Tips on How to Become a Healthy Mom

As a mother, they say your work is never done.  In the modern age, it can be tough to stay on top of as your role as a mother.  It is even more difficult to figure out how to become a healthy mom.  Maybe you work a full-time job during the day. In fact when you’re a mother working a part-time job, doing household chores, or simply volunteering can be difficult.   Finding time for you can be even more difficult.  Today, I’m sharing tips on how to parent and becoming a healthy mom.

how to become a healthy mom




However, you’re still a human being even when you feel like a robot at times. Your health is just as important as the health of your children.  In fact, it’s important to the well being of your family that you stay healthy.  Your kids want you to be healthy and happy  Furthermore, your mental and physical state affects them too.  A happy mom is more likely to ensure that her entire family is happy.  Being a healthy mother is easier than you think.  So, let’s talk about  ways in which you can improve your health:

Fix your eating habits.

Another tip on how to become a healthy mom is how you eat.  If you want to be as healthy as your kids, fix your eating habits. When you take time to prepare a healthy packed lunch for your kids, you should do the same for yourself. If tell your kids to eat healthily then you need to lead by example.  After all, eating well is the best way to maintain physical and mental healthiness.

It’s important that you get the sustenance you need. That doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to the occasional chocolate bar or glass of wine.  But, you need to eat everything in moderation. Even vegetables and fruit are only good for you in moderation. Your diet needs to be full and varied. A balanced diet should contain protein, iron, calcium, and potassium.  Your diet should include all other nutrients and minerals necessary to keep your body healthy. Better eating habits could improve your mental health too.

Stay physically active.

As a mother you rush around everyday in order to get your kids ready for school.  Additionally, you do household chores.  However, you may not necessarily be getting all the physical exercise you need.  Especially,  if you’re cooped up in an office or your home all day.  Most of live sedentary lifestyles even if we do have a lot on our plates.  But, you need to find some time to stay physically active.  This doesn’t mean fitting a 3-hour gym session into your day, but you need to exercise regularly.

You could even combine exercise with some of your responsibilities. For example, you could walk rather than taking the car during some of your errands.  If you have a small children, check out the 10 best double jogging strollers of 2018 reviews.  Taking your children to the local park would be a good way for you to exercise while bonding with your little ones.  You might only find 10 minutes to do push-ups in your living room, but 10 minutes of daily exercise can make a massive improvement to your physical and mental health.


healthy mom tips



Make sure you get your rest

It’s hard for any mother to get rest when you’ve got so much to do.   When you think about how to become a healthy mom consider how much you’re getting.  You may even struggle to get to sleep because you’re always thinking about the things you’ve got to get done.  And, if you work outside the home then the pressure can feel overwhelming.  We live in a society that’s obsessed with productivity.  As a result, rest is often put on the back-burner.  However, you need to make sleep a priority.

The more rested you are, the better you’ll be able to concentrate and focus on the things you need to get done. You should get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.  Just as important is your mattress.  It’s important that you mattress  give your body the support it needs while resting.  Your body and mind recover while you sleep.  You’re giving yourself energy, but also keeping yourself healthy.  So, if you want to be a healthy mom then start making sleep a priority. You need to let your mind shut down from time to time so that it can recharge.





Focus on your mental health.

If you really want to stay healthy focus on your mental health.  As a mother each day is demanding.  It can take a toll on your body as well as your mind.  It might be easier to notice your aching back than it is to notice your declining mental health.  However, that doesn’t make your physical health more important. It just means that you need to take assessment of your mental state frequently. It could be beneficial for you to read a book from time to time.  Maybe you could read it while soaking in the bath.  Allow yourself some “me time” so you can unwind and let your mind relax.  Finally, talk to your partner or friends if you’re feeling stressed or feeling anxious. Communication is key.

We hope that you will consider all of our tips when you’re putting your plan together on how to become a healthy mom.


Want to Eat Healthy: Check Out the Bulu Box


Bulu Box Review

Are you trying to get healthy? I am and the perfect partner in the pursuit of a healthier you is the Bulu Box.  It’s like having a personal trainer and a nutritionist as a best friend. Each month, a box of healthy discoveries is shipped right to your door for just $10 per month. You learn about that month’s 4-5 premium samples.  So, try each one and see what fits into your individual healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, shipping is always free and you can cancel anytime your subscription anytime.

