How to Encourage Kids to Make Healthy Choices

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on how to encourage kids to make healthy choices.There is no denying that health and happiness go hand in hand. As a parent, you have the power to help your children develop healthy habits that will enhance their health and overall quality of life.   


encourage kids to make healthy choices



Here are just a few ways to put them on a positive path:


Let them make choices at dinner time


Food is a major source of contention between children and parents across the globe.  However, if you’re willing to give your entire family a say in what goes on their plate it doesn’t have to be. Start by letting your kids help with shopping. With the price of food skyrocketing, you may have to get creative with your grocery budget.  Start by choosing seasonal produce from your local farmers market.  Give your kids their own basket and tasks.  For example, let them shop for fruit and vegetables with specific traits.  Your child could be on the lookout for all things orange (e.g., carrots, peppers or oranges).  Your ‘tween or teen can pick produce from plants like tomatoes or melons.


Limit their consumption of non-water beverages


In an ideal world, you and your children would drink only water or milk. But with so many choices, it’s almost impossible to avoid the occasional soda, sports drink or cup of hot cocoa.  Don’t keep these beverages in the house.  Instead, use fresh fruit to infuse water with flavor if your kids want a variety.   This cherry and lime water is a great recipe but you can experiment with any juicy piece of produce.


Prioritize physical activities


The amount of physical activity your children receive gets directly influences their risk of becoming obese as adults. The CDC states, “Regular physical activity in childhood and adolescence is important for promoting lifelong health and well-being”.  It prevents various health conditions. Even if you’re exhausted after a long day at work, spent 30 minutes playing outdoors or taking a walk around the block with the kids. Children learn by example and will mimic your behaviors. Make sure your actions encourage healthy choices.



encourage kids to make healthy choices


Be open and honest about uncomfortable subjects


Sex, crime, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, death, drugs and alcohol are all things from which we would like to protect our children.  But, the reality is that these activities and events happen. By arming your children with information, you put them in a better position to say no to peer pressure.  Furthermore, they can avoid situations that could cause them harm.  Check out this article from the Conversation on these topics.


Don’t fix their mistakes


As much as you think they are perfect, your children will make mistakes. Let them. If your children never have a chance to fail, they will never learn coping or problem-solving skills. Be there to guide and keep them safe, but avoid the temptation to tell them they are wrong before try something new.  It’s hard to stand by and do nothing if your child is hurt, defeated, or sad.  But, navigating life’s ups and downs is part of the growing up process.  Overcoming their self-imposed obstacles helps them develop confidence.  Dr. Peggy Drexler stresses that you shouldn’t inhibit your child’s ability to grow in this capacity simply to eliminate your own worry.

While it’s up to you to make sure your kids are safe, healthy and well-balanced, you can’t make all of their decisions for them.  By allowing them an age-appropriate level of independence, setting a positive example, and giving them the opportunity to make and rectify their own mistakes, you will empower your children.  Use our tips on how to encourage kids to make healthy choices.  You will also help them the strength and confidence to make good decisions as they grow from helpless children to whole and healthy adults.