How To Deal With A Serious Injury As a Parent

Suffering a serious injury can be one of the toughest things an individual deals with during their lifetime.  This becomes exponentially more difficult when you have children.  Unfortunately, serious injuries often impact all of those close to you.   Furthermore, seeing a parent injured can be quite devastating to a child.  They think their mother or father is a superhero.  The most important thing for you to do is to start recovering and realize that the entire family is with you.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on how to deal with a serious injury when you have children.


how to deal with a serious injury


Focus On Rehabilitation

The best thing that you can do for yourself and your children is to recover as quickly as possible.  So, do not miss a rehabilitation session.  You need to be dedicated to physical therapy daily to recover fully.  Understanding the difference between pain and discomfort is important during your recovery period.  Remember, pushing yourself too hard can lead to aggravating the injury again.  Just as important, not pushing yourself enough will delay recovery time.  As a result, find the balance and continually give input to your physical therapist.  Getting upset that recovery is not going as planned can be an easy mindset for you to fall into.  So, look at every day as a challenge with some days being tougher than others.


Do Not Take Your Frustrations Out On The Family

One of the most frustrating things is not being able to do something simple due to your injury.  This can include not being able to do dishes because of a broken leg or not being able to shower without help.  This is not the fault of your family, and that is something you need to remember.  Unfortunately, it can be easy to take out a bad day on them.  If you are at home due to the injury spend that extra time with the kids.  An injury can have positive impacts depending on how you look.  Having extra time with the family can be positive.  So, learning how to deal with a serious injury as a parent is imperative.


Discuss How The Injury Is Impacting Your Family

Your children could be devastated that you are hurt.  So, it is important to ask them about their feelings on the current circumstances.  Have your children see a therapist if they are unwilling to open up.  Your injury could be the source of their problem.  Take the time daily to let them know that you will be back to your old self after recovery time.  If you have suffered a permanent injury, sit down with them so you can talk about how life is going to change.  Do not leave them to figure out these things alone. It can be a trying time for them as well as others in your family.



injured parents


Have Your Significant Other Help Pick Up The Slack

Your significant other is going to have to pick up the slack in order to keep thing running smoothly.  You will be able to do some things, so trading off responsibilities will help everything run smoothly.   Be sure to tell your significant other how much you appreciate what they are doing.  Furthermore, sit down weekly to talk about how you can start doing more to help the family get through the post-accident recovery process.


Seek Financial Compensation

As a parent you cannot allow your family to endure financial stress coupled with the emotional stress that everyone is already feeling. Finding the nearest attorney can be done with a simple internet search.  The Barnes Firm, a personal injury lawyer in San Diego, says, “Suffering from a personal injury is devastating, regardless of the circumstances. The unfortunate reality is that many of these injuries often go far beyond the physical effects and may affect ability to work and one’s future wages that deserve to be compensated.”   Filing a lawsuit and winning will not only provide financial compensation, but it’ll help you feel empowered and show your children you fought for what was right.

The above tips can help you deal with a serious injury when you have children.  But, a positive attitude throughout this process can make all of the difference. A negative attitude can lead you into depression and the trap of feeling sorry for yourself. An injury can be life changing, but at least you have your life as well as family. Remembering things could have been much worse is a way to stay grateful for what you have currently.  Always stay positive during the difficult times!


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