Making Health Choices for Kids

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on making health choices for kids.  As a parent, one of your primary responsibilities is to care for the health and wellbeing of your children. This is accomplished in many ways, from providing moral support and guidance, to offering tough love when they need it! But, when it comes to the physical health of your kids, it can be hard to know what’s best. This is particularly true while your children are still young.  For example, too young to have a serious opinion on their own treatment. So,  how can you know what the right choice is, and what factors can guide you to make it?



making kids health choices



Making Health Choices for Kids:


Take Your Child’s Thoughts Seriously

Though your children may be too young to make decisions about their health, you still consider their feelings and any concerns.  It’s always a good idea to be honest with them as well. Talk to your children about any health concerns, be honest and pay attention to their thoughts and feelings. Any health choices you make should take their thoughts and feelings into consideration.  As the adult, make decisions that are best for them even when they don’t agree.  This include something as simple as eating more vegetables or making other changes in their diet. You don’t need them to agree with the changes, they are children.  It is your responsibility to do what’s best for them, not do what they want you to do.  However, consider their feelings and think about the best way to implement any changes.  

For example, give them more of the vegetables they do like.  Most kids don’t know or care about gluten free products.


Speak to Community Leaders

If you’re unsure how a health choice fits with your faith and cultural practices, talk to a faith leader.  They may be able to help you choose between two similar paths.  Especially, if one of them is more in keeping with your religion. However, always remember that these faith leaders are not doctors, though they will absolutely have your best interests at heart.


health choices for kids





Listen to Doctors

Always listen to your child’s doctors! They are trained professionals about who know what treatment is needed for your children. For example, many people can get squeamish about the idea of having their child circumcised. However, it has been proven that ZSR circumcision reduces the risk of cancer, UTIs, and many other infections, later in life. Long term benefits may often outweigh short-term discomforts, and your doctors will be able to advise you when this is the case.


Question Your Presumptions

You will have been been raised with your own set of presumptions, ideas, and expectations for how to live a healthy life. However, it’s important to remember that these presumptions will always change with time and scientific advances. Many years ago, people thought that smoking cigarettes was actively healthy, and now we know very differently! Remember, replicating how you were treated as a child is not necessarily the best option for your own kids.


 kids health



Your Child Comes First

Through any choice you make, your child comes first. So, always keep their best interest at heart when making any decisions about their health. It’s your responsibility to help them live their best life, and that includes making good choices and helping them make good choices. 

Preschool Educational Activity Color Matching

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on preschool educational activity. My grandchildren loved playing this game.  So, I thought I would share it with you.  Its a great way to teach children their colors as well as match items.  Preparing preschoolers for kindergarten is essential.  So is preparing kindergarten for first grade.  The earlier we start teaching our children the more advanced they become in their education.

Furthermore, parents must stop waiting for schools to completely educate our children.  Giving them extra assignments and spending time teaching them is a great bonding experience.  Just as important, you as the parent can assess your child’s skills rather than waiting for a progress report.  Trust me, their teachers will appreciate your efforts.  It also gives you some insight when you have a parent teacher conference.  You’re actually speaking from a first hand perspective.



preschool educational activity



Benefits of Preschool Educational Activities:

  • Develops fine motor skills
  • Improves memory
  • Improves the ability to distinguish similarities and differences
  • Visual memory
  • Improves attention to detail
  • Great for cognitive development


My granddaughter is adamant that playing matching games helps improve memory.  She is quite astute when she is playing games that require memory skills. My preschool educational activity will help to enhance your child’s ability to recognize colors.  Simply match the scarf and hat with the same color dots on the snow man.  They can also enhance their vocabulary by learning how to pronounce the colors and learning how to spell each color.

Kindergarten Match Game




First, you will need the following items to make these adorable snowmen:

  • white construction paper or cardstock for the body of the snowman
  • color construction paper or cardstock for the hat and scarf
  • colored pens or crayons to match the hat and scarf
  • scissors
  • pencil for tracing

Note:  I used copier paper for the snowman and construction paper to make the hat and scarves.


Step 1 –  I found it easier to make a sample snowman. Next, I folded a sheet of construction paper in half and than folded it again. I placed the sample snowman on top of the folded sheet and cut around it.  I was able to create 4 snowmen at once using this method. This step really cuts down on time.

