Top 3 Remote Control Cars to Play With Your Children


remote control car ideas

They are smart, fast and always looking for new adventures. I’m talking about our children, of course! Their energy and constant desire to explore and to learn new things is amazing. So, we become their teachers and partners.  Furthermore, we show them the way and we have lots of fun discovering the world again, but through their eyes.

I loved playing all sorts of games with my kids, mostly invented ones. The presence of the remote control cars in our house allowed me to help them develop useful skills while playing.  These cool toys are perfect for getting good eye coordination and improving the spatial sense of direction.  Additionally,  recognizing colors and making the child think fast and make quick decisions. When you’re looking for the best one for your kid don’t just consider the price. Also check out the manufacturer and how the features helps them learn new things.  ­I put together this short list of remote control cars, which you should try alongside your children.  You will have the time of your life!

Remote Control Cars for Toddlers

If your child is 2 to 3 years old, the perfect remote control car for them is the Squeezable Remote Control Fire Truck.  It’s a cool car which won the Oppenheim Platinum Award for the best toy this year. It is adorable, it spins, and it is also effortless to handle, even for a toddler. Your child can easily operate the remote without any help once you’ve learned together how to use it. While playing, you can teach them about the important role of the firefighter.  Also, how to be safe in case of a fire.

remote control truck tipsRemote Control Cars for Preschoolers

When your child is over three years old, you could go for the Fisher-Price My Easy Remote Control vehicle.  It’s a smart choice for many reasons.  It doesn’t have any unsafe small components, sharp edges, it’s simple to control, and it turns off by itself if not being used.  A bonus is that it rides smoothly on carpets.  So, if it rains your child can keep busy with this one. Or, if you want something awesome, see the Fast Lane Ford F-150.  It has huge off-road tires and a bumper that could take any shock. It’s perfect to use when you want to do some gardening.  You can concentrate on the yard, while your child concentrates on the monster truck.


Remote Control Cars for Children 8 to 10

There are a lot of fantastic choices for this age! One would be the award-winner Traxxas RTR Slash.  It’s an enduring, fast truck which your child will love.  My advice is to check the Best Remote Control Trucks for Sale – Top 10 Reviews for more accurate information. But, let me mention the SZJJX Wall Climber, too. This car drives on the ceiling, for real! Just make sure there’s no one standing under it when climbing the ceiling. The best car reviews Remote Control Rank advices that the vehicle may fall if its mechanism isn’t working properly. Good to know!


remote control carsI hope you will enjoy spending time playing with your children and their favorite remote control cars. It was a great ride for me, for sure!



Throw a Kids Backyard Party Just Because

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on kids backyard party tips.  Summer has finally arrived, and with it comes much more time outdoors in our backyards.  For kids, it’s certainly their favorite time of the year.  They spend most of their time playing outdoors and blowing off steam.



kids birthday party ideas



Why not really make your kids happy by organizing a kids backyard party just because.  A summer birthday is perfect.  But, perhaps you’ll just enjoy treating your kids to a nice day in the backyard with their friends simply because you love them.  Do something outside the box just because you want to make them happy.  Use my kids backyard party tips to help create a memorable day for your kids, and you enjoying your outdoor space.


Kids Backyard Party Tips



Why not let your child help you send out pretty, summer invitations to a few friends.  Furthermore, online e-vites are now a really simple and fun way to get invitations out.  Additionally, they are also a good way for your children to help develop their computer skills.



The food is a huge part of any garden party.  So, whether it’s for adults or for kids, good food is the backbone of any good shindig. For kids backyard party foods, little sandwiches, cup cakes, chips and mini quiches are great ideas.  Also, sausage rolls will help keep kids happy until dinner. Make sure food is covered over, to prevent it being attacked by bugs and flies. Leftovers will be good for nibbling on later.  You may even be able to set out another spread the next day.


Yard Games

Next, make sure you put some thought into the types of games the children can play.  Having three to four different games lined up is a great way  to make sure no one gets bored.


Better Safe Than Sorry

When children spend time playing in the backyard, they are inevitably going to be surrounded by bugs and insects. Of course, most of the time they are completely harmless.  However, you should still have a few sting or bite remedies close at hand.  You know best the types of insects and bugs in your area, so think about the types of insects that could pose a problem for you.


