15 Ways To Make Extra Money From Home

Today, I’m sharing financial tips on ways to make extra money.  Looking for an avenue to make a little extra money?  Corporate America or just the work force period, is not for everybody.  Additionally, many moms don’t want to leave their children to work outside the home.  But, you can generate an income working from home.

The first step is to think about your natural talents.  Once you zoom in on your talents, start thinking about how you can make a profit from them. 



tips to make extra money from home


Ways to Make Extra Money:  


  1. Crafts – First, if you are crafty get out your glue gun and other materials to make wreaths, center pieces, signs etc.  They are great sellers.
  2. Baked Goods – Additionally, if you love to bake start creating cakes/breads/cookies and or cupcakes.  They are great sellers.  Cakes for parties are always in demand.
  3. Sell Books  – In spite of modern technology, people still want to hold a book.  Especially, books they can get for a bargain.  Hardback, board books, or paperback are all options.  Love stories, mysteries, children’s books, and biographies are in demand.  They will sell, I’m a buyer.
  4. Refinish Furniture – Turn old furniture into treasures.  Sell them on Craigslist or at flea markets.
  5. Sell on e-Bay – Furthermore, children’s clothing is  perfect for the e-Bay market. You can get free boxes from e-bay to help curb you expense.  I sell on e-Bay occasionally.
  6. Set up a booth at a flea market – Turn someone else’s junk into someone else’s treasure.  House hold items, old tools, dishes, kid’s toys are great sellers.
  7. Sell garden vegetables and preserves – Furthermore, farmer’s markets are a great place to sell your backyard vegetables, flowers, sauces, jams and jellies.
  8. Crochet or knitting – Beautifully created crocheted items like baby blankets, hats, gloves, scarfs etc. are money makers.  Baby blankets are great baby shower gifts and big sellers.
  9. Digital Scrapbook Sheets –  There are tons of scrap bookers out there who love the digit pages versus paper from big box stores.  Downloading the pages eliminates driving to stores.
  10. Save seed from you heirloom garden – If you garden, purchase heirloom seeds.  Save the seeds so you can sell them.  Design a cute seed packet so you can wow your customers.
  11. Teach a class – Additionally, if you’re good at photography, refurnishing furniture, crocheting etc., teach an adult class in your local community or on-line.
  12. Become a dog walker – There are elderly dog owners or professional people who will pay to have their dog walked during the day or evening.  Start advertising.
  13. Sell your jewelry – People love unique pieces of jewelry.  You can sell on e-Bay, Etsy, flea markets, or set up a web site.
  14. Clothing for dogs – If you can design and can sew, knit or crochet, sell your designs to dog parents. They love to dress up their little darlings too.
  15. Dog Treats  – Last, make and sell healthy dog treats to pet parents.  Create a cute packaging concept and sell them on-line or locally.

So, we hope that you liked our tips on how to make extra money from home.  Finally, get creative and come up with a plan.  Plans help you to set goals.  Start by setting a date on which you want to start selling. Work towards it. Women do it every day, you can do it too.






How to Make Additional Money

When you’re a parent, it can be so hard to save money. Especially if you’re already living on a tight budget.  Furthermore, it can feel like you’re constantly grasping at straws.  Trying to figure out the right thing to buy or the best thing to do when investing or spending your money can be intimidating.  Actually, it’s not something that most people think about unless they’re in the situation.  We have tips on how to make additional money.  Here’s a few tips on how to make additional money:





how to make additional money



Sell Unwanted Items Online

First, there’s a lot of money to be made from selling  items that you no longer need.  Sites like eBay and even the marketplace on Facebook allow you to turn your trash into other people’s treasures.  Set aside a day to box up things that you haven’t used in months.  If they’re seasonal, but you haven’t used them in any season whatsoever it’s an item to sell.

Next, it can be hard to let go of things that are sentimental to you.  But if they don’t bring you joy any longer or you don’t get any use out of them, there’s no point in keeping them.  Furthermore, children’s clothes bundles can bring quite a bit.  They are great items to help you line your back pocket. So, make a list of the items that you want to sell and list in size order.  Take quality pictures and get them online to sell.

