6 Tips To Boost Your Self Esteem

Today, I’m sharing tips on how to boost your self-esteem. So, do you need a self-esteem boost?  A self-esteem boost is a great way to become empowered again and renew your faith.  At one point in my life I saw myself as an attractive, sexual, and vibrant woman.  I looked in the mirror one day and I realized that I had bags under my eyes, more gray hair, and I looked tired.  I wondered what had happened. When I looked back over the years I realized that I had lost myself.  I had lost myself while I worked diligently to be a good mother, I was divorced and was pulling double duty with most things.  



self esteem

I had become a wife, mother, taxi driver, nose wiper, chef, CEO, house keeper, medicine dispenser, CFO, and it all led to exhaustion.  Being a mother has been my greatest joy.  But, it requires so much.  Even when we think we can’t do it anymore or we have nothing else to give, we reach down and find more and do more.  As women we can become so entrenched in our roles that we can loose ourselves along the way.  We wake up one morning, and wonder what happen to our self-esteem.

So, I had my house remodeled several years ago.  My main focus was the master bath. I have a huge garden tub that I wanted to refresh.  Additionally, the shower needed a makeover.  So, I decided to install a rain shower head.  And, I tiled around the vanity, shower and tub.

I stood in stores for hours looking until I found the perfect tile.  I even had a seat constructed in my shower so I could carefully shave my legs, and a heated ceramic tile floor installed.  After the project was finished, I surrounded my tub with beautiful candles and spa towels.  It was my favorite room in the house.  It’s funny, I can’t remember the last time that I soaked in that tub.  Let alone sipped a cup of tea and enjoyed the flicker of the flames on the candles. You may be wondering what I did to get back on top.


How to Boost Your Self-esteem: 


1.  Know that you’re important – You’re an entity in your home too, and it’s okay to love yourself. Make time to do the things that you enjoy such as having a glass of wine, scrapbooking, reading, cross-stitching, watching your favorite TV show, or playing a computer game. Whatever you enjoy, take time to enjoy it.

2.  It’s okay to not respond to every need that everyone else has – Trying to please very one will wear you out, lead to stress, and health problems. Remember you need your rest too.

3.  Accept responsibility for where you are now –  Don’t blame your kids or your husband, you have the power to say I’m tired I need to rest, I need help or I need time for myself and take it.


self esteem



4.  Become determined and self-reliant – Do what you can around your house, rather than sitting around waiting on your husband or significant to do everything for you. Take the stress off yourself because you’re waiting for someone to complete a project for you. It could also take the stress of your husband or significant other too.  This includes painting a room, building those raised garden beds, painting the deck furniture, cleaning out the garage etc. There’s some great bloggers out there that can show you how.

5.  Stop trying to take on everything – There are no shortcuts in life, it can be brutal at times.  We must learn to let things go, take a deep breath and exhale. Set priorities and learn to walk away when things get overwhelming. Tomorrow is another day, you can get it done then.

6.  Budget your money and treat yourself  – If you are a SAHM, get a pay check for your work inside the home. Purchase a bouquet of flowers for yourself or treat yourself to a manicure, pedicure or facial. Not your thing, buy a new dress and have a monthly date night with your husband or significant other. It will recharge your batteries!

It’s important to reclaim your self-worth and start treating myself like the queen that your are. I have learned that it’s okay to make myself number one occasionally.  Being mom, wife, and grandmother are wonderful roles, but we should never loose ourselves. They aren’t inclusive of who we are.  We hope that you have found our tips on how to boost your self esteem helpful.

Please leave us a tip on how you boost your self-esteem. We may want to incorporate your tip into our routine.

