Newborn Help for New Parents

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on newborn help for new parents. So, congratulations, you got through pregnancy and now you have a new baby. Newborns are often difficult to care for. Especially, if you are a new parent. They require a lot of attention, and sometimes they’re hard to understand when they cry. If you’re a new mom who is struggling with caring for your newborn, this post is perfect for you! 

We’ll go over the basics of how to take care of your baby in their first few months.  Your will be relaxed as a parent, and they will grow up healthy and happy.



newborn help


Newborn Help for Parents


Newborn Help for New Parents and Keeping Baby Warm 

Keep your baby warm whether they are eating or sleeping. You can swaddle them in a blanket or put on some cozy pajamas so that he or she doesn’t get cold. 


Bathing Your Baby

Make sure your infant is clean by giving them a bath every day. Babies have very sensitive skin, so make sure you use plain water and a very mild soap made specifically for babies. The market has a variety of washcloths and wipes without any added chemicals or fragrances.


Sleep Is Important

Babies need a lot of sleep every day.  They grow rapidly; however, it may feel like your child is awake all the time! Focus on creating a comforting sleep environment for your baby.  Soft music can be soothing to a baby.  So, have a variety of lullabies on hand.  

Put your infant to sleep in their own bed not yours! If you do need to share your bed with your baby, make sure it’s safe for both of you.  

You should try to sleep when your baby is sleeping, this is the best way to ensure that you are feeling your best and ready to take care of your baby.



newborn help




Newborn Help for New Parents on Feeding 

Newborns need to eat every two to three hours. If they’re not hungry, it’s okay if you don’t feed them right away! Simply feed your baby when they’re hungry. 

A lot of times, newborns will cry, but it doesn’t always mean something is wrong with them. There are times when they just want to be comforted.  If you have any questions about whether or not to feed your baby, consult your doctor or nurse.  You should also be on the lookout for signs that they may be hungry.  For example, trying to suck on your shoulder or breast or if it’s been hours since they have eaten.   


New Born Help on Diaper Changing

Change their diapers often to keep them healthy and happy. Newborns are often messy, especially in the first few months after birth, so it’s important to change their diapers often to keep them clean. 

Changing a baby’s diaper also helps prevents diaper rash or infections that can happen due to sitting in dirty diapers for long periods of time. 

Make sure you practice good hygiene when changing your baby’s diaper, wash your hands with soap before and after touching anything near the baby’s genitals.


Check Your Baby’s Weight

Keep an eye on your baby’s weight, height, and head circumference to make sure they grow up healthy. It is very important to make sure your baby is growing well. You should also know how tall they are and what their head looks like.  Regular doctor’s visits are a must.  

If you suspect that your baby was injured in some way at birth you can get a second opinion. If it is proven to be true you can hire a team of trusted birth injury attorneys to help you.



newborn help



Choose the Right Car Seat

Use a car seat that is age-appropriate for your child and the right size for your child. A car seat that is too big or too small can be uncomfortable, and it might not protect them well in case of an accident. 

But if you have any questions about what size your child needs, ask your doctor or nurse. They will know the answer!

Car seats are designed to keep your baby safe. The safest place for an infant is in the back seat on their back, in their rear-facing car seat. 

Ideally, infants should be rear-facing until they are two years old or weigh 20 pounds. Forward-facing car seats should be used after your baby turns two years old or reaches twenty pounds.


Enjoy the Journey

Becoming a mother is one of the most exciting things that can happen to a woman. However, it can also be one of the most overwhelming. 

Knowing what you should and shouldn’t do especially when you are a new mom can help you to feel more at ease. In this way, you’ll be able to enjoy your bundle of joy a lot more.


How to Choose the Perfect Baby Name

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Name is a question many parents have.  We have parenting tips on how to choose the perfect baby name.  Not only do you need to find a name that you both like, but you also need to consider suggestions from over-eager family and friends.

One of the main concerns for parents now is that they may unintentionally choose a bad name not realizing that a particular name has connotations and could even threaten job opportunities later on. With so much to consider – how can you possibly choose the right name?


how to choose the perfect baby name



Consider Family Names

When you are choosing a name, one of the best places to look for family approval is your own family names. There is a long-standing tradition for naming children after parents and grandparents though you wouldn’t have to stick to the strict rules for which child gets named after which person!


Naming a baby after a family member is a huge mark of respect and something you might consider. Even if you want to choose another first name, picking a middle names from within your family is a nice way to show someone how much you care about them. And, if you are worried about choosing a ‘bad’ first name, a more regular middle name could be used later on. Of course, the same is true the other way around.  You could just pick a regular first name and then go a little wilder with the middle name.


baby names

Factor Nicknames into Your Decision

Finding a name is hard enough without having to worry about the kind of nicknames it might bring up. For example, you might love the name ‘Minerva’ but hate the inevitable nickname ‘Minnie’.  Nicknames tend to follow a similar pattern so you should consider all the different options that may present themselves.