Choose a Good Savings Account

It can be easy enough to open a saving account.  However, you need one with a good interest rate.  Additionally, look for an account that will allow mobile check deposits, has a competitive rate, deposit insurance and no money fees.

Look For Extra Work

Also, think about what you’re good at and how you can make money.  The couple of hours a night that you spend on social media or watching television can be used to make a profit for you and your family.  Another way to make additional money is to look for work from home opportunities available online.  Choose one that will  fit in with your niche.  If you are a quick typist, you could look into transcribing for hospitals, courts and other professions.  Additionally, there are companies looking for hosts to sell their party products.  Do research and talk to friends so you can find them.

Utilize Coupons and Vouchers

There are websites and forums dedicated to coupons and vouchers.  Learning frugal money-saving tips and tricks is one way that you can stay within a budget and save.  You could go to sites like DontPayFull.com: 100+ money saving tips.  Implement what you can into your life.


additional way to make money


Don’t Say No To Freebies

If somebody is offering you something for free, and there’s a chance to sell it, don’t say no!  Again, someone else’s trash is another person’s treasure.  Recycling unwanted items is a great way to update your home.  With a coat of paint,  most old furniture can be upcycled into something that looks as  good as new.

We hope that our how to make additional money tips have inspired you to either implement a few or become creative and come up with a plan. Every dollar saved will move you a little closer to your goal.


Tips For New Mothers and How to Adjust to Motherhood

For expectant moms, it can feel like pregnancy takes an eternity.  After all, you are so excited to meet your new baby. As a result, you would prefer to skip labor.  It’s amazing moment when your little one enters the world.  But it can bring a wealth of challenges in the months to come.  Motherhood can be overwhelming for new moms.  Many feel overwhelmed or struggle with their new role.  But know you will get through it.  Here are a few parenting tips for new mothers and how to cope in the first few months with your newborn:

tips for new mothers



Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Many new moms think they are a failure if they have to ask for help.  After all, there’s so much online and on TV talking about moms having a mother’s instinct.  But whatever you may have done work wise, and no matter what your age, you may struggle when you have a baby.  It is a know fact that not all mothers bond immediately bond with their newborn.  However, rather than struggling on your own ask for help. After all, there will be lots of people around who can assist you with tips for new mothers during this stressful time.

For one thing, your mom or mother-in-law may be able to help you.  Some friendly advice and a helping hand can ensure you become a confident mother.  Friends are also useful.  Especially girlfriends who are already moms.  A visit or phone call may be all a new mom needs.  Most importantly, take advantage of any services available from your midwife or hospital.  After all, it’s their job to assist with any questions you may have about your newborn or motherhood.  So, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Tips for new mothers is only a question or phone call away.

Get everything you need before baby arrives

As much as you might want to wait before buying a lot of things for your newborn, you need to be prepared before the baby arrives.  After all, you don’t want to have to head to the store because you don’t have the basics for your newborn. In fact, not being prepared for the baby’s arrival and not having essentials could contribute to you becoming stressed out.

Emphasis should be put on nursery furniture; however, moms tend to forget about other stuff.  For example, ensure you have baby bath products, a thermometer, and a sterilizer.  If you will be nursing, remember to get items like nipple cream, breast pads and a breast pump.  Educate yourself before your baby arrives. Check out Babiesforlife.org.  The site has helpful information from  dealing with diabetics, morning sickness, postpartum depression and more.


tips for new mothers


Take care of yourself

A lot of moms are so focused on taking care of their baby in the first few months that they forget to look after themselves.  You must ensure that you are not neglecting your health.  If you are exhausted and not eating right, you are not going to have the stamina to look after your baby.

Let your hubby or your parents take some of the pressure off while you take a nap or have a meal. You will be surprised by the boost that you can get from an hour or two nap.  And as it says on http://thestir.cafemom.com/, having a good dinner can also help you to feel brighter while looking after your newborn!