Step 2 – Select various colors of construction or cardstock for the hat and scarfs.  I cut these out free hand.  As you can see from the picture, they are not uniform.  The goal is have a variety of colors for the match.

Step 3 – Make faces for the snowmen as shown with a black crayon or pen.  Or,  get creative and come up with your own style.

Step 3 – Make the buttons on the snowman the same color as the top hat and scarf.  You can use crayons or pens for this step.  ( I found the pens to be easier to use). Once the buttons are made, print the color the button, top hat and scarf on the bottom of the snowman as shown.


Last, I hope you enjoyed my preschool educational activity.  You may also like:  Snowman Preschool Math Game – Mother 2 Mother Blog




Home Schooling Advice for Beginners

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on home schooling advice for new home schoolers.  Most parents had a pretty intense year in the wake of the Coronavirus. Around the world, schools closed their doors to halt the spread of this virus. Closing school doors changed the way we live.  Fortunately,  mom and dads  have stepped into the role of teacher, as well as continuing in their role as parents.  However, not all of us are natural teachers, and some parents have found the task of home schooling a pretty challenging one.

While some schools around the world have re-opened, some parents are still saddled with the task of keeping their kid’s grades up from home. Sound like your current situation? 


home schooling advice



Home Schooling Advice for Beginners:  


Stay Positive 

Many parents who have attempted to home-school their kids during COVID-19 school closures have found the task more challenging than they thought. Children thrive in school; they are being taught by a trained professional in an environment that is designed to maximize their learning. At home, their brains want to relax, play, snuggle up and generally have fun. For this reason, you might have found that your child isn’t as receptive to doing their work as they would be if they were at school.

This isn’t your fault, and your aren’t failing.  Rather than focusing on the stresses of how things are going wrong, reward yourself for the successes.  You’re dealing with a really tough situation that nobody could have predicted, and therefore you’re doing an awesome job!


Search for home schooling advice on-line 

If you are in desperate need of resources to help teach your child, you aren’t alone. The internet is your friend in this area.  Branch out and find online resources that will boost your child’s learning and keep them entertained.

If you are looking, for example, for free 4th grade writing activities, you can find these on a range of sites. Teachers and educational experts have been uploading exercises and activities that don’t require a subscription. Use the internet, and keep the reading and writing fresh and interesting for your child.



home schooling advice




Get home schooling advice from other parents

You might not be able to physically team up with fellow parents to teach kids in groups, but using virtual communication, you can easily share resources.  Furthermore, sharing tips on how to settle your kids into their work be invaluable. Even so much as a group chat amongst moms from your children’s school can provide you with a shoulder to cry on if things go wrong, as well as acting as a hub of information you can go to for resources and tips. Together, we can all get through this tricky time and help our families get back to the normality we miss so much.


All in all, home schooling is hard. Don’t beat yourself up about the downsides, just try to remain positive as you navigate through this difficult time. I hope that you have my tips on home schooling for beginners helpful.  

Steps for Creating a Happy Family

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on creating a happy family.  Parenting can be an uphill task at times. Everybody seems to be consumed by technology, specifically social media.  Sadly, they fail to find time for their loved ones. Additionally, many adults and children are more depressed than ever. However, you can still create a happy family in the modern world using these simple tips.


creating a happy family



Creating a Happy Family:


Live, laugh, love

The best way to create a happy family is to find ways to reconnect with each other.  Unfortunately, we forget to share love with people we call family.  We don’t have fun times together.  But, there’s a remedy.  For example, take a family vacation to enjoy.  It is essential to create memories, share some family history and have a good time with each other.



Communication is very crucial during both good and challenging times. Many people, especially children, find it hard to express their feelings. Show your children that you are willing to listen.  It will impact their happiness tremendously.  Additionally, good communication will help family members see value in the family unit. 


Try to understand each other

In any family, mutual understanding is a key component of happiness. Children are likely to learn from adults.  Be an example.  If your children see that you are positive and happy, they will take cues from you.  As a result, your family will grow, practice positivity, good behavior, and spread happiness wherever they go. 


Contribute to the community together

Teamwork is essential if you are trying to reconnect and create a happy family. Consider sharing Bible study resources and volunteering for community work as a family.  These two steps will reinforce family solidarity.



creating a happy family




Pray as a family

As far as the vital doctrines of religion go, the family is often the highest unit. Participating in family prayer solidifies that your faith in important.  Also, remember to pray for each other’s happiness and fulfillment of their needs.