A nickname might also be part of the reason for choosing a name. You might love ‘Minnie’ but worry that it won’t look great on a CV where Minerva might look better. Of course, the reality is that by the time your baby is looking for a job, things might have changed considerably. It’s entirely possible to overthink the name you choose and in the end, you have to pick something that you love.

A Name is For Life!

Something that some parents seem to forget is that a name is for life.  In some cases, it’s until the child reaches the legal age to be able to change their name.  While celebrities seem entirely fine with giving their children cutesy and often bizarre names, this seems to be a Hollywood thing that is best left alone.

While you are looking down at a little baby, do consider what that baby may grow up to be. Nominative determinism may not be a sure fire way towards success but equally, your baby is going to be an adult for a lot longer than they are an adorable bundle of love.

Finding the right name is a case of trial and error. As you research throughout your pregnancy, you will likely go through phases but in the end, when you look at your baby in your arms for the first time, you will know what the right answer is.


Bad Baby Names

When I heard the name of Beyonce and Jay-Z’s baby girl, Blue Ivy, I immediately thought damn here we go with these bad baby names again.  I’ve wondered if parents think about the name calling and harassment their child will endure as they grow up.  I understand wanting a unique name for your child, but some of the names we place on our children are just down right ridiculous. However, Blue Ivy is so rich her name won’t matter.  She will tutored at home, and socialize with those who have unique names just like her.  For example, Apple, Alabama Luella, Banjo, Sailor Lee and Diezel.  Yep, the names of other Celebrity children.


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Lets talk about the common folk?  You know the children that have to go to regular school and endure being teased on the playground.  Or, later in life turned down for a job because of their name.  Corporate America will turn people away because of their names.  People prejudge or automatically make assumptions about who you are because of preconceived ideas.  They see your name on your Resume and automatically think they know you.  It hits the shredder.  They don’t want to leave any traces of you and that ridiculous name.  Please know, they aren’t interested in the likes of you and your name says it all.

Lexus and Mercedes were once seen as ghetto names.  Especially if the children lived in the projects or another low income area.   What’s the chances of someone living in the ghetto driving or getting close to a Lexus or Mercedes?  Lexus and Mercedes have dropped to the bottom of our Bad Baby Names list.  Names like Buwana, KimKisha, Chandeler, Obamaneshaa, Pilot Inspektor, and Jermajesty are on the scene.  These are the names that will wear on innocent children.  These are the names that will cause a child to save every dime they can so they can change it down the road.  Sorry mom, but Obamanesha or Pilot Inspektor was more than I could bear.  I hope that you understand.

People please think about your children and the world in which we live when you decide on a baby name.  More than likely, they will have to live with that name for the rest of their  life.  And, the torture that goes along with it.   If you’ve noticed, I have intentionally not called my list Ghetto Names.  Bad Baby Names have no boundaries.  They’re just bad rather you live in the suburbs, Hollywood Hills or the ghetto.  Leave us a comment and let us know the worst baby name(s) that you’ve heard or what you think about parents who give these poor children horrendous names.



Essential Advice For Expectant Mothers

advice for expectant mothers


Moms to be often have an expectation of what life with their newborn will be like. But when their newborn arrives, it’s often a lot different from what they imagined.  And it leaves them wishing they had done things differently while they were in the planning stages of having their baby. Also, it makes them realize they should have spent less time on things that really weren’t that important!  We can’t go back in time, but we can offer advice for other expectant moms. So, here is some  advice for expectant mothers in the first few months with their newborn.

Enjoy every moment

You may be surprised how many moms look back and wish they had enjoyed the time with their baby more.  You will never get that time back.  They grow up quickly, and you wake up one morning to find that they are not your newborn anymore. Therefore, no matter how tired or stressed you might be, it’s a good idea to enjoy every moment with your newborn.

Savor the moments that they smile or giggle for the first time.  And make sure you always have your camera next to you so you can take photos of your little one.  Afterwards, you can then look back at the photos and remember those special moments.  Many moms regret not taking more pictures of their kids when they were a baby.

Don’t try to do everything on your own

Some moms feel like asking for help will make them a failure.  As a result, they may struggle with their newborn. Additionally, they may refuse help from their loved ones because they want to be some form of supermom! But in months to come, moms will look back and wish they had taken the help.  After all, becoming a new mom is such a challenging time.  It can be more challenging if you try to do everything on your own.  If you’re inexperienced, it’s easy to get stuck.

Therefore, when friends and family volunteer to help, accept it with open arms.  Getting your mother to look after the baby while you get some sleep can make a big difference.  Furthermore, you want to be able to leave your little one with parents and friends without them crying for you.

