How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Today, I’m sharing tips on how to get a good night’s sleep.  Sleep is supposed to come as soon as your head hits the pillow, right? Not really.  The average person spends between 10 and 20 minutes falling asleep after slipping into bed. If you find yourself wide awake for much longer than this, there’s probably a reason behind it.

Popping a pill to fall asleep is the easy solution.  However, that doesn’t do anything to get to the bottom of why you’re having trouble falling asleep.  Thankfully, there are several things you can do to encourage healthy sleep habits.

how to get a good night's sleep

Here a few tips on how to get a good night’s sleep:


Make Sure You Have the Right Mattress

Your mattress matters more than you might think.  And, no two styles are alike nor are they right for each sleeping style. If you tend to roll over onto your back or stomach or switch between the two, a firm surface is usually most comfortable.  According to My Slumber Yard, a dense hybrid like the Dream Cloud is ideal. But, a firm mattress may not solve your sleep struggles if you are most at ease on your side.  You might want to try a plush or pillowtop.  Satvaa is an affordable option if your budget is a concern.   Furthermore, both the Satvaa and the DreamCloud (along with most other mattress makers) offer a trial period.


Track Your Sleep Patterns

If changing your mattress doesn’t help, you may benefit from understanding how you sleep during the night.  There are several apps that can help you do this without having to invest in a dedicated sleep tracking device. A few of these are:

  • Sleep Time –  This is a hands-off app that, once downloaded via the Google Play or Apple Store, can give you insight into how you sleep. It tracks your movements and gives you suggestions on the best time to go to bed and wake up.
  • If you snore, you aren’t getting the most restful sleep possible. Use Snore Lab to determine if you snore and for easy-to-understand suggestions for relief based on your night time noise patterns.
  • Headspace and Calm. Both of these apps are for meditation and work to put you in a better mental state before going to sleep. Headspace offers hundreds of different guided meditations while Calm offers you the option of listening to calming stories read by the most soothing voices of our generation (including Matthew McConaughey).


how to get a good night's sleep


You can also use your phone to play soft music or white noise.  You can purchase a white noise machine to help you get to sleep if outside noise keeps you distracted. However, keep in mind that many older phones won’t have the memory or battery life to keep up with your downloads. If your device loses power or freezes up overnight, look for more capable options.

There are dozens of factors that might inhibit you from getting the rest you need. However, your mattress is a likely culprit. Tracking your patterns can help you narrow it down even further. Both of these suggestions are easy to implement and are a healthy alternative to medication-induced sleep. Remember that insomnia is a serious problem, and if you can’t find relief, visit your doctor. They can help rule out any potential medical issue that needs attention, and give you additional tips on how to get a good night’s sleep.



How to Boost Your Energy As a Parent

Being a parent is tiring, no matter the age of your children.  Once the sleepless nights of infanthood are over, you need to run around after adventurous toddlers.  Furthermore, there’s the ever-changing emotions of teenagers.  It’s not particularly surprising that most parents are absolutely exhausted.  Rather than let this fatigued state become your new normal, you should do something about it.  There’s not enough caffeine in the world to combat this problem, but there are things that you can do.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on how to boost your energy as a parent. 




how to boost your energy



1. Head To Bed Earlier

Once you’ve put the kids to bed, it can be very tempting to stay up late watching television or catching up on the chores. However, you need adequate rest to be able to function properly. For this reason, you should head to bed a little earlier so that you can get around eight hours of sleep. Adopt healthy sleep habits, like sticking to a sleep schedule and turning off electronics in the evening.


2. Eat A Nutritious Diet

The food that you put into your body can have a significant effect on how you feel. Therefore, if you’ve been feeling sluggish and tired, it might be worth looking at your eating habits.  Your body needs fuel to keep you up and running.  So, ensure that you eat the best that you can. Whole, nutritious foods, like nuts and seeds, leafy vegetables, and lean red meats all provide plenty of energy.  Also, vitamins and minerals that your body requires to function at its very best.


