How to Propose Marriage To Your Partner

Today, I’m sharing relationship tips on how to propose marriage to your partnerWhen it comes to asking the biggest question in life, there’s a few things you should know before proposing.  For example, you need to invest in a ring, decide on where you’re going to propose, how you’re going to ask your partner and where will you honeymoon. 

Asking your partner to marry you is one of the most significant memories in your relationship.  As a result, you need to make sure that you’re going to ask your partner to marry you at the right time. The event is going to be remembered for the rest of your lives. So, make sure it’s a memory that you want to look back on!



how to propose marriage

How to Propose Marriage:


Be Certain You Want Marriage 

No one goes into marriage with the idea of it being something temporary.  So, you should make sure that yours doesn’t look like it’s going to be temporary either! Have you and your partner discussed marriage before? Is it something that your partner wants? Asking the question doesn’t mean you deserve to be told yes.  In fact, it can ruin a relationship if your judgment is completely off!  As a result, be sure that this is the person you want to spend your life with.  Furthermore, you need to be sure that they want that life with you too.


How Will You Propose 

The way you propose is important.  Some people like an audience, some people would rather it be a private affair, it all depends on the individual! If you know your partner well enough to propose, you should know what they would like by now.

If you’re looking to make the event extra special, then investing in a beautiful ring is the answer for most couples. Something flashy from Whiteflash can make it extra memorable.  And, it acts as a symbol for the feelings you have for your partner. That’s not to say that the ring is what’s important, but if you’re looking to take the traditional route, this is the way!



how to propose marriage



If You’re Not Sure Don’t Ask 

Asking your partner to marry you is a heavy question that requires a heavy answer.  As a result, it’s something that you need to be sure of before you go ahead with your plans.  If you don’t feel like your relationship is perfect or going forward smoothly, you should wait for another time. You should also consider the wants and needs of your partner. If your interests for the future don’t line up, then it could affect how your partner answers the question.


Ideally, if you’re going to propose, you should know the answer before you do it. Never ask the question if you’re not sure.  It helps to have talked about marriage at some point in the relationship. It’s a happy moment in every relationship when the timing is right. So, you should make sure you’re is right. 

I hope these tips on how to propose marriage is helpful, and you will think everything out before popping the question or accepting a proposal. 

Native American Herbs and Remedies

Today, I’m sharing gardening tips on Native American herbs and remedies.  Native Americans were foremost in medicinal plants and remedy knowledge. The medicine man watched animals and what they ate when they were sick.  To ensure they were enough plants for the animals and for their tribe, they picked every third plant. 

Furthermore, Native Americans believed in a spiritual life.  They believe that a healthy person had to have a sense of purpose.  Additionally, they need to live righteously, and have a harmonious and balanced life.  Native Americans used different plants and herbs for thousands of years.  Before modern medicine remedies were available, the tribes had mastered the use of medicinal plants.  Many of their remedies still exist today.  Fortunately, many of the plants and herbs can be grown in your backyard.  



Native American Medicinal Plants



Native American Herbs:   


Blackberries – The Cherokee tribe used blackberries to help calm stomach pain. Today, scientific research has revealed that blackberries are rich in antioxidants.  Antioxidants can help reduce stomach pain. Native Americans would grind up the roots and mix them with honey. This resulting recipe would calm stomach problems, reduce coughs, soothe mouth stores, and relieve sore throats. However, today you can simply eat blackberries or make a tea.  


Dandelions – Native Americans were the first to use dandelions medically.  So, they used dandelion leaves to help alleviate a sore throat.  Furthermore, they used dandelions as a diuretic.  You can simply make a dandelion tea today.  Also, you can make a dandelion salad (where you eat the leaves) to help alleviate a sore throat.  Dandelions can be used to make salves, lotions and more too. 



Native American medicinal plants




Mint – The Cherokees made mint tea to soothe an upset stomach and to lower high blood pressure.  They also made a salve from the leaves to relieve itching skin and rashes.


RosemaryRosemary was a sacred plant to Native American tribes.  They used Rosemary to alleviate joint pain. Furthermore, Rosemary helps improves memory and circulatory.  Some use for the nervous systems problems. It also improves the immune system and treats indigestion.



Lavender – The Native Americans used the scent from lavender to to ease headaches.  It was also used in  getting to sleep. Making lavender oil is incredibly easy. Simply steep the sprigs in olive oil (or water if you’re in a survival situation). 


Yarrow – The Cherokee tribe used yarrows to make tea.  To make a tea, you will need to dry the yarrow.  Once the yarrow is dried, add a teaspoon to a cup of water.  Boil it for 10 minutes, strain the leaves, and enjoy. 




medicinal herbs and remedies



Last, I hope that you found my information on Native American herbs and remedies helpful, and you will start using them to brew teas, infuse oils, make soap, salves and more. Visit your local nursery for plants or grow your own in your backyard and start creating your own medicinal garden.  


