Making Health Choices for Kids

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on making health choices for kids.  As a parent, one of your primary responsibilities is to care for the health and wellbeing of your children. This is accomplished in many ways, from providing moral support and guidance, to offering tough love when they need it! But, when it comes to the physical health of your kids, it can be hard to know what’s best. This is particularly true while your children are still young.  For example, too young to have a serious opinion on their own treatment. So,  how can you know what the right choice is, and what factors can guide you to make it?



making kids health choices



Making Health Choices for Kids:


Take Your Child’s Thoughts Seriously

Though your children may be too young to make decisions about their health, you still consider their feelings and any concerns.  It’s always a good idea to be honest with them as well. Talk to your children about any health concerns, be honest and pay attention to their thoughts and feelings. Any health choices you make should take their thoughts and feelings into consideration.  As the adult, make decisions that are best for them even when they don’t agree.  This include something as simple as eating more vegetables or making other changes in their diet. You don’t need them to agree with the changes, they are children.  It is your responsibility to do what’s best for them, not do what they want you to do.  However, consider their feelings and think about the best way to implement any changes.  

For example, give them more of the vegetables they do like.  Most kids don’t know or care about gluten free products.


Speak to Community Leaders

If you’re unsure how a health choice fits with your faith and cultural practices, talk to a faith leader.  They may be able to help you choose between two similar paths.  Especially, if one of them is more in keeping with your religion. However, always remember that these faith leaders are not doctors, though they will absolutely have your best interests at heart.


health choices for kids





Listen to Doctors

Always listen to your child’s doctors! They are trained professionals about who know what treatment is needed for your children. For example, many people can get squeamish about the idea of having their child circumcised. However, it has been proven that ZSR circumcision reduces the risk of cancer, UTIs, and many other infections, later in life. Long term benefits may often outweigh short-term discomforts, and your doctors will be able to advise you when this is the case.


Question Your Presumptions

You will have been been raised with your own set of presumptions, ideas, and expectations for how to live a healthy life. However, it’s important to remember that these presumptions will always change with time and scientific advances. Many years ago, people thought that smoking cigarettes was actively healthy, and now we know very differently! Remember, replicating how you were treated as a child is not necessarily the best option for your own kids.


 kids health



Your Child Comes First

Through any choice you make, your child comes first. So, always keep their best interest at heart when making any decisions about their health. It’s your responsibility to help them live their best life, and that includes making good choices and helping them make good choices. 

How to Encourage Kids to Make Healthy Choices

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on how to encourage kids to make healthy choices.There is no denying that health and happiness go hand in hand. As a parent, you have the power to help your children develop healthy habits that will enhance their health and overall quality of life.   


encourage kids to make healthy choices



Here are just a few ways to put them on a positive path:


Let them make choices at dinner time


Food is a major source of contention between children and parents across the globe.  However, if you’re willing to give your entire family a say in what goes on their plate it doesn’t have to be. Start by letting your kids help with shopping. With the price of food skyrocketing, you may have to get creative with your grocery budget.  Start by choosing seasonal produce from your local farmers market.  Give your kids their own basket and tasks.  For example, let them shop for fruit and vegetables with specific traits.  Your child could be on the lookout for all things orange (e.g., carrots, peppers or oranges).  Your ‘tween or teen can pick produce from plants like tomatoes or melons.


Limit their consumption of non-water beverages


In an ideal world, you and your children would drink only water or milk. But with so many choices, it’s almost impossible to avoid the occasional soda, sports drink or cup of hot cocoa.  Don’t keep these beverages in the house.  Instead, use fresh fruit to infuse water with flavor if your kids want a variety.   This cherry and lime water is a great recipe but you can experiment with any juicy piece of produce.


Prioritize physical activities


The amount of physical activity your children receive gets directly influences their risk of becoming obese as adults. The CDC states, “Regular physical activity in childhood and adolescence is important for promoting lifelong health and well-being”.  It prevents various health conditions. Even if you’re exhausted after a long day at work, spent 30 minutes playing outdoors or taking a walk around the block with the kids. Children learn by example and will mimic your behaviors. Make sure your actions encourage healthy choices.



encourage kids to make healthy choices


Be open and honest about uncomfortable subjects


Sex, crime, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, death, drugs and alcohol are all things from which we would like to protect our children.  But, the reality is that these activities and events happen. By arming your children with information, you put them in a better position to say no to peer pressure.  Furthermore, they can avoid situations that could cause them harm.  Check out this article from the Conversation on these topics.


