Getting Your Mojo Back: After Birth Tips


pregnancy tips


Becoming a mother is the one of the greatest privilege in life.  Being a mother is not an easy task, but it will be one which you love with every fiber of your being.  Furthermore, preparing for and giving birth to a baby can be exhausting.  In the weeks following birth it can be difficult to feel up to anything; however, you must transition in the routine of after a new life.  You can get your mojo back, and be a happy, healthy and fit mom in no time at all.  Check out our after birth tips:

  1. Act like a mom

It might seem pretty obvious that once you become a mom you will act like a mom.  But, it can actually take time to adjust to your new role.  It can be stressful to adapt to this new environment at times.  However, the moment you start acting as if you know what you are doing, you will feel much more confident in your role as a mother.  Exuding confidence will make your baby feel safe too.

  1. Ignore bad advice

For the first few weeks of having a baby everyone will have advice.  They will want to give their two cents on how to look after your baby. The key is to not listen to any advice which doesn’t correlate with how you want to nurture your baby.  If your parents or friends start to tell you what your baby needs listen, but follow your own instincts.  You are the baby’s mother, and you know what’s best for your baby.

  1. You are not a bad mother

One of the biggest insecurities after giving birth is the feeling of not being good enough for your baby. This can be a condition which runs alongside post natal depression.  It is crucial for you to remember that you are new to this, and every new mother has experienced this at one point in their lives.  Most importantly, it is normal to feel this way.  When you feel these insecurities bubbling to the surface, remember to put things into perspective.  Most of the time your guilty feelings are totally unfounded.  You are not a bad mother if you baby cries a lot.  Some babies do!  Consult your pediatrician for any concerns that you really don’t know about.  They will be happy to provide any guidance, recommendations or insight needed.

  1. Find privacy

In the first months of your child’s life, you will likely be inundated with visits and people visiting.  Sometimes your baby will become irritated and they will start to cry while other people are around. This is purely because being in a stimulating environment for too long can be too much for them to handle.  As a result, if your baby becomes stressed and difficult to control, take your baby and leave the room.  Let your visitors know that you will return once you have the baby calmed down.

  1. Be decisive

Our after birth tips includes becoming decisive as a new mother.  Mom always knows what to do in any situation.  They always know if you have a cold or the flu, they seem to be mind readers. You might wonder how you will ever get to this stage with your own child.  You have to trust your own instincts. If you have a gut feeling that your child is ill, you are probably right.  Trust your instincts, because 99% of the time you are absolutely right. Be decisive and be confident in your abilities with your baby. Remember that you are the most qualified person in the room because you are the baby’s mother.

  1. Listen and learn

When you take trips to your doctor, make sure you listen to what they are saying.  Take notes if you need to, so you will remember everything that was discussed.  You can reference your notes in the future when the same ailment affects your child.  The more information you can take in, the better it will be for you and your baby.

  1. Don’t bottle up your feelings

Motherhood can be overwhelming.  Some days you will want nothing more than to walk out of the door and leave for a vacation.  It is perfectly normal to feel this way. You are not a bad person for getting stressed out with your child. Just make sure you don’t bottle up these feelings.  It can lead to anxiety, depression and physical ailments too. If you are having a hard time, confide in your partner and take a break.

  1. Don’t worry about competition

Every child is unique.  When they say their first word or take their first step will be different for every baby.  So, just because your friend’s child walked at 1, doesn’t mean that you are failing.  Be patient, their day will come.

  1. Take time for yourself

Finally, our after birth tips include personal image.  Many women struggle their personal image after giving birth.  Dealing with pregnancy stretch marks within 2 weeks of giving birth is not realistic for most mothers.  Take your time getting back to your old self.  Most importantly, take time for yourself.   Get someone to look after the baby or when they baby is napping, pamper yourself.  Do a few exercises or relax. You will be back to your old confident self in no time.