Forgive each other

Everyone makes mistakes in life. Some of this can create some rifts in the family. However, you should never let mistakes break the family unit. First, try to acknowledge that mistakes happen and forgive each other. If the mistake happens over and over again, try to get help from a counselor. Building confidence and trust between family members and forgiving small faults has a significant impact on family happiness.  Teach your children about forgiveness and other important traits.  Your children will learn valuable life lessons and will love and respect your generosity. Most importantly, they will carry that foundation into adulthood. 


Develop family traditions

Family traditions are among the things that keep you united and happy as a family. Traditions should not be reserved for holidays only. Instead, create daily or weekly habits such as family dinners or dining out.

So, you can make Saturdays your family game night.  Creating family traditions helps to connect you with your family and makes everyone happy.


Final thoughts

Staying positive is the best way to stay happy. When it comes to a family setting, making everyone happy depends on how you connect with each other. Make sure that your children understand essential life and family values.  And,  give your children a religious foundation. It will help reconnect them with God and other people as well.



Interesting Blue Jay Facts for Kids

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on blue jay facts for kids.  Winter is approaching, and it’s a great time to starting thinking about indoor activities for your kids.  One activity that I recommend is bird watching.  It’s a great way for children to learn about our feathered friends and nature.  Observing birds through a window is a great winter activity.  And, it works for rainy and snowy days too. Simply place a feeder where they can enjoy the view and backyard birds retrieving treats.

Our feathered friends today are the blue jays.  Blue Jays are large, blue, white and black birds that love grabbing treats from backyard bird feeders.  If you provide the right treats, you can keep them coming back forever.  They are highly intelligent, and will remember where you buffet is located.  Kids will love watching them grab more and more of your delicious offerings.  Furthermore, kids can learn a little about these majestic birds and nature.


blue jay facts for kids


Blue Jay Facts for Kids:

  • Love peanuts, cracked corn and sunflower seeds
  • Drink from bird baths
  • Carry food in their throat
  • Relatives of Crows
  • Highly Intelligent
  • Prefer platform or hopper feeders
  • Stores acorns in the ground
  • Lay 2 – 7 eggs, which is called a clutch
  • Their babies are called a brood
  • Lifespan is 7 years
  • Feathers are actually brown, but look blue in the sunlight



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Blue Jay activities for kids




blue jay facts




After observing the Blue Jays, have a little fun with my Blue Jay Facts for Kids activity sheets.   The pack includes a coloring page, connect the dot, facts list, fill in the blank sheet and research suggestions.  They are a great way to re-enforce what your kids have learned about Blue Jays.  Or, make it a part of your home school or extra homework curriculum.  You can download the activity pack here.



blue jay facts for kids


Finally, check out my research suggestions.  The kids can Google Blue Jays and study the blue or brown speckled eggs.  How about researching how they build their nest.  What materials are used and how they shape the nest.  Better yet, let them pick out a feeder for their new feathered friends.


Plumbing Repair in Grand Junction, Colorado – Grand Junction Plumber Guide

Today, I’m sharing shopping tips on plumbing repair in Grand Junction, Colorado.  If you have leaking pipes, clogged toilets, and boiler problems, you may need a plumber.  For more information on a dodgy boiler, click here If you have any of these problems, you may need the help of plumbers in Grand Junction, Colorado.  They have experience in fixing plumbing problems from leaking radiators to dripping tanks.  So, you can be sure that you can get everything fixed in a single visit, and the work will be high-quality.  However, the problem for many people is that there are so many plumbing companies in Grand Junction, Colorado.  And, I’m sure you may find the same problem in your local area.

Furthermore, there are always good and bad apples in the industry. You may have heard horror stories where a homeowner hired a plumber only to end up with a bigger mess than when they started.  As a result, you want to hire someone who shows up on schedule and fixes the problem without additional issues.  Check out my tips on how to find a plumber, and plumbing repair in Colorado below.


plumbing repair in Grand Junction, Colorado



How to Hire a Plumber:


Check Out the Certification 

First, most plumbers will be able to do the water systems around your house. They can deal with drips, leaks, clogs, and other issues in pipes.  A plumbing contractor, this can be an individual or a company, deals exclusively with new construction on homes or businesses, remodels and renovations.  They focus on water supply and septic systems.