You will need to have the best remedies or medicines needed to deal with insect bites and stings.  So, check out  

We hope you enjoyed our kids backyard party tips.  Remember, it doesn’t have to be a birthday or other  major holiday, have a backyard party for your kids just because.  You will create a great memory for you and them.

How to Get Your Kids Away from the TV and Active

getting kids active


The last school bell has rung and summer is here.  Kids could spend the entire summer watching TV or on a mobile device. However, watchful parents ensure kids are getting outside, exercising, and staying away from digital screens. Here’s to an active summer and the joys of movement.  Check out our tips on getting kids active:  

Get a Job

Depending on their age, help kids get a full or part-time job for the summer. Does working at a local pool, taking breaks to swim and being in the sun, sound so bad?  Fortunately, younger kids can work limited hours at bagel shops, lemonade stands, etc.

 Read That Book Series

Some kids are assigned books to read for summer. I ’s usually long, something the child does not want to read and is reserved for the last week of summer. As a result, take the pressure away.  As a result, add a few exciting and fun selections. Take your child to the bookstore and have them select the first book out of a series.  If they like it, they’re likely to continue reading the series.

Volunteer Your Time

Kids have a lot of time on their hands in the summer. So much that they can hold a part-time job and still have a lot of free time. It would be altruistic and look great on college applications if they devoted time toward volunteering at a local YMCA, food shelter, local business, etc. Ask around town or do a Google search to find volunteer opportunities in your area.

Get in Shape

Exercise is healthy, and with child obesity a serious issue, it’s encouraged that kids find an athletic hobby such as biking, skating, jogging, etc. The mild temperature and the sunshine make it easy to engage in an activity or sport. Inquire about sports their friends play or take kids to the sporting goods store and see if any equipment piques their interest. Getting kids active is a parental responsibility.  

See the State

Some kids attend great schools and live in peaceful and safe neighborhoods.  But, some kids don’t even know what it’s like in other parts of their state. Schedule time to take your child on some road trips. While having a destination in mind like a museum is enriching, the experience of seeing other places and people can be enough. Use this weather app to choose the best days to take road trips.

Help at the House

Kids grow to be adults and later moms and dads. So as adults , take care of things around the house such as laundry, cutting the grass, making minor repairs, taking care of the pets and so on. The summer is a good time to increase a number of things a child does around the home so they can lend a hand. Perhaps a minor money incentive or reward could inspire them to do even more!

We hope you enjoyed the tips on getting kids active. Get creative, and demonstrate that being active is not boring and most importantly it’s healthy.

Ideas for Organizing Board Games



organizing board games


You’ve collected a number of games because of your recent interest in old and new titles. However, it’s beginning to look like an episode of Hoarders at your home. Therefore, a bit of structure and organization has become a challenge.  Will you be declared the winner and once again the owner of your space? Here’s how to win with organization.  We also have a few tips on organizing board games:

Rolling Cart

Rolling carts are great for walking a few blocks with groceries or other items.  It’s also used to carry chairs, coolers and toys on the beach.  Also, a rolling cart is convenient for storing your board games. You can clearly see titles while neatly stacking them.

Soap Containers

Losing one card from a deck could mean spoiling the entire game forever. Seems like a major punishment for such a trivial thing as losing a small piece of paper. However, you won’t have to worry when you wrap a rubber band around the deck before placing it in a soap container. It’s an orderly, waterproof, and bend-proof way to maintain your card games.

Large Zip Lock

Likewise, it’s crucial to keep all game pieces in one spot. The game box was designed for this task, but mysterious things happen to pieces. Therefore, be proactive, ensure all pieces are kept together in a zip lock bag. Also, make sure the box maintains its integrity.

Toy Box

Moms and dads have been maintaining kids’ goodies in boxes and chests for years. Shell out some money and invest in a medium to large sized toy chest. With a bit of selection and an eye for interior decorating, you could buy a piece that looks great in your family or living room while it houses your tabletop games.

Closet Organizer

You can grab a closet organizer from your local Walmart or online at Amazon. It’s an easy fix for those who have too many shoes…or games. Rather than hang it in your bedroom closet, utilize your hall closet and store a plethora of board games.


How serious are you about board games? Serious enough to amass an entire library of titles? If so, rather than a place to house books use shelving to house your board game collection.  You can take the economical route, and build DIY shelves or you could hire a carpenter to build  something custom and more suitable for board games.