Don’t fix their mistakes


As much as you think they are perfect, your children will make mistakes. Let them. If your children never have a chance to fail, they will never learn coping or problem-solving skills. Be there to guide and keep them safe, but avoid the temptation to tell them they are wrong before try something new.  It’s hard to stand by and do nothing if your child is hurt, defeated, or sad.  But, navigating life’s ups and downs is part of the growing up process.  Overcoming their self-imposed obstacles helps them develop confidence.  Dr. Peggy Drexler stresses that you shouldn’t inhibit your child’s ability to grow in this capacity simply to eliminate your own worry.

While it’s up to you to make sure your kids are safe, healthy and well-balanced, you can’t make all of their decisions for them.  By allowing them an age-appropriate level of independence, setting a positive example, and giving them the opportunity to make and rectify their own mistakes, you will empower your children.  Use our tips on how to encourage kids to make healthy choices.  You will also help them the strength and confidence to make good decisions as they grow from helpless children to whole and healthy adults.


5 Things to Know About Co-Sleeping With Your Toddler

The moment your child comes into the world, your world as a parent will revolve around sleep. Chances are that co-sleeping has crossed your mind as a possible method of how to help your baby get a good night’s sleep.   Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on five things you need to know about co-sleeping with your toddler:


co-sleeping with your toddler


  1. Attitudes to Co-sleeping Differ Across the World

The perception of co-sleeping with your toddler differs drastically from culture to culture. In many Western countries, co-sleeping is often regarded as a sleeping method practiced by slightly “alternative” parents. However, the desire to sleep privately or only with one’s adult partner isn’t all that common in the rest of the world.

In Asia and Africa, co-sleeping is encouraged. In places like Botswana, co-sleeping is seen as an important kinship ritual.  As a matter of fact, often the whole family – parents, babies, grandparents, even visitors – will sleep together at night.


  1. The Benefits of Co-sleeping Abound

There’s a reason why so many parents worldwide advocate the virtues of co-sleeping. First, co-sleeping establishes the baby’s circadian rhythms and helps them to distinguish day from night.  Furthermore, young children sleep better when they feel close to their parents.  Especially, to their mother.

Co-sleeping is more convenient for mom and dad through the night too.  Parents no longer have to stumble down the dark hallway to soothe their baby. If your child is already right next to you, you don’t have to go far to change diapers, feed and soothe your baby back to sleep.


  1. Co-sleeping Doesn’t Lead to Over-attachment

There’s a common misperception that co-sleeping with your toddler leads to an unhealthy level of dependence between mother and child. Babies and toddlers need secure attachments with their parents in order to thrive.  Also, sustained closeness with the mother helps release oxytocin.  Oxytocin is the hormone responsible for bonding and attachment.  So, there’s nothing bad about that!



Co-sleeping With Your Toddler




  1. Safety is Important

Safety has to be the first priority for any parents interested in co-sleeping. First, think carefully about sharing a sleep space with a baby that is under one year old. Babies are most delicate at this stage, and often need their own space in a crib for sleeping.  If you bottle-feed, it’s usually recommended that your baby sleep close to you, but not in your bed.  Additionally, your doctor should confirm whether your size poses a risk to your baby in a co-sleeping situation.

However, you should recognize that adult beds were not designed for infants if you are considering co-sleeping.  As a result, make the necessary adjustments for baby’s comfort and safety.  This includes a flat, firm mattress which isn’t too far from the floor.  Next, make sure that your child isn’t overheated with blankets.  Last, check that your own clothing has no strings which could pose choking hazards to baby, and tie up long hair.


  1. It’s All About the Environment

You’ve made sure everything is technically safe: what now? Well, there are a few more steps you can take to make the co-sleeping environment truly sleep-inducing. For instance, you won’t regret investing in some blackout blinds.  Babies tend to be sensitive to light and darkness. If you have the budget, you might also consider investing in a dual air conditioning and heating unit.  This will keep your room at optimal temperatures through all seasons.


Freelance writer, Harper Reid, resides in the beautiful City of Sails ~ Auckland, New Zealand. She enjoys experiencing different cultures, trying local food and exploring new places. See more of her work here.