Unfortunately, some plumbers may have certifications and some may not.  You can find certified plumbers on sites like Airstream Plumbing and Heating in Grand Junction, Colorado.  If you don’t live in the Grand Junction, Colorado area, google plumbers or plumbing contractors in your area and do your homework.

So, certificates will only prove that the plumber has a basic knowledge and level of competence to do the work inside your home. As a result, they may charge less than the experts in a specific field.



how to hire a plumber


Check Licenses

Furthermore, many authorities in different states and counties require a valid license before the plumbers can operate. The licenses include the contractors in the plumbing trade.  As a result, it would be best if you only considered those who can show valid permits.  And, make sure they have the necessary knowledge, experience, and skills to do the work you need. Check out this article on why you should only hire licensed plumbers.


Make Sure They Are Insured

So, insurance means that the contractor will be covered if their is an accident while he is working.  Unfortunately, accidents happen when you least expect them.  A contractor could accidently damage an area in your home or the contractors may get injured while working inside your property.  Many homeowners are not required to pay for the damage or medical bills if the contractors are insured.



how to hire a plumber



Hire Established Businesses Only

Next, look for companies that have been in your neighborhood for an extended period of time.  An established company will have well-trained workers.  And, they will have lots of experience dealing with plumbing problems.

Fortunately, you can check their websites or know what their previous clients are saying about them through referrals or reviews. An established company is reputable and does quality work.

Everyone has to start somewhere, but you don’t want someone experimenting in your home.  You may end up with more problems and the headaches than you had before you called them.


The Role of Plumbers

  • Do repairs, installation, and maintenance on fittings, valves, pipes, fixtures, and drainage system inside your home.
  • They collaborate and call on other electricians, contractors, and other construction pros if there’s a new house to be built.
  • Diagnose and resolve any plumbing emergencies in the fastest way possible.
  • Inspect equipment and test pressure and vacuum gauges to determine the location of the problem.
  • Estimate repair and installation costs.
  • Present the best recommendations related to pricing for the customers
  • Capable of performing the tasks to ensure that the plumbing system will adequately function afterward.


Additionally, some plumbing experts in Grand Junction, Colorado or even in your local area have skills to help you solve issues like pilot lights not working properly on your furnace or why your air conditioner is not cooling your home.  The role of a plumbers varies.  Also, they can help you drain your sinks, toilets, washers, and bathtubs.  They have the tools to clear out clogged pipes, and some of them have cameras to check other parts of the drainage system to prevent future issues.

Furthermore, some businesses allow you to fill out a form on their website describing your problem and include your contact number.  A technician will call you back to discuss the problem.  This will give you an opportunity to ask questions as well as allow the technician to ask questions and obtain more information if needed.  Most importantly, get a quote and make sure they will check everything before doing repairs.  Just as important, request that the plumber notify you of any other problems encountered while fixing your initial problem.  This will eliminate any surprise costs when they hand you a bill.

Last, do your homework. Contact several plumbers when you’re looking for plumbing repair in Colorado or your local area.  You will want more than quote for the work.  If possible read reviews or ask for referrals. Most plumbers are available 24/7 if it’s an emergency.  If it isn’t an emergency, contact them during normal business hours.  I hope my tips on how to hire a plumber has been helpful.



How to Hire a Plumber for Your Home

Today, I’m sharing shopping tips on how to hire a plumber.  If you own a home, at some point you may need a plumber.  Leaking pipes, clogged toilets, backed up kitchen sinks are some of the problems that home owners encounter during their daily living.  You may even encounter problems with outside faucets.  So, you’re probably wondering how to hire a plumber to fix your problem.

Unfortunately, every industry has good and bad employees.  So, you want to choose someone who will do quality work at a decent price.  Furthermore, you want to hire someone who has a reputation for being timely, has great communication skills, and will fix your problem without creating a bigger mess.  Check out my tips on how to hire a plumber for your home.


how to hire a plumber



How to Hire a Plumber:


Check Customer Reviews  

Most plumbers will have a rating generated by past customers.  Angie’s List is the perfect place to check out plumbers in your local area.  Read the reviews, and if possible ask questions.  Customers will share their experiences good and bad, and rate the plumber accordingly.  Furthermore, they will let you know why they hired the plumber too.  Hopefully, someone has experienced the same problem you’re currently having.