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                                    Why I No Longer Use the Word Weak

Assertiveness Quotes to Empower Women

Do you struggle with asserting yourself?  Finding a balance between being assertive and not being aggressive can be tricky.  Being assertive means being able to say no without feeling guilty.  It requires you to get a backbone and stop allowing others to intrude on you and enter your personal space.  Today, I’m sharing tips to empower yourself  with assertiveness quotes



quotes for women

“If you behave like a doormat, expect to be stepped on and don’t complain about it.”
Suzette Haden Elgin

“I’m a woman / Phenomenally. / Phenomenal woman, / That’s me.”
Maya Angelou

“The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.”
Maureen Dowd

“The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others.”
Sharon Anthony Bower

“Too many of us fail to fulfill our needs because we say no rather than yes, yes when we should say no.”
William Glasser

“Every time we speak, we choose and use one of four basic communication styles: assertive, aggressive, passive and passive-aggressive.”
Jim Rohn

“My theory is that if you look confident you can pull off anything – even if you have no clue what you’re doing.”
Jessica Alba


assertiveness tips




“Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”
Groucho Marx

“You create your opportunities by asking for them.”
Patty Hansen

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
J. K. Rowling

“Like what you do, and then you will do your best. ”
Katherine Johnson





“The duty we owe ourselves is greater than that we owe others.”
Louisa May Alcott

“If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu.”
Elizabeth Warren

“I encourage people to remember that “no” is a complete sentence.”
Gavin de Becker

“When fools come for a piece of you with their shenanigans and tomfoolery let them come. However, remember to give them enough that they won’t ask for seconds.”
Donavan Nelson Butler


Most importantly, think about these assertiveness quotes and start asserting yourself.   It will change your relationships and raise your confidence and self-esteem.





Careers to Consider When Your Kids Start School

Looking to re-enter the work-force now that your kids are in school?  If your kids are in school full-time, you have more flexibility to go after the career of your dreams.  However, you may be unsure of which career path to take.   So, today we’re going to share  four careers to consider when your kids start school.   Making your own money or contributing to the household is a great way to put your on the self-empowerment path.    





new career ideas




1.  School Teacher 

Many parents go into teaching because they enjoy being around children.  Additionally, they have plenty of experience with their own kids. If you’re creative and quick-minded with a college education, you could train to become an elementary or high-school teacher.

One of the benefits of teaching when you have kids is that you will also have summer and winter breaks off.  Definitely add school teacher to your list of careers to consider.

2.  Nursing

It may take a few years to qualify as a nurse, however, nursing is a rewarding and flexible career choice for mothers. Not only can you enjoy helping patients, but you can also work your shifts around your child.

You should know, however, that your training doesn’t end when you become a nurse. As part of your continued professional development, you will need to complete ongoing training. The good news is, with companies like Valley Anesthesia, you can earn your AANA Certification while enjoying deluxe resort accommodations. If your lifestyle allows, you can take a break from family life and focus on continuing your education.  You can do this, all from the sanctity of a stunning educational resort.

3.  Web Developer

Are you harnessing secret coding skills? If so, you could become a web developer and work from the comfort of your own home. Because of the rise of online shopping sites and remote working, freelance web developers and designers are in high demand.  A career in Web Development allows both flexibility and a great salary.

Furthermore, you don’t need to be tied to a 9-5 schedule.  You can find your own clients and work when it suits you. The same goes for any freelance work such as photography, photo editing, copywriting and accounting.

4.  Yoga Instructor

Again, if you like the idea of being self-employed, why not use your skills and interests to earn money.  Yoga is incredibly popular, and all it takes is a short course to turn your passion for yoga into a teaching career.

Finding a balance between work and family time is difficult for many parents. Make sure you’re earning enough money to support your family when contemplating what careers to consider.  Most importantly, you want to be able to spend time with your children and enjoy a little personal time.  Finding the right career with a bit of flexibility can put you on the path to a rewarding career and family life.  So, it pays to do your research and have an open mind when considering your career.

6 Reasons Learning to Forgive Is Good

I’ve endured many hurtful events in my life.  They actually started in childhood.  Growing up in an alcoholic home, having an emotionally unavailable and abusive mother, being called names by others, teen pregnancy, and divorce added to my pain.   I remember being called names because of skin color, my hair, or because I was skinny.  There were times when I just didn’t feel loved or cared for.  On an emotional and psychological level, it leaves your hurt, angry,  and depressed.  It also causes you to lose your confidence, self esteem and faith.  Today, I’m going to share tips on why you need to forgive those who have hurt you.  When you do, it allows you to let go, move on and that in itself is empowering.  


learning to forgive



Even at this stage of my life, a few of my relationships are rocky.  However, I have acquired the tools to deal with relationships and situations so they don’t cause emotional damage in my life.  For example, I have learned that forgiveness is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal.  I have learned that forgiveness is key in getting rid of baggage that most of us carry through life.