Milk Crates

They’re durable and great for storage.  Even better, you can stack them and place them beside one another. There’s no limit to how many games you can conveniently store in milk crates.

Wooden Ladder

Old, rustic looking ladders are chic at the moment and you can find them in kitchens, bedrooms, family rooms, etc. Decorators hang blankets over them, place books on top of rungs, or just paint them to match the interior. You can use one to arrange and start organizing board games in your home too.

We hope you like our tips on organizing board games, and will implement one or two in your home.

Chores to Prepare for a Child’s Birthday Party

child's birthday party


Preparing for a child’s birthday party can take a lot of hard work. In addition to putting up decorations, planning games, and picking up the birthday cake, you also need to prepare your house. After all, it’s about to get invaded by a bunch of sugar-crazed kids. Before you host another birthday party, make sure you do these four chores:

Lock Away Potentially Dangerous Items

It’s easy to lose track of one or two kids when you have a dozen or more of them running around your home. Even a few minutes of unsupervised play can turn into a disaster.  Especially, when children encounter potentially dangerous items like household cleaners, weapons, and medications.

You can keep your young guests safe by locking away items that may hurt them. Putting items in the master bedroom won’t get the job done. You may think of your bedroom as a safe place where no one else goes, but kids don’t always follow your expectations. Find a place that you can secure with a lock and key.

Block Off Certain Parts of Your House

Even if your home is safe, you don’t necessarily want people wandering throughout it. Blocking off certain areas tells people that you don’t want them to enter.

It doesn’t take much effort to block off areas of your house. You can use a baby gate to prevent people from walking down hallways or lock doors to rooms that you want left alone.

Eliminate Bad Odors

Your house probably smells fine to you. Newcomers, however, may have a different experience. Over time, you get used to the way your house smells. Even if there’s a funk in the air, you may not notice it.  So, you can eliminate bad odors from your home by:

  • Locating and removing any mold or mildew
  • Running your HVAC system to filter out annoying particles in the air
  • Putting baking soda on your carpet before vacuuming
  • Cleaning your refrigerator to get rid of old food odors

Make Healthy Snacks

You probably plan to serve cake or some other confection to celebrate your child’s birthday. Considering how much sugar and fat cakes contain, you should make some healthy snacks that guests can enjoy during the party as well.

You can take the simple route by simply cutting up carrot and celery sticks. If you have time to get more involved in food preparation, consider making some yogurt popsicles, fruit kebabs, and low-sugar baked goods.

Remember that some kids have food allergies that can cause serious health problems. The most common allergies among children involve:


  • Soy
  • Tree nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Shellfish
  • Milk
  • Soy
  • Wheat

You can avoid problematic ingredients by asking parents to tell you about any food sensitivities when they RSVP for your child’s birthday party. If anyone has an allergy to an ingredient, don’t use it in any of your party’s foods.

Finally, hosting a child’s birthday party in your home is a great way to have fun, save money, and make your child feel special.  As long as you do the right chores beforehand, you can host a successful event where everyone feels welcome and safe.

Spending Quality Time With Your Kids


spending quality time with kids


When you’re a parent, the days can seem repetitive. It’s like Groundhog Day, with deja vu cropping up at every turn. It’s not good – it can feel like you’re losing your mind!  However, you just need to embrace some new things and take another direction in order to mix things up a little.  Spending quality time with your kids is imperative.  Before you know it, they will be grown up and off to college.  Here are a few tips in getting you to spend quality time with your kids:

Start to Craft

Children love to craft at any age. It’s something about the combination of mess and creativity that blossoms into something beautiful  that intrigues them.  The pride that you see on your child’s face when they’ve finished a craft is something can’t be bottled up and brought.  Furthermore, there are so many crafts that are available on Pinterest.  Kids are happy with a piece of paper and some paint.  If you’re unable to run to the craft store, you can purchase craft items online at sites like  Making things like cards, posters and portraits for people that they love is personal, and you can’t buy in any shop.

Begin to Sing

Think you know all of the children’s nursery rhymes and children’s songs?  You’re wrong! Nobody knows them all, and it’s always fun to learn new ones.  Singing and spending quality time with your kids can put a bright spot in your day.  It helps break up the monotony of singing the same thing over and over.  And in more scientific terms it also benefits your child’s memory. Familiar rhymes and songs will help your children to connect.  It also helps them socialize at different events where they are being sung.  When they’re confident that they know the nursery or song, it helps them to be a part of the activity.  Check out and other video sites for children’s songs.  Have a sing along with your child.