How To Choose Super Comfortable Maternity Lingerie


maternity lingerie


Pregnancy is a great phase of your life.  So, it is vital that you choose to be comfortable during this time.  Comfortable maternity clothes to maternity lingerie are important.  Both lace chemise and comfortable bras can give you the  comfort that you need during your pregnancy.

As a result, wear maternity bras that provide you with maximum coverage and support the upper bust area. Most importantly, choose lingerie that will be functional during your pregnancy.  We suggest that you choose maternity bras with wider straps.  Additionally, wear cotton lingerie if possible.  It will help your skin to breathe.  When you start to feel restricted wearing your regular bra, start wearing a nursing bra.

If you are wondering how you would choose maternity lingerie, here are a few tips for you.

  1. Soft Nursing Bra

Soft bras not only make you feel at ease, but also make you look stylish during pregnancy. This comfortable nursing bra has clip off nursing straps that can be adjusted accordingly. The bra has padded cups that support you and fits just right.  The floral lace design has a sexy look. This maternity lingerie design is a must for your maternity fashion. It is available in different colors and sizes.

  1. Maternity Thong

Maternity thongs are comfortable, so add them to your maternity wardrobe. The cotton thong has full stretch and full coverage that adds to the comfort. It has a cotton lined gusset and minimal coverage on the backside. The floral design on the front side is crafted with lace. Its available in six different colors and three sizes.

  1. Racerback Bralette

Bralette bras look trendy. You can choose a racer back bralette for your maternity wear too.  This bralette has an easy clip-on strap with padded support. The deep neckline makes the bra sexy and stylish to wear.  Furthermore, there is a wide band under bust coverage with lace back detail.  Because it is completely wire-free, it’s comfortable to wear during pregnancy.

  1. Hotpants

Hotpants look really sexy, so you must own a pair or two during pregnancy. The cotton hot pants have wide coverage that contributes to the comfort. It has lace trim at leg openings with cotton-lined gusset.  They are sexy and stylish. Additionally, they are available in two different colors with two different sizes for your comfort level.  So, buy a pair of hot pants to add to your maternity lingerie.

  1. Lace Slip

If comfort is what you are looking for, then a simple lace chemise or slip can really help you. It is stylish and simple enough to wear at home during pregnancy.  Furthermore,  it has a full lace body with lace trim design at the neckline. It has a single back seam that helps to enhance its comfort. There are many colors and sizes to choose from. It is a must buy style for your maternity fashion.

  1. Simple nursing bra

It’s a must to own a simple nursing bra during pregnancy. The bra has nursing straps for easy opening and adjustable sling cups that give you full support. The straps can also be converted for sheer support. A basic maternity lingerie will make you feel comfortable during pregnancy. It is available in two different colors and three different sizes.

You can look sexy and feel stylish with the above styles of lingerie. Who says you can’t be fashionable when you are pregnant. Go ahead and shop for styles that would make you comfortable and sexy.

Author Bio:

Jennifer Saylor is a creative writer by profession and hobby, currently working as a freelance writer. She aspires to help her readers achieve their best style by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research.

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy and Childbirth

In case you’re considering getting pregnant or you are pregnant –  you probably know some essentials about dealing with yourself and the child.  Giving birth can be a physical challenge.  Preparing for childbirth causes us to face our inhibitions.  Moving through the birthing process causes us to feel excitement, fear, anxiety, and finally a feeling of ecstasy as we give birth to our child.  Here are a few more parenting tips for a healthy pregnancy:



tips for a healthy pregnancy



  • Eat healthy  

Plan to eat a solid, balanced diet during your pregnancy.  Pick wholegrains as opposed to white sugar to ensure a sufficient amount of fiber.  Daily portions of protein is important too.  For example, fish, meat, eggs, nuts and some milk and dairy are important for a balanced diet.

  • Fluids

Be sure to drink water and other nutritious drinks.  Great sources of nutritious drinks include low sodium V8 juice, fresh squeezed orange juice or nonfat milk.

