10 Natural Ways To Increase Your Breast Milk Supply


increase your breast milk supply


One of the biggest concerns for new mothers is whether they are producing enough milk for their baby. Luckily, a low milk supply can easily be remedied by following a few simple steps. The following is a list of the ten things every breastfeeding mom should know about to increase your breast milk supply. The inclusion of a supplement into your routine could help you make a dramatic difference to the amount of milk your body produces. For more information about supplements that can help you to increase your supply, the review site Research and You is a great first stop to look at what is out there. This is an excellent resource for people who are looking for reviews to compare the latest products.  Most importantly, discuss any concerns or products with your doctor before use.  


Skin To Skin Contact

One of the best things you can do for yourself and for your baby is to keep them close. Studies have shown that skin to skin contact can dramatically increase your milk supply. Not only is it comforting for your baby, but it also triggers the release of hormones such as endorphins and dopamine which support breastfeeding.  Also, drink plenty of water

Dehydration can have a significant impact on the amount of milk your body produces. It is recommended that breastfeeding mothers drink at least ten glasses of water each day to ensure an adequate supply. Breast milk is primarily made from the mother’s blood so it is vitally important to keep fluid intake high.

Include The Right Vitamins And Minerals In Your Diet

Unfortunately, most people are not getting enough nutrients from the food they eat. For breastfeeding moms, it is even more important that you are getting the right amount of vitamin D, calcium, iron, and folic acid. These nutrients are important because they nourish your body meaning you are able to produce nutritious milk for your baby.

Try Taking Fenugreek

The oil present in fenugreek seeds is often revered for its incredible ability to support the mother’s body to produce more milk. Mothers who regularly use fenugreek often report an increase of up to 900% in the amount of milk they are producing. An easy way to include fenugreek into your diet is by taking a supplement.


Co-sleeping is probably one of the easiest things you can do to increase your breast milk supply for your baby. Your baby will be able to feed on demand, you will both be more comfortable and you will be able to get more sleep. The more stimulation your breasts receive the more milk they produce to keep up with the needs of your baby.

Brewer’s Yeast

This healthy natural supplement is safe for mothers to take while breastfeeding. Brewer’s yeast is naturally high in vitamin B, protein and iron. These are all nutrients that your body needs to make milk. Additionally, many people believe that taking brewer’s yeast can alleviate fatigue and symptoms of depression. People who regularly use this supplement also say that the condition of their hair and skin improve after continued use.

Have Oats For Breakfast

Studies have shown that oats are a powerful galactagogue. In other words, this is a food which stimulates and increases the flow of milk. Additionally, oats are high in iron, zinc, manganese, and calcium. It is an excellent source of fiber and it contains plant estrogen. Plant estrogen has been found to stimulate breast tissue and increase your breast milk supply. 

Avoid Formula Top-Ups

Giving your baby additional bottles of formula when you think you do not have enough milk for your baby could be the beginning of a low supply spiral. Formula leaves babies feeling fuller for longer than breastmilk does as your baby can not metabolize it as quickly as your milk. So your baby is not hungry as often which means that you are not putting your baby to the breast as often and so your body begins to make less milk. Although no one wants their baby to go hungry, formula should only be seen as a last option.

Trust Your Body

Stressing over the amount of milk you are producing will not increase your supply. Rather focus on things that you can do to boost your milk supply and remember that the sole purpose of your breasts is to feed your baby. Your body knows what to do and with adequate support, you will increase your breast milk supply in no time.