Learn a Dance

With songs come dances! There are probably dances to some of the songs that you don’t know about.  If you can’t find any, make them up yourself. Not only do children love to express themselves with their voice, but they thrive off of being able to move their bodies to the beat.

Write a Book

Finally, sit down together and write down your memories.  Or create a story for yourself with all of the things that you love together.  It could be a magical tale of fairies and woodland creatures, or maybe you’d just like to detail down your daily walk together.  Additionally, a trip to a friends or family member will make a good story too. There are sites online that will help you to design a book.  Also, they’re very good at just jotting down thoughts and ideas to use at a later stage in the development of your project.  Spending quality time with your kids will create wonderful memories to look back on when they’re older!


16 Budget Friendly Spring Break Ideas for Kids

Spring break is around the corner.  Vacations at the beach and Disney World are being planned.  But, not everyone wants to head to the beach or can afford a trip to Disney.  No worries, we sharing a few parenting tips on spring break ideas

So, having fun and getting a little R & R doesn’t require families to spend big bucks.  With a little planning, a staycation can be the perfect solution for a family.  Check out our list of spring break ideas:


spring break ideas for kids


1.  Plan a sleep over for the kids and their friends – First, put this idea at the top of your list.  Kids love spending the night with friends.  Have a few friends bring their sleeping bags.  Clip a few coupons from you local pizzeria.  Additionally, mix up a batch of punch and watch a few movies.

2.  Send the kids to grandma’s  –  Second, the kids would love to spend a few days at grandma’s.  And I guarantee grandma would love have them.

3.  Visit local museums –  Spend the day visiting a local museum, car show, or art gallery etc.

4.  Check the library for story hour or other programs –  Furthermore, many libraries offer preschool story hour and other activities.  For example, our local library is offering a Lego Challenge, Minecraft Computer, classes on Japanese Culture etc. So, hope on-line and check the activities.

5.  Plan a craft day for the kids –  Next, check out Pinterest for spring crafts that you can make with the kids.

6.  Go bike riding –  Clean up the bikes and helmets and head out for the day.

7.  Set up a Sundae Bar – Next, don’t spend money at Sweet Frog.  Make your own sundae bar.  I set up a bar with my grandchildren and they love it.  Check out my post How to Set up a Sundae Bar for Kids.

8.  Reward the kids with movie night in the backyard –  If you don’t have a project or screen, try to rent or borrow one.

9.  Visit your local Family Fun Center – In addition to playing games at home, spend the day playing games and snacking at your local family center.

10.  Play Miniature Golf – Kids love playing miniature golf.  Check out the local

11.  Have game day with yummy snacks –   Chess, Twister, Checkers, Operation, Candy Land and others make great game day games.  Also, it’s a way to unplug and spend quality time together as a family.

12.  Campout in the backyard  – Additionally, build a campfire and pitch a tent.  Plan a hot dog and marshmallow roast.  Use these Marshmallow Roasting Forks.  They’re great for roasting both hot dogs and marshmallows.

13.  Head to your favorite family restaurant – Plan a day to go out to eat. Check out our 22 Places Kids Can Eat for Free.

14.  Check out the local theatres – So, many of the theatres have matinees that are affordable.  Check out local theatres for a possible family outing for plays, concerts or shows.

15.  Plan a trip to a hotel – Also, consider booking a hotel room for a day or two.  Make sure the hotel has an indoor pool and a restaurant.  It’s a mini vacation away from home.

16.  Head to the beach or an amusement park– Last, if you live in a warmer area head to the beach.  Pack snacks and sandwiches and relax while the kids have fun.  Also, check out spring break discounts for your local amusement park.

Finally, we hope that you enjoyed our spring break ideas.  Most importantly, we hope that they inspire you to implement a few.

