Bad Baby Names

When I heard the name of Beyonce and Jay-Z’s baby girl, Blue Ivy, I immediately thought damn here we go with these bad baby names again.  I’ve wondered if parents think about the name calling and harassment their child will endure as they grow up.  I understand wanting a unique name for your child, but some of the names we place on our children are just down right ridiculous. However, Blue Ivy is so rich her name won’t matter.  She will tutored at home, and socialize with those who have unique names just like her.  For example, Apple, Alabama Luella, Banjo, Sailor Lee and Diezel.  Yep, the names of other Celebrity children.


baby names


Lets talk about the common folk?  You know the children that have to go to regular school and endure being teased on the playground.  Or, later in life turned down for a job because of their name.  Corporate America will turn people away because of their names.  People prejudge or automatically make assumptions about who you are because of preconceived ideas.  They see your name on your Resume and automatically think they know you.  It hits the shredder.  They don’t want to leave any traces of you and that ridiculous name.  Please know, they aren’t interested in the likes of you and your name says it all.

Lexus and Mercedes were once seen as ghetto names.  Especially if the children lived in the projects or another low income area.   What’s the chances of someone living in the ghetto driving or getting close to a Lexus or Mercedes?  Lexus and Mercedes have dropped to the bottom of our Bad Baby Names list.  Names like Buwana, KimKisha, Chandeler, Obamaneshaa, Pilot Inspektor, and Jermajesty are on the scene.  These are the names that will wear on innocent children.  These are the names that will cause a child to save every dime they can so they can change it down the road.  Sorry mom, but Obamanesha or Pilot Inspektor was more than I could bear.  I hope that you understand.

People please think about your children and the world in which we live when you decide on a baby name.  More than likely, they will have to live with that name for the rest of their  life.  And, the torture that goes along with it.   If you’ve noticed, I have intentionally not called my list Ghetto Names.  Bad Baby Names have no boundaries.  They’re just bad rather you live in the suburbs, Hollywood Hills or the ghetto.  Leave us a comment and let us know the worst baby name(s) that you’ve heard or what you think about parents who give these poor children horrendous names.



Getting Your Mojo Back: After Birth Tips


pregnancy tips


Becoming a mother is the one of the greatest privilege in life.  Being a mother is not an easy task, but it will be one which you love with every fiber of your being.  Furthermore, preparing for and giving birth to a baby can be exhausting.  In the weeks following birth it can be difficult to feel up to anything; however, you must transition in the routine of after a new life.  You can get your mojo back, and be a happy, healthy and fit mom in no time at all.  Check out our after birth tips:

  1. Act like a mom

It might seem pretty obvious that once you become a mom you will act like a mom.  But, it can actually take time to adjust to your new role.  It can be stressful to adapt to this new environment at times.  However, the moment you start acting as if you know what you are doing, you will feel much more confident in your role as a mother.  Exuding confidence will make your baby feel safe too.

  1. Ignore bad advice

For the first few weeks of having a baby everyone will have advice.  They will want to give their two cents on how to look after your baby. The key is to not listen to any advice which doesn’t correlate with how you want to nurture your baby.  If your parents or friends start to tell you what your baby needs listen, but follow your own instincts.  You are the baby’s mother, and you know what’s best for your baby.

  1. You are not a bad mother

One of the biggest insecurities after giving birth is the feeling of not being good enough for your baby. This can be a condition which runs alongside post natal depression.  It is crucial for you to remember that you are new to this, and every new mother has experienced this at one point in their lives.  Most importantly, it is normal to feel this way.  When you feel these insecurities bubbling to the surface, remember to put things into perspective.  Most of the time your guilty feelings are totally unfounded.  You are not a bad mother if you baby cries a lot.  Some babies do!  Consult your pediatrician for any concerns that you really don’t know about.  They will be happy to provide any guidance, recommendations or insight needed.

  1. Find privacy

In the first months of your child’s life, you will likely be inundated with visits and people visiting.  Sometimes your baby will become irritated and they will start to cry while other people are around. This is purely because being in a stimulating environment for too long can be too much for them to handle.  As a result, if your baby becomes stressed and difficult to control, take your baby and leave the room.  Let your visitors know that you will return once you have the baby calmed down.

  1. Be decisive

Our after birth tips includes becoming decisive as a new mother.  Mom always knows what to do in any situation.  They always know if you have a cold or the flu, they seem to be mind readers. You might wonder how you will ever get to this stage with your own child.  You have to trust your own instincts. If you have a gut feeling that your child is ill, you are probably right.  Trust your instincts, because 99% of the time you are absolutely right. Be decisive and be confident in your abilities with your baby. Remember that you are the most qualified person in the room because you are the baby’s mother.

  1. Listen and learn

When you take trips to your doctor, make sure you listen to what they are saying.  Take notes if you need to, so you will remember everything that was discussed.  You can reference your notes in the future when the same ailment affects your child.  The more information you can take in, the better it will be for you and your baby.

  1. Don’t bottle up your feelings

Motherhood can be overwhelming.  Some days you will want nothing more than to walk out of the door and leave for a vacation.  It is perfectly normal to feel this way. You are not a bad person for getting stressed out with your child. Just make sure you don’t bottle up these feelings.  It can lead to anxiety, depression and physical ailments too. If you are having a hard time, confide in your partner and take a break.

  1. Don’t worry about competition

Every child is unique.  When they say their first word or take their first step will be different for every baby.  So, just because your friend’s child walked at 1, doesn’t mean that you are failing.  Be patient, their day will come.

  1. Take time for yourself

Finally, our after birth tips include personal image.  Many women struggle their personal image after giving birth.  Dealing with pregnancy stretch marks within 2 weeks of giving birth is not realistic for most mothers.  Take your time getting back to your old self.  Most importantly, take time for yourself.   Get someone to look after the baby or when they baby is napping, pamper yourself.  Do a few exercises or relax. You will be back to your old confident self in no time.