Tips on Eliminating Parenting Stress

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on eliminating parenting stress.  At times parenting can be strenuous.  We encounter stress from our job, whining and disobedient children, money problems and so many other factors.  As a result, parenting stress becomes a part of our life.  Parenting stress causes us to lose control of situations and ourselves if we don’t get it under control.  I guarantee many of us are guilty of yelling, screaming, or some other negative reaction at certain points in our lives.



eliminating parenting stress



Unfortunately, I remember yelling at my daughter for various reasons and feeling guilty after the encounter.  I’ve had to eat my words on many occasions. If not with her than other family members and sometimes friends.  During the encounter, I didn’t think about the consequences of my actions or the affect that it would have on the other person. It was the only way I knew how to respond at certain times.

Unfortunately, yelling, screaming and cursing were normal in my home when I was growing up.  I carried that mentality and behavior into my marriage and used that technique to interact with my daughter in her teen years. Thank goodness, I learned quickly that it was unproductive and damaging.


Eliminating Parenting Stress:


Nobody wants to be yelled at, and nothing is really accomplished with that type of interaction.  Here are a few negative affects:

  1.  Fear
  2. Low Self Esteem
  3. Intimidation
  4. Anger  




parent stress


I didn’t like eating my words after I yelled at my daughter or after I raised my voice for whatever reason.  There were times that I apologized and there were times that I didn’t. I would just live with the guilt and move forward.  It left me feeling bad about myself and ashamed of the fact that I reacted in such an unhealthy way. I vowed to change that behavior in myself, and eliminate the need for me to eat my words.

Most importantly, I didn’t want my daughter to think yelling and screaming were normal either.  I also didn’t want her to be afraid of me in any way.  Her growing up with low self-esteem was a major concern.  Furthermore, I didn’t want her to grow up being an angry, bitter young lady who looked for love in all the wrong places. Feeling unloved at home will lead you in that direction.  I knew a change had to occur and it had to start with me.

The first step was to get to the bottom of why I was yelling. Until I accomplished that feat, I learned to walk away and than come back and address the situation in a much calmer manner. That change alone left me with my dignity and it left those who were normally on the receiving end of my yelling with their dignity too. I liked the feeling of walking away much better than yelling, it soon became a habit.

So, as parents we are responsible for our children’s emotional well being. I found that I was a more effective parent when I was not yelling too.  Not yelling opens the door to better communication.  It allowed us to establish a healthy relationship where we demonstrated mutual respect for each other.  I reached a point where I refused to argue or raise my voice with anyone. Walking away became a way of life for me and it has saved me from a ton of stress and broken relationships.

Last, if you are constantly yelling and screaming, just stop it.  If you can’t change it on your own, get professional help.  There’s no shame in getting help.  Especially, if you are damaging your child. Furthermore, you could possibly cause them to become violent or act out in some manner.  Children have limited coping mechanisms in their teen years.  So, it’s up to parents to lead and guide them on the appropriate way to communicate. Reach for it, you and your children will be thankful.

You may also like:  Slay Your Dragons With Faith


How Faith Can Eliminate Fear

Today, I’m going to share empowerment tips on how faith can eliminate fear.  Empowering yourself can lead you to living life through faith. Do you remember the fairy tales when you were growing up that spoke of dragons?  The fairy tales usually included a castle, princess, knight, dragon and happily ever after.  However, not everyone’s life turns out to be a fairy tale.

Unfortunately, many of us don’t enter adulthood without fears or scars from the dragon.  There are woman who are afraid of being alone or believe that they can’t make it their own now.  Fear enters through our wounds and causes us to enter adulthood with the desire to be rescued by the knight.  We believe we need that knight to rescue us because he never came in our fairy tale.  But, I’m going to teach you how to slay your dragons yourself.


how faith can eliminate fear


How faith can eliminate fear:


Unfortunately, life has beaten so many of us down.  Due to an ex-husband or boyfriend who has abused or left us, someone has convinced us that we are  worthless, daddy abused or left us and the list goes on.  As a result the fire breathing dragon in the fairy tale is still alive.  That dragon roars blows fire.  He reminds us of how worthless we are and that we will never amount to anything. It causes us to have low esteem, a lack of self confidence or a lack of direction because we believe it.  The fire breathing dragon haunts us and has us cornered.  We don’t tell anyone about that monster.  We keep it a secret and walk around in shame.  But, I’m here to tell you that you can Slay The Dragon no matter what you have gone through, I did.