Kids Party Ideas: Chuck E Cheese Party

Looking for kids party ideas?  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on kids party ideas.  Look no further, call your local Chuck E Cheese?  First, Look at this face.  I was sorting through pictures for my scrapbooks and I came across these pictures from one of Xavier’s parties.  I thought I would share a few memories from our Chuck E Cheese party.  The kids had a great time and so did the parents.  
kids birthday party ideas



kids birthday party ideas



Most importantly, I love parties where the work for the parents is minimal.  Luckily, it was just that at Chuck E Cheese.  There were lots of activities, pizza, a dance with the Big Cheese, and no clean up.  It doesn’t get any better than that.  There was a snack bar for parents to purchase other food if they didn’t have an appetite for pizza.  I must recommend their salads, they are wonderful.  We had the Superman Cake made and we purchased the Superman Tablecloth at Party City.

We had a hostess assigned to our tables who take care of serving the food, coordinating the dance with the Big Cheese, lighting the cake and all the other activities around the Rock Star’s table.  It was nice to be able to take pictures and just relax.


kids birthday party ideas

Because Xavier loves Spider-Man so much, it was the theme for the birthday cake.  We had this cake made at Farm Fresh.  They did an excellent job decorating it, and it was delicious.  I love that store for other reasons too.  For example, their deli is wonderful when you need a quick meal.  The kids love their chicken, and so do I.  Lets not leave out their fresh produce.  I digressed didn’t I.

So, if you’re unsure of how many guests you will have or you have a set budget, I suggest that you check out the packages available.  You can plan the party around the package.  Actually, Chuck E Cheese offers 4 packages:  Star, Super Star, Mega Super Star and Play More, Eat More .  We choose the Mega Super Star package, which included pizza, ice cream cups, tokens, a goody bag and a Rock Star cup for the party guests.   Additionally, the tables were reserved for two hours, which was sufficient time for everyone to enjoy the activities, eat and go back to the activities.


kids birthday party ideas

We had a great photo opportunity here, Xavier is dancing with Chuck E Cheese.  The look on his face was worth a million bucks.

kids birthday party ideas

Next, he had so much fun blowing out the candles on his cake.  However, we did have a mishap.  The hostess set her hair on fire lighting the cake.  Thank goodness it was quickly extinguished and she wasn’t hurt. She didn’t miss a beat, she served the cake and ice cream as if nothing happened.  We gave her a hand for handling it like a pro.  Most people at the tables didn’t even realize that her hair was on fire.  Imagine that!

kids birthday party ideas

Additionally, they have the Ticket Blaster.  It gives the Rock Star an opportunity to catch tickets, which can be redeemed for games.  I wasn’t sure how he would feel about being enclosed in a booth, but he did well.  He’s such a brave little guy.

kids birthday party ideas


Finally, we ended the party with the kids using the remaining tokens and tickets in the games area.  Somehow, Xavier lost his shoes.  But he didn’t think twice about finding them.  Thankfully, we were able to locate them before dragging him out and heading home.  Best part of the day, he totally enjoyed his birthday party and his friends.  Did I mention, he still takes his shoes off at every opportunity.

In conclusion, I hope you like our kids party ideas.  I would highly recommend having a birthday party for your child at Chuck E. Cheese.  Just as importantly, the service was excellent and all of the children left happily exhausted.  For parents, you can sit back and relax.  Because there’s no cleanup!  It doesn’t get better than that.

22 Fun and Creative Winter Crafts For Kids

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on winter craft for kids ideas.  Winter can be a boring time for kids unless you have fun activities planned for them.  We have 22 fun and creative kid’s winter crafts that will get them off the electronics.  Our roundup of kid’s winter crafts will stop the boredom. Children need to be motivated, stimulated and encouraged to create.  Get out the craft supplies and lets get started.


winter crafts for kids


Winter Crafts for Kids:


kids winter crafts kids winter crafts


Winter Mittens for Preschoolers – First, this is an adorable craft for preschoolers and/or kindergarteners.

Plastic Bag Snowman – Second, do you have plastic bags filled with plastic bags?  I do.  I use them to transport food items or in my bathroom trash cans.  But they can also be used to make this adorable snowman.  Who knew.

Paint Stirrer Snowman – These adorable snowmen are made from paint stirrers.  Stop by your local hardware store and pickup a handful.

Cotton Ball Snowman – Fun and simple craft that’s perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.

Snowman Candle – This can be a fun craft for the adult while assisting the children with their crafts.  It’s perfect for a winter scene on a mantel or table.

Painted Mason Jar – Next, display this painted mason jar snowman on the mantel or a table during the cold winter months. This could be another craft that’s perfect for an adult or older children.  They would make great gifts.