Parenting Tips on Understanding Your Child’s Needs

No matter how old your children are you are always looking for ways to understand them.  As a parent, your goal is to raise a happy, healthy, well-rounded  and independent human being.  One who has the ability to thrive at everything in life. You want your kids to grow up with the life skills you were taught and so much more.  This can only be done when you truly understand your individual child’s needs.  So, today we’re sharing parenting tips on Understanding Your Child’s Needs.



understanding your child's needs



Every child is completely unique in their development and behavior.  So, there will never be a one size fits all approach.  As a mother you will be thrown a lot of curveballs during your parenting lifespan.  And, you won’t always know the best approach to take.  Learn how to listen to your child and tailor your actions to suit their needs.  Communication is absolutely essential when you are a parent.  It gives you the ability to solve their problems and raise them to be vibrant and bright youngsters.  Here are some of the challenges you might face during your parenting journey and understanding your child’s needs:


You Always Want to Protect Them

Every parent goes through the struggle of wanting to shield their child from every potential danger.  Technology is scarily popular amongst young adolescents. So, you might feel slightly out of control with this phenomenon in your lives. Luckily, with iCloud, you can monitor phone calls, texts and photographs on your child’s phone without invading their privacy too much. You want to be able to trust them implicitly, but you also want to do everything in your power to protect them. Find a balance, and you will have peace of mind when it comes to technology.


Dealing with Behavioral Difficulties

Raising a child with ADHD or autism can bring many hurdles to overcome.  Learning to deal with challenging behavior will become second nature to you eventually.  But, it can feel like a huge mountain to climb initially.  Remember that your child’s behavior is no reflection on you as a parent. You will learn to deal with certain triggers in a way that works for you both.  Seek professional advice if you are not understanding your child’s needs.


Monitoring Their Development

If your child isn’t developing as quickly as other kids, you can feel overwhelmed.  It is very easy to compare your child to others, but that really won’t help the situation.  As long as you are able to monitor and understand your child’s needs, this is all you should concern yourself with.  Your family doctor will be able to advise you on any signs that are truly concerning.  So, you should never jump to conclusions without seeking professional help.


Keeping Them Healthy

Before you had children you vowed never to give them sweets, chocolate or fizzy drinks.  However, you can’t keep them away from the bad stuff! Keeping your child healthy is obviously at the forefront of your mind, but you shouldn’t get too overprotective when it comes to their diet. As long as they are getting a wide range of food groups such as protein, carbohydrates and good fats, you shouldn’t worry about the odd sweet treat here and there.


The Communication Barrier

As your child learns to talk you will find it easier and easier to communicate with them. You might actually start to miss the days when they were peaceful and quiet as a tiny baby! Their vocabulary will develop at an alarming rate and your language will definitely have an impact on how much they pick up on.  As they grow into their teenage years they will suddenly revert back to a time where talking is the hardest thing in the world! It sometimes takes a miracle to get a conversation out of a grumpy teen, but this will soon pass.


Overwhelming Advice from Outsiders

When somebody else thinks they know your child better than you do, it can be quite upsetting. Whether you have a new baby or a developing teenager, there will always be someone out there who wants to give you unsolicited advice.  Unfortunately, this happens to the best of us and you need to learn to take it with a grain of salt. You will always know what is best for your child.  So, don’t listen to people who have anything negative to say about your parenting skills.



understanding your child's needs



Letting them Grow Up

It can be very difficult for many of us to master, but allowing our children to grow up is part of our life. They need to grow up in order to start their own life and gain their independence. Letting them go will always be difficult, but your job as a parent will never be over. Even when they have children themselves, they will need your help and advice more than ever. Understand that when it is time to loosen the reins, you will always be well respected as their parent.

It can be very difficult to accept that your child has to grow up.  Especially, when it seems they were only babies a few weeks ago! Their life will flash before you in a split second, so make sure you cherish every moment with them. When they do start to grow up and show their independence, you will need to step back from time to time. You won’t always find it easy to let go and give them freedom, but it can do them a world of good.

There are ways to regain some elements of control, but you should pick and choose your battles wisely. Every mother will go through a different journey when raising their children, but you will always know what is best for yours. Don’t listen to people who have no experience in the field of parenting and always strive to do the best you can during this adventurous time in your life.  We hope that you will find our tips on understanding your child’s needs beneficial.