Inspirational Native American Quotes and Proverbs

Today, I’m sharing Native American Quotes and Proverbs from some of the great Indian Chiefs and tribes across our country.  Furthermore, my inspirational wisdom is provided by the Sioux, Black Foot, Navajo, Arapaho and many more.  

So, these quotes and proverbs are inspiring, thought provoking and heart touching.  Most importantly, I hope that you will allow them to penetrate your soul and you will think about their wise words and apply them to your life.  



Native American Quotes



Native American Quotes:


First, “All plants are our brothers and sisters. They talk to us and if we listen, we can hear them.” – Arapaho


“When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us.” – Arapaho


Second, “Those that lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.” – Blackfoot


“Our first teacher is our own heart.” – Cheyenne


“You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.” – Navajo


Next, “Remember that your children are not your own, but are lent to you by the Creator.” – Mohawk




Dokota Tribe Quotes




“All dreams spin-out from the same web.” – Hopi


“We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.” – Dakota


“A brave man dies but once, a coward many times.” – Iowa




Native American Quotes




“One does not sell the land people walk on.” – Crazy Horse


“The ground on which we stand is sacred ground. It is the blood of our ancestors.” – Chief Plenty Coups, Crow


Furthermore, “If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come.” – Arapaho


“Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins.” – Cheyenne


“A man who would not love his father’s grave is worse than a wild animal.”
– Chief Joseph, Nez Perce


“Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.”
– Chief Tecumseh, Shawnee


“I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.”
– Lone Man, Teton Sioux




Native American Quotes




“Wisdom and Peace come when you start living the life the creator intends for you.” – Geronimo


“Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.” – Sitting Bull


“Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell.  Spirituality is for those who have already been there.” – Sioux


So, this quote is one of my favorites “Remember that your children are not your own, but lent to you by the creator.” – Mohawk


“Our first teacher is our own heart.” – Cheyenne


“Before eating always take time to thank the food.” – Arapaho


“Life isn’t separate from death.  It only looks that way.” – Blackfoot


“I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.”
– Lone Man, Teton Sioux


“Be still and the earth will speak to you.” – Navajo proverb


“All who have died are equal.” –  Comanche proverb


“Regard Heaven as your Father, Earth as your Mother, and all that live as your brother and sister.” – Navajo proverb


“Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence.” – Mourning Dove


“We are going by you without fighting if you will let us, but we are going by you anyhow!” – Chief Joseph 


You must speak straight so that your words may go as sunlight into our hearts.
–  Cochise


Last, “We do not want riches, we want peace and love.” – Red Cloud


Finally, I hope you enjoyed this wise words from our Native American tribes and chiefs.  Pin a few to your Quotes Board or incorporate them into a homeschool unit on Native American History.

Native American Teepee Activities for Kids

Today, I’m sharing kids printables on Native American Tepee Activities for kids.  So, there are over 5.6 million Native Americans in the United States with 574 tribes.  Alaska, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota and Montana have the largest number of Native Americans.  The Navaho is the largest tribe in the United States.

Some of the most popular Native American housing included wigwams, adobes, long houses, grass houses and the teepee.  Today, we’re going to look at Native American teepees.  The teepee was used by the Native American Indians of the Great Plains. The tribes included Crow, Sioux, Cheyenne, Blackfoot, Arapaho, Comanche, Osage, and Shawnee.  



teepee activities for kids



Teepee Activities for Kids: 


  • First, each Native American tribes selected the type of housing that was suitable for their lifestyle.  
  • The teepee was the most suitable housing for Native Americans of the Great Plains because of its mobility.  
  • The Great Plains Native American tribes followed and hunted buffalo. 
  • When it was time to move on to the next herd of buffalo, tribes dismantled the teepees. Tribes could dismantle a teepee in 1 hour.  
  • Furthermore, the Lakota (Sioux) invented the teepee. 
  • Teepees were made of buffalo hides and long poles.



teepee activities for kids



  • Next, women from each family built the teepees.  
  • Teepees were shaped like cones because it made it difficult for the teepees to blow over. 
  • The men of the tribe provided the buffalo hides to the women and the poles used to hold it together.  
  • Additionally, grass helped keep teepees warm in the winter.
  • Furthermore, fires heated teepees. 
  • A hole at the top of the teepee was used to let out smoke. 