As a matter of fact, learning to forgive is the first step to empowering yourself.  It’s the first step in taking back what is rightfully yours, that is your life.  You have the right to live your life without being a victim in its entirety.  Without forgiveness, we continue to hold on to things that bind us to the hurt and pain that we endured.  There’s a saying, forgive and forget.  I won’t ever tell you to forget it, but I will say let it go and move on.

Why, because learning to forgive is a freeing experience.  Remove the weight of the burden you have been carrying for years with forgiveness.  Learning to forgive also provides the following benefits:

Moves You Forward – Once you learn to forgive, it frees you to move on with your life.  So, remove the shackles and the weight that once held you down.

Helps Heal Emotional Wounds –  Emotional wounds can be just as damaging as physical wounds.  I played the hurtful words that were said to me over and over again in my head.  It was like a broken record.  The words seep into your soul, and if allowed they will become your voice.

Empowers You – Forgiveness returns your power back to you.

Renews Your Faith – Forgiveness helps to re-establish your faith.  If you’ve left your church, return and join a bible study group.  Feeding your soul is important in your growth.

Forgiveness is About You – Forgiving your abusers/victimizers is not about them.  People don’t forgive because they believe their abuser is getting off the hook. Wrong!  You forgive so you can let yourself off the hook.  You free yourself from the secrets, shame, hurt and pain.

Brings a Sense of Peace –  Once you’re free from the people who hurt you, you will find peace.  Forgiveness allows a calm to enter your life, and it clears your head to make rational decisions for you and your family.

You may also like: Why I am Thankful for the Stumbles in My Life 



Tips for New Moms: Taking Care of Yourself After Childbirth

tips for new moms

Giving birth is a special event in a woman’s life.  Giving birth changes her role in her family from a wife or lover to that of a mother.  While you’re managing the children, the house, husband, and career, things can become overwhelming.  Moms strive to not lose themselves in the midst of all of it. Many of us, including myself, have seen our moms leave behind everything just to manage the kids and other domestic responsibilities.  They forget about themselves, their hobbies and who they are.

During my parent’s era, moms gave up a lot to give their children a better upbringing.   That was the norm. However, today we have lots of help from technology and loads of information at our fingertips that can help us keep track of our domestic chores while managing our work and self-integrity. By following these simple tips for new moms, women can prevent becoming their own worst enemy.  They can also learn to keep their passions and charm alive while being a great parent.

  1. Hire help: The first principle to implement is to hire a babysitter or a weekly maid of. Being a mother will likely take all of your time. According to Happy Worker’s Mothering fun facts, moms have to stop 210 times in a day to attend to their toddlers! So if you are in that position, you deserve to have a day off.  Learn to relax or go off with your girls for a spa day.  Furthermore have dinner or drinks.
  1. Have me time: To prevent yourself from becoming lost, you need alone time where you can be at peace.  Take the time to just contemplate on yourself and your life. This is the time where you think about your present and your future.  So, me time will allow you to realign with the person you are under all the different robes of responsibilities that you have to wear.  Furthermore, use this time to get in touch with your passions, inner desires, hobbies and interests. There may be times that you will have to say no to your boss, the nosy neighbor, your children and/or husband.  Let your husband take care of the kids. If you are happy, healthy and enthusiastic about your own life, you can be a good role model to your children.
  1. Don’t multi-task: Women often embrace the multi-tasking label. However, scientists have revealed that no matter the gender, multi-tasking is not that great. Our brain’s wiring is such that we are much happier when we see a task right up to its conclusion. Multitasking has been proven to be bad for the brain impacting productivity and is more draining as it takes more energy to get back to the initial task.
  1. Take care of your physical health: When you are physically stressed, it affects you and your family. If you don’t take care of yourself, you may become low on energy.  Also, it can grow into other complications and chronic illnesses. Find an exercise that you enjoy and one that will give you time to think.  For example, cycling or walking your dog will allow the mind to relax while you work your body. If you have gained extra weight, plan a workout to lose it in a healthy way. There are many online tools and mobile applications that will help you plan a weight loss regime according to your needs. Remember, just like you take care of your baby’s body you should also take care of your own. Have a morning pampering routine, indulge in intense exercises regularly, and rekindle any lost sexual intimacy with your partner.

