How to Find Balance as a Mother

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on how to find balance as a mother.  There’s no doubt that, as a society, we put pressure on moms. Mother’s are often expected to be the backbones of their homes and families. It’s hardly a surprise then that most moms find this to be an extremely exhausting .  After all, you’re only human and it can often feel impossible to take on everything. Sadly, it’s not always possible to reduce your load. Instead, you have to figure out ways how to find balance.  We have a few solutions. 



how to find balance



How to Find Balance:   



It is actually easier than a lot of people think to get everything done throughout the day. The problem is most people spend their time flying by the seat of their pants.  As a result, you get overwhelmed.  If you want to feel as though you’ve got far more time, start planning your day.  Planning and scheduling your time and responsibilities can make everything so much easier. Once you’re able to create a suitable schedule, you’ll find that you will likely have far more time than you think.



how to find balance




Modern life can be seriously complicated.  But, the real mistake that many of us make is that we end up making it even more complicated than it needs to be. One of the best ways to accomplish your goals is to simplify your life. Becoming a minimalist mom actually a lot easier than you might think. From your home to your wardrobe to your schedule, cutting out things that just don’t need to be there can make all the difference in the world.



One thing that you have to remember is that you don’t have to do everything on your own. Far too many moms feel like the weight of the world is on their shoulders. But, remember that it’s okay to reach out to the people in your life. Whether it’s your partner, your friends, or your family, asking for help is often the very  thing you need to make your life a little easier.

One of the most important things that you have to remember is to get the proper amount of rest.  Furthermore, it’s okay to say no. There’s nothing wrong with sayin no if you simply can’t deal with another thing in our life.  After all, if you can’t look after yourself, you’re not going to be able to look after anyone else.



Running A Successful Blog Requires Organization

Today, I’m sharing tips on running a successful blog.  When it comes to making money off a blog, making any kind of profit from it is enough to be called a success. However, if you want to continually succeed, you need more than gusto, personality, and a good grasp of the subject you write on. You need to be consistent and, to be consistent, you need to be organized.



blogging tips


Here are a few tips on running a successful blog:


Get your own space and your own time

Are you a mom and trying to make money? Are you trying to do it in the same home where you raise your kids?  Good luck with that. Blogging and online work have made it easier for moms to work from home. However, you need to know how to balance motherhood and your career. This means creating a schedule that you can stick to.  You must consistently set aside time each day, but also maintain some kind of flexibility.


Track your income

You might be making literal pennies when you start.  But, as you find more ways to monetize your blog, it’s important to track both your income and your expenses.  You’re going to have to file taxes on your income.  Furthermore, you can deduct any money invested.  So, you want those figures available as well. Small business accounting apps like Tide can help you track your expenses.  Business accounting apps make it easy to generate reports for the financial year.


Make sure your folders have a hierarchy

Your computer is likely to be full of files used for blogging. Some are going to be blog drafts, some are going to be visual files, others are going to be videos. Create a file hierarchy that lets you find the files you need at any time. For example, you may have different files for media types such as images and videos.  You may have sub-folders for different years as well.  If you decide to publish elsewhere or refresh and edit your post, you’ll be able to find it quickly.



blogging tips



Work with a content pipeline

What are the different stages of creating a blog post?  Your stages may be different, but first brainstorm your idea.  Second, find an angle and title for that idea.  Next, research the idea and create the post for your blog.  The post should include final edits before publishing.  To help you keep a healthy schedule, it’s a good idea to have different posts at various stages.  This step will ensure you have at least one idea in each of the stages.  It will also ensure that you’re not constantly starting work from scratch when you have to write a new blog post. You will have ideas that are already in the development stage, you just need to carry it to the finish line.


Be ready to take notes on the fly

As mentioned, you want to have a content pipeline where you’re constantly brainstorming and working on blog ideas. However, aside from researching your ideas and thinking about what to write next, you have to be ready to catch inspiration when it lands. Having a portable notepad like a Mote Mote on hand can make it super easy to scribble ideas out at any time. Otherwise, you will be surprised how many times you think of a great post, but then forget about it a few hours later.


Keep a calendar on your phone

Having a paper planner is great, but it’s a good idea to make use of Google Calendar as well. You can set deadlines and alerts, change them to different colors, and make sure that you’re always sticking to your schedule.  Using Google Calendar is not only good for creating an editorial calendar, but also for any personal appointments you might have.  It’s also good for sharing posts on social, participating in campaigns, and more. It’s essential to be timely.  Especially, if others, including your audience or partners, have expectations of you to be at a certain place or doing a certain thing at a specific time.


Have a digital to-do list

A physical notepad is great for writing down ideas and taking notes when you need to remember something for later. But when you sit down to do your blogging for the day, having a virtual to-do list app like Todoist is super helpful for ticking responsibilities off one by one and helping you prioritize what you should spend the day doing. This includes not only writing blog posts, but networking, finding more monetization opportunities, using social media, and so on.



blogging tips



Have a healthy routine

When you work from home, it’s tempting to stay up until some ungodly hour to get work done.  But, it’s not healthy.  Getting the proper rest is important.  Being rested will help you stay motivated for the day ahead. If you wake up too early or go to bed too late, you will become unproductive.