How to Boost Your Energy As a Parent

Being a parent is tiring, no matter the age of your children.  Once the sleepless nights of infanthood are over, you need to run around after adventurous toddlers.  Furthermore, there’s the ever-changing emotions of teenagers.  It’s not particularly surprising that most parents are absolutely exhausted.  Rather than let this fatigued state become your new normal, you should do something about it.  There’s not enough caffeine in the world to combat this problem, but there are things that you can do.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on how to boost your energy as a parent. 




how to boost your energy



1. Head To Bed Earlier

Once you’ve put the kids to bed, it can be very tempting to stay up late watching television or catching up on the chores. However, you need adequate rest to be able to function properly. For this reason, you should head to bed a little earlier so that you can get around eight hours of sleep. Adopt healthy sleep habits, like sticking to a sleep schedule and turning off electronics in the evening.


2. Eat A Nutritious Diet

The food that you put into your body can have a significant effect on how you feel. Therefore, if you’ve been feeling sluggish and tired, it might be worth looking at your eating habits.  Your body needs fuel to keep you up and running.  So, ensure that you eat the best that you can. Whole, nutritious foods, like nuts and seeds, leafy vegetables, and lean red meats all provide plenty of energy.  Also, vitamins and minerals that your body requires to function at its very best.


3. Steer Clear Of Sugar

When you feel tired, it can be so easy to reach for a sweet and sugar-filled snack. This offers a much-needed energy boost, but, unfortunately, provides one that doesn’t last very long. Your blood sugar levels will spike for a short time, but, when they fall again, you are usually left feeling worse than before. Eating large quantities of sugar can also heighten your risk of developing certain health problems. For this reason, it’s best to stick to healthier, more nutritious snacks.


4. Work Out Every Day

You might think that exercise will tire you out, but it can actually boost your energy levels. The reason for his is that it helps to increase your stamina and strength, as well as your heart rate. This increase heart rate pumps blood faster around your body so that fuel is delivered more efficiently to tissues and muscles. Exercise also triggers the release of endorphins, which combat stress and boost mood. Because of this, you should try to work out every single day.



how to boost your energy



5. Find Reasons To Laugh

Like exercise, laughter also releases endorphins into the brain. These feel-good chemicals do a lot of good for your body and mind, including helping you to feel refreshed and awake. Finding reasons to laugh, therefore, can be incredibly beneficial. When you have a little one to look after, you’ll find a lot that they do is comical. You can also watch funny shows and films. When you’re not in a particularly comedic mood, fake laughing works too and can make you laugh for real.


6. Combat Your Hearing Problems

The harder it is for you to hear, the more energy your brain will use trying to do so. This can leave you feeling exhausted, even after only a short conversation. For this reason, if you’re struggling to hear, you should speak to a professional. They might suggest wearing a hearing aid, like the Miracle-Ear GENIUS 3.0. Sometimes your hearing problems aren’t quite so serious. All that might be required is for you to clean them out or have them cleaned out a bit more regularly.


7. Learn How To Relax

It’s not uncommon for parents to feel stressed, especially when you have a particularly busy schedule. However, that doesn’t mean that you should just ignore it when you feel overwhelmed. This won’t solve the problem and can actually make it worse.  There are many ways you could reduce your stress levels, from yoga to medication and even drawing. Some people also find that journaling about their troubles helps them to combat them too.


8. Kick That Smoking Habit

Everyone knows what a terrible habit smoking is. It’s one of the worst things that you can do for your health, increasing your risk of developing a number of incredibly serious health issues, including heart disease and cancer. The tar and toxins from cigarettes can also reduce the efficiency of your lungs, making you feel tired. The only way to fix this is to kick your smoking habit. There is a lot of support out there that can help you through this, so speak to your doctor.


9. Drink Plenty Of Water

Our bodies are made up of mostly water, so it should be no surprise to you that we need water to feel our best. Throughout the day, you lose water when you sweat and go to the bathroom. This can leave you dehydrated, which can affect your brain function and energy. To stay hydrated, you must drink more water each day, especially when it’s warm. Carrying a water bottle around with you can remind you to take regular sips so that you don’t get thirsty.


   10. Consult With Your Doctor

Tiredness is not something that should be ignored. If you’ve done everything that you can to boost your energy levels, but still feel fatigued, then you should consult with your doctor. This is a symptom of many different illnesses and health problems, like thyroid conditions, anemia, and even depression. These conditions must be dealt with quickly, so you should book a checkup right away if you think that something could be wrong.