  • As a teenage mother, I had to face my fears. Not knowing how I was going to raise my daughter and make a life for us terrified me. Fear will cause you to do many things.  It will cause you to head down a path of destruction.  On the other hand, it can lead to your blessings.  What path are you choosing?  By the grace of God, I headed toward my blessings.
  • I didn’t know where I would end up, but I did knew that it was  the beginning of my journey.  Stepping out on faith became a big part of my life.  Holding on to my faith, I realized that being penniless didn’t equate to being broke.  I realized that I wasn’t alone.  I placed my hand in God’s and allowed him to lead me along my journey.
  • Realize that you are in control of you and your destiny.  No matter what cards life dealt me, I decided that I would become a card shark.  I played the hands that were dealt.  Sometimes I would win and sometimes I would lose. I just knew that I would not sit idle and allow life to walk all over me.



how faith can eliminate fear




So, each morning I faced my fears.  I prayed for the tools that I would need to make a life for my child and me.  And, a knight on a white horse was never in my prayers.  I simply wanted to make a way to provide for us.  Asking God for my blessings was a daily ritual.  All I had to do was ask and I would receive.  The next step was to give him the glory and praise that he deserved from each of my blessings.

I must admit, I ventured from the path that God had planned for me occasionally.  But, for the most part I stayed the course.  God places trials in our path for a reason.  Regardless of your situation, divorce,  problems with baby’s daddy, death, sexual or domestic abuse or some other loss you can triumph too.  Face your fears, and you will learn to Slay The Dragons too.

But know, the fire breathing monster will appear just when you think you have everything under control.  Life is full of twist and turns, but don’t despair.  I have accepted that I will have to spend the rest of my life fighting this monster and putting out his fire, but I know the Victory Is Mine.  You must claim because it’s already yours.  Step out on faith and victory can be yours too.  Learning how faith can eliminate fear is your first step.


You may also like:  25 Ways to Feed Your Soul  and  Courage Scripture



15 Signs That You’re In Debt

Are you swimming in a sea of debt?  Do you spend more time trying to figure out how to pay your bills than you do relaxing and enjoying life?  If so you may be swimming in a sea of debt.   Living beyond your means can cause stress, deception, and robbing Peter to pay Paul.  Here’s a few signs that you’re in debt, and you need to assess your spending habits.  It may be impossible to live debt free, but curbing your spending can be empowering.  


debt elimination



  1. You live from paycheck to paycheck.
  2. Your savings account has a zero balance and your checking has a minus figure.
  3. You can’t remember the last time you paid your bills timely.
  4. Your friends always foot your bill on Girls Night Out and you’re comfortable with it.
  5. Bill collectors are calling and you tell the kids to tell them you’re not home.
  6. Hiding from family and friends because you haven’t repaid them.
  7. Arguing with your husband or significant other about money or lack of money.
  8. You have lost all hope of having an emergency fund.
  9. Your blood pressure numbers are higher than your credit score.
  10. Watching the Griswolds in National Lampoon’s Vacation is as close to a vacation as you will get.
  11. Ignoring health symptoms because you don’t have health insurance and can’t afford the bill.
  12. Thinking it would be easier to get to the moon than save money.
  13. You and the kids look like a million dollars, even though your accounts are set to zero.
  14. If your children asked for financial advice you wouldn’t be able to guide them.
  15. You search your cup holders, sofa and the washer for change.

Last, along with advice from a financial planner, my post 15 Tips To Save Money, has great tips on how you can take small steps to start saving money. It’s never too late to turn your finances around and start climbing out of debt. Additionally, here are a few others tips:

  • Become committed to leave your debt behind and make better decisions.
  • Check out Dave Ramsey’s book Your Money Or Your Life.
  • Stay on track, and stay focused on the signs that you’re in debt.
  • Get to the bottom of your overspending. You could possibly be trying to fill a void with your overspending.   



A Working Mom’s Guide On How To Be Happier

As mothers, we often work hard to make sure everyone around us is happy. We want our kids to be happy, as well as our spouses and our employers.  But, how often do you do things that make you happy?  Your happiness and well-being affect the rest of your family.  Just because we’re mothers, doesn’t mean that we can’t take time for ourselves.  Working mothers need to make an extra effort since they are pulled in multiple directions every day.  Today, we want you to start empowering yourself to live your best life.  Here are a few tips on how to be happier:


moms guide to happiness, relaxation, self-esteem, building confidence 




  1. Schedule Everything

Invest in a daily planner that you love, or just really utilize that smartphone, because planning out your week will really help you be happier in your day-to-day life. Don’t just use your schedule as a way of staying on task, but write down things you want to accomplish each day, like spending time with your kids. It may seem weird to check things like that off your to-do list, but you won’t view it as a chore.