It’s a good idea to get them used to being cuddled and played with by a number of people.  Another option is joining a baby group. In fact, a lot of moms look back with regret because they didn’t join earlier.  It’s great for socializing with other moms who are going through the same thing you are!  You may be surprised how much of a boost chatting with another adult can give you after a whole day with your newborn.  They may be able to provide advice for expectant mothers too.


advice for expectant mothers

Image from Pixabay


Don’t spend a fortune on unnecessary items

It’s so easy to go a little crazy when it comes to shopping for your newborn. After all, there’s so many cute things on the market.  You may think that you need a ton of stuff for your baby. In fact, you might end up spending a small fortune on things for your baby. But a lot of moms look back after the first few months with their baby and wish they hadn’t spent so much initially.  So, don’t be duped by magazines and websites that say things are essential, when actually they are not.

In fact, you might end up selling the items to try and get your money back.  While it’s so important to stock up on things like diapers and clothing, you don’t want to buy too many as they grow out of them so quickly. Therefore, before you begin shopping for your newborn make a list of things that are truly essential. That way, you won’t go overboard with your spending. And it will help to ensure you don’t go off your budge while you are in the store.  Most importantly, remember just because an item is expensive, doesn’t make it the best.

Put convenience first

When you look at items for your child, it’s so important that you put convenience first.  After all, a lot of moms make the mistake of going for the cutest option.  Or the one with the cheapest price tag.  But they look back with regret because they pick the most convenient item for their child.  After all, when you are stressed out with your newborn you want what is super easy to use. For example, when you are looking for a car seat, you want one which is simple to fit into your cars.

Getting a car seat into a vehicle can be tricky.  It must be properly placed to ensure your child is safe.  So, when you are looking online at reviews, check out Evenflo Tribute review.  Make sure you look at the top quality brands.  Also, you will know how easy it will be to get it in the car.  Furthermore, make sure you choose a breast pump that is easy to use.  In fact, read product reviews before you buy to ensure you’re are making the right choice.

Do what’s best for you

So moms look back with regret that they didn’t just choose an option which was easiest for them when taking care of their newborn. It’s so easy to follow the baby books or listen to other mom’s advice when bringing up your newborn. However, it is your baby and you must do what works for you.  Sometimes what has worked for another baby might not actually work for yours.  So take only what will work from you from our advice for expectant mothers.

If breastfeeding is causing you stress and worry, switch to bottle feeding. If you would rather co-sleep with your child, you should do what you think is best. And don’t worry about what other people think of you!

Some moms believe that they must get straight back into their pre-pregnancy shape after having their child. In fact, they put a lot of pressure on themselves to lose the weight as quickly as they can.  Some moms look back and wish they hadn’t worried so much about their body.  After all, there will be plenty of time to work on your figure. Therefore, concentrate on your child, and you can worry about your post-baby body later!

We hope that you enjoyed our advice for expectant mothers.  It’s not all inclusive, but it should get you thinking about how you want to plan for your newborn.

Obama Mania

The world is in love with Barack Obama it seems. It’s amazing to watch someone who was scarcely known several years ago become a national and international phenomenon. Parents are naming their children after Barack, Michelle, and their two beautiful daughters, Sasha and Malia Obama. Seven children in Africa have been named after President Elect Obama. Florida, Maryland, and Arkansas couples have named their children after President Elect Obama and soon to be First Lady Michelle and their children.

I became aware of President Elect Obama several years ago on Oprah. He was promoting his book, Audacity of Hope. My first thought, was who is Barack Obama. I decided to watch, and within 5 minutes I was enthralled. I found him to be a fascinating man, and completely understood why Oprah was fawning over him. I soon learned that Barack Obama was a highly intelligent U.S. Senator with an interesting background.

People around the world are not only celebrating the fact that he is America’s first black President, they are also celebrating the fact that America has changed forever. We have watched the most powerful country in the world show that it is time for change. A country that was built on the backs of diverse people has sent a message to the world that there is hope for everyone here and we would like to live peacefully among our brethren. We also sent the message, that no matter who you are, if you work hard enough you can succeed in achieving the American Dream, whatever it may be for you. Regardless of your political affiliation, isn’t it wonderful to know that we, as a country, can come together and have a say in our country’s direction. We are the epitome of freedom.

I hope this country can recover from the economic and financial hardship that we have found ourselves in as well as end the two wars that we are currently embroiled in. I pray that President Elect Obama is given the support and insight needed to lead us back to a place of peace and respect in the world. Oh how beautiful it is to be a part of America’s history. Hail to the Red, White and Blue.

I would love to know your thoughts regarding this incredible 2 year journey, that is as long as they are not offensive.

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