Don’t put too much pressure on you and the baby

It’s so easy to look at other new moms and wonder if your newborn should be doing the same things as other babies of that age.  This type of thinking can put pressure on you and the baby.  After all, every baby is different.  So, your child might not do the same things as others at the same time. And as long as the doctor says that your child is progressing and is healthy, you have nothing to worry about.

Therefore, stop comparing yourself to others.  And remember, while baby books are a useful tool they are only a guide.  For example, your child might end up sleeping longer than the average baby.  Or your baby may be going through nappies a lot quicker than the book says.  Therefore, use it as a guide.  Remember every baby is different!

Join a baby group

Your life changes dramatically when you have a newborn.  While your close friends will stick by you, there’s a chance that some might drift away.  Being a new mother can make it harder to communicate with them. One thing you might consider doing is joining a baby group.  It can give you the support you need to cope, and to build friendships with new moms.  Being able to relate and talk to  other moms can give you a boost.  It will also give you an opportunity to get out the house, and into a different environment.

Find out what works for your newborn

You might have planned exactly how the first few months would go with your newborn. After all, we all have an ideal of the time we spend with our baby.  However, things may not go as planned.  After all, your baby might not be receptive to breastfeeding as you had hoped.  Also,  http://www.webmd.com/ has information on formula; however, we advise you to consult your doctor for advice and tips for new mothers.

To help you adjust to motherhood, don’t be afraid to try different things until you find what works for your newborn.  You will eventually get into a routine with your baby.  And remember to take each day as it comes.  There will be good and bad days with a new baby.  But it will get easier.  Before you know it, you will be a pro.

We hope that you enjoyed our tips for new mothers.  Remember, anyone who gives birth for the first time is a new mother.  They survived and so will you.  Before you know it, you too will be a pro.

17 Ways Moms Can Relax and Refuel

ideas for moms to relax


As moms, nose wipers, chauffeurs, chef, referees and a host of other positions there are times that we need to refuel.    Often, we don’t take the time to regroup emotionally and or physically after our everyday responsibilities.  Being a mother becomes a most important position, and we give it our all.  We usually neglect our health, walk around sleep deprived, eat poorly, and forget that we need to feed our spirit.

Also, there’s nobody to blame, we just don’t make ourselves  a priority.  Our life simply becomes habit.  It’s equivalent to the alarm going off at the same time every morning.  We can learn to make ourselves a priority. Here’s a few ways moms can relax:

  1. Have a Spa Day – First, make an appointment to have a facial or pedicure and manicure.  I love having a facial as much as I love getting a pedicure and manicure.  Have a limited budget,  spend the afternoon soaking in the tub.  Burn some candles, diffuse your favorite oil, play some relaxing music, and enjoy a cup of tea or your favorite wine.  Also, check out The Ordinary Serum Reviews to learn more about their Ordinary Skincare Serums.  Home facials are just as glorious as the salon’s.
  2. Take a long walk – Second, hit the walking trail or take a long walk around the neighborhood, park or other scenic route.
  3. Go for a long drive – Next, grab your favorite CDs or turn on your favorite radio station.  Enjoy the scenery and just clear your head.  A change of scenery is a good thing.
  4. Spend the day watching your favorite movies – So, I love watching old movies.  Grab yours too, along with  your favorite snacks and a box of tissues for those heart wrenching movies.  Just enjoy the day laughing and crying.
  5. Order take out  – Curl up with a good book or movie.
  6. Catch up on those free Kindle ebooks or your magazines – Next, curl up in front of the fire, relax on the deck, or under a tree and read a good book.  Not interested in reading, flip through your favorite magazines.
  7. Treat yourself – Furthermore, treat yourself.  Order your favorite latte, ice cream, sushi bar or whatever your favorite may be.  No sharing, this is just for you.
  8. Spend the day at a museum – Check out the art museum or whatever museum is close to you.  Spend the day admiring artwork or history.
  9. Take a bike ride – Pull out the bike and take a ride through the park or on your favorite bike trail.
  10. Do crafts – So, if you have a hobby spend some time working on it.  If you don’t have one, now is a good time to start one.  They’re great stress relievers.  Crochet that scarf or hat, finish a scrapbook or sew a new dress.
  11. Set up a girls night – Whip up a few appetizers and cocktails, and laugh until your heart is content with the girls.
  12. Catch up on the sermons at church that you’ve missed or read the bible – Great way to renew your spirit and relieve some stress.
  13. Hike – Furthermore, grab you hiking gear and hit the trails.  It’s great exercise and clears your head.
  14. Sleep – Here’s an idea, put your best sheets on your bed and stretch out under your favorite comforter.  Take a long and much needed nap.
  15. Shop – Go shopping for bargains at your favorite stores.
  16. Skype/FaceTime – Fix your favorite beverage and chat with a friend.
  17. Talk a walk on the beach – Last, clear your head and enjoy the ocean breeze.