  1. Get in Sync With Your Spouse

Compare schedules with your spouse and make sure you are both taking the time you need for yourselves. Trade off kid-watching duties so you can go grab some caffeine at Starbucks by yourself and he can hang out with his friends. You both need time to do things that are important to you. In the end, you will both be happier.

  1. Make the Most of Your Commute

We are happiest when we are productive, both at work and at home. Don’t waste your commute to work, especially if it’s long. Use it as time to listen to podcasts, audiobooks or even learn a new language. You may find a new hobby that you love and make the most of time that is precious.

You can also use your commute as a way to cool down after a long day at work by going through pros and cons of the day. Also, try getting into the mindset of going home after work. When you get home after working all day, you should be present with your kids. So instead of thinking about all the things you need to get done at your job, think about how you can spend quality time at home with them.

  1. Learn How to Say No

No could become the most important word in your vocabulary. If you feel like you didn’t spend enough time with your spouse and kids this week, feel obligated to drive them to birthday parties or play dates. Don’t feel guilty if you have to tell other no, even if they don’t like it. Your family is what is most important.


empowerment tips


  1. Make Time to Exercise

We all know that exercise can boost your mood and make you feel better about yourself. Carve out at least 10 to 15 minutes each day to get some exercise. Take a walk, pop in a workout DVD or just do some pushups and sit ups each night. You will feel happier and your body will thank you for it.

  1. Plan Intentional Time With Your Spouse

If you want to be happier, make sure your spouse is happy, too. Weekly or biweekly date nights are a must for a married couple. Be intentional with your time together. Turn off your cellphones and don’t talk about your kids’ schedules. Have fun!

  1. Don’t Compare Yourself With Other Moms

Most importantly, don’t compare yourself to other moms because it will just drag you down. It isn’t fair to you and it isn’t fair to those moms, either. You may think they have it better because they get to stay home with their kids, but you don’t know the whole story. Instead, know that you are setting a great example of a hardworking parent for your kids. Know that you are helping to provide for them and don’t take the time you get with them for granted.

Your happiness depends on you making time for yourself and for your family.  Learn how to be happier, and you will live a more productive life.  You may also like 6 Tips to Build Your Self-Esteem.


Jennifer  Landis is a hard-working, distance-running, yoga loving mama, health journalist, and blogger. Find more from Jennifer at her blog, Mindfulness Mama or follow her on Twitter @JenniferELandis.




25 Ways To Feed Your Soul


Today, I’m sharing empowerment tips on ways to feed the soul.  Our soul is the essence of who we are. So, feeding the soul is different from feeding the body. We feed our body to live, we feed our soul to connect with who we are and to make us whole.  Are you feeding your soul?  If not, I have a few suggestions on how you can get started.
ways to feed your sould




For me, I find peace and connect with nature through gardening and photography. Its beauty touches my soul.  I could literally spend hours enjoying all of its glory.  In the spring the grass turns green and flowers come to life.  It motivates me to become one with nature and it awakens one of my passions, gardening. In the summer I enjoy the sound of the ocean and fall the beautiful colors.

Just sipping a hot cup of coffee while inhaling the crisp air on a fall morning stirs my soul too. I gather fall leaves for crafts and take nature hunts with the kids. These things illuminate who I am and brightens my spirit. Feeding my soul leads me to my voice.


Ways to Feed Your Soul and Awaken Your Spirit:


  1. Take a long walk/hike.
  2. Have a good old fashioned picnic with your husband/significant other.
  3. Go to the book store and buy a book.
  4. Pick a bouquet of flowers from the backyard.
  5. Take a drive through the country.
  6. Plant a garden or a few flowers.
  7. Listen to your favorite songs.
  8. Take a bubble bath.
  9. Curl up with a cup of tea.
  10. Let go of all things and people that cause you stress.
  11. Take a yoga or meditation class.
  12. Light your favorite candle and have a cup of coffee.
  13. Attend/join church.
  14. Take a walk on the beach and listen to the ocean.
  15. Read daily inspirations.
  16. Watch the sun rise or set.
  17. Refinish or paint a piece of furniture.
  18. Have a good cry.
  19. Go sight seeing.
  20. Get a manicure and/or pedicure
  21. Bake a batch of cookies and enjoy.
  22. Clean out a closet, attic, or basement and reminisce.
  23. Revisit one of your favorite childhood places.
  24. Refresh your bedding.
  25. Spend time with your children/grandchild and laugh.