  • Exercise

Staying fit is an absolute necessity for most mothers to be.  So, one of our tips for a healthy pregnancy is exercise. Standard activity will offer you some assistance with controlling your weight.  Exercise also helps clear your head and help you sleep better. Furthermore, keeping your diet in check and doing these simple exercises at home will help with delivery.  Pilates, yoga, swimming, and walking are good exercises for most pregnant women.  However, check with your doctor before beginning any physical activity program.

Special prenatal exercises like squatting and Kegels help with childbirth and can possibly shorten the labor time. Yoga and a massage are great ways to relax and help ease contractions during labor.

  • No smoking, alcohol or caffeine

If you smoke, now is a great time for you to quit.  Also, do not allow yourself to be exposed to second hand smoke. Additionally, eliminating alcohol is advised as well.  An occasional glass of wine may be allowed.  Consult your doctor before consuming any alcoholic beverages or caffeine.  Both could possibly affect the birth weight, development hindrance and premature delivery.

  • Stay at home for as long as possible

Staying at home allows you to move freely and comfortably until your contractions are strong and coming every 3-5 minutes apart.

  • Think positive and Stay focused

Just thinking of your new baby will help give strength to bear the labor pains and the process of childbirth.

This tool is used for relieving labor pain and can be used through childbirth to reduce pain awareness by stimulating the production of endorphins.  Consult your doctor before using this machine.

  • Hydrotherapy

If you are considering an epidural for pain relief, you may try a birth pool instead. Soaking yourself in warm water increases oxytocin production, encouraging dilation.  Consult your doctor for options.

We hope that you enjoyed our tips for a healthy pregnancy.  Again, consult your physician before starting any exercise routines, concerns about your diet or labor desires.



How to Enhance Conception: 5 Lifestyle Changes



Conception can be tricky sometimes. Trying to get pregnant can be a hassle at times. Our bodies are not created equally, and may take extra work to get there for some.

When it comes to conception, most of us disregard important lifestyle choices.  This includes diets, habits, lack of exercise, vitamin intake and so on. Not only do these factors improve overall health in both men and women, but they also regulate bodily functions, general mental health and promote fertility.

If you are having difficulties trying to conceive, here are a few lifestyle changes to enhance conception:

  1. Keep a Healthy Diet

Keeping a healthy diet and maintaining a normal body weight is crucial.  Especially, when you’re trying to conceive. For example, being overweight can impair your insulin.  Which also interfers with your normal production of egg cells.  So, you need to consider all the factors that might interfere with your hormonal balance and could possibly prevent you from ovulating.

Next, don’t assume that men have a free pass when it comes to a healthy lifestyle.  Being overweight directly hampers testicles and can lead to poor sperm production. Also, excessive fat contributes to high estrogen levels and low testosterone levels.  This can impact sperm growth.

Numerous studies have linked processed meat with poor semen quality.  Consider this: according to a Harvard School of Public Health study, women who had the highest intake of animal protein were 39% more likely to struggle with infertility.  Whereas women who held a plant-based protein diet were substantially less likely to suffer from infertility.

If you want to promote fertility, try removing processed foods from your diet.  Replace one or two meals per day with vegetable-based proteins.  However, stay away from soy since it has a high concentration of estrogen. Choose beans, chickpeas, lentils, mushrooms, nuts and broccoli.  Additionally, swap that bag of chips with a bowl of roasted almonds.

You should also cut back on trans fats (replace butter with avocado or high quality extra virgin olive oil), coffee, and alcohol.   Drink lots of water, and most importantly give up smoking.

  1. Exercise

What is a healthy diet without exercise? Being active not only improves your overall quality of life, it helps keep your weight under control.  Also, it enhances your mood and regulates your bodily functions. Working out lowers your risk of heart diseases, improves your circulation, tones your body, and alleviates depression.  Most importantly, an active lifestyle lowers the risk of ovulatory infertility in women.

According to, people who want to conceive should watch their weight and live an active lifestyle. These two simple changes alone could significantly impact your chances of conceiving.