Most importantly, taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually is a must.  Because we are committed to our families, we must stay healthy in all areas of our life.  So, we hope that you found our list of ways moms can relax helpful.  Also, being healthy requires us to clear our mind, rest and stay focused.  Just as important, pick out one thing off the list each week.  As a result, take a few hours for yourself and don’t feel guilty.  Finally, be sure to tell your friends about our list of ways moms can relax too.  You will start the week relaxed and refueled.

Also, you may also like: 6 Tips to Boost Your Self Esteem





Inspirational Quotes – Chapters

inspirational quotes

Fun Crafts You Can Do Once The Kids Have Gone To Bed

fun crafts


It’s always a nice time when the kids go to bed. After all, it gives you some time to rest and prepare for the next day. But rather than spend the night in front of the television get creative.  After all, being creative is a great way to relieve some of the day’s stress.  And you will feel a sense of achievement.  Here are some fun crafts you can do once the kids have gone to bed.

Start Knitting

One of the best things about knitting is you can do it anywhere. You might spot people on the bus or even at the movies with their knitting needles. For one thing, knitting is highly therapeutic. And it can be a lot of fun when you are trying to create a masterpiece. Therefore, hunt down some great patterns, buy some needles and yarn and get started.  You might want to attempt to make something for one of the kids.  After all, a lovely knitted scarf or hat will make a great gift or treat.   Start with something small, and then you can go for a harder pattern once you become more experienced.  If you want to make it more social, look into attending a knitting group.  Or start your own. Get a few of your friends over, and you can knit to your heart’s content.

Become a Sewing Whiz

Sewing can be a vital skill for moms.   After all, there are bound to be times that your kid needs a costume or you want new throw pillows or curtains.  With basic sewing skills you can make both.  However, sewing doesn’t just have to be a handy skill.  For a lot of women, they do sewing as a hobby or use the skills for their business. After all, it can be quite relaxing sitting in front of a sewing machine making your next project.

Use the time to create once the kids have gone to bed.  Hunt down a good sewing machine to make your dreams a reality. Before you go to the shop, you can read reviews online such as this brother cs6000i review. That way, you know you are investing in a good sewing machine that will last you for years to come.

Start Drawing or Painting

For a lot of people, they find drawing and painting therapeutic as wel. After all, it’s a good way to get your emotions out after a long stressful day. You can paint how you are feeling, and it’s good for easing some pressure.  It can be a fun experience. After all, you might create some beautiful paintings that you can either put up in your home or sell to the public. Therefore, it’s worth doing some of this in your spare time as a fun new hobby. And you will be much more creative when you are next doing crafts with the kids!

And some jewelry making should also be on the cards too. Not only could you make some for the kids, but you could create some to sell online for some extra money. As this article says, there are lots of tutorials online which can make it an easy process.

We hope that our fun craft ideas have you thinking about getting creative and using your down time to utilize your skills.