Tired shouldn’t be the new normal, even for parents. Hopefully, with the advice above, you can boost your energy levels and feel refreshed.

How To Deal With A Serious Injury As a Parent

Suffering a serious injury can be one of the toughest things an individual deals with during their lifetime.  This becomes exponentially more difficult when you have children.  Unfortunately, serious injuries often impact all of those close to you.   Furthermore, seeing a parent injured can be quite devastating to a child.  They think their mother or father is a superhero.  The most important thing for you to do is to start recovering and realize that the entire family is with you.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on how to deal with a serious injury when you have children.


how to deal with a serious injury


Focus On Rehabilitation

The best thing that you can do for yourself and your children is to recover as quickly as possible.  So, do not miss a rehabilitation session.  You need to be dedicated to physical therapy daily to recover fully.  Understanding the difference between pain and discomfort is important during your recovery period.  Remember, pushing yourself too hard can lead to aggravating the injury again.  Just as important, not pushing yourself enough will delay recovery time.  As a result, find the balance and continually give input to your physical therapist.  Getting upset that recovery is not going as planned can be an easy mindset for you to fall into.  So, look at every day as a challenge with some days being tougher than others.


Do Not Take Your Frustrations Out On The Family

One of the most frustrating things is not being able to do something simple due to your injury.  This can include not being able to do dishes because of a broken leg or not being able to shower without help.  This is not the fault of your family, and that is something you need to remember.  Unfortunately, it can be easy to take out a bad day on them.  If you are at home due to the injury spend that extra time with the kids.  An injury can have positive impacts depending on how you look.  Having extra time with the family can be positive.  So, learning how to deal with a serious injury as a parent is imperative.


Discuss How The Injury Is Impacting Your Family

Your children could be devastated that you are hurt.  So, it is important to ask them about their feelings on the current circumstances.  Have your children see a therapist if they are unwilling to open up.  Your injury could be the source of their problem.  Take the time daily to let them know that you will be back to your old self after recovery time.  If you have suffered a permanent injury, sit down with them so you can talk about how life is going to change.  Do not leave them to figure out these things alone. It can be a trying time for them as well as others in your family.



injured parents


Have Your Significant Other Help Pick Up The Slack

Your significant other is going to have to pick up the slack in order to keep thing running smoothly.  You will be able to do some things, so trading off responsibilities will help everything run smoothly.   Be sure to tell your significant other how much you appreciate what they are doing.  Furthermore, sit down weekly to talk about how you can start doing more to help the family get through the post-accident recovery process.


Seek Financial Compensation

As a parent you cannot allow your family to endure financial stress coupled with the emotional stress that everyone is already feeling. Finding the nearest attorney can be done with a simple internet search.  The Barnes Firm, a personal injury lawyer in San Diego, says, “Suffering from a personal injury is devastating, regardless of the circumstances. The unfortunate reality is that many of these injuries often go far beyond the physical effects and may affect ability to work and one’s future wages that deserve to be compensated.”   Filing a lawsuit and winning will not only provide financial compensation, but it’ll help you feel empowered and show your children you fought for what was right.

The above tips can help you deal with a serious injury when you have children.  But, a positive attitude throughout this process can make all of the difference. A negative attitude can lead you into depression and the trap of feeling sorry for yourself. An injury can be life changing, but at least you have your life as well as family. Remembering things could have been much worse is a way to stay grateful for what you have currently.  Always stay positive during the difficult times!


You may also like:  Choosing the Right Medical Mattress.  


Why Parents Should Seek Help for Drug Addiction

Growing up in an environment where parents are addicted to drugs is devastating.  Some of the issues that children face include violence, a lack of emotional connection, and a lack of financial support.  Furthermore, they may even have to take care of their parents.  Parents who are addicted struggle to take care of themselves.  If you have been struggling with addiction, getting help will lead to a path of empowering yourself.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on why you should seek help for drug addiction:




drug addiction



You will deliver a healthy child 

The number of kids born with opioid withdrawal syndrome has increased.  Unfortunately, pregnant women are abusing painkillers and hard drugs like heroin.  When you are pregnant and abuse drugs, you are creating a lifelong struggle for an unborn child.  However, it is possible to become clean before giving birth.  Seeking help from a rehabilitation center or other facility is recommended.  Experiencing withdrawals can create serious and life-threatening complications. However, giving birth to a healthy baby is imperative.  It’s an opportunity to break the cycle of drug dependency.

