Why Putting Color In Your Diet Is A Good Thing

healthy living


First, did you know that fruit and vegetables that are brightly colored are packed with nutrients.  This includes green, orange, red, yellow, purple and blue products.  Brightly colored fruits and vegetables contain the most phytochemicals.  Phytochemicals, also called phytonutrients, are natural compounds that that are found in plants. Most importantly, phytochemicals also have antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant benefits.  Putting color in your diet is a good thing.

Consuming nutritious fruits and vegetables, passes benefits on to us. This includes watermelon, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, and the list goes on.  Furthermore, phytochemicals protect us against various ailments.  In addition, they help us to maintain good health. These nutrients regulate detoxification of enzymes and hormone metabolism.  Also, they stimulate the immune system.

Additionally, we should consume at least 5 servings of these fruits and vegetable every day. They can help to slow down the aging process.  And they help to reduce the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.  Other risks they help reduce are cataracts, osteoporosis, urinary tract infections, and cancer.  In addition, making fruits and vegetables a part of your everyday meals, supplies nutrients essential to good health.  Fruits and vegetables reduce our calorie and fat intake.

Getting your daily recommended amount of fruits and veggies every day can be difficult. Fortunately, there are some strategies you can adopt to help achieve your goal.  Keep a range of brightly colored fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator.  Prepare them in advance to use in various dishes and stir fries.  You can also snack on vegetables such as carrots and celery with a healthy dip like hummus.

Drink pure fruit juices instead of flavored drinks and sodas.  Also eat fruits for dessert. When making a sandwich, go easy on the meat and include some veggies like lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers. You can also enjoy fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies for breakfast instead of filling yourself up with carbs.

For more information on the amazing benefits of eating a spectrum of colored fruits and vegetables, take a look at the infographic below.

Colours of Healthy Eating


Final Thoughts

We hope that our article on putting color in your diet was inspirational.   Eating a variety of different colored produce every day is an excellent way to take care of your physical and mental health.  So, include a few of our recommendations with each meal or snack.  We suggest that you consume some fruits and vegetables from each color group.  Last, you will soon be on the path to better health and start to see visible results.



Olivia writes on health and food at Everynutrient.com!  You can find her article on the yoli diet and other articles on health and fitness for people from all walks of life. Every Nutrient focuses on effective changes that you can make to live a healthy and fulfilled life!