Making Health Choices for Kids

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on making health choices for kids.  As a parent, one of your primary responsibilities is to care for the health and wellbeing of your children. This is accomplished in many ways, from providing moral support and guidance, to offering tough love when they need it! But, when it comes to the physical health of your kids, it can be hard to know what’s best. This is particularly true while your children are still young.  For example, too young to have a serious opinion on their own treatment. So,  how can you know what the right choice is, and what factors can guide you to make it?



making kids health choices



Making Health Choices for Kids:


Take Your Child’s Thoughts Seriously

Though your children may be too young to make decisions about their health, you still consider their feelings and any concerns.  It’s always a good idea to be honest with them as well. Talk to your children about any health concerns, be honest and pay attention to their thoughts and feelings. Any health choices you make should take their thoughts and feelings into consideration.  As the adult, make decisions that are best for them even when they don’t agree.  This include something as simple as eating more vegetables or making other changes in their diet. You don’t need them to agree with the changes, they are children.  It is your responsibility to do what’s best for them, not do what they want you to do.  However, consider their feelings and think about the best way to implement any changes.  

For example, give them more of the vegetables they do like.  Most kids don’t know or care about gluten free products.


Speak to Community Leaders

If you’re unsure how a health choice fits with your faith and cultural practices, talk to a faith leader.  They may be able to help you choose between two similar paths.  Especially, if one of them is more in keeping with your religion. However, always remember that these faith leaders are not doctors, though they will absolutely have your best interests at heart.


health choices for kids





Listen to Doctors

Always listen to your child’s doctors! They are trained professionals about who know what treatment is needed for your children. For example, many people can get squeamish about the idea of having their child circumcised. However, it has been proven that ZSR circumcision reduces the risk of cancer, UTIs, and many other infections, later in life. Long term benefits may often outweigh short-term discomforts, and your doctors will be able to advise you when this is the case.


Question Your Presumptions

You will have been been raised with your own set of presumptions, ideas, and expectations for how to live a healthy life. However, it’s important to remember that these presumptions will always change with time and scientific advances. Many years ago, people thought that smoking cigarettes was actively healthy, and now we know very differently! Remember, replicating how you were treated as a child is not necessarily the best option for your own kids.


 kids health



Your Child Comes First

Through any choice you make, your child comes first. So, always keep their best interest at heart when making any decisions about their health. It’s your responsibility to help them live their best life, and that includes making good choices and helping them make good choices.