Many mothers often end up judging themselves when they put their needs before the children. You are a caregiver, a guardian, and a parent.  However, you are entitled to take care of yourself too. So, don’t criticize yourself for being disorganized or inadequate.  You have been doing enough already, and a little self- love is not only good it is necessary.  We hope our tips for new moms have been beneficial.

About the author: James Smith is a survivalist, who loves to write about survival skills and techniques. You can follow him at @JamesSmith1609.

17 Ways Moms Can Relax and Refuel

ideas for moms to relax


As moms, nose wipers, chauffeurs, chef, referees and a host of other positions there are times that we need to refuel.    Often, we don’t take the time to regroup emotionally and or physically after our everyday responsibilities.  Being a mother becomes a most important position, and we give it our all.  We usually neglect our health, walk around sleep deprived, eat poorly, and forget that we need to feed our spirit.

Also, there’s nobody to blame, we just don’t make ourselves  a priority.  Our life simply becomes habit.  It’s equivalent to the alarm going off at the same time every morning.  We can learn to make ourselves a priority. Here’s a few ways moms can relax:

  1. Have a Spa Day – First, make an appointment to have a facial or pedicure and manicure.  I love having a facial as much as I love getting a pedicure and manicure.  Have a limited budget,  spend the afternoon soaking in the tub.  Burn some candles, diffuse your favorite oil, play some relaxing music, and enjoy a cup of tea or your favorite wine.  Also, check out The Ordinary Serum Reviews to learn more about their Ordinary Skincare Serums.  Home facials are just as glorious as the salon’s.
  2. Take a long walk – Second, hit the walking trail or take a long walk around the neighborhood, park or other scenic route.
  3. Go for a long drive – Next, grab your favorite CDs or turn on your favorite radio station.  Enjoy the scenery and just clear your head.  A change of scenery is a good thing.
  4. Spend the day watching your favorite movies – So, I love watching old movies.  Grab yours too, along with  your favorite snacks and a box of tissues for those heart wrenching movies.  Just enjoy the day laughing and crying.
  5. Order take out  – Curl up with a good book or movie.
  6. Catch up on those free Kindle ebooks or your magazines – Next, curl up in front of the fire, relax on the deck, or under a tree and read a good book.  Not interested in reading, flip through your favorite magazines.
  7. Treat yourself – Furthermore, treat yourself.  Order your favorite latte, ice cream, sushi bar or whatever your favorite may be.  No sharing, this is just for you.
  8. Spend the day at a museum – Check out the art museum or whatever museum is close to you.  Spend the day admiring artwork or history.
  9. Take a bike ride – Pull out the bike and take a ride through the park or on your favorite bike trail.
  10. Do crafts – So, if you have a hobby spend some time working on it.  If you don’t have one, now is a good time to start one.  They’re great stress relievers.  Crochet that scarf or hat, finish a scrapbook or sew a new dress.
  11. Set up a girls night – Whip up a few appetizers and cocktails, and laugh until your heart is content with the girls.
  12. Catch up on the sermons at church that you’ve missed or read the bible – Great way to renew your spirit and relieve some stress.
  13. Hike – Furthermore, grab you hiking gear and hit the trails.  It’s great exercise and clears your head.
  14. Sleep – Here’s an idea, put your best sheets on your bed and stretch out under your favorite comforter.  Take a long and much needed nap.
  15. Shop – Go shopping for bargains at your favorite stores.
  16. Skype/FaceTime – Fix your favorite beverage and chat with a friend.
  17. Talk a walk on the beach – Last, clear your head and enjoy the ocean breeze.