Also, if you share your opinion on each month’s samples through a quick survey, Bulu will give you 50 Rewards Points (that’s $5!).  So exciting, because you can use the points in the store to get more of your favorites.  Furthermore , you can get a 3 Month Subscription for just $15 (regularly $30)! Use code WOWZA .

As a matter of fact, you have two Bulu Boxes to choose from.  If you’re trying to loose weight the Weight Loss Box may be the best option for you.  The boxes can contain anything from vitamins, herbs, and detox products to snacks, protein bars and more.  The Original Box contains products like sleep aides, products to relax you, and products for energy and endurance.

For products that you like, you can visit the shop and buy them individually.  For example, I liked the Oh Yeah protein bars. I like being able to toss a few in my purse and grabbing one to curb my appetite until I get a meal.  They also have protein chips for snacking on the go or between meals.  So, sample the boxes each month and than purchase what you like individually.

Head over and check them out.  Vitamins, sports nutrition, diet, and healthy snacks are a few of the options to choose from.  It’s great for family, there’s a women’s, kid’s and men’s categories.

The Importance of Clean Air in the Home for Children


clean air in the home


We think about the importance of keeping the air clear in the outside world  We know that air pollution can harm our lungs and shorten our lives.  But, we don’t always think about the dangers of the pollution.  It can be harmful to the developing respiratory systems of children.  W must think about the importance of keeping the indoor air we breathe clean as well.  Here are a few reasons on the importance of clean air in the home for children:

Breeding Disease

If someone in a family has a cold, there is a good chance other family members will catch the cold as well.  This likelihood will greatly increase if the family home has a dirty ventilation system.  Recirculating old, diseased-filled air can affect the quality of air in a home. The damp and dark environs that prevail in a vent are the perfect breeding ground bacteria.  This bacteria is then blown by the air conditioning or heating throughout the home.  These diseases can last long past the time the original sufferer has recovered.  They can even re-infect family members months later.

Chronic Illnesses

Communicable diseases can infest a building.  The air must be kept clean.   Additionally, indoor pollution can also exacerbate the conditions of children with chronic illnesses. This includes children who suffer from asthma, allergies, and other conditions where their lungs are affected.  Allergies can make people uncomfortable.  Furthermore, allergens that are allowed to thrive in the ducts of a house can become life threatening.  A good cleaning is required to remove them.  These same airborne particles will harm the underdeveloped lungs of a child with asthma.

Active Living

Keeping kids physically active is more difficult than ever in the days of smart devices, video game consoles, and Youtube videos. But, one factor keeping kids from exercising beyond the availability of these distractions is the quality of air.  Kids who live in a polluted household will likely feel more tired.  This has a cascading effect because the physical activities. A lack of physical activities leads to poor physical health.


So what is the cumulative effect of all of these benefits on your children? As various studies prove, keeping the air clean is associated with a longer and healthier life.  In the long term, your efforts to keep the air clear for your kids will result in reduced chances of lung cancer and respiratory illnesses.  Furthermore, it will improve your child’s general health and a feeling of wellness.  If someone told you that feeding your child a particular meal would help them live a longer life, you would certainly jump prepare the meal for your child.  Keeping clean air in your house is exactly that kind of opportunity.

Last, having clean air in the home is not a huge expense.  Mostly importantly, it just requires you to make the effort to clean it up. Quality and quantity of life for your children is an awesome reward.

Why Do We Have Obese Children?



obese children


I love seeing young families. I decided to take my grandson to a near-by park so that we could spend quality time together.  The park is small and located in a middle class neighborhood. We were there for approximately an hour, and during that time period I witnessed one other family out with their child.  Lets count, 2 children in the park.

It was a beautiful day, so I wondered where the children were. There was a nice trail for the kids to ride bikes or take a walk as a family.  So, why weren’t families in the park on such a beautiful day?  Again, it was in a nice neighborhood so safety shouldn’t have been a concern.  It bothered me so much, that when we went back to the house and I scoured the neighborhood.  Unfortunately, there was not a child in sight.  Why aren’t our children riding bikes through the neighborhood or playing hopscotch?  I remember playing hopscotch for hours on Saturdays after breakfast and using my roller skates. If we weren’t playing either of those games, we walked around the neighborhood going nowhere in particular.