  1. Get to Know Your Cycle

In order to enhance conception, you must understand how your cycle works.  It is essential if you are looking to conceive. The first day of normal flow represents day one of your menstrual cycle. Most women who have a normal cycle of 28 to 30 days ovulate around 13 to 14 days before their next period.

Using an over-the-counter ovulatory kit can be extremely useful.  Especially, if you have an irregular cycle and are not sure when ovulation will occur. The kit will let you know 12 to 24 hours in advance when your chances of conceiving are the highest.

Once the kit turns positive, have sex that same night and the following two. Be aware that sperm has a longer life-span than an egg cell.  Hence, good advice would be to start having intercourse five days before you start to ovulate.

Useful signals that can tell if you are ovulating are abdominal cramping and clear vaginal discharge that resembles the consistency of an egg white.

  1. Use a Sperm-Friendly Lubricant

Many over-the-counter lubricants contain spermicides such as nonoxynol-9, which decrease sperm motility and affect conception. Look for a sperm-friendly lubricant that will facilitate the process instead of hindering it.

  1. Relax and Meditate

Another way to enhance conception, is to learn how stress can affect you.  Couples that are trying to conceive tend to become more stressed, worried and anxious.  If you feel like stress is affecting your health or your relationship, try talking to a therapist or counselor.  Activities that relieve stress and help you get more in tune with your mind and body are yoga, meditation, and massage.

Lifestyle changes alone might may not help with conceiving if you or your partner is suffering from a medical condition. If you have tried to get pregnant for more than one year or you are over 35 years old, you may want to check with a doctor for fertility tests.

If you are having problems conceiving, we hope that you try a few of our suggestions to enhance conception .

Take Time for You: Tips For New Moms


Tips for New Moms


One of the biggest traps most new moms fall into is not getting enough time for themselves. New moms often forget to do simple things.  For example, taking a daily shower and pursuing their personal interests. If you too are a new mom who has limited time because of your newborn baby, you’re reading the right article. Check out our tips for new moms and how you can find time for yourself in spite of being a new mother.

#1: Take time for a shower

Choose a time when you baby is napping or content in his swing or exersaucer.  Take the swing or exersaucer inside the bathroom or place it outside the bathroom.  If the swing or exersauce is outside the bathroom, leave the door open. If your baby suddenly starts to cry, you can sing a song or play a game with him from inside the bathroom. That may pacify them enough for you to complete your shower.

#2: Dress in the best possible manner

If you haven’t lost enough baby weight, don’t continue to wear maternity clothes.  Even though you may have weight loss in mind, find cheap shirts and jeans for your present size. Don’t forget the theory that looking good will also make you feel good.

#3: Measure yourself

More than 80% of women wear the wrong bra size.  Pregnancy hormones bring about changes in your body. Find a store where you can be measured properly or learn how to take our own measurements for a bra.  Purchase one that makes you feel and look good.

#4: Take out some time for yourself

Don’t feel bad or scared about leaving your baby for a few minutes.  If you find your blood pressure rising or you questioning yourself about why you embraced motherhood, take a 5 minute break.  Leave your baby in the crib or swing for 5 minutes.  You can even lose pregnancy weigh if you workout for even 5-10 minutes. You may also lose weight in your face after giving birth to your little bundle of joy.

As we see, motherhood is indeed an adjustment.  We hope that you found our tips for new moms helpful, and you will continue to still take care of your own needs.  You can never become a perfect mom in the beginning and you don’t have to stress about it. Don’t forget that your baby loves you the way you are too.

Buying the Right Breast Pump for You

buying the right breast pump


Motherhood involves a variety of big decisions.  Some begin before birth ever occurs.  One of the post-birth decisions will be that big choice regarding breast feeding.  If you choose to breast feed, you’ll need to choose the best breast pump for your needs.  You will need to consider your breasts, production, storage needs, and other factors that you will discuss with your health care provider before purchasing a breast pump.  Check out our breast pump tips:

What will I need to consider when choosing a pump?

