressure and weight measurement are the most noninvasive checkups. Blood tests take a prick in the thumb or the arm, but they are generally fast, and extremely important for monitoring your cholesterol levels and triglycerides. 

Eye checkup

 women's health care


Of all the senses, the eyesight is the last one anyone would give up.  So, have your eye examined at least once a year. Due to the lifestyle that includes a lot of eye strain, the eyesight problems are becoming more and more frequent. This is why Australia is one of the leading countries trying to raise awareness about the importance of regular eyesight checkups with its versatile eye health campaigns. For instance, you can do a complete specialized eye test in Parramatta and spend a little time on a non-invasive test that can mean a lot.

Scientific research has shown that, just like with the heart, a healthy diet and taking care of your weight can have a lasting positive impact on your eyesight.

Your body is your temple. Taking care of yourself has not only become a necessity, but a rite of passage to adulthood. 


Author BIO:  Sophia Smith is Australian based beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogger. She is also very passionate about DIY projects, latest fashion trends and organic beauty products. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is regular contributor at High Style Life.

Find her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google +


Bulu Box Promotion

Bulu Box, healthy eating, healthy snacks

Are you trying to get healthy? I am and the perfect partner in the pursuit of a healthier you is the Bulu Box.  It’s like having a personal trainer and a nutritionist as a best friend. Each month, a box of healthy discoveries is shipped right to your door for just $10 per month. You learn about that month’s 4-5 premium samples.  So, try each one and see what fits into your individual healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, shipping is always free and you can cancel anytime your subscription anytime.

Also, if you share your opinion on each month’s samples through a quick survey, Bulu will give you 50 Rewards Points (that’s $5!).  So exciting, because you can use the points in the store to get more of your favorites.  Furthermore , you can get a 3 Month Subscription for just $15 (regularly $30)! Use code WOWZA .

Head over and check them out. Stay tuned to my review of the Bulu Box.  Vitamins, sports nutrition, diet, and healthy snacks are a few of the options to choose from. It’s great for family, there’s a women’s, kid’s and men’s categories.