3 Tips For Your Winter Beauty Detox

Today, I’m sharing tips on winter beauty detox.  Another year is just around the corner and it’s time for some New Years’ resolutions. Taking care of your health and beauty should definitely be among them.  It’s hard for busy moms to find time for themselves.  But, taking time for yourself will empower you.  Furthermore, it’s important for all moms to squeeze a few moments in for a beauty detox.  





winter beauty detox

Here are several tips on how doing winter beauty detox:

Food for Your Soul

According to that proverb, you are what you eat.  Your beauty detox must start from within. The food has an immense influence on the overall health and beauty.  Many moms prepare healthy food for their kids. But they only manage to grab a bite or two between doing the dishes and laundry for themselves.  Establishing a regular eating pattern is essential.

Detox doesn’t mean reducing your meals to various juices or shakes.  Instead of juice cleanses, you can also choose a more nutritious option.  Soups and broths are nutritious options.  You can make them with a wide variety of vegetables and seasonings, which means that they can be both tasty and healthy.

There’s no better way to warm up when it’s cold than enjoying a bowl of hot soup.  It’s excellent for digestion, so you won’t feel bloated.  Soups and broths can do wonders for your metabolism.  This means you’ll be able to shed a few pounds.  Additionally, they will improve your immune system and boost your energy levels.

 Cosmetic Changes

When you’re a mom, staying up late every time your kid has a cold or flu is inevitable. No wonder so many moms have dark circles under their eyes.  In addition to a lack of sleep, there are other factors that affect the skin and cause premature aging, wrinkles and spots.  This includes smoking, too much sugar, and sun exposure.  In many cases, inadequate and stale makeup is a frequent culprit for various skin problems too.

Since we’re talking about seasonal cleaning, maybe it would be a good idea to look through your makeup cabinet and get rid of everything that you haven’t used for a while. It’s time to turn to natural cosmetics which are adjusted to your skin type. Carefully selected skincare products such as highly effective Skinstitut masks, scrubs, cleansers or peels will help your skin.  Shea butter and coconut oil can be used instead of chemical moisturizers.  And just one more piece of advice – drinking a lot of water is a must when it comes to youthful looking skin.

Me Time

Being a mom is the most important role in a women’s life.  Everyday chores can be tiresome, and in the long run, a hectic lifestyle has numerous bad effects.  That’s why it’s essential to snatch at least a couple of moments every day to relax and do something that will make you feel good.

Taking a brisk walk will both clear your mind and help you stay in shape. No matter how busy you are, you can treat yourself to a de-stressing hot bath with mineral salts every now and then.  Don’t neglect yourself as that’s the only way to stay energized, positive and satisfied.

Winter is an excellent time to ditch some bad habits and detox your skin and mind. It may seem like a complex task, but sometimes it’s enough to change a few details and achieve amazing results.  Start implementing these winter beauty detox tips into your busy schedule now.

Author BIO:

Sophia Smith is Australian based beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogger. She is also very passionate about DIY projects, latest fashion trends and organic beauty products. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is regular contributor at High Style Life.  Find her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google +

Hippie Hair and Beauty Trends Are Back

makeup trends


Trends for this winter are pretty simple and straightforward.  Yet they are rather captivating.  It seems that the hippie style is back in full force.  And there will be some new and interesting combinations for you to try out.

So, check out the newest trends for this winter that will rock your world.

  1. Bright red lips

Bright red lipstick had fallen out of favor some time ago. However, this winter it has seen a resurgence. So, if you love wearing strong, intense colors this winter will be perfect for you. Use lip pencil after applying the lipstick and don`t forget that lip stain is more popular than ever.

  1. Braids are cool again

You can either go with a simple braid, boxer braids or fishbone style. Given that the hippie look is more causal, you can relax and let your hair stick out here and there. As long as it looks casual and loose, it will be trendy.