You stop being a threat to your kids 

When parents abuse drugs, it is the kids who end up being the primary casualties.   You become a better parent when you make a commitment to recover from an addiction.  As a result, you can stop being verbally and physically violent toward your kids.  And, possibly even mend the broken trust.

You raise emotionally healthy kids 

Kids who have grown up around parents that abuse drugs end up with a number of emotional issues. There are those who end up withdrawn, shy and antisocial.  On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who end up copying the behavior of their parents.  They end up abusing drugs themselves. A lack of physical and emotional availability means that  someone else becomes responsible for the children.  The lessons are never positive. When you quit drugs, you establish your presence in your kids lives.  Furthermore, you can parent and follow their progress in school.  They start confiding in you about things that you previously couldn’t pay attention to.  The new relationship not only strengthens your bond, but also protects your kids from making serious life mistakes.

Your kids get a better chance to live a healthy adult life

The other benefit that you get from quitting addiction is that you are emotionally available.  You teach them how to form healthy bonds as they grow up.  So, they are able to form a healthy and stable emotional attachment to you.  As a result, they grow up managing healthy relationships.  This includes with peers and even healthy marriages. The ultimate gift which comes from recovery, you will have modeled positive parental behavior.  They will also be great parents to their kids.  Poor parenting is generational.  Sobriety allows it to end.

There are many other benefits from getting sober.  Sobriety has a direct correlation with your kid’s academic performance.   Being successful academically translates to success in life.  It will raise the social and economic status of your family as well.  Additionally, the knowledge gets passed from one generation to the next. If you are struggling with addiction, think about how you can transform your family.  You can change your kids lives by  getting sober and making a commitment to do it.

The Dangers of Trying to Be a Supermom

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on the dangers of  a supermom.  Are you the type of mother who tries to do and be everything for your children?  You nurture and love them, go to work to provide for them, and overlook your own needs?

Furthermore, you go broke to make sure they can have things they need and like.  You bend over backwards and do any and everything to ensure they’re shielded from danger.  Though this style of parenting may seem beneficial, it can hinder your child’s growth and development.  Most importantly, it will wear you down.

Super Mom Syndrome


Dangers of a Supermom:



The Supermom Syndrome

Being a good mother is one thing.  However, there are dangers of a supermom.  The supermom syndrome or complex is the belief that a woman can do it all.  We can, but it’s not accepting that we get tired or saying no is not okay that wears us down.  Below are a few consequences of trying to be a super mon and a superhero in your child’s eyes:

  • Exhaustion/Fatigue – After years of trying to do everything perfectly and without help you get exhausted. Most supermoms won’t say no when it comes to their children. They pile on responsibilities without taking a break. This will eventually lead to exhaustion and fatigue.

  • Substance Abuse – Unfortunately, some mothers become so bombarded that they try to hide the stress by abusing substances.  They use everything from sleeping pills and painkillers to drugs and alcohol.  Unfortunately, they try anything to numb the pain.  Furthermore, they pills give them energy and helps them to maintain a “normal” life.  Their only out is a rehab center that offers outpatient services in Seattle or a destination near their families to get clean or sober.

  • Self-Doubt – The more you try to do it all and fail, the harder you are on yourself. You begin to talk down to yourself and feel like a failure.

  • Social Isolation – Outside of the mom circle for kid-related activities you begin to isolate yourself from your friends and family members.

  • Loss of Identity – The dangers of a supermom can cause moms who focus solely on their children eventually lose sight of who they are as individuals. When the kids aren’t around, they have no idea who they are, what they like, or what to do with their time.

  • Resentment – When you dedicate so much of yourself to your family, you can start to resent them. You become frustrated by the things you’ve missed out on to be there for them. Unknowingly, you take this out on your family.

Wanting to be great for your kids is an excellent goal. However, believing that this greatness can be done without error or all on your own is dangerous. If you’ve been trying to be everything for your family, it’s time to take a step back and regroup.   Learn to eliminate the stress in your life by getting help through rehab, counseling, or by relying on others to help raise your children is ok. Then get back to loving and being there for the person who matter too – you.