History of Mother’s Day for Kids

Do you know the history of Mother’s Day. Today, I’m sharing homeschooling tips and kids printables on the History of Mother’s Day for kids.  Each year we celebrate mothers; however, very few people know its history.  So, I researched the history and I thought I would share it with you.   

First, the history of Mother’s Day can be taken back to Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis who was born in Culpeper, Virginia, September 30, 1832.  She moved to Philippi, WV with her mother and father.  Ann’s father was a Methodist minister who was transferred to the area.

Next, Ann later married the son of a Baptist minister.  She became known as Mother Jarvis.  Her husband ran a mercantile and she was a Appalachian homemaker who taught Sunday School.  Furthermore, she lead a Mother’s Day Work Club who’s mission was to teach mother’s how to eliminate unsanitary living conditions.  Additionally, she taught them how to take care of their children safely. After Mother Jarvis’ husband passed away, she moved to Philadelphia with to live with her daughter and to be close to her sons.  Sadly, Mother Jarvis passed away in 1905 from heart problems. 


Anna Jarvis Founder of Mother’s Day:  


Anna Jarvis, Mother Jarvis’ daughter, was the founder of Mother’s Day. She attended the Augusta Female Seminary in Staunton, Virginia.  Today it is known as Mary Baldwin College.  After Anna completed college, she returned to her mother in West Virginia.  She worked in the school system and became involved in church.   



history of mother's day


History of Mother’s Day:  


Several years after Anna’s mother passed away, she held a memorial ceremony to honor her and all mothers at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, West Virginia.  The church built a shrine and dedicated it to all mothers in the church on May 10, 1908.  Anna did not attend, but she sent 500 white carnations for those who did.  From there the idea of honoring mothers annually became a mission for her. Anna Jarvis spent countless hours working to have Mother’s Day recognized as a holiday.  During her campaign, the holiday spread throughout the United States and internationally.  In 1914, Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed Mother’s Day a national holiday.  


Print my History of Mother’s Day Fact Sheet and use as a part of your homeschool or extra educational activities.  



history of mother's day




Emblem of Mother’s Day


Furthermore, the white carnation is seen as the emblem of Mother’s Day.  In Anna Jarvis’ words, “Its whiteness is to symbolize the truth, purity and broad-charity of mother love; its fragrance, her memory, and her prayers. The carnation does not drop its petals, but hugs them to its heart as it dies.  So, it symbols mothers hugging their children to their hearts, their mother’s love never dying. “When I selected this flower, I was remembering my mother’s bed of white pinks”. – Anna Jarvis.   



history of mother's day



Popular Flowers for Mother’s Day:  


  • Tulips – Meaning perfect, love and charity
  • Roses – meaning love and appreciation
  • Daffodils – meaning rebirth and new beginnings
  • Gladiolus – meaning strength of character and integrity
  • Orchids – meaning love and rare beauty
  • Lilies – Meaning virtue, prosperity and motherhood



history of mother's day



Finally, you have the history of Mother’s Day.  And, I wish each mother a Happy and Blessed Mother’s Day.  My children will be visiting this week, and my son-in-law will be preparing dinner for all the mothers in the family. This act is a token of his love for me and a reminder of my greatest role, a mother.



Cool Facts About Moms From Around The World

Moms are cool. There is just no way around it. Think about everything that they do! Taking care of everyone else, cooking fabulous meals, doing everything from school runs to soccer clubs.  Not to mention either being a fulltime mom or having a job.  Yes, moms are the coolest!  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on cool facts about moms from around the world.



cool mom facts


Would you believe that there are some moms as ‘old’ as 70 who have given birth in the last few years? At the age of 65, Annegret Raunigk, in 2015, gave birth to quadruplets! Not only that, but she had 13 children before those new little babies arrive.


Omkari Panwar aged 70 gave birth in 2008 to twins. Although Omkari had to undergo IVF, this didn’t put her off her mission to have a son. Instead, they ended up with two sons who will now be an heir to their farmland.


Finally, Daljinder Kaur, at the age of 72, in 2016 had her first and only child with her 79-year-old husband. They opted to go for IVF after waiting for over 50 years to conceive naturally.



There are more flowers purchased on Mother’s Day than any other holiday – except for Christmas. Meaning that when the time rolls around, the gift of choice for billions of mothers is a beautiful bunch of flowers. In fact, that single day accounts for ¼ of all holiday sales of flowers.







