Addressing Fears About Going Back to Work after a Baby


going back to work after a baby


If you have recently given birth and are near the end of your maternity leave, you may be feeling fearful about going back to work.  Many mothers dread this moment.  They don’t want to leave their newborn, or they feel guilty because they actually want to go back to work.  As a result,  we address fears that many moms have about going back to work after a baby:

The office has changed and you won’t know what is going on –  You fear that so many things will have changed since the last time you were in the office.  Many moms are worried that the atmosphere will be different.  Additionally, they are scared that they won’t know what to do anymore. However, many find that nothing has changed at all.  It seems like you’ve been out of the office forever.  Especially, because you have gone through such a life changing experience.

You fear your career will have to take a back seat – This is certainly not the case. Women today can have it all.  Just because you have had a baby does not mean you have to hit the stop button on your dreams. You can complete the  IMC Master’s Program online.  It’s a great way to advance your skills and move up the career ladder.  Going back to work after a baby isn’t the end of your educational goals.





Your boss won’t understand or agree to flexibility – Most people will assume that their boss won’t understand the demands of having a child.  This causes a lot of anxiety about going to work after a baby.  Most bosses aren’t as scary or as unreasonable as we think.  Your boss will be flexible so long as you show commitment to the position and company.  If you know that you need to be home with your baby or have an appointment put in the hours elsewhere.  For example, come in early or work a half day on a Saturday.  It’s certain your boss won’t have a problem with it.

You feel terrible because you can’t wait to go back to work – Last but not least, a lot of women feel awful because they cannot wait to get back to work. They are literally itching to get back into the office environment. There is nothing wrong with this! It does not make you a bad parent. It certainly doesn’t make you love your child any less than someone who doesn’t want to go back to work either.

Hopefully, you don’t feel as anxious about going back to work after a baby.  Most importantly, because you have had a baby does not mean that your career needs to take a backseat. You can have it all – if that is what you want.


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  1. Rhonda, this is such an important post. I was just talking to a mom about her desire to go back to work part-time so she can spend part of the day with “big people.” Nothing wrong with that! Thank you for hosting the linkup.

    • Rhonda Gales says

      Hi Jean.  Yes, it is an important topic.  So many mothers we struggle with leaving our children so we can return to the office.  I think working part-time is a great idea.  As adults we need intellectual stimulation and interaction.  Thanks for the input.