An organized and clutter-free space

Unless you’re blogging on the go like a true laptop warrior, you’re likely going to need a desk to sit at. You want to keep that desk organized.  However, there’s another good reason to de-clutter your desk: stress. There’s evidence to show that clutter actually makes us more stressed.  It steals our attention and gives us more stimuli than we need, which makes it harder to relax. It also causes dust to build up, which makes for an unpleasant workplace environment.


There will be bloggers out there who don’t organize their work life in the way laid about above, and you might agree with some of their methods instead. That’s totally fine, we all have our own way of doing things.  But, try a few of our ideas, and let me know if they help you in running a successful blog.


5 Back to School Tips for Mom

It comes around once a year, every year.  We’re talking about the kids going back to school and all of the chores, responsibilities, and preparations that go along with it.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on back to school tips.  Our tips will reduce the frustration that usually accompanies the hustle and bustle of back to school.  We’re offering a few helpful suggestions to assist in organizing and getting you started early might be of service:


back to school


Get School Supplies

Getting school supplies should be at the top of most people’s list.  But, you would be surprised at how many folks wait until the last minute to get even the basic essentials.  This includes writing tools, paper, folders, and backpacks.  By waiting so late a lot of supply stores are barren.  And, you really aren’t getting quality products for your child. That may not be the way that we want to start off their school year.


Set Aside Time to Work on Assignments

One good way to get your child back into the swing of doing homework is by giving them small assignments before school starts.  This will gradually increase a few minutes every week.  By the time they are back in class it’s not such a shock to their system.

Setting up a dedicated work station that they will use throughout the year is also a good idea too. Children have a way of falling out of the habit of learning and concentrating over the summer. The sooner they can get back into the routine, the easier the beginning of the school year becomes.


Establish a Routine and Set a Bedtime

So, we suggest starting it at least a week (and preferably two) before the first day of school. This includes everything from taking a bath to what point the TV or devices are turned off.  We suggest you start at least an hour before their designated bedtime.  Blue screens have been known to hinder melatonin production in the brain.  It becomes a robber of a much needed natural sleep aid.

Getting a good night’s rest is vital for a child.  For general reference: preschoolers need ten to thirteen hours of sleep, school age children need nine to eleven hours, and teenagers need eight to ten.


Create Positive Habits

When you get a routine going, positive habits can and should be instituted as well.  Getting up early, eating a healthy breakfast, taking care of a few chores, and any other beneficial activities and recreations can be introduced.


Take the Time to Address any Anxiety or Stress

Don’t let the urgency of the season create an unnecessary strain on the emotional well being of your child.  Sit down with him or her and talk about anything that may be bothering them.  Furthermore, ask them what’s on their minds. The start of a new year can be quite scary for many children.  And, it’s common for them to be concerned about meeting new people and making friends.

Keep the above back to school tips in mind, and your child will be sure to have a great, uneventful return to school.


8 Effective Ways to Plan Your Busy Months

We all have those busy months when we just can’t seem to get enough done in a single day.  Between juggling a career, taking care of our family, and managing household duties, something always seems to get left behind.   With a little planning, maybe we can get everything done during our busiest months!   Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on effective ways to plan for your busy months and accomplish your goals:


ways to plan



Start With The Priorities

On the off chance that you get too busy to accomplish certain tasks each day or week, make sure that you focus on the priorities,  Is there a big party or project you need to focus on? Are there home maintenance tasks that must be taken care of? Consider what is most important and put those at the top of your list.

Don’t Do What Others Can

Whether you’re at home or at the office, you have a team ready and waiting to help you. Delegate smaller task to your tribe so that you can focus on tasks that only you can accomplish.

Multi-task Strategically

Take advantage of online shopping, automatic ordering, and special plans like a home warranty to take care of home maintenance while you are focusing on more important things.  As a result, you can get the house cleaned or focus on meal planning.  Furthermore, take advantage of having your groceries and other items delivered to your door.

Discover the Low Hanging Fruits

Another effective ways to plan tips is to consider the smaller tasks that you can take on while you’re taking a mental break from a big project. Did you know that cleaning actually helps clear your mind?  It gets those creative juices flowing.   If you’re starting to feel burned out on a single task, jump to a different task so you can refocus.

Avoid Distractions

Having the television playing in the background may seem like a great idea.  Or, some other background noise while you’re working.  However,  you’d be surprised at how many times your eyes drift over to the television.  It kills precious time that could have been spent finishing work. Consider what distracts you on a daily basis and eliminate it for your busy month.


planning tips


Reorganize Your Days

If you wake up each morning and seem to be dragging your feet, but you get your second wind at night, be sure to plan accordingly.  Just because you want to prioritize your tasks doesn’t mean they need to be the first items to be accomplished.  Tackle your priorities when you feel the most energized, and tackle the smaller tasks when you are low energy.