Mother’s Day

The very first Mother’s Day was on May 10, 1908. It was founded by Ann Jarvis, and Woodrow Wilson made it a national holiday. Although later on, Jarvis asked for it to be removed from the yearly calendar sue to it being commercialized. It is a cool question, though, where did Mother’s Day originate from? – because there is so much more to learn about how and why we celebrate this lovely day.


Big Baby

The biggest baby born to a land mammal is an elephant! After a massive 22 months of pregnancy, a mother elephant gives birth to a 200-pound, blind calf. The most significant human baby was born to Carmelina Fedele of Italy. Her bundle of joy weighed in at 22 pounds and 8oz!



Ma and Da are two of the first sounds that babies learn to make. At least those are the two that we associate with something recognizable like Mama and Dada. Most languages around the world adopted that ‘ma’ as the basis for the worth ‘mother.’ In Vietnam, you will hear children say ‘me,’ ‘mamma’ in Iceland and ‘em’ in Hebrew. The most common names for Mother are Ma, Mom, Mum, Mama, Mam and Mummy.


The Feels

Across the board, it is reported that mothers face a few of the same feelings. Although they may face different daily challenges, typically guilt for not spending enough time with their children, or not being a good enough mother, feeling overwhelmed and in many cases frustration at being the one everyone goes to.


Being a mother is a journey, and there is no one way to do it right. Most of the time, you have to do what is right for you and your family. So there you have a couple of cool facts about mothers around the world!


8 Effective Ways to Plan Your Busy Months

We all have those busy months when we just can’t seem to get enough done in a single day.  Between juggling a career, taking care of our family, and managing household duties, something always seems to get left behind.   With a little planning, maybe we can get everything done during our busiest months!   Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on effective ways to plan for your busy months and accomplish your goals:


ways to plan



Start With The Priorities

On the off chance that you get too busy to accomplish certain tasks each day or week, make sure that you focus on the priorities,  Is there a big party or project you need to focus on? Are there home maintenance tasks that must be taken care of? Consider what is most important and put those at the top of your list.

Don’t Do What Others Can

Whether you’re at home or at the office, you have a team ready and waiting to help you. Delegate smaller task to your tribe so that you can focus on tasks that only you can accomplish.

Multi-task Strategically

Take advantage of online shopping, automatic ordering, and special plans like a home warranty to take care of home maintenance while you are focusing on more important things.  As a result, you can get the house cleaned or focus on meal planning.  Furthermore, take advantage of having your groceries and other items delivered to your door.

Discover the Low Hanging Fruits

Another effective ways to plan tips is to consider the smaller tasks that you can take on while you’re taking a mental break from a big project. Did you know that cleaning actually helps clear your mind?  It gets those creative juices flowing.   If you’re starting to feel burned out on a single task, jump to a different task so you can refocus.

Avoid Distractions

Having the television playing in the background may seem like a great idea.  Or, some other background noise while you’re working.  However,  you’d be surprised at how many times your eyes drift over to the television.  It kills precious time that could have been spent finishing work. Consider what distracts you on a daily basis and eliminate it for your busy month.


planning tips


Reorganize Your Days

If you wake up each morning and seem to be dragging your feet, but you get your second wind at night, be sure to plan accordingly.  Just because you want to prioritize your tasks doesn’t mean they need to be the first items to be accomplished.  Tackle your priorities when you feel the most energized, and tackle the smaller tasks when you are low energy.

Consider Telecommuting

Many companies offer a number of days you can work from home or short periods of time to work remotely. Consider your options for working remotely.  Plan to stay at home and get those smaller tasks done.  You’ll get your work done ten-fold, plus you will save a ton of time by not having to travel to the office.


 planning tips


Take It Easy On Yourself

The amount of time you spend beating yourself up because you didn’t get to cross item off your list could be spent focusing on other tasks.  Remember, you’re only human.  So, take a breath and focus on the day ahead.


We hope that you find our tips on effective ways to plan beneficial.



5 Things About Single Parents You Should Know

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on things about single parents you should know. Being a single parent is tough. It’s all the trials of parenthood, but the load is double and carried whether by choice or not. Furthermore, if a parent is single due to a separation or divorce there’s income to worry about as well.