So, there are several factors that will help determine which pump is the best one for you.  Some pumps are meant for women with average production.  However, there are also pumps for women whose production is quite high.  In fact, there are double pumps as well, which help to speed up the process and allow you to get back to what is important, taking care of your baby.  We’ve created a list of breast pump tips to consider before you choose a pump that suits your needs.

  • Do you have low, average, or heavy milk production?
  • Do you have larger breasts than average?
  • Have you chosen a storage system already?
  • Do you have trouble with milk flow?
  • Do you have any skin allergies that may affect the material the pump is made of?
  • Are there any other concerns that could physically affect the type of pump you need?

It is important to answer the above questions honestly, writing it down if necessary.  This will help when you speak to your doctor about what type of pump you may need if you do not decide on your own.  The doctor can make suggestions for you.  Also, there are plenty of resources for breast pump research that can help you decide, though it is best to speak to your doctor for the most in-depth suggestions.

Is there a time when I should wait to choose a pump?

Another reason you may need to speak to your health care provider is breast feeding problems.  If you are having trouble breast feeding, you will need to determine the cause before making the decision to pump.  Be sure to speak to your doctor about any unusual changes you may notice, such as swelling, redness, or unusual consistency in your breast milk.

By handling all of your concerns before buying a breast pump, and having a check-up to ensure you are breast feeding properly, you will be able to step up to the plate, select a pump, and continue to provide the best nutrition for your baby.  This will also allow you to return to a normal routine, including returning to work, with peace of mind in the fact that you have made the right choice for yourself and your baby.  We hope you found our breast pump tips helpful.



Essential Advice For Expectant Mothers

advice for expectant mothers


Moms to be often have an expectation of what life with their newborn will be like. But when their newborn arrives, it’s often a lot different from what they imagined.  And it leaves them wishing they had done things differently while they were in the planning stages of having their baby. Also, it makes them realize they should have spent less time on things that really weren’t that important!  We can’t go back in time, but we can offer advice for other expectant moms. So, here is some  advice for expectant mothers in the first few months with their newborn.

Enjoy every moment

You may be surprised how many moms look back and wish they had enjoyed the time with their baby more.  You will never get that time back.  They grow up quickly, and you wake up one morning to find that they are not your newborn anymore. Therefore, no matter how tired or stressed you might be, it’s a good idea to enjoy every moment with your newborn.

Savor the moments that they smile or giggle for the first time.  And make sure you always have your camera next to you so you can take photos of your little one.  Afterwards, you can then look back at the photos and remember those special moments.  Many moms regret not taking more pictures of their kids when they were a baby.

Don’t try to do everything on your own

Some moms feel like asking for help will make them a failure.  As a result, they may struggle with their newborn. Additionally, they may refuse help from their loved ones because they want to be some form of supermom! But in months to come, moms will look back and wish they had taken the help.  After all, becoming a new mom is such a challenging time.  It can be more challenging if you try to do everything on your own.  If you’re inexperienced, it’s easy to get stuck.

Therefore, when friends and family volunteer to help, accept it with open arms.  Getting your mother to look after the baby while you get some sleep can make a big difference.  Furthermore, you want to be able to leave your little one with parents and friends without them crying for you.

It’s a good idea to get them used to being cuddled and played with by a number of people.  Another option is joining a baby group. In fact, a lot of moms look back with regret because they didn’t join earlier.  It’s great for socializing with other moms who are going through the same thing you are!  You may be surprised how much of a boost chatting with another adult can give you after a whole day with your newborn.  They may be able to provide advice for expectant mothers too.


advice for expectant mothers

Image from Pixabay


Don’t spend a fortune on unnecessary items

It’s so easy to go a little crazy when it comes to shopping for your newborn. After all, there’s so many cute things on the market.  You may think that you need a ton of stuff for your baby. In fact, you might end up spending a small fortune on things for your baby. But a lot of moms look back after the first few months with their baby and wish they hadn’t spent so much initially.  So, don’t be duped by magazines and websites that say things are essential, when actually they are not.