Consider Telecommuting

Many companies offer a number of days you can work from home or short periods of time to work remotely. Consider your options for working remotely.  Plan to stay at home and get those smaller tasks done.  You’ll get your work done ten-fold, plus you will save a ton of time by not having to travel to the office.


 planning tips


Take It Easy On Yourself

The amount of time you spend beating yourself up because you didn’t get to cross item off your list could be spent focusing on other tasks.  Remember, you’re only human.  So, take a breath and focus on the day ahead.


We hope that you find our tips on effective ways to plan beneficial.



6 Easy Ways to Cleaning Holiday Clutter

Today, I’m sharing tips on cleaning holiday clutter. The holidays have past, but does it still feel like Christmas? After reading our article, you will feel ready and be motivated to start cleaning your holiday clutter today.  Usually, every decision starts from tomorrow or even next Monday, but why wait?  Start immediately and you will thank me later.

Cleaning after the holidays can be very boring and exhausting.  But, in no time you will find yourself getting ready for the next holiday season.  And, you will be glad that you decluttered when you did.   Today,


holiday clutter

Not only did you decorate your home, but you have also received plenty of gifts. With good organization and a little storage space, your house will be cleaned in no time.  Since the hardest part of the cleaning process is getting started, we are happy to introduce several ideas to get rid of holiday clutter.

Start With Garbage

The easiest way to start cleaning is to remove all wrapping paper, empty gift boxes, and stale or leftover food from the refrigerator.  In this phase of cleaning you will need to be relentless.  If you feel that you need to hire house cleaning services, go ahead.  Set up an appointment so that you can completely remove all the clutter and return your house to order.

Replace Old Items With New Ones

You probably received a bunch of gifts, but some of them you may already own. If so, replace the old items with the new ones and immediately move the old one into the spare box for a garage sale.  Or donate them or even trash them if you don’t find an item usable anymore.

Place New Items

It’s crucial to find a place for all of the new items you received.  Otherwise, they will become a part of the clutter.  If you don’t have any spare storage space or if you think, you won’t use these items consider regifting or donating them.

Organize Decorations

Organizing decorations are one of the main steps of the holiday cleaning process. Before you start to organize them, determine if there are any that you don’t like anymore or won’t use next year.  If so, store these decorations into boxes and categorize them accordingly (trash or donation). Sort all the other decorations into boxes and put them away for next year.

Sort Out Holiday Cards

Receiving holiday cards is a very important part of the holiday season.  Especially, if they were sent by loved ones.  It’s OK to keep a stack of them and remind yourself from time to time of your family and friends.  However, we recommend that you to go through all of your cards, keep the ones you are most attached to. You can recycle the rest of them as it will help your cleaning process.

Go through Your Holiday Photos

By going through your holiday photos and sharing them with your friends and family, you will evoke beautiful memories.  Delete all the duplicate or blurry ones to reduce the gallery storage.  If you are a fan of photo books, consider scrapbooking your photos.



6 Tips to Take the Stress Out of School Mornings


how to eliminate school stress


Chaos can lead to a stressful morning.  Who needs to be stressed out at 8:00 am on school mornings.  I have found that organization is key to eliminating school morning stress.  As a result, I take preventive measures to ensure school mornings are pleasant.  Keeping the environment positive  takes the stress out of my mornings:

Pack lunches the night before – I have found that packing lunches before bed saves so much time.  I pack juice boxes, apples/bananas, and any other items that won’t get soggy at night.  Place the lunch box in the refrigerator.  That leaves making sandwiches in the morning.  Sip a cup of coffee or check out the news with your extra time.

Give kids their bath the night before –  Getting kids up on school mornings can be a major effort.  I know it is with my granddaughter.  So, I have found giving them a bath or having teens shower the night before eliminates struggles in the morning.  Having them brushing their teeth, washing their face and hands and getting dressed is so much easier.

Get clothes and essentials out the night before – Nothing causes more arguments in the morning than not being able to find shoes, disagreements on clothing and not being able to find book bags.  Gather shoes, book bags and anything else needed as well.  I line up the book bags/back packs and lunches so all they have to do is grab them on the way out the door.

Sign any papers the night before – Read and sign any papers and place them in the kid’s book bags the night before.

Distribute lunch money or fees the night before – Additionally, hand any money that needed for lunches, snacks or book fairs the night before.  I place the money in envelopes, and mark each with the teacher’s name.  I also include what the money is for and than place the envelopes in the book bags.

Warm the car on cold mornings – Having your kids complaining about being cold on school mornings is not the way you want them to start the day or you.  Having them toasty warm when they reach student drop off is the way to go.

These tips have worked great for me when I have my grandchildren on school days.  It leaves them with enough time to watch cartoons or play on their electronics before I have to shuffle them out the door.  And eliminates head aches and stress for me.