3. Steer Clear Of Sugar

When you feel tired, it can be so easy to reach for a sweet and sugar-filled snack. This offers a much-needed energy boost, but, unfortunately, provides one that doesn’t last very long. Your blood sugar levels will spike for a short time, but, when they fall again, you are usually left feeling worse than before. Eating large quantities of sugar can also heighten your risk of developing certain health problems. For this reason, it’s best to stick to healthier, more nutritious snacks.


4. Work Out Every Day

You might think that exercise will tire you out, but it can actually boost your energy levels. The reason for his is that it helps to increase your stamina and strength, as well as your heart rate. This increase heart rate pumps blood faster around your body so that fuel is delivered more efficiently to tissues and muscles. Exercise also triggers the release of endorphins, which combat stress and boost mood. Because of this, you should try to work out every single day.



how to boost your energy



5. Find Reasons To Laugh

Like exercise, laughter also releases endorphins into the brain. These feel-good chemicals do a lot of good for your body and mind, including helping you to feel refreshed and awake. Finding reasons to laugh, therefore, can be incredibly beneficial. When you have a little one to look after, you’ll find a lot that they do is comical. You can also watch funny shows and films. When you’re not in a particularly comedic mood, fake laughing works too and can make you laugh for real.


6. Combat Your Hearing Problems

The harder it is for you to hear, the more energy your brain will use trying to do so. This can leave you feeling exhausted, even after only a short conversation. For this reason, if you’re struggling to hear, you should speak to a professional. They might suggest wearing a hearing aid, like the Miracle-Ear GENIUS 3.0. Sometimes your hearing problems aren’t quite so serious. All that might be required is for you to clean them out or have them cleaned out a bit more regularly.


7. Learn How To Relax

It’s not uncommon for parents to feel stressed, especially when you have a particularly busy schedule. However, that doesn’t mean that you should just ignore it when you feel overwhelmed. This won’t solve the problem and can actually make it worse.  There are many ways you could reduce your stress levels, from yoga to medication and even drawing. Some people also find that journaling about their troubles helps them to combat them too.


8. Kick That Smoking Habit

Everyone knows what a terrible habit smoking is. It’s one of the worst things that you can do for your health, increasing your risk of developing a number of incredibly serious health issues, including heart disease and cancer. The tar and toxins from cigarettes can also reduce the efficiency of your lungs, making you feel tired. The only way to fix this is to kick your smoking habit. There is a lot of support out there that can help you through this, so speak to your doctor.


9. Drink Plenty Of Water

Our bodies are made up of mostly water, so it should be no surprise to you that we need water to feel our best. Throughout the day, you lose water when you sweat and go to the bathroom. This can leave you dehydrated, which can affect your brain function and energy. To stay hydrated, you must drink more water each day, especially when it’s warm. Carrying a water bottle around with you can remind you to take regular sips so that you don’t get thirsty.


   10. Consult With Your Doctor

Tiredness is not something that should be ignored. If you’ve done everything that you can to boost your energy levels, but still feel fatigued, then you should consult with your doctor. This is a symptom of many different illnesses and health problems, like thyroid conditions, anemia, and even depression. These conditions must be dealt with quickly, so you should book a checkup right away if you think that something could be wrong.

Tired shouldn’t be the new normal, even for parents. Hopefully, with the advice above, you can boost your energy levels and feel refreshed.

Tips to Help Manage Childhood Stress

It’s something that isn’t talked about enough, but children get stressed out just as much as adults. That may seem impossible, given that children aren’t dealing with the workplace, marriage or families. However, they are dealing with the pressure of school, peer pressure and the pressure that comes with new children joining the family.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on childhood stress.

Pressure can lead to chronic stress in children. Stress can negatively impact their routines and sleep patterns. Unfortunately, children can become cranky, exhausted and unable to manage their day or their emotions properly.



childhood stress




Stress can lead to a number of issues  besides sleep issues. Children can become anxious.  They may want their parents to sleep in bed with them again as if they were a toddler. Poor sleep leads to more stress.  It’s a vicious cycle for your child to have to cope with.  A good way to help reduce the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, is to help your child manage their sleep cycle.  As an adult, you know that insomnia comes with feeling stressed out.  So, imagine your child feeling that very same way?  Below, you’ll find tips on how to manage childhood stress.  Our tips will help your child’s body get back into a good sleep routine, and slowly eliminate childhood stress.