According to Miller & Steiert, P.C., a family attorney in Denver, “Child support is determined here in Colorado by the calculation of each party’s gross income.  This includes the calculation of the amount of overnights that each party has with the children or child, the amount of money that’s spent for daycare, for health insurance, for extraordinary expenses.”



single parents



Even if an ex-spouse is required to pay out child support, getting an ex-partner to fork out payments might be a source of stress, too.  So, there are a few questions single parents wish you would stop asking.  Here’s the rundown that will keep your next conversation with a single parent from going into awkward territory.


  1. Stop asking if they’re ok.

The most well-meaning question of them all, but single parents have heard it from every person in their life.  They don’t need to hear it from you too over and over again.

“I don’t know how you manage it when I can barely manage my kids with a partner.” This might be your attempt at a compliment, but it won’t sound as such to the person you are talking to. Instead, it might come across like you are boasting about being in a relationship.

Empty compliments bring nothing to a relationship. If you want to compliment the other parent, or if you truly admire them for the way they are handling their children, get specific. And then ask them how they handle certain situations that you find difficult. You might walk away with some tips that might work for your brood.


  1. Do not compare your weekend alone with their situation.

You find out that a mom you see regularly is a single mom.  You immediately feel like you can relate since your partner is away for the weekend. Do not go there.  It is not the same.

Managing on your own for one weekend does not compare to the workload that a single parent carries daily. Avoid voicing a comparison of your situations.  Unless you want to ruin all chances of a friendship or a friendly acquaintance.

Making good mom friends is hard enough. Your chances of gaining a buddy will be higher if you avoid this unintentional gaffe.


  1. It is none of your business why or how they became  single parents 

It is natural to be curious. But asking why and how a person became a single parent may feel intrusive, and downright rude.  Occasionally, you might come across a parent who does not mind sharing her story.  But as a rule, do not ask. When they are ready and feel comfortable they will tell you their story. Until then, talk about the things you have in common. Not the things that make you different.



things about single parents




  1. Don’t try to set them up with your friends 

You have their best interest at heart, but just because they are single doesn’t mean that they are looking for love. Many women today are choosing to experience motherhood on their own.

The impression you give when you try to set someone up is that their life must be sad and lonely without a partner.  You are showing a narrow-minded view, and your statement suggest they must be miserable without a husband or a wife.

If the single parent asks for dating advice or makes it clear he or she is looking, then that’s the green light for you to trot out your single friends.


  1. Be helpful, parent to parent 

If it seems that interacting with single parents comes with navigating many potential landmines, it’s not.  You are both parents.  They get exhausted and want to ship their kids away to a grandparent just like you. They have parenting issues with their children, just like you.

So, if you really want to help talk to them parent to parent.  But do not offer advice because they are a single parent. Offer because they are a parent—and parenting is tough—single or not.  No further qualification necessary.


Shopping Tips for Infant Car Seats and Strollers

Taking baby on the road? There are a number of things to keep in mind when you are shopping for strollers and infant car seats.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on infant car seats and strollers.  First, consider the age of the child.  Furthermore, how will you be using the stroller or car seat before you buy.



tips for infant car seats



Buckle up baby

First, you will start with a portable infant car seat.  It will also double as a carrier and a rocking chair in a pinch.  Infant car seats are designed to be rear-facing (the safest seating for a baby) and it snaps into a base. You will find all-in-one car seats on the market.  They are a tempting choice because they could potentially save you money. However, the one-size-fits-all design may not work for smaller babies or smaller cars.  For example, these infant car seats are big and bulky.  They are a good backup car seat or great for a caregiver. One car that can accommodate any kind of car seat is the Jeep Compass. Make sure the seat you are buying will actually fit in your vehicle.

Traveling with a toddler

Your next car seat will be a convertible model when your baby is about a year old. Experts advise you to keep the seat rear-facing until your child is at least two years old.  So, the seat has to be able to accommodate the extra leg room while facing backward. When your child has passed the 40 to 50lb. mark, you will want to change the seat to a forward-facing installation.

Toddler booster seats are also available, and they are cheaper than convertible seats.  However, they are only safe for a child who has reached the recommended front-facing age of two years old.  Next, basic booster seats are designed to “boost” your child up to the proper level for seatbelt coverage.  High-back versions are recommended as a safer and more comfortable option.  Be sure to check your state’s car seat regulations.  They could vary from state to state. 