In fact, you might end up selling the items to try and get your money back.  While it’s so important to stock up on things like diapers and clothing, you don’t want to buy too many as they grow out of them so quickly. Therefore, before you begin shopping for your newborn make a list of things that are truly essential. That way, you won’t go overboard with your spending. And it will help to ensure you don’t go off your budge while you are in the store.  Most importantly, remember just because an item is expensive, doesn’t make it the best.

Put convenience first

When you look at items for your child, it’s so important that you put convenience first.  After all, a lot of moms make the mistake of going for the cutest option.  Or the one with the cheapest price tag.  But they look back with regret because they pick the most convenient item for their child.  After all, when you are stressed out with your newborn you want what is super easy to use. For example, when you are looking for a car seat, you want one which is simple to fit into your cars.

Getting a car seat into a vehicle can be tricky.  It must be properly placed to ensure your child is safe.  So, when you are looking online at reviews, check out Evenflo Tribute review.  Make sure you look at the top quality brands.  Also, you will know how easy it will be to get it in the car.  Furthermore, make sure you choose a breast pump that is easy to use.  In fact, read product reviews before you buy to ensure you’re are making the right choice.

Do what’s best for you

So moms look back with regret that they didn’t just choose an option which was easiest for them when taking care of their newborn. It’s so easy to follow the baby books or listen to other mom’s advice when bringing up your newborn. However, it is your baby and you must do what works for you.  Sometimes what has worked for another baby might not actually work for yours.  So take only what will work from you from our advice for expectant mothers.

If breastfeeding is causing you stress and worry, switch to bottle feeding. If you would rather co-sleep with your child, you should do what you think is best. And don’t worry about what other people think of you!

Some moms believe that they must get straight back into their pre-pregnancy shape after having their child. In fact, they put a lot of pressure on themselves to lose the weight as quickly as they can.  Some moms look back and wish they hadn’t worried so much about their body.  After all, there will be plenty of time to work on your figure. Therefore, concentrate on your child, and you can worry about your post-baby body later!

We hope that you enjoyed our advice for expectant mothers.  It’s not all inclusive, but it should get you thinking about how you want to plan for your newborn.

Body Changes After Pregnancy

body changes after pregnancy

First, being pregnant (and the bliss that comes after) is probably one of the most beautiful times in a woman’s life. While not all pregnancies are the same.  Nor does every woman experience the same set of symptoms.  However, all of the mothers-to-be seem to have the same incredible glow and inexplicable beauty.

Most women are unaware of what they’ll be experiencing after giving birth. While everyone’s ready for sleepless nights, are they really ready for hair loss, tooth decay, melasma, spider veins, stretch marks, sagging breasts, and weight gain.  Furthermore, many experience postpartum depression.  Luckily, these days virtually everything is easily solved with a few preventive measures and treatments.

Here are some after pregnancy changes you may experience and a few tips on how you can survive them:

Hair Loss

It isn’t unusual for women to start losing large amounts of hair weeks after delivery. Normally, a person loses 100 hairs a day.  But pregnant women normally lose less because of raging hormones.  Once the pregnancy is over and your bundle of joy is delivered, your body has to compensate and lose extra hair.  Usually for the first six months after delivery.  The bad news is you will lose more hair than you expect. The great news is that your hair will soon return to its normal growth cycle.  Keep it shampooed and conditioned regularly.

Skin Discoloration

Melasma, or the so-called “mask of pregnancy” is that tan-colored area around your eyes, mouth, chin and nose. Patches may develop over time but shouldn’t be big. Beyond the cosmetic discoloration, melasma does not cause any other symptoms. Melasma usually disappears spontaneously over a period of several months after giving birth, so don’t worry.


When you are pregnant, it feels like you are urinating constantly. However when the baby is born, they are no longer pressing on your bladder.  As a result, it frees you from running to the bathroom every second. However, the pressure on the urethra during delivery can make urination difficult postpartum. Also, new moms may also suffer from incontinence or a urinary tract infection.  It can cause a burning sensation during urination.  See your doctor immediately.