  • Tribes used buffalo hides as blankets too. 
  • Additionally, thick buffalo hides insulated teepees.    
  • Tribes closed teepees at the top when it rained.   
  • Each teepee had an entrance for entering and to help with airflow.    
  • Also, tribes built tepees in circles to represent the circle of life
  • If the flap of the tepee is open it is an invitation to enter.  Otherwise, the person must make an announcement and wait for an invitation.  
  • Tribes decorated their teepees with tribal symbols, animals, and Gods. Symbols included the sun, moon, deer, antelope, buffalo, lightning and more. 
  • Finally, men painted the symbols on the teepees to showcase their accomplishments. 




Native American Teepees





Teepee Craft Ideas for Kids: 

Also, check out I Heart Crafty Things Faux Teepee Craft .  

Fantastic Fun and Learning Teepee Crafts.  

Make and Takes Paper Teepee Decorations




teepee activities for kids



Finally, I hoped you enjoyed these teepee activities for kids. This unit includes a teepee crafts, teepee word search, coloring pages, and a fill in the blank work sheet. Use them as a part of your homeschool unit on Native Americans or extra homework activities.  You can download the printables here:  



Acts of Kindness for Kids to Build Character

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on acts of kindness for kids.  First, demonstrating acts of kindness helps build character for kids.  Furthermore, engaging in kindness activities does the heart good as well as helps a neighbor, family member or friend feel good too.  



acts of kindness for kids




Acts of Kindness for Kids: 


  1. Participate in Food Drives
  2. Read to the Elderly at a Nursing Home
  3. Help at a Food Kitchen
  4. Become a Pen Pal with our Troops
  5. Donate Clothing and Toys to a Women’s Shelter or Children’s Home 
  6. Grow Sunflowers for the Birds
  7. Build a Bird Bath for Backyard Birds
  8. Make a Flower Bouquet for Your Neighbor
  9. Mow an Elderly Neighbor’s Grass 
  10. Send a Care Package to Our Troops
  11. Invite a Classmate to Sit With You at Lunch 
  12. Make a Bird Feeder for Backyard Friends
  13. Have a Free Car Wash in Your Neighborhood
  14. Bake Cookies for Our Soldiers
  15. Volunteer to Help at a Community Garden
  16. Volunteer to Help Pick up Trash in the Community
  17. Donate Old Books to a Used Book Store
  18. Offer to Pull Weeds From Your Neighbors Flower Beds
  19. Fix Lunch or Dinner for an Elderly Neighbor
  20. Call Your Grandparents Just to Say Hello and I love You.  


acts of kindness for kids



Also, acts of money don’t have to require tons of money.  Devoting time and a little energy goes a long way.  Most importantly, small tokens of kindness, love and care can brighten someone’s day and impact their life in a positive way.  So, remember being kind and showing kindness costs very little.

Furthermore, kids can participate in a food drive, grow a pot of flowers for a neighbor, wash a neighbor’s car, bake brownies and cookies for our soldiers.  Soldiers who are far away from home service our country would welcome a homemade goodie box.  Also, volunteering at a food kitchen can show children how blessed they are to have a warm, comfortable home with a bed and lots of food.



acts of kindness for kids



Next, pick an easy flower to grow if you child decides to grow flowers.  For example, Marigolds and Impatients are great flowers to grow in containers for the summer.  However, the Marigolds love sun and the Impatients love shade.  

Last, print my acts of kindness for kids list and have your children pick a few acts that they would like to perform.  




Teaching Children Kindness Through Gardening

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on unique ways on teaching children kindness. Teaching children kindness is a character trait that every parent will need to nurture in their children. Furthermore, there are many ways to instill and discuss kindness.  However, today we’re going to focus on teaching children kindness through gardening. 

So, gardening is a unique concept, but there are many lessons to be learned through gardening. It has additional benefits including exposing your child to nature, leaning self-sufficiency by growing your own food, and enjoying nature’s beauty by growing beautiful flowers.  Flowers are also beneficial to growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.      



teaching kids kindness



Teaching Children Kindness: 


Teaching Children Kindness Through Gardening Videos


Videos:  If You Plant a Seed
              Wanda’s Roses



Vegetable Dip and Veggies
Peanut Butter Celery



Kindness Coloring Pages and Activities



If You Plant a Seed
Wanda’s Roses
Vegetable Coloring Pages
Kindness Coloring Pages




teaching kids kindness



Children’s Kindness Activities: 

Bake Zucchinni bread for our troops
Make cards with flowers for a local nursing home
Visit a Community Garden
Make a flower pot gift for grandma or a neighbor
Grow a pot of carrots or strawberries 


First, lets start with the book If You Plant a Seed by Kadir Nelson.  This book is an excellent way to teach young children about kindness and sharing.  Additionally, the book is appropriate for preschoolers to 3rd grade, and is read by Story Time With Michele Lepe. Set aside approximately 10 minutes to watch the video. 