childhood stress


  • Set The Mood – Some people like to sleep with the lights on.  Some people like it dark.  Sit with your child and ask them how they like to sleep. Without knowing their comforts, you can’t provide them with the right space for sleeping.  Invest in blackout blinds.  Also, learn the best mattress with  You can create a sleep space that is comfortable and relaxed with the right mattress.  Involve your child in the selection of the mattress.
  • Set A Bed Time –  Routine is key for children.  But, for those who can’t sleep they need a routine that’s going to help get a good night of sleep.  Strive to kept the same bath time, story time, and bed time routine until it sinks in. The body and brain learn to expect what comes next.
  • Set An Alarm – Next, with a bedtime routine comes a morning routine. If your child is to be in bed at 8 p.m., set the alarm for 7 a.m. the next day. If the bedtimes and wake up times are consistent, you get the body into a pattern that works.
  • Set A Screen Limit –  Blue light technology has an effect on the brain and how children are able to function.  So, if your child is staring at a screen within two hours of bedtime, you need to put a stop to it.  Children need time to allow their brains have time to switch off and unwind.  Kids need their melatonin production to stay consistent.

Finally, sleep is so important in order to to set up the day.  So, manage childhood stress by implementing the rules above and you’ll quickly notice a difference.


Sleep Tips: Falling and Staying Asleep In the Midst of Commotion


sleeping tips


Traditionally, noise does not accompany a great night of rest. However, whether it’s a noisy roommate, undesirable conditions, or too much light, obstructions exist. Therefore, you need to get accustomed to sleeping when conditions are sub par. Here’s a few sleep tips on how to fall asleep and stay asleep when noise and other undesirable conditions won’t stop or go away.

 Create More Noise

 It seems counterproductive, yet if you create your own white noise to drown out other sounds, you could lull yourself to sleep. Try placing a humidifier/dehumidifier somewhere adjacent to your bed. The rumbling would initially seem like a disturbance, yet it’s constant and does well in eclipsing other sounds in the immediate area.

 Use Earplugs

Some people don’t like sticking things in their ears.  They believe that it impedes their ability to hear intruders entering the home, the phone ringing, etc. However, a tried and true way to cancel out other noise is to block your ability to hear it.  If the solution sounds attractive, you’ll be happy to hear that a wide range of selections exists. Actually, some report that earplugs work too well.  They make it difficult to wake to alarms and hear other things.  Additionally, find apps at this link that help with waking on time.

 Muffle the Sound

 Use fabric and other materials to deafen sounds outside of your room. Wrap your door in heavy fabric that will muffle the sound.  Moreover, you could put soundproof fabric on your walls. The heavier the material, the better it will block sound. If you don’t like the thought of fabric, try shopping for heavier wallpaper or tapestries.

 Spray Scented Oils

Scents help drift people to sleep by first making them at peace and relaxed. For example, lavender oil is known to help people relax and is sometimes used in therapy and sleep studies. Many products on the market incorporate oils, chamomile, passionflower teas, etc.

 Exercise and Stretch to Exhaustion

Getting too tired to be bothered by noise is another way to get to sleep. Some enjoy reserving time in the evenings to stretch, lift weights, do a cardiovascular activity, etc. However, such a solution could backfire since working out can also make one feel energized afterward. It may be best to find a sweet spot, such as going to the gym or working out three to two hours before bedtime.

 Go to the Source

Another sleep tips is to try going straight to the source.  For example, if it’s a noisy radiator, maybe you need to call maintenance for help. If it’s a noisy roommate, it may be much more effective to have a conversation and ask them to be quiet. Maybe it’s not that noisy; perhaps you have a mild sleeping condition that can be addressed through medical attention.

 Make it Darker

In some cases, you may think that it’s noise that’s keeping you awake while it’s really too much light. Some people are very sensitive to light.  And if you are trying to sleep during the day or in a room that lets in too much interior light, it could be incredibly difficult to get to sleep. Try draping sheets over the windows while you’re sleeping, putting a towel underneath your door to block light from leaking in, etc.  Also, light blocking drapes are known to work. 

We hope that you have found our sleep tips beneficial, and you will implement a few suggestions in your life.