Back Pain

Prepare to be extra patient as your stretched abdominal muscles will take time to regenerate and become strong again. Until the abdominal muscles tighten up again, you may feel discomfort.  Your back may also ache as a result of your back being strained. Back pain can also be caused by poor posture during pregnancy. Generally, the first six weeks after giving birth are when these problems normally clear up.  If not, you may want to see a chiropractor, masseuse or your doctor.

Stretch Marks

Additionally, the first thing to understand is that your body will change.  One of the changes is getting stretch marks.  They often appear sometime after the sixth or around the seventh month of pregnancy according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Furthermore, it is interesting to learn that genetics play a role in getting stretch marks.  If your mother has stretch marks, you’re more likely to have them too.  If you have a lighter complexion, you will tend to develop pinkish stretch marks.  Darker-skinned women tend to get stretch marks that are lighter than their skin tone.

While stretch marks can’t really be stopped from happening altogether, they can be reduced to a bare minimum. It’s advised to use a healthy organic stretch mark oil throughout your pregnancy.  However, avoid chemically processed stretch mark products.  No matter how promising the ads are, they can be harmful for the baby and you.

Dear new moms, frit not. Most of the changes happening to your body after pregnancy will disappear within a year of delivery.  You will be absolutely fine.  Take good care of yourself and the baby.  Everything will work out for the best!  We hope you enjoyed our after pregnancy changes and tips on how you can survive them.

 Author BIO:

Sophia Smith is Australian based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. She is very passionate about yoga, organic skincare and healthy food choices. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is regular contributor at High Style Life.

 You can find out more about her writing following her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google +

Tips For New Mothers and How to Adjust to Motherhood

For expectant moms, it can feel like pregnancy takes an eternity.  After all, you are so excited to meet your new baby. As a result, you would prefer to skip labor.  It’s amazing moment when your little one enters the world.  But it can bring a wealth of challenges in the months to come.  Motherhood can be overwhelming for new moms.  Many feel overwhelmed or struggle with their new role.  But know you will get through it.  Here are a few parenting tips for new mothers and how to cope in the first few months with your newborn:

tips for new mothers



Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Many new moms think they are a failure if they have to ask for help.  After all, there’s so much online and on TV talking about moms having a mother’s instinct.  But whatever you may have done work wise, and no matter what your age, you may struggle when you have a baby.  It is a know fact that not all mothers bond immediately bond with their newborn.  However, rather than struggling on your own ask for help. After all, there will be lots of people around who can assist you with tips for new mothers during this stressful time.

For one thing, your mom or mother-in-law may be able to help you.  Some friendly advice and a helping hand can ensure you become a confident mother.  Friends are also useful.  Especially girlfriends who are already moms.  A visit or phone call may be all a new mom needs.  Most importantly, take advantage of any services available from your midwife or hospital.  After all, it’s their job to assist with any questions you may have about your newborn or motherhood.  So, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Tips for new mothers is only a question or phone call away.

Get everything you need before baby arrives

As much as you might want to wait before buying a lot of things for your newborn, you need to be prepared before the baby arrives.  After all, you don’t want to have to head to the store because you don’t have the basics for your newborn. In fact, not being prepared for the baby’s arrival and not having essentials could contribute to you becoming stressed out.

Emphasis should be put on nursery furniture; however, moms tend to forget about other stuff.  For example, ensure you have baby bath products, a thermometer, and a sterilizer.  If you will be nursing, remember to get items like nipple cream, breast pads and a breast pump.  Educate yourself before your baby arrives. Check out  The site has helpful information from  dealing with diabetics, morning sickness, postpartum depression and more.


tips for new mothers


Take care of yourself

A lot of moms are so focused on taking care of their baby in the first few months that they forget to look after themselves.  You must ensure that you are not neglecting your health.  If you are exhausted and not eating right, you are not going to have the stamina to look after your baby.

Let your hubby or your parents take some of the pressure off while you take a nap or have a meal. You will be surprised by the boost that you can get from an hour or two nap.  And as it says on, having a good dinner can also help you to feel brighter while looking after your newborn!