Let’s go for a stroll

Before you buy a stroller, consider how you will be using it.  Will you be walking through the city or down a country road? You will need a durable, comfortable stroller with strong wheels and a safety harness. Some strollers collapse down into a lying position so baby can nap comfortably and safely.  This is perfect for trips to the mall or other events.

If you are moving baby from car to stroller for your walks, you may appreciate the kind where you can strap the car seat right into the frame. As baby grows and is able to sit up, walk and toddle away, you may want to switch to a lightweight, collapsible stroller that is easy to pack when not in use.

As with any baby equipment, it is important to take your time.  Most importantly, do your research and invest in a car seat or stroller that you feel good about. Once you do, pack up baby and hit the road.

What Parents Should Know About Snapchat

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on understanding the app Snapchat.  First, it’s hard for children to imagine what life was like for their parents or grandparents.  While the majority of today’s kids are have smartphones, most of us were chained to the kitchen wall with a rotary dial telephone.  Furthermore, if we add social media to the equation we now have a worldwide audience available online.  Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have the biggest following.  But, Snapchat and Instagram also have huge online audiences.  Most of their users are young people.  







Teensafe is a tech app for parents to monitor their child’s online and smartphone activity.  Additionally, Snapchat has over 82 million users with 255 million “snaps” shared daily.  The majority of users are under the age of 25 and 41% of today’s teens use this popular photo sharing app frequently.  So, take a look at this video for more information.


The Internet Is Forever

Also, the majority of parents are teaching their children the important lesson that “the internet is forever.”  It is a fact, that things you post and share online are for an eternity.  However, sites like Snapchat often lure users into a false sense of security. Users think their posts disappear.  Unfortunately, they can saved easily and potentially shared.

As a matter of fact, 18% of Snapchat users admit to saving a humiliating or inappropriate snap or photo.  The intention was to embarrass the sender.  They planned to share it with their own friends or family.  Unfortunately, many young users are tempted to share risky, or damaging messages.  Simply because they believe they will disappear.


Monitoring Messages

Parents should be monitoring their children’s online activity for a variety of reasons.  This include cyberbullying, but there are other concerns when it comes to Snapchat.  For example:

  • Since the messages supposedly disappear, there’s no proof they ever existed
  • If the kids think inappropriate material will disappear, they are more likely to send inappropriate messages. This includes sexually graphic images, aka “sexting”
  • Other users can potentially share snaps with millions of other users.  So, just because they are sending messages to people they know, it can still be shared.

According to the legal terms of Snapchat, users are responsible for their online behaviors and the consequences.  In fact, the site owns the royalty rights to everything posted.








Know the Lingo

There’s some lesser known lingo that kids are using that will not make parents LOL  But, rather have them saying OMG.  Here are some alarming acronyms that parents should know:


  • 8 – Usually referring to the word “ate,” but it can also be a reference to oral sex
  • 53Z – Sex
  • CD9 – Code 9 (parents are present)
  • IWSN – I Want Sex Now
  • KPC – Keep Parents Clueless
  • LMIRL – Let’s Meet In Real Life
  • PAL – Parents Are Listening (or peace and love)
  • PAW – Parents Are Watching
  • PIR – Parent In Room
  • RU18 – Are You Eighteen (or older)
  • RUH – Are You Horny?
  • TDTM – Talk Dirty To Me
  • WUF – Where (are) You From?
  • WYRN – What’s Your Real Name?


Although Snapchat declines usage for those under the age of thirteen.  Many youngsters sign up regardless of this restriction.  So, please monitor your child’s online behavior. Discourage them from sharing inappropriate information.  It is imperative that they know that it will likely exist forever in cyberspace.  We hope that you have found our parenting tips for Snapchat helpful.


About the Author: Born and raised in Austin, TX, Hilary Smith is a free-lance journalist whose love of gadgets, technology and business has no bounds. After becoming a parent she now enjoys writing about family and parenting related topics. You can follow her on twitter: @HilaryS33


How To Establish Grandparent Boundaries

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on establishing grandparent boundaries.  These grandparent tips will help establish a respectful relationship with your children and grandcildren.  I’ve been a proud grandmother for 13 years.

Most importantly, I see my role as their Mawmaw just as important as my daughter’s. First, I want the best for my grandchildren just like my daughter and son-in-law.  So, today I’m offering tips on how you can grandparent successfully too.



grandparent tips

As grandparents we have an obligation to ensure our grandchildren are healthy, nourished, clothed, educated, have a roof over their heads, and they enjoy life.  It’s important that we, as grandparents, create memories of them spending time with us as well.  How many children do you know that protest going to visit their grandparents?  There’s a reason for that, and that’s why we have the title “Grand”.