I spent Saturdays at the roller skating rink with my daughter and for 12 years chauffeured her back and forth to dance classes.  I spent another 3 years watching her cheer our high school basket and football team on and running track on the off season. We moved on to college where she danced and her now husband played football. Not every child will be athletic, but we can teach them to move and monitor what they eat, can’t we.

Two people came to mind while I was thinking about the non-existent children in the neighborhood and park.  First Maury Povich. Why Maury? Because Maury has brought light to the problems that obese children will endure and how we as parents contribute to that problem.  I’ve watched Maury when he has featured children who are severely overweight. I’m not talking about 5 or 10 pounds, but 30, 40 and 50 pounds overweight and they were only 3, 4 or 5 years old.  Can you image what they will encounter in school. These children were eating whole pizzas, 3 – 4 pieces of chicken, a dozen doughnuts or cupcakes, and drinking liters of soda. It was one of the saddest shows that I ever witnessed. They were literally feeding their child to death.

Second, I thought about Michelle Obama and the work she did on childhood obesity with the Lets Move campaign.  Children are obese because they are inside playing computer games or pasted to the sofa watching TV.  While they are watching TV and playing computer games, they are over eating.  We’ve allowed our children to become “couch potatoes”.  We’re not spending time together experiencing the great outdoors.  The sound of children running and playing is missed in the neighborhood.  I miss seeing moms sitting in the park mingling with other moms and watching their children play.

Furthermore, I know times have changed and we can’t let our children run around most neighborhoods unsupervised, but we can encourage our children to get outside and move.  And we can monitor what they eat. If we as parents aren’t encouraging our children to move, how will they learn about exercise and being healthy.  If we aren’t setting limits, and providing healthy meals how will they know  about healthy eating?

We live in the land of good and plenty, and we are some of the most obese people in the world.  I decided to join the Lets Move movement. Not only for my grandchildren, but for myself as well. I want to join my daughter and son-in-law in setting an example for my grandchildren. Exercise has not been at the top of my list, but I’m striving to change that each day.  I make it a point to take walks with my grandchildren when they visit, and when I visit them. We will go to the park, ride bicycles, and shot hoops in the driveway.  I don’t want my grandchildren to become one of America’s statistics.

The struggle with diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases associated with being overweight is real. I want to a part of the solution, not the problem.  Finally, how do you feel about obesity in our country? What outdoor activities do you with your child? Leave us a comment, we would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.  You may also like 10 Tips To Get Your Child Moving.

4 Simple Ways to Prevent Allergies in Your Home


ways to prevent allergeries


Common allergies can cause people to live with annoying, painful symptoms. If you have allergies, then you have probably experienced headaches, runny noses, sleepless nights, and other problems. You can put an end to your suffering — and the suffering of your family members — by using these four simple ways to prevent allergies in your home.

Keep Pets Off Furniture

Letting your pets get on the furniture will cause problems for people who are sensitive to dander. Instead of letting your dog or cat share the couch with you, get a separate bed that will keep your furry friend comfortable. It only takes a small amount of training for domestic animals to understand that they aren’t allowed on furniture.

If you can’t resist snuggling with your pet, get a hypoallergenic breed that won’t make allergic people feel sick. Popular hypoallergenic breeds include:


  • Bichon Frise
  • Chinese Crested
  • Poodle
  • Schnauzer

Cats tend to cause more allergic reactions than dogs, but there are a few hypoallergenic breeds to consider.

Replace Your HVAC System’s Air Filter

Your home’s HVAC system can remove a lot of allergens from the air. It can only do the job well, though, when it has a clean filter to capture dust, pet dander, and other allergens.

Some experts recommend replacing air filters once per month. That works as a general rule, but in reality, your filter will collect more dirt during times of the year when you use your air conditioner or furnace frequently. Inspect your filter monthly to see if you need to replace it. Don’t let more than 90 days pass between replacements, though. If it’s been 90 days, your home’s indoor air quality will benefit from a new filter.