  1. Pink shades

The big difference between a youthful appearance and a middle-aged appearance is the natural blush.  You can replicate that nice, natural color with a little bit of pink. Whether we talk about your cheeks, eyelids or lips, pink can do wonders for you.  However, make sure you don’t overdo it!  Check your appearance in front of a mirror with good lighting.  Determine if that particular nuance works for you.  Looking as natural as possible is the way to go.  Don’t do anything that will go against it.

  1. Natural hair volume

Forget about straightening your hair.  Bring in natural volume this winter.  For ladies with straight hair,  sleep with your hair wet and braided.  This will give you soft, airy waves that will look great.  Pay attention to the quality of your hair.  If you have naturally curly hair, it should be healthy and well-nurtured.

  1. Glowing skin

Bronzer can give your skin that sunny shine that is missing in cold, winter days.  Apply it mildly.

  1. Blue eye

In one way or the other, blue is the color that is for seasons persevering in every beauty bag around the world. This season, it will even get a special place in your collection. Renown make-up artists write advice on how to choose the right shade of the blue eyeshadow  It should be according to the shape of your eye.  Also, another trick is to combine it with the blue eye pencil to make the line circling your eye more precise.

  1. New nail metallic

Metallic is in again! We are back to gold, bronze and silver accents on our nails. A twist to the old saying this season is that what glitters – is gold!

  1. Hair accessories

Various hair bows, clips, flowers and flower wreaths can be super-cool, Boho, romantic, or even eccentric.  Wear them as a contrast to your wardrobe.

Now that you are flooded with beauty and hair tips, we expect that you will try them out.  Finally, sitting down at a mirror that has good lighting will help you ensure that your makeup and accessories are becoming.  You will want to make sure your hair and makeup are attractive before you show your beauty to the world.

Short bio: Nick Stoyanov is a content writer and strategist for HollywoodMirrors.co.uk – UK based company, established in 2005, that produces and sells illuminated mirrors that bring Hollywood glamour to your home.

House Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms

house cleaning tips


With kids to take care of, work at the office to do, a house to keep clean, and all of the other challenges life throws at you, you’re undoubtedly a busy mom.  Keeping up with it all the housecleaning can seem overwhelming sometimes.  However, by setting realistic expectations for yourself and utilizing these helpful tips, you can keep your home clean and organized:  

Keep Everything in Its Place:

Staying organized will help keep your house from becoming cluttered. Use laundry bins or small tubs to organize your child’s toys in his room.  Baskets are also useful for your cosmetics instead of spreading them out over your bathroom counter.  Laundry hampers in every bedroom will help keep dirty clothes off the floor.   Storage bins are great for organizing crafts and other projects.  Before you go to sleep each night, spend a few minutes putting everything back into its place. It will save you time later and help keep your home from becoming messy.  

Clean as You Go:

Setting aside enough time to clean your home from top to bottom isn’t always possible. One way to help keep your home clean is by putting things away and cleaning as you go.  Make your bed each day to help your bedroom look cleaner.  Put your clothes into the hamper or hang them back up when you take them off instead of tossing them onto the bed or the floor. Take a few minutes after each meal to wash the dishes instead of allowing them to pile up in the sink. This will make meal preparation and cleanup easier and faster.

 Have a Routine:

Having a regular routine will allow you to get things done more quickly.  Schedule your weekly chores for different days of the week so they don’t all pile up for you to do on the weekend.  For instance, do all of your vacuuming on Monday evening, all of your mopping on Tuesday evening, and clean your bathroom on Wednesday.  Doing one load of laundry each evening will keep your laundry from piling up as well.

 Enlist Help:

Make your children part of the team by giving them chores to do. Giving your children age-appropriate chores teaches them responsibility and helps you keep your home clean. Have young children put their toys away each night before they go to sleep. Older children can do the dishes after dinner, vacuum, or do laundry.  Remember to show your kids that you appreciate their help, and praise them for a job well done.  Chore charts are an excellent way to help keep them on track.  


When you can, clean your house while doing other things. When you’re talking on the phone, fold the laundry, do your dishes, or dust. Do a few dishes while you’re waiting for water to boil on the stove. Vacuum a room or clean your sink on a commercial break while you watch your favorite television show.  