Most importantly, taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually is a must.  Because we are committed to our families, we must stay healthy in all areas of our life.  So, we hope that you found our list of ways moms can relax helpful.  Also, being healthy requires us to clear our mind, rest and stay focused.  Just as important, pick out one thing off the list each week.  As a result, take a few hours for yourself and don’t feel guilty.  Finally, be sure to tell your friends about our list of ways moms can relax too.  You will start the week relaxed and refueled.

Also, you may also like: 6 Tips to Boost Your Self Esteem





3 Tips For Your Winter Beauty Detox

Today, I’m sharing tips on winter beauty detox.  Another year is just around the corner and it’s time for some New Years’ resolutions. Taking care of your health and beauty should definitely be among them.  It’s hard for busy moms to find time for themselves.  But, taking time for yourself will empower you.  Furthermore, it’s important for all moms to squeeze a few moments in for a beauty detox.  





winter beauty detox

Here are several tips on how doing winter beauty detox:

Food for Your Soul

According to that proverb, you are what you eat.  Your beauty detox must start from within. The food has an immense influence on the overall health and beauty.  Many moms prepare healthy food for their kids. But they only manage to grab a bite or two between doing the dishes and laundry for themselves.  Establishing a regular eating pattern is essential.

Detox doesn’t mean reducing your meals to various juices or shakes.  Instead of juice cleanses, you can also choose a more nutritious option.  Soups and broths are nutritious options.  You can make them with a wide variety of vegetables and seasonings, which means that they can be both tasty and healthy.

There’s no better way to warm up when it’s cold than enjoying a bowl of hot soup.  It’s excellent for digestion, so you won’t feel bloated.  Soups and broths can do wonders for your metabolism.  This means you’ll be able to shed a few pounds.  Additionally, they will improve your immune system and boost your energy levels.

 Cosmetic Changes

When you’re a mom, staying up late every time your kid has a cold or flu is inevitable. No wonder so many moms have dark circles under their eyes.  In addition to a lack of sleep, there are other factors that affect the skin and cause premature aging, wrinkles and spots.  This includes smoking, too much sugar, and sun exposure.  In many cases, inadequate and stale makeup is a frequent culprit for various skin problems too.

Since we’re talking about seasonal cleaning, maybe it would be a good idea to look through your makeup cabinet and get rid of everything that you haven’t used for a while. It’s time to turn to natural cosmetics which are adjusted to your skin type. Carefully selected skincare products such as highly effective Skinstitut masks, scrubs, cleansers or peels will help your skin.  Shea butter and coconut oil can be used instead of chemical moisturizers.  And just one more piece of advice – drinking a lot of water is a must when it comes to youthful looking skin.

Me Time

Being a mom is the most important role in a women’s life.  Everyday chores can be tiresome, and in the long run, a hectic lifestyle has numerous bad effects.  That’s why it’s essential to snatch at least a couple of moments every day to relax and do something that will make you feel good.

Taking a brisk walk will both clear your mind and help you stay in shape. No matter how busy you are, you can treat yourself to a de-stressing hot bath with mineral salts every now and then.  Don’t neglect yourself as that’s the only way to stay energized, positive and satisfied.

Winter is an excellent time to ditch some bad habits and detox your skin and mind. It may seem like a complex task, but sometimes it’s enough to change a few details and achieve amazing results.  Start implementing these winter beauty detox tips into your busy schedule now.

Author BIO:

Sophia Smith is Australian based beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogger. She is also very passionate about DIY projects, latest fashion trends and organic beauty products. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is regular contributor at High Style Life.  Find her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google +

How Faith Can Eliminate Fear

Today, I’m going to share empowerment tips on how faith can eliminate fear.  Empowering yourself can lead you to living life through faith. Do you remember the fairy tales when you were growing up that spoke of dragons?  The fairy tales usually included a castle, princess, knight, dragon and happily ever after.  However, not everyone’s life turns out to be a fairy tale.