It’s a special relationship, one that differs somewhat from raising our sons and daughters.  We have more experience in the parenting field, know the history of the family, and most times are in a better financial position than we were when we were raising our children.  My daughter and son-in-law depend on me to assist in the upbringing of their children.  But, they made it clear that they are the parents and I need to abide by their rules and wishes.  Establishing grandparent boundaries is simple, just have a conversation  and talk about expectations.

Next, accepting my daughter’s wishes was a hard hard pill for me to swallow.  However, I knew that I did not want to jeopardize my relationship with my grandchildren or my children  So I swallowed the pill.  There are times when they are being disciplined that I really have to bit my tongue.  But, I have learned to be respectful.  Because I have made a conscious decision to not overstep boundaries, I have been able to build a great relationship with my grandchildren without offending my children by following these grandparent tips.


grandparent tips


Here’s a few tips on establishing grandparent boundaries:


  • Don’t cross the lines –  Children need to understand the roles of the adults in their life and see that you’re on the same page as mom and dad.
  • Establish traditions with your grandchildren –  Each year I take Xavier to the pumpkin patch and make sure he gives Santa his Christmas list.  Zarriah is now old enough to be included in these traditions.
  • Create memories that are only available at grandma and granddad’s – I make special pancakes and waffles for their breakfast when they’re visiting.  We have craft time, go out to lunch or dinner, and they love MawMaw’s chicken wings. My daughter does not attempt to duplicate any of these special moments.
  • If you’re divorced and I am, demonstrate that you can co-grandparent – So, I ensure my ex-husband, Ga Ga, is involved in activities at my home when they’re visiting.
  • Become involved in their school and after school activities – I make an effort to meet teachers, attend school and sporting events etc.  I want to know who’s responsible for their education, who’s providing child care and I want them to know me.
  • Keep the children on track – Stay on schedule with bedtimes, bath times, manners and discipline.  You don’t want to cause any setbacks for the parents.
  • Be creative – Also, tell them a story about your upbringing or their parents.  My granddaughter loves for me to make up stores about her being a princess and including family members.
  • Become the family historian – Talk about other family members and your memories of them.
  • Polish your craft skills – Children love making things for parents and grandparents.
  • Take your grandchildren on a road trip – Spend a few days at the beach, camping or snow tubing.  They will remember it forever.
  • Never discuss conflicting issues in front of the children – If there are disagreements on raising them, discipline concerns etc., discuss them away from the children.
  • Keep the lines of communication open – Let your children know that you’re available for advice on parenting or just to listen. My daughter values my opinion on raising the children and life.



My daughter enjoys listening to me tell the children stories and watching us make cookie and brownie treats. She looks forward to me visiting and spending time with the children.  Fortunately, she knows that I respect her as a mother.  In return, she respects me as their grandmother. Many times she wants to participate in the activities as well.  As a result, it’s a great feeling when she calls and asks when I’m coming to visit.

So, my advice to parents is to accept that grandparents play a special role in a child’s life. We’re sugar queens and kings and we become sneaky creatures. Yes, our perspective on things have changed from when we raised you. We can justify anything that our grandchildren do as long as they’re not bringing harm to themselves. Last, our job was to get our children out of the house, however, as grandparents our job is to get the grandchildren in.  Finally, I hope that our tips on establishing grandparent boundaries will be useful.

Last you may also like:  Celebrity Grandparents


Tips on Succeeding As a Single Parent

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on succeeding as a single parent.  Raising children as a single parent, whether you’re a mother or father, can be exhausting.  It takes focus, strength and determination to succeed, but it can be done.  I am living proof that it can be done.





succeeding as a single parent



So, if we accept that each and every one of us are where we are because of decisions that we’ve made, we will be more willing to make better decisions.  Life doesn’t have an eraser, and as long as we continue to make bad choices we will come up short. Life is not perfect, we will all fail from time to time.  But, don’t let poor decision making be what’s driving you.  
You should know that when you decide to change courses, drive will be what takes you from Point A to Point B and beyond.  If you don’t have any drive get some.  You must be willing to dig deep inside of yourself when you feel you can’t go on.  Furthermore,  you must be willing to make sacrifices.  Life isn’t easy, and the world doesn’t owe you anything just because of you’re a single parent.