Make Sure they are Certified

You want to hire a plumber who has gone through the necessary training to became a master plumber.  Most plumbing programs take approximately two years to complete.  An apprentice ship could take an additional two to five years.  Master plumbers will have experience in residential plumbing as well as commercial and industrial piping.  They will most likely be more expensive than someone doing an apprenticeship, but their skill set will be higher.

License requirements will be different in each state.  So, check the requirements for your state before hiring a plumber.



how to hire a plumber


Consider How Long They’ve Been Business

Most business will be happy to let customers know how long they’ve been in business and what their  specialties are.  For example,  residential plumbers will specialize in slow drains, clogged sinks, backed up toilets etc.  Plumbing contractors will specialize in wells, septic systems, and new home or business construction.  Either way inquire about their experience and their employee’s experience.


Make Sure They Are Insured

Most importantly, make sure the plumber or plumbing contractor you want to hire is licensed and insured.  You want any accidents to be cover by their insurance.  Accidents do happen, so it’s always best to prepared.


Furthermore, if you fill out a form on Angie’s List or the plumber’s website, a plumber will get back to you.  Be specific about your problem when you’re filling out your form.  Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions when you get the call back.  Once you get off the phone with the plumber, verify what you’ve been told by doing a little research.  Make an appointment to meet with the plumber and get a written quote.  If they can’t give you one the spot, have them email the quote to you.  Ask additional questions if need to while the plumber is there.  Most will be happy to give you a free quote.


Last, I recommend getting several quotes.  You want to make sure you’re getting the best work for the best price.  I hope my tips on how to hire a plumber has helped you feel more confident in hiring a plumber for your household or business plumbing issues.



Fun Winter Activities for Kids

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on fun winter activities for kids.  The Winter season is well on its way.  Winter can leave us feeling a bit uncertain on what to do to occupy our kid’s time.  Unfortunately, family trips to the beach, playing in the park, and talking long walks are gone for now.  However, this doesn’t mean you should stop spending quality time together. It simply means you need to get a little more creative.

Doing fun activities at home can be a great idea.  Especially, if you feeling a little down because of the pandemic restrictions, a recent bereavement or experiencing the winter blues. Furthermore, if you find your children’s behavior is being affected by these factors and you aren’t sure how to help them, check out Youth Villages.

winter activities for kids



Five winter activities for kids to do at home:  


  • Create a home fort

There is something about creating a home fort that is always great fun. You can make this in your living room out of furniture and blankets held together with pegs. This is a great chance to get creative and have fun together as a family. It is also a gift that keeps on giving.  Once you have spent the time making your fort, your kids can enjoy playing in it! 


  • Have a movie night 

A movie night is a great winter activity.  Find a movie that everybody wants to watch, get some snacks,  find your favorite comforters, and enjoy the evening snuggled up watching the movie.  Get creative, share buckets of popcorn, snacks that you would find at a movie theatre, and have the kids make tickets to use at the entry to your family or living room door. 


  • Do some art

Art is a brilliant way to bring the whole family together and do something fun. There are so many art activities you can do, from collage and paintings, to pastels and drawing. You could go on a walk and collect different items such as pinecones or leaves to make a winter sculpture.  Or, you can draw what you can see in the garden. Another good idea is to make something such as festive decorations out of salt dough which you can then bake and hang up on your Christmas tree.



winter activities for kids



  • Play board games

The market is packed with different board games from classics like Monopoly and Connect 4 to games that you completely make up yourself.  Get creative and have fun.


These are just some of the top winter activities to enjoy with your family. Why not take it in turns to do something you pick? Or have a competition who can come up with the best game? Whatever you decide to do, take your time to just enjoy each other’s company and have fun!

Teaching Your Children Finances

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on teaching children finances.  It can be hard to get your teenager to take money seriously.  What’s even more frustrating is the fact that they mostly source their funds from you regardless of if they’re not old enough to work yet or not.  So, the value of money is still a flimsy thing in their mind. Of course, not all teens are like this.  But, if yours is it’s time to sit them down and show them what they really need to know about money. Here is a quick list of what they need to know for their financial future.  


teaching children finances


Teaching Your Children Finances:


Savings are Important

Saving is the number one thing your teen should learn about.  They must understand how to save for college, an apartment or house or just to travel.   