Unfortunately, many of us don’t enter adulthood without fears or scars from the dragon.  There are woman who are afraid of being alone or believe that they can’t make it their own now.  Fear enters through our wounds and causes us to enter adulthood with the desire to be rescued by the knight.  We believe we need that knight to rescue us because he never came in our fairy tale.  But, I’m going to teach you how to slay your dragons yourself.


how faith can eliminate fear


How faith can eliminate fear:


Unfortunately, life has beaten so many of us down.  Due to an ex-husband or boyfriend who has abused or left us, someone has convinced us that we are  worthless, daddy abused or left us and the list goes on.  As a result the fire breathing dragon in the fairy tale is still alive.  That dragon roars blows fire.  He reminds us of how worthless we are and that we will never amount to anything. It causes us to have low esteem, a lack of self confidence or a lack of direction because we believe it.  The fire breathing dragon haunts us and has us cornered.  We don’t tell anyone about that monster.  We keep it a secret and walk around in shame.  But, I’m here to tell you that you can Slay The Dragon no matter what you have gone through, I did.

  • As a teenage mother, I had to face my fears. Not knowing how I was going to raise my daughter and make a life for us terrified me. Fear will cause you to do many things.  It will cause you to head down a path of destruction.  On the other hand, it can lead to your blessings.  What path are you choosing?  By the grace of God, I headed toward my blessings.
  • I didn’t know where I would end up, but I did knew that it was  the beginning of my journey.  Stepping out on faith became a big part of my life.  Holding on to my faith, I realized that being penniless didn’t equate to being broke.  I realized that I wasn’t alone.  I placed my hand in God’s and allowed him to lead me along my journey.
  • Realize that you are in control of you and your destiny.  No matter what cards life dealt me, I decided that I would become a card shark.  I played the hands that were dealt.  Sometimes I would win and sometimes I would lose. I just knew that I would not sit idle and allow life to walk all over me.



how faith can eliminate fear




So, each morning I faced my fears.  I prayed for the tools that I would need to make a life for my child and me.  And, a knight on a white horse was never in my prayers.  I simply wanted to make a way to provide for us.  Asking God for my blessings was a daily ritual.  All I had to do was ask and I would receive.  The next step was to give him the glory and praise that he deserved from each of my blessings.

I must admit, I ventured from the path that God had planned for me occasionally.  But, for the most part I stayed the course.  God places trials in our path for a reason.  Regardless of your situation, divorce,  problems with baby’s daddy, death, sexual or domestic abuse or some other loss you can triumph too.  Face your fears, and you will learn to Slay The Dragons too.

But know, the fire breathing monster will appear just when you think you have everything under control.  Life is full of twist and turns, but don’t despair.  I have accepted that I will have to spend the rest of my life fighting this monster and putting out his fire, but I know the Victory Is Mine.  You must claim because it’s already yours.  Step out on faith and victory can be yours too.  Learning how faith can eliminate fear is your first step.


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Become the Best You: How to Empower Yourself

Today, I’m sharing tips on how to become the best you.  Each year I work to better myself and renew my faith.  Usually by December, I have run off the rails on more than one occasion.  However, I have learned to pick myself up, brush myself off and keep it moving. 
how to empower yourself



Here’s 4 tips on how to become the best you:


1.  Believe In Yourself – I’ve learned over the years to stop being so hard on myself.  I have a type-A personality so I strive for perfection and want things to be done right.  I’ve learned that things don’t always go according to planned, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.  Tomorrow is another day, and I just need to continue to believe in myself.

In my past life, I would stress when things didn’t go according to plan.  That behavior took up a lot of energy and left me feeling exhausted.  I would literally sleep through the alarm clock and feel like crap for the remainder of the day.  Since I’ve changed my attitude, I no longer set the alarm clock. I wake up refreshed, and I feel good enough to face the day and myself.

2. Turn Things Over to Higher Power – Because some things are beyond my control, I have learned to give it to my higher power. I am a woman of faith, and grow up in the church.  Most importantly, I do believe in God.  I think it is imperative to believe in someone greater than you and I.  Praying, reading the word and than letting things go works for me.  I have found peace with myself.  Furthermore, I have found peace with the world.  It’s not perfect and neither am I.

3.  Think Positive – I strive hard to keep negative thoughts out of my head.  I’ve learned to surround myself with positive people.  Because I surround myself with people that are positive and that I can learn from, my perspective on things have changed.