Keep Cleaning Supplies Close:

Keeping your cleaning supplies close to you means you won’t have to spend time running to and from the cabinet underneath your kitchen sink, laundry room, or closet where you store them. You can fill small spray bottles with household cleaners, and store them in an apron you wear as you clean. Alternatively, you can put the household cleaners you need into a bucket or bin, and carry the bin with you from room to room. 

Cleaning your home can be a daunting task, especially when you’re a busy mom.  Following our house cleaning tips: cleaning as you go, enlisting help, staying organized, and multitasking can help you save time while keeping your home clean. 

Guest post by Maids by Trade, providing trusted and reliable house cleaning services across the United States for over 20 years.

Transitional Pieces From Summer To Fall

As you already know, the early days of autumn are pretty unpredictable when it comes to weather forecast.  It’s impossible to always know how to dress.  As a result,  you should have a collection of transitional pieces from summer to fall that you can easily layer.  If it gets too hot you can remove an item or if it gets too cold you can add an item.  Today, I’m sharing six transitional pieces from summer to fall every woman needs in her wardrobe.  When you look good, you feel good.  When you feel good, you feel empowered.




fashion tips for women





Long sleeve dress

No, you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite summer dresses as soon as autumn arrives.  You can still wear them when the temperatures drop.  Simply add a jacket or cardigan.  Needless to say, you won’t freeze thanks to those long sleeves!  Additionally, a long sleeved dress should be a staple in your in your wardrobe for the season.  These looks are sophisticated and very trendy at the same time.

Trench coat

If you still don’t own a trench coat, it’s high time you got one! This piece is truly timeless because of its versatility in the first place. You can wear it both in casual and formal occasions.  I recommend one with a removable liner for colder days and nights.  When you remove the liner it will be lightweight, but still provide warmth and coziness.  It’s perfect for the transitional period!


A stylish cardigan in an autumn-friendly shade will certainly keep you warm.  It will complement your outfit and take it to a new level. Colors such as Terracotta, Marsala, Olive, and Emerald Green may be just perfect for this season.  So have them in mind while choosing a perfect cardigan. Match it with a striped shirt, add a piece of statement jewelry, and voila – your transitional outfit is all done!

Trendy sunglasses

A good pair of high-quality sunglasses are needed during the fall months too.  The sun’s rays are still strong.  Apart from protecting your eyes, sunglasses are extremely fashionable. That makes them must-haves for a transitional period. When choosing a perfect pair, make sure that it perfectly fits the shape of your face.

Numerous brands and fashion houses are coming up with different shapes and sizes.  If you’re not quite sure which ones to purchase, you can always choose classic Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses. This model looks stunning on almost every face shape, while captivating with its Italian elegance at the same time.

Silk scarf

Autumn inevitably brings lower temperatures, which is exactly why a stylish silk scarf is an absolute must when it comes to your perfect outfit. It is a perfect choice since a heavy woolen scarf would definitely be too much – it may be too warm, which can possibly cause you to sweat a lot. For this reason, a nice silk scarf will do the trick. Just choose one in your favorite autumnal shade, or with a trendy print, and you’ll be good to go!

Pointed toe flats

The flip-flop season is finally behind us.  You can finally slip into your pointed toe flats that are just perfect for this period.  They can be worn to both formal and informal occasions.  You can go for a casual drink after work or to a meeting with business partners. Select a pair that are stylish, yet so comfortable.  Style and comfort should be your top priority while picking the right one.

Here you go – a list of six transitional pieces from summer to fall are right in front of you! Each one of them is definitely a must-have for the upcoming seasons. So, make sure that you have at least some of these. Trust us, such pieces will make your life much easier!

Author BIO:

Sophia Smith is Australian based beauty and fashion and lifestyle blogger. She is very passionate about latest fashion trends, DIY projects and organic beauty products. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is regular contributor at High Style Life.

You can find out more about her writing following her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google +