Most importantly, I refused to allow myself to fall into the stereotypes that society has set aside for single mothers. Have you noticed that single dads are praised for their endeavors, but women are looked at differently?  Unfair maybe, but it is indeed a fact. I refused to depend on the system to take care of me or my child, and I have no regrets about my decision!  I believe the system should be a stepping stone if it’s going to be used.  But that is simply my belief.   


Succeeding As a Single Parent: 


  • Become Determined –   Decide that you’re going to make it and nothing will stop you. You have to be focused and determined. 
  • When the going gets tough, dig deep within and find the strength.  Know the strength is there and your child or children need you to plow on. 
  • Listen to your intuition –   It is usually right.  I’ve lost count of the number of times I looked the other way when I should have been paying attention to that little voice inside.  
  • Decide that you’re going to be a good example for your children  –  Become the person that you would like them to be.  (Think about the characteristics that are important to you, honesty, reliable, etc.)  



succeeding as a single parent



  • Remember, the world doesn’t owe you anything – You need to make your mark and become self sufficient. You’ll feel much better about yourself.  
  • Develop a plan –  You must plan in order to be successful.  Decide what you want to do and what you need to do to accomplish your goals.      
  • Find support either on-line or in your community  – You’re not alone.   
  • Always make your children a priority – You can balance a job and your home.  Women do it every day.  If you need to enhance your skills before seeking a job, get in a program where you can get assistance.  Finding balance is key.  
  • Don’t neglect yourself  – You need to feel good about yourself.  When you feel good about yourself you’ll achieve more.  
  • Find a higher power or church – It’s important that you believe in someone or something other than you.  You will be calling on them for strength and support along your journey.     
Succeeding as a single parent has been accomplished by many.  Again, I am speaking from experience. Please share some of your struggles and how you’ve overcome them as a single mother.  There may be someone who can relate and build on your tips.  You may also like Tips for Raising a Child Alone. 


Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my followers.  May you and yours find the love you desire and deserve.  Art work courtesy of my little Picasso, Xavier.  


Plus Size Barbie

!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?’http’:’https’;if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+’://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js’;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, ‘script’, ‘twitter-wjs’);

Plus-size... or obese? A mocked-up image of a plus-size Barbie beside a traditional Barbie by Worth100 has sparked a debate about the doll's impact on female body image
Would you buy a plus size Barbie doll for your daughter?  Apparently the idea is being looked at; however, the plus size Barbie shown is drawing controversy.  Facebook group, Plus Size Modeling, generated the question “Should toy companies start making plus-sized dolls?  They have gotten 36,000 likes and 1,600 shares on the idea. 

Personally, I think it’s a great idea.  Most women are not pencil thin.  Most have curves and are proud of them.  The plus-size Barbie shown was produced by artists at Worth1000.com, not Mattel.  Mattel has not stated, to my knowledge, that they are entertaining the idea of a plus-size Barbie.   

This plus size Barbie has come under fire by many.  Many believe the image created is not how plus size women should be portrayed.  In fact, many think the Barbie shown is obese not plus size.  There is a difference.  Not all plus-size women are obese.  Did you notice that the plus-size Barbie has a triple chin and is basically three times the size of the original Barbie.    

When I first saw the doll, my response was WTH.  I am a plus size.  Yep, size 12/14W and I am comfortable in the skin that I’m in.  My goal is to be healthy and if I can accomplish that at a size 12/14, than I’m happy. I don’t have 3 chins and I’m not three times the size of a pencil thin woman.   Most of the women in my family are plus size.  My daughter however is petite.  Imagine that.

I believe in diversity and want to expose my granddaughter to a variety of doll images.  I purchase Black, Hispanic and Caucasian dolls for her.  After all, the world is made up of many people from many backgrounds in a variety of hues.  I want her to see the world for what it is and know that it’s okay to not be pencil thin.  I want her to know that women of color are beautiful, intelligent and successful.  I want her to know that not everyone looks alike, has the same shape or is the same size.  That’s the beauty of the human race.  I don’t know what genetics have in store for her, so I want her to have this knowledge at an early age. 

If a plus size Barbie is to be marketed, plus size women should be on the team while she is being developed.  I wonder who was behind the development of this doll at Worth1000.com, but more importantly who approved the final plan.  They obviously need to return to the drawing the board and take some time to learn about healthy full figure women.