4.  Make Yourself A Priority – I’ve learned over the years that I’m a valuable commodity.  And I treat myself as such.  No matter what I have on my List Of Things To Do, I make time for me.  I book an appointment at a salon for a pedicure, read a good book, playing games on the computer, take a vacations or just sleep.  Making myself a priority energizes me and allows me to give freely to others.  When you feel good, you do good things.

We hope that you have found our tips on how to become your best self helpful.  Download the infographic here, and apply the tips to your life.  You will be glad you did.  You may also like the following posts:

Self Improvement:  Is Your Foundation On Solid Ground

5 Steps To Becoming A Confident Woman



How to Empower Yourself Emotionally

Did you that people use emotional intelligent to achieve their goals and to build businesses.  When I went into management many years ago, I learned that my emotional intelligence would be just as important as my technical savvy.   Since I was expected to lead the organization’s visions whether I agreed with them or not, I would need to empower myself. 
My job was to get my employees on board and implement the organization’s plan.  I knew that I would need to be physically and emotionally healthy to carry out these tasks.  At the time I didn’t have a game plan, but I knew that self-improvement and self-development would become a priority.  How to empower yourself was a question that I needed answers to.   Today, I’m going to share tips on how to empower yourself emotionally.  

becoming empowered


First, emotional Intelligence is about self-control.  It’s about having absolute control over your emotions and your life.  It’s portraying  confidence and a high level of self-esteem even when you don’t feel it.  I always think of the saying, “Never let them see you sweat” when I think of emotional intelligence.  I read every book that I could find on emotional intelligence and went to work on myself.  Becoming empowered was the name of the game.

Since management was the last rung on the ladder of my career goals, I was determined to be successful.  My job was to manage a team of IT Specialists and help oversee a million dollar computer system.

I empowered myself by incorporating the following tips into my life.  This included on the job and in my personal life:

Learning to Say No – There’s power in that 2 letter word. It’s one of the most powerful words in the English language and has served me well over the course of the years. At one point I didn’t know how to say no. I was the go to person for everybody in the family. It started wearing on my health, so I had to make a major change in my life by deciding what was my problem and what was theirs. I learned to leave them with their problems.  As a result, they had to grow up and take responsibility for their life.  That freedom empowered me.

Learning to Relax – I started focusing on hobbies that I enjoyed, but neglected. I started scrap booking, crocheting and making other crafts. It’s important to found things you enjoy and just unwind.  It empowers you.

Let Go Of GuiltOnce I learned to say no I also learned to let go of guilt. I would feel guilty if I didn’t do what was being asked of me. Now I say what I mean and mean what I say.  Let the door hit you if you don’t like it. It is so freeing and empowering.

Focus on Solutions – I always told my employees to bring a solution when they bring me a problem. Being a part of a solution is empowering.  It’s simple, write down the problem and than write down a solution.  Make changes to your solution when or if it is needed.

Stay Positive – A positive attitude will take you a long way, and you will feel better about yourself.  Who wants to follow someone with a bad attitude?  People want to connect with positive energy.  They find it empowering!

Exercise RegularlyGet some form of exercise everyday.  I had to change my attitude toward exercising.  I hate it and would find any exercise to avoid it.  Previously I thought if I couldn’t get at least 30 minutes in it was unproductive.  So not true, 10, 15, 20 minutes is better than nothing.  I still haven’t mastered this one I’m a work in progress, but I do understand the importance and benefits so I’m striving to get better each day.

The biggest lesson that I learned on my emotional intelligence journey is that our emotions drive our actions. Your emotions can lead to your success or your failure.  Become steadfast, and don’t move unless you choose to be moved.  This determination has required me to remain emotionless at times.

I have learned that people look for reactions, and when you don’t give them one they have to rethink their game plan.  The greatest satisfaction is walking away and seeing them with a puzzled look on their face because you didn’t give them what they wanted.  That is empowerment.

Unfortunately, the business world still needs to deal with women’s issues. There are still men who think that women are too emotional and shouldn’t be in leadership positions.  On the other side of the spectrum, there are other women who try to press your buttons because they don’t want to see you successful either.  Becoming empowered and emotional intelligence will help you be successful in all areas of your life.


You may also like Finding Your Self-Esteem After Divorce and How I Deal With Toxic People.