Ask People to Use Doormats Before Coming In

When you think of pollen, you probably imagine it floating through the air. The air’s pollen count will affect allergies, but so will pollen that enters your home in other ways. Your shoes are one of the most common ways to track pollen into a house. When you walk across the lawn, you collect large amounts of pollen from small plants.

You can limit the amount of pollen that enters your home by having everyone wipe their feet before entering. It’s a good idea to put a mat on the inside and outside of each exterior doorway. With two doormats, you’ll take control of the pollen that tries to enter your house on shoes.

Vacuum and Dust Weekly

No matter what you do, some allergens will get inside your home. Regular cleaning is the best way to prevent the allergens from accumulating. Take time to vacuum and dust each room every week.

If you don’t already clean once per week, then it may take a while for you to get into the habit. Eventually, though, spending a few hours vacuuming and dusting will seem like a normal thing to do on the weekends.

It only takes a little effort to banish allergens from your home. In return, your household will enjoy better health and freedom from the sneezing, coughing, and other irritations that are caused by allergic reactions.

We hope that you find our tips on Simple Ways to Prevent Allergies beneficial.   You may also like Choosing the Perfect Pet for Your Family and House Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms.




Why Putting Color In Your Diet Is A Good Thing

healthy living


First, did you know that fruit and vegetables that are brightly colored are packed with nutrients.  This includes green, orange, red, yellow, purple and blue products.  Brightly colored fruits and vegetables contain the most phytochemicals.  Phytochemicals, also called phytonutrients, are natural compounds that that are found in plants. Most importantly, phytochemicals also have antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant benefits.  Putting color in your diet is a good thing.

Consuming nutritious fruits and vegetables, passes benefits on to us. This includes watermelon, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, and the list goes on.  Furthermore, phytochemicals protect us against various ailments.  In addition, they help us to maintain good health. These nutrients regulate detoxification of enzymes and hormone metabolism.  Also, they stimulate the immune system.

Additionally, we should consume at least 5 servings of these fruits and vegetable every day. They can help to slow down the aging process.  And they help to reduce the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.  Other risks they help reduce are cataracts, osteoporosis, urinary tract infections, and cancer.  In addition, making fruits and vegetables a part of your everyday meals, supplies nutrients essential to good health.  Fruits and vegetables reduce our calorie and fat intake.

Getting your daily recommended amount of fruits and veggies every day can be difficult. Fortunately, there are some strategies you can adopt to help achieve your goal.  Keep a range of brightly colored fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator.  Prepare them in advance to use in various dishes and stir fries.  You can also snack on vegetables such as carrots and celery with a healthy dip like hummus.

Drink pure fruit juices instead of flavored drinks and sodas.  Also eat fruits for dessert. When making a sandwich, go easy on the meat and include some veggies like lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers. You can also enjoy fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies for breakfast instead of filling yourself up with carbs.

For more information on the amazing benefits of eating a spectrum of colored fruits and vegetables, take a look at the infographic below.

Colours of Healthy Eating


Final Thoughts

We hope that our article on putting color in your diet was inspirational.   Eating a variety of different colored produce every day is an excellent way to take care of your physical and mental health.  So, include a few of our recommendations with each meal or snack.  We suggest that you consume some fruits and vegetables from each color group.  Last, you will soon be on the path to better health and start to see visible results.



Olivia writes on health and food at!  You can find her article on the yoli diet and other articles on health and fitness for people from all walks of life. Every Nutrient focuses on effective changes that you can make to live a healthy and fulfilled life!


17 Ways Moms Can Relax and Refuel

ideas for moms to relax


As moms, nose wipers, chauffeurs, chef, referees and a host of other positions there are times that we need to refuel.    Often, we don’t take the time to regroup emotionally and or physically after our everyday responsibilities.  Being a mother becomes a most important position, and we give it our all.  We usually neglect our health, walk around sleep deprived, eat poorly, and forget that we need to feed our spirit.