ways to feed your soul


Last, start feeding your soul.  It allows your light to shine, and you will feel rejuvenated, happy, and find the way to great things in your life. You may also like Slaying Your Dragons With Faith


How’s Your Decision Making Skills

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Do you find yourself being indecisive with things in your life, and you don’t know what direction to go in? Does the simplest tasks become monumental? If going in circles has become a way of life or you find yourself throwing up your hands and dealing with the matter later, you may be suffering from indecisiveness.   Today, we’re sharing empowerment tips on how to make a decision.


decision making skills, organization skills, self-improvement tips



I have found myself in this position more than once. My livelihood is made from managing people. There are times when I have to step away and make a decision at a later time because I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed. I know that I couldn’t continue managing in that way, so I had to reassess my decision making skills.

I have found that stress plays a major role in my indecisiveness at times, but you may be feeling something different. There are 4 major areas that keep us from being able to make a decision. If you’re finding yourself wavering on things ask yourself if you are feeling:

1.  Fear – Are you afraid of making the wrong decision?  If you’re not making a major purchase and nobody will get hurt go ahead and make the decision.  I do a pros and cons list.  If the pros outweigh the cons, I have learned to live with my decision.

2.  Over Analyzing –  Do you spend time gathering information and reviewing it over and over? At some point we have to make a decision. Set a date and time, when it arrives make your decision and stick with it.  It’s okay to reassess your decision later and make adjustments.

3.  Lack of Confidence – Are you confident with our skill set?  If you know that you have the skills to accomplish your endeavor, believe in yourself.  We’re not perfect beings and we won’t always make the right decisions, but we must learn to make them confidently.

4.  Stress – Are you stressed out all the time? Take time to relax and breath a little.  A walk with the children, your husband or a friend could be just what the doctor ordered.  Take time to soak in the tub, sip a cup of tea or give yourself  a home manicure.  When you feel good about yourself, you feel good about life.

Furthermore, as leaders in our homes, businesses, and social influencers, decision making is a way of life for today’s woman. We must lead not only with confidence, we must lead with conviction. Especially, if we want others to follow.  Perfecting your decision making skills is a necessity.  So, how do you handle indecisiveness?

8 Ways Leading Your Children By Example Can Shape Their Life

Do you believe in leading your children by example?  Setting a good example for my daughter and grandchildren is important to me.  I have always believed that I needed to be the mother that I wanted my daughter to be. I never wanted to be the type of mother that says do as I say and not as I do. How do you teach your children when you aren’t an example of what you want them to be or do?
Many things become generational. We have people who are unable to break the cycle of dysfunctional relationships and living. They continue to struggle with dependency on drugs, alcohol, relationships or the system in some manner. We all come from something, but that doesn’t mean that you have to continue down that path. When you are empowering yourself, you are giving yourself the power to change your situation.


parenting tips





Here are a few things that I have learned on my journey as a mother.  I have implemented them into my life, because I believe in leading your children by example:


  1. You must establish credibility – Seeing is believing. You don’t have to be perfect, but you must be honest and you must know that your children will be looking to you for guidance as well as looking at how you achieve your goals and how you provide for them.
  2. What makes you an authority? Let your children know that you’ve been in their shoes or a similar situation.  Tell them what you did to accomplish the goal or resolve the problem. It’s important that they know they’re not the only person experiencing a particular problem or situation and it can be overcome or the goal reached.
  3. Who wants to follow someone who is still struggling to get themselves together – You can’t lead with A Do As I Say and Not As I Do attitude.  Demonstrate how to improve yourself and move forward.
  4. You must be positive – Your child will respond to a positive attitude.  
  5. You must have good decision making skills and you must be disciplined – You need to teach your children how to make decisions and how to stick with the decision.
  6. Show your child that you can be successful personally as well as professionally –  If you’re struggling on a personal level continuously, it will be difficult to lead your children.  When I was raising my daughter I talked to her about my some of my personal struggles, but I did not burden her with my financial situation.  Running my household was my responsibility.  I did explain the importance of holding down a job and being reliable.  Goals should be a topic of discussion. My daughter understood that my job paid the mortgage, purchased food, clothing, and afforded her activities and our vacations.
  7. Demonstrate how to work toward financial goals Explain the importance of saving for a rainy day and the importance of paying yourself first.  Cry broke, but never be broke.
  8. Give your children a spiritual/religious foundation Teach them to say their prayers and bless their food. We all need to believe in someone or something greater than ourselves.
Finally, know that we’re all a work in progress.  However, we hold the future of our children in our hands.  So, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6.  We hope that our tips on leading your children by example has been beneficial, and you will strive to implement a few examples into their life.    You may also like:  6 Reasons Learning to Forgive is Good .