Finger Paint Tree –  So cute and so simple.  A permanent marker, white paint and blue paper for the scene.

Hot Cocoa – Who doesn’t love hot cocoa.  Whip up a batch for the kids to enjoy after they finish this adorable craft.

Marshmallow Snowman –  This adorable guy is made by dipping a large marshmallow into white and black paint.  Paper accessories give him the finishing touch.

Newspaper Winter Landscape – This scene is made from newspaper and bubble wrap.  How creative, right.  I love it.

Shredded Paper Snowman – Put the paper in your shred bin to good use.  Make this shredded snowman.  The kids will love the shreds and the end result.

Hot Chocolate Mug – Fill the popsicle stick cup with lots of cotton ball marshmallows.  So cute. A plate of cookies and a hot cup of hot chocolate afterward is a good idea.

Sugar Snowflakes – Powered sugar and a few teaspoons of water make the paint for these adorable snowflakes.

Tin Can Snowman – Empty can don’t have to go to waste.  so, save a few tin can of various sizes for this snowman’s body.  A coffee, large vegetable and soup can would be good.

Paper Mache Snowman –  The site lacks step by step instructions; however, you can goggle paper mache and get creative.  The snowman is adorable.

Puzzle Wreath – Stop, don’t throw out the kid’s puzzles because they’re missing a few pieces.  Make this adorable wreath instead.

Marshmallow Snowman and Pretzel Snowman – Next, make sure you have enough marshmallows and pretzels for the kids and the projects.  Doesn’t it look delicious.

Doily Snowman – Purchase a pack of doilies in various sizes and get creative.  Perfect craft for a snow day.

Fingerprint Snow Globe – This snow globe is so cute.  Imagine those tiny fingers creating this adorable snowman and snowflakes.

Cardinals – So, my state bird is the cardinal.  Their beautiful red color against the fresh snow is a sight for sore eyes.  Sadly, this piece of art doesn’t have step by step instruction.  However, you can figure out what needs to be done by looking at the picture.  Get creative, you can do it.

Popsicles – Who doesn’t love popsicles?  Even in the winter they can tasty or help you think of summer when its so hot. Gather up pompoms, buttons, stones, glitter and glue.

S is for Snowman – Last, this is a great craft to teach preschoolers and kindergarteners about the letter S.

Last, we hope that you will find a few winter crafts to occupy the kid’s this winter.  Have as much fun on the inside on snow days as the outside.  Finally, you may also like Winter Word Search For Kids and Preschool Snowman Math Game.





Kid’s Birthday Ideas For An Extra Special Year

Most parents know how great birthdays for kids can be for little children.  Many parents go out of their way to make birthdays as special as possible. After all, you do want your kids to enjoy themselves on their special day.  Extra special birthdays could be their 10th, 13th or 16th birthdays.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on kid’s birthday ideas for special birthdays.  



kid's birthday ideas



The Right Presents

It is important to teach your children while young that receiving presents is not the most important thing. Still, on their birthday you do want to treat them to something special.  So, it is worth putting some effort into getting there gift right.  If you are lucky, you will know exactly what they want.  If that’s the case, you can be sure there will be laughter and joy rather than tears.  It helps to shop around early, and perhaps ask for some help from a family member or one of their friends. You should also think about the card.  Getting the right birthday card is surprisingly important as well. You could even use an online card maker to create one yourself.  This will have the positive bonus of being personal and genuine compared to a normal card.

The Perfect Party

If you are throwing a party for your child, early planning is probably a good idea. The earlier you get started, the more likely it is that you will throw the ideal bash.  There is plenty to bear in mind when you are throwing a birthday party for a child. First, you will need to prepare plenty of food.  Keep in mind that you will be feeding both children and adults.  Therefore that is important to remember if you want to keep everyone happy.  You also need to make sure that the decorations are appropriate and that you have enough.  Free enough time for other concerns as the party date approaches.  Throwing the right party will ensure that your children will really enjoy their day.


kids birthday ideas


Interesting Activities

Whether or not you throw a party, it is a good idea to have some kind of interesting activity.  You might even decide to take your child somewhere special.  Or the whole family can take a weekend holiday away somewhere. If you fill the time with interesting and fun activities, you make the whole experience a lot more fun.  As a result, much more memorable for the birthday boy or girl.

We hope you find our kid’s birthday ideas helpful, and will implement a few to help make you child’s birthday special.