Furthermore, they must learn to save on a regular basis.  Having a savings account is like having a safety net. Most importantly, it teaches them to not rely on you.  This point must be impressed; it’s imperative that they learn this point so they can stand on their own two feet.  It will also give them a sense of independence, which is what every teen wants.  


Money Dangers

There’s a lot we need to teach teens about the world. That it’s a tough place, that it’s rarely fair, and sometimes, it gets really hard out there.  Unfortunately, they’ll need to turn to someone for help.  So, it’s okay to help teens through difficult teens.  It’s key to teach them that the world of money is filled with danger.  

For example, credit and debt and living paycheck to paycheck are dangerous.  So far you’ve provided everything they’ve needed, so they might not truly understand just how hard things times can get. 

There are plenty of resources out there for them to help them make use of their money.  Let them go online to learn more about the biggest expenses in life, such as mortgages, finding good utility deals, and being able to save their money week by week. 



teaching children finances



Making Money Takes Time 

Finally, make sure you reiterate the point that ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’! Making money takes time, and being able to save it takes even longer.  Sadly, being able to get a job is harder than ever before. Encourage them through the difficult times and support them whenever they get rejected for a position. Make sure you point them in the right direction, and remind them of their strengths.  This simple step will empower them.  Just as importantly, it will give them confidence to enter the working world.  Which, is what they need to make money. 

Finally, your teens will need to know a lot about the world.  However, teaching your children finances will help them take the right steps to money management. 

Fall Bucket List Ideas for Families

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on fall bucket list ideas to do with your kids. Fall is my favorite time of year.  The air is crisp, the foliage is beautiful and it’s the perfect time for a fire to roast hotdogs, make smores, and sip apple cider.  So, it’s a good time to check off a few of your fall bucket list ideas.  I return to my list year after year.  Some items remain, some are removed and at times new ideas added.  I’ll share a few of my ideas with you.




fall bucket list ideas



Fall Bucket List Ideas

Haunted Hay Ride – First, fall would not be complete without a hay ride.  It’s one of my favorite things to do with my grandchildren.  So, a haunted hayride has become epic.  Especially, if you love scary and spooky.  Check your local area to see what’s available.

Corn Maze – Finding your way out of a corn maze can be challenging.  Take the family and get competitive.  Girls versus the boys or mom and boys versus dad and girls.

Hot Dog Roast – Next, have a hot dog roast around the fire pit.  Roasted hotdogs are super delicious, and washing them down with fresh apple cider is the icing on the cake.

Bake Apple Crisp – Apples are plentiful in the fall.  Visit your local farmer’s market and grab a bag of apples.  You can spend the day making delicious dishes with the kids.

Bob for Apples –  So, have you ever filled a tub and bobbed for apples?  This can be a great family activity on a sunny day.  Give out homemade treats after the activity and warm up everyone’s belly with warm apple cider.

Nature Hunt –  Also, print our Nature Hunt printable and send the kids on a journey.  You can take a walk around the neighborhood, hunt in your backyard or take a drive.

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Take Fall Photos – Purchase a camera for your kids go in search of fall foliage, pumpkin displays, or take pictures at a local festival.   The possibilities are endless.

Make Smores – Plan a day to make smores around the firepit.  Who doesn’t love smores!

Schedule a Family Portrait –  Schedule a family portrait at a local barn or the park.  Fall provides a beautiful opportunity for a family photo.  Have everyone wear jeans or a cowboy hat for the picture.

Gather  Leaves – Leaves can used for crafts, pressed and used in photo displays and more.  I love gathering leaves in different shapes and colors.  Nature gives us many leaves to choose from.  As a result, think about how you will use them and choose accordingly.



fall bucket list ideas


Attend an Apple Butter Festival –  Additionally, if your kids love apple butter, find an apple butter festival.  You can turn it into a learning experience for the kids.  They can watch the apple butter being made.  Most have plenty of crafts and great food too.

Build a Firepit – Last, if you don’t have a firepit, build one.  Lowes has everything you need to finish your product.


I hope that you found one or two of my ideas interesting, and you will add them to your fall bucket list ideas.