Also, there’s nobody to blame, we just don’t make ourselves  a priority.  Our life simply becomes habit.  It’s equivalent to the alarm going off at the same time every morning.  We can learn to make ourselves a priority. Here’s a few ways moms can relax:

  1. Have a Spa Day – First, make an appointment to have a facial or pedicure and manicure.  I love having a facial as much as I love getting a pedicure and manicure.  Have a limited budget,  spend the afternoon soaking in the tub.  Burn some candles, diffuse your favorite oil, play some relaxing music, and enjoy a cup of tea or your favorite wine.  Also, check out The Ordinary Serum Reviews to learn more about their Ordinary Skincare Serums.  Home facials are just as glorious as the salon’s.
  2. Take a long walk – Second, hit the walking trail or take a long walk around the neighborhood, park or other scenic route.
  3. Go for a long drive – Next, grab your favorite CDs or turn on your favorite radio station.  Enjoy the scenery and just clear your head.  A change of scenery is a good thing.
  4. Spend the day watching your favorite movies – So, I love watching old movies.  Grab yours too, along with  your favorite snacks and a box of tissues for those heart wrenching movies.  Just enjoy the day laughing and crying.
  5. Order take out  – Curl up with a good book or movie.
  6. Catch up on those free Kindle ebooks or your magazines – Next, curl up in front of the fire, relax on the deck, or under a tree and read a good book.  Not interested in reading, flip through your favorite magazines.
  7. Treat yourself – Furthermore, treat yourself.  Order your favorite latte, ice cream, sushi bar or whatever your favorite may be.  No sharing, this is just for you.
  8. Spend the day at a museum – Check out the art museum or whatever museum is close to you.  Spend the day admiring artwork or history.
  9. Take a bike ride – Pull out the bike and take a ride through the park or on your favorite bike trail.
  10. Do crafts – So, if you have a hobby spend some time working on it.  If you don’t have one, now is a good time to start one.  They’re great stress relievers.  Crochet that scarf or hat, finish a scrapbook or sew a new dress.
  11. Set up a girls night – Whip up a few appetizers and cocktails, and laugh until your heart is content with the girls.
  12. Catch up on the sermons at church that you’ve missed or read the bible – Great way to renew your spirit and relieve some stress.
  13. Hike – Furthermore, grab you hiking gear and hit the trails.  It’s great exercise and clears your head.
  14. Sleep – Here’s an idea, put your best sheets on your bed and stretch out under your favorite comforter.  Take a long and much needed nap.
  15. Shop – Go shopping for bargains at your favorite stores.
  16. Skype/FaceTime – Fix your favorite beverage and chat with a friend.
  17. Talk a walk on the beach – Last, clear your head and enjoy the ocean breeze.

Most importantly, taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually is a must.  Because we are committed to our families, we must stay healthy in all areas of our life.  So, we hope that you found our list of ways moms can relax helpful.  Also, being healthy requires us to clear our mind, rest and stay focused.  Just as important, pick out one thing off the list each week.  As a result, take a few hours for yourself and don’t feel guilty.  Finally, be sure to tell your friends about our list of ways moms can relax too.  You will start the week relaxed and refueled.

Also, you may also like: 6 Tips to Boost Your Self Esteem





Water Infuser Pitcher Review

Today, I’m sharing a product review on the Ultimate Kitchens Water Infuser Pitcher.  I received a discount in exchange for an honest review on this product.  This post may contain affiliate links.  Any purchases made may generate compensation; however, there will be no additional cost to you.  Mother 2 Mother Blog uses the funds to sustain the expense of blogging.

Let me start by saying I love this product. I purchased an infuser for my daughter this summer.  So, receiving an infuser for myself was exciting.  The Ultimate Kitchens Water Infuser is a lot nicer than the one that I previously purchased.  This infuser holds 3.2 quarts of water or whatever beverage you decide to use.  You can infuse tea, lemonade or other drinks as well as water. As a result, the possibilities are endless.



water pitcher infuser review



After I removed the infuser from the box, I hand washed it before using it.  It is dishwasher safe on the top shelf; however, I think I will continue to hand wash mine. I love the red top and handle on the pitcher too.  It’s great to serve guests at holiday gatherings, dinner and birthday parties or just relaxing at home.  I love that the pitcher is clear.  The pitcher is easy to assemble or disassemble.  When disassembled the infuser becomes three pieces.  The pitcher, cylinder and the top.  Place the ingredients that you want to infuse into the cylinder and than twist the top on.




infused water pitchers





The ingredients that you decide to use, will be stars in this pitcher.  Oh what to use? I fell in love with cucumber water in Las Vegas years ago.  The water was welcoming when I entered the lobby of the hotel.  It was 100+ degrees that day, and heat like I’ve never experienced before.  So, the water was refreshing.  But, cucumber water was a new experience for me.  Who knew that a cucumber could change water from blah to delicious.  I decided to use cucumbers and basil in the cylinder this time. 