15 Tips To Save Money

Are you wondering how to save money?   I look back over my life when I first moved out of my parent’s house and out on my own, and boy have I come a long way.  For most of my life I have been a single mother.  Budgeting, scraping, and sacrificing was a way of life for me.  However, I’m proud to say things got better as time went on.  I learned how to budget and save money.  As a result, I was able to purchase my own home, send my daughter on a international vacation, college educated her,  purchased a new car for her college graduation, travel, and built a significant savings account and retirement nest egg.  This is not a boast, but a blessing and an empowering experience.  As a result, I want to share my tips on how I saved money: 


tips to save money


  1. Pay yourself first – First, bank a portion of your check regularly. Put it into an account and forget about it.  I’ve cried broke my entire life, and I act as though the money doesn’t exist. People say they can hear me squeak.
  2. Limit credit cards – Instead of multiple lines of credit, why not drop it down to just one line of credit (or maybe even none). The Citi Double Cash review I read looked pretty promising.  Additional tips to save money is cash and carry.  It was my motto for most things.  Buying budget furniture and refinishing items cut down on household expenses.
  3. Shop wisely – I shop at thrift stores, yard sales and second hand stores. You can find brand new items, name brand items and gently used items. Don’t by-pass the Dollar Stores either, they’re great for school supplies, coloring books, crafts and snack items.
  4. Use coupons and discounts – You can save tons of money by using coupons and taking advantage of discounts.
  5. Look for free activities – Take advantage of free activities during the summer and holidays for family activities.
  6. Bank a part of your child support – If you’re single parent bank a portion of your child support. If you can’t bank half, bank what you can. I was able to send my daughter to Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Austria on child support that I saved for her.
  7. Drive an inexpensive car with low maintenance – My first car didn’t have an air conditioner and it was a straight stick. At this stage in my life I couldn’t handle either of the two, but I sacrificed when I was younger and able to endure.
  8. Pack your child’s lunch – My daughter was a brown bagger until high school. Packing her lunch relieved me of having to pay another bill.
  9. Start a Thrift Saving Plan (TSP) or 401-K – I invested my money for the past 25 years, and again acted as if it didn’t exist. When I needed a loan, I borrowed from my TSP at a much lower interest rate. When I retire, I will have a monthly check from my employer as well as everything that I have saved and earned for 25 years in my TSP. I plan to use this money to travel the world.
  10. Purchase clothes off season – I purchase clothes on clearance at the end of each season for the following year. I’m now able to shop where ever I want whenever I want, but I still purchase the majority of my clothes off the clearance rack and the kid’s clothing there as well.
  11. Start a vacation club – I’m able to vacation several times a year. I treat my daughter, son-in-law, 2 grandchildren and my friend each summer to a week at the beach.
  12. Prepare meals for the week – This will eliminate stopping at fast food places and spending money unnecessarily.
  13. Become a DIYer – After I purchased my home, I did my own painting, mowed the lawn, trimmed it and fixed minor things around the house. I saved thousands of dollars by doing my own work and banked it.
  14. Assess your household expenses – Tips to save money can be applied to your household expenses.  Get rid of unnecessary expenses and bank that money. You were spending it initially, so you shouldn’t miss it if you bank it.
  15. Be Creative – When I break a dollar, I throw the money to the bottom of my purse. I empty my purse at the end of the week, and place the money into jars. Once the jars are full I head to the bank and place it into my travel account.
These tips to save money have worked for me over the years and I’m sure they will work for you too. Start out doing 1 or 2 tips and increase the tips as you go. Remember, pennies add up to dollars, dollars turn into hundreds of dollars and eventually thousands. What do you do to save money?


Why I No Longer Use The Word Weak

This is a guest post did I for the blog A Peek Into My Paradise.  I’ve decided to no longer define who I am by Strengths and Weaknesses. Here’s Webster’s definition of weak:  

WEAK. 1 : lacking strength: as. a : deficient in physical vigor : feeble, debilitated. b : not able to sustain or exert much weight, pressure, or strain.