Don’t put too much pressure on you and the baby

It’s so easy to look at other new moms and wonder if your newborn should be doing the same things as other babies of that age.  This type of thinking can put pressure on you and the baby.  After all, every baby is different.  So, your child might not do the same things as others at the same time. And as long as the doctor says that your child is progressing and is healthy, you have nothing to worry about.

Therefore, stop comparing yourself to others.  And remember, while baby books are a useful tool they are only a guide.  For example, your child might end up sleeping longer than the average baby.  Or your baby may be going through nappies a lot quicker than the book says.  Therefore, use it as a guide.  Remember every baby is different!

Join a baby group

Your life changes dramatically when you have a newborn.  While your close friends will stick by you, there’s a chance that some might drift away.  Being a new mother can make it harder to communicate with them. One thing you might consider doing is joining a baby group.  It can give you the support you need to cope, and to build friendships with new moms.  Being able to relate and talk to  other moms can give you a boost.  It will also give you an opportunity to get out the house, and into a different environment.

Find out what works for your newborn

You might have planned exactly how the first few months would go with your newborn. After all, we all have an ideal of the time we spend with our baby.  However, things may not go as planned.  After all, your baby might not be receptive to breastfeeding as you had hoped.  Also, has information on formula; however, we advise you to consult your doctor for advice and tips for new mothers.

To help you adjust to motherhood, don’t be afraid to try different things until you find what works for your newborn.  You will eventually get into a routine with your baby.  And remember to take each day as it comes.  There will be good and bad days with a new baby.  But it will get easier.  Before you know it, you will be a pro.

We hope that you enjoyed our tips for new mothers.  Remember, anyone who gives birth for the first time is a new mother.  They survived and so will you.  Before you know it, you too will be a pro.

Child Birth Essentials For Your Overnight Bag

tips for packing hospital bag



Getting ready for child birth is huge for all expecting mothers. It can be stressful trying to get everything ready, especially if you are a new mom and aren’t sure exactly what to expect. You may not have complete control over the birth, but, thankfully, there is one thing that you can sort before you need to leave for the hospital.  That is your overnight bag. Every expectant mom needs to take an overnight bag with her so she can be as comfortable as possible during the birth. There are also things you should take that your newborn will need.  Here are some of the essentials you shouldn’t forget:

Comfortable Clothing

It is very important to take something light and stretchy to wear while you are in labor and when you leave the hospital. Going through labor can be extremely uncomfortable for many women.  Hospitals will provide one of their gowns or you can take your own.  Make sure the gown that you take is one that you don’t mind getting ruined.  Additionally, remember to pack soft T-shirts and jogging pants for the ride home.

Books And Magazines

Once admitted to the hospital, many women have to wait hours before they give birth.  You will be having contractions during this time, but they won’t be strong enough for you to start pushing.  Before strong labor pains kick in, you will just have to wait in your hospital room. So, remember to take some books and magazines with you.  You and your partner can read and do puzzles while you wait for the baby to arrive!  You could even do some puzzles on your smartphones.

Baby Clothes

Moms cherish the day that baby goes home. So, they usually pack an outfit for the occasion.  Additionally, many parents have their baby’s picture taken prior to bringing their baby home.  So, you may want to take an outfit for the hospital picture.  Check out the newborn section at

Snacks And Drinks

You will need to keep your energy level up while you are in labor.  The best way to do this is to have plenty of snacks with you. You will be able to get free water from the hospital.  Energy drinks that are isotonic are especially good to have with you.  Check with your mid-wife, hospital or doctor prior to your arrival.  Depending on how you intend to give birth, Natural, Epidural or C-Section may affect what you can eat or drink.

Hand Cream And Lip Balm

Women find that their lips and hands dry out a lot when they are in labor. To make sure this doesn’t irritate you too much, be sure to pack plenty of hand cream and lip balm. If your hands and lips ever feel chapped or flaky, simply massage some cream and balm in to give them extra moisture.