Cucumber and Basil Infused Water Recipe: 

  • Wash a cucumber and slice
  • Remove fresh basil leaves and rinse
  • Spring Water


Add the ingredients to the cylinder and add the cylinder to the pitcher of spring water.  Chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours and enjoy.  


There are many combinations of fruit and vegetables that can be used.  For example:  

Cucumber and Lemon
Watermelon and Jalapenos
Raspberry and Mint
Blackberry and Sage
Oranges and Blueberries


I highly recommend this ULTIMATE KITCHENS Water Infuser Pitcher.  Update:  The Ultimate Kitchens Water Infuser Pitcher is no longer available.  However, I recently purchased the Classic Cuisine Infusion Pitcher and it is comparable.  






Guest Post – Italian Chicken and Zucchini Skillet Recipe




Today I bring you a delicious and healthy skillet recipe that never fails to impress. A little about myself, my name is Madina and I’m writing in partnership with Ready Set Eat. On the weekends, I like to prepare meals that I can quickly heat up during the week. One of my favorite dishes to make is Italian Chicken and Zucchini Skillet, a casserole style dish combining unique flavors of garlic, bell peppers, and tomatoes with zucchini, chicken, and pasta. Topped with extra sprinkles of Parmesan cheese it makes the ultimate comfort meal.

What you’ll need:

  • 1 cup uncooked orzo pasta
  • Organic Canola oil cooking spray
  • 1 pound of cubed boneless chicken breasts
  • 2 medium sized fresh bell peppers cut into strips
  • 1 medium diced fresh onion cut into small pieces
  • 2 medium zucchinis sliced into discs
  • 1 can of Hunt’s® Diced Tomatoes with Basil, Garlic and Oregano, drained
  • 1 can of Hunt’s® Tomato Sauce with Basil, Garlic and Oregano
  • Grated Parmesan cheese



Source: Bravissimos


  1. Cook pasta al dente, until it is slightly firm
  2. Spray or coat large skillet with oil
  3. Cook chicken in skillet until it is well cooked
  4. Stir in peppers, onions and zucchinis, tomatoes and sauce
  5. Bring mixture to a boil reducing heat after a few minutes
  6. Mix ingredients regularly until vegetables are soft
  7. Place veggies and chicken over a plate of orzo pasta
  8. Add generous sprinkles of parmesan and allow to melt!
  9. You can recreate this recipe and substitute the orzo pasta with slices of potatoes. Bake the skillet in the oven for around 20 minutes on low heat. You can also replace the vegetables in this recipe with any favorites of your choice.

I hope you enjoy making this easy and healthy Italian Chicken and Zucchini Skillet it saves me a lot of prep and time during the week.

Bulu Box Promotion

Bulu Box, healthy eating, healthy snacks

Are you trying to get healthy? I am and the perfect partner in the pursuit of a healthier you is the Bulu Box.  It’s like having a personal trainer and a nutritionist as a best friend. Each month, a box of healthy discoveries is shipped right to your door for just $10 per month. You learn about that month’s 4-5 premium samples.  So, try each one and see what fits into your individual healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, shipping is always free and you can cancel anytime your subscription anytime.

Also, if you share your opinion on each month’s samples through a quick survey, Bulu will give you 50 Rewards Points (that’s $5!).  So exciting, because you can use the points in the store to get more of your favorites.  Furthermore , you can get a 3 Month Subscription for just $15 (regularly $30)! Use code WOWZA .

Head over and check them out. Stay tuned to my review of the Bulu Box.  Vitamins, sports nutrition, diet, and healthy snacks are a few of the options to choose from. It’s great for family, there’s a women’s, kid’s and men’s categories.