I have spent years defining what I have perceived to be my Strengths and Weaknesses.  There are areas that I wish to improve, but when I assessed my skills and qualities I had a hard time finding weaknesses.  Here’s why:

  • I have raised a daughter as single mother and sent her through college. 
  • Helping to raise 2 grandchildren
  • I’m managing a home 
  • I clean my home
  • I prepare the meals
  • I’m a laundress. 
  • I work outside out the home 40 hours per week.
  • Budgeting my income and paying the bills happens everyday. 
  • I grow and preserve my own vegetables.
  • I maintain the outside of my home with the exception of mowing the grass ( I have lawn service). But, I can pay for it, ha!
  • I’ve negotiated the deal and purchased my own vehicles since I was 18. 


I could continue my list, but you get my drift. Weak, how can I be weak. It takes strength and endurance to do all of the above on a regular basis.  Now I do have a few things that I have a hard time passing up like chocolate, coffee, and chips. These just happen to be things that I like to indulge in, they don’t make me who I am. Life beats us down enough, why contribute to the negativity by placing unflattering labels on yourself. 

I have accepted that I am a work in progress and ever evolving.  Because I don’t always meet my goals or I’m not perfect doesn’t mean that I lack strength. There are many factors that contribute to how much I can accomplish and what I accomplish. I have found that if I set goals and continuously working toward them, it reduces the stress that I place on myself. I think as women we try to accomplish too much and often end up with the weight of the world on our shoulders. When we can no longer bear the weight we see ourselves as weak or society sees us as weak.  

Because I’m not as physically strong as a man doesn’t mean that I’m weak.  That’s just the way I was made. The majority of the time, I don’t want to open the jar, hammer a stake in the ground, change a dirty tire or haul heavy items. I simply don’t want to break a nail, have back pain or prove how manly I am, ha.  Now don’t get me wrong, I can hammer, change a tire, shovel the driveway, and haul heavy items. I’ve been single for many years. I can get it done.    

I have found that setting priorities has helped me meet my ever changing goals. Nothing is more important to me than my family, so whatever goals I set they come after my family.  If I don’t achieve them during the year, I continue to work on them the following year. 

I’m adding weak to the list of items that I’ve tossed because I will never wear or use it again. Join me ladies, you’ll find that you will have a ton lifted off your shoulders and you will feel much better.  Replace the word Weaknesses on your list with  Things I Wish To Improve!  

Become the Best You: How to Empower Yourself

Today, I’m sharing tips on how to become the best you.  Each year I work to better myself and renew my faith.  Usually by December, I have run off the rails on more than one occasion.  However, I have learned to pick myself up, brush myself off and keep it moving. 
how to empower yourself



Here’s 4 tips on how to become the best you:


1.  Believe In Yourself – I’ve learned over the years to stop being so hard on myself.  I have a type-A personality so I strive for perfection and want things to be done right.  I’ve learned that things don’t always go according to planned, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.  Tomorrow is another day, and I just need to continue to believe in myself.

In my past life, I would stress when things didn’t go according to plan.  That behavior took up a lot of energy and left me feeling exhausted.  I would literally sleep through the alarm clock and feel like crap for the remainder of the day.  Since I’ve changed my attitude, I no longer set the alarm clock. I wake up refreshed, and I feel good enough to face the day and myself.

2. Turn Things Over to Higher Power – Because some things are beyond my control, I have learned to give it to my higher power. I am a woman of faith, and grow up in the church.  Most importantly, I do believe in God.  I think it is imperative to believe in someone greater than you and I.  Praying, reading the word and than letting things go works for me.  I have found peace with myself.  Furthermore, I have found peace with the world.  It’s not perfect and neither am I.

3.  Think Positive – I strive hard to keep negative thoughts out of my head.  I’ve learned to surround myself with positive people.  Because I surround myself with people that are positive and that I can learn from, my perspective on things have changed.

4.  Make Yourself A Priority – I’ve learned over the years that I’m a valuable commodity.  And I treat myself as such.  No matter what I have on my List Of Things To Do, I make time for me.  I book an appointment at a salon for a pedicure, read a good book, playing games on the computer, take a vacations or just sleep.  Making myself a priority energizes me and allows me to give freely to others.  When you feel good, you do good things.

We hope that you have found our tips on how to become your best self helpful.  Download the infographic here, and apply the tips to your life.  You will be glad you did.  You may also like the following posts:

Self Improvement:  Is Your Foundation On Solid Ground

5 Steps To Becoming A Confident Woman