Next, prepare a vegetable snack of carrots, cucumbers and dip or celery and peanut butter pieces for the kids.  Discuss the book with them to ensure they understand what took place.



teaching kids kindness




Teaching Children Kindness Through Gardening


Additionally, here’s a few questions that you can ask from the stories.  I’ve created a worksheet on the stories for the older kids to answer questions.  Interacting verbally with the younger kids will suffice: 


  • What vegetables did the rabbit and mouse plant? Tomatoes, carrots, and cabbage? 
  • Who showed up to enjoy the treats the rabbit and mouse planted?  Birds.
  • So, what happened when the rabbit and the mouse refused to share with the birds.  They fought and ruined all the vegetables. (Seeds of selfishness were planted).
  • When the rabbit and mouse shared their treats, what happened? Seeds of kindness were planted. The birds were thankful for the food.  So, they helped plant more vegetables and they had a bigger garden and harvest for everyone.
  • What was the sweetest fruit? The fruit of kindness.
  • Finally, the bigger garden was filled with what vegetables and flowers? (Garden of Kindness)?  Corn, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage and sunflowers.  


Additionally, while you’re having your snacks discuss the fact that the vegetables they are eating were grown in a garden just like the tomatoes, carrots and cabbage, corn and sunflowers in the story. 

Have the kids complete the Fruit of Kindness Garden Assignment. What would they would plant in their Fruit of Kindness Garden.  



teaching kids kindness





Kindness Books for Children:


In addition to If you Plant a Seed,  Wanda’s Roses by Pat Brisson teaches kindness too. The story is read by Story Time with Ms. Loewen.  It is appropriate for ages 5 – 8. Here are a few questions to ask the kids after listening to the story:  


  • Where did Wanda find the rosebush?  In an empty lot
  • Why did Wanda think it was a rosebush?  The thorns. 
  • What did Wanda do to give the rosebush more sun and air?  She started to clean up the lot by removing the trash. 
  • How did all of the neighbors help Wanda with the lot? They all helped to clean it up.   
  • Sadly, the rosebush did not bloom. What did Wanda do when her bush did not bloom? She made roses from paper and invited the neighbors to have a tea party.
  • What did the neighbors bring to the tea party? Rosebushes. 
  • What did Ms. Jones bring to the party? Muffins
  • Ask the students to talk about a kind act they did for a friend, neighbor or family member or one that a friend, neighbor or family member did for them.    


So, teaching kindness should start early and done in a manner that kids can understand and relate.  The best way is to lead by example.  Download the Kindness Activities for kids.   



Letter D Activities – D Is For Duck

Welcome to my Letter D activities in my preschool/kindergarten activities. This week’s word is Duck. My Letter D activities will familiarize children with the capital and lower case D.  If you missed the Letter A and Letter B activities you can download them the Letter A activities here and the Letter B activities here


So, my Letter D activities are fun, colorful and educational.  Additionally, the printables will help preschoolers and/or kindergarteners work on both the capital letter and lower case D, tracing, coloring, letter recognition, understanding the more versus less concept, Do a Dot worksheet and more.    



Letter D Activities



Have your preschooler trace the Capital Letter D and the Lower Case d.  Practice will make perfect.



Letter D Activiteis



Additionally, practice sentences with the word duck.  The sentences will help your preschooler learn that ducks have feathers, bills, they swim, quack and are soft.  You can also have your preschooler or kindergartener watch The Run Away Duck.  It’s about 7 minutes, and a really cute short story.  



Letter D Activites



Have your students repeat the sentences to learn about ducks. They will learn that ducks are yellow, have a bill, like water etc. 

Next, finding the letters in the worksheet will help your student learn letter recognition of the Capital Letter D and Lower Case D.  




Also, fix a snack that starts with the Letter D.  For example, kids snacks that start with the Letter D: Dannon yogurt, drumsticks, dip, deviled eggs or doughnuts. You can serve Ranch Dip or this Caramel Dipping Sauce with pretzels or apples.  Make the snacks a part of your daily Letter D activities for the week.  Here’s a Caramel Dipping Sauce Recipe that is kid approved.  


Letter D Coloring Page


Letter D Activities


After your student enjoys a delicious snack, let them have a little fun with letter d coloring.  Staying within the lines doesn’t have to be an option, just let them go for it. You can download the Letter D Activities here.  Print them and enjoy!  


You may also like my carrot Kindergarten Matching Activities.

Growing Pepper Plants From Seed for Beginners

Today, I’m sharing gardening tips on growing pepper plants from seed in your backyard garden.  Peppers find a spot in my garden every season.  I grow them from seed.  So, my harvest includes lots of Jalepeno, Belle peppers of every color, chili peppers and sweet banana peppers.   


Growing Pepper Plants From Seed


I start my seeds using the winter sowing method about 8 – 10 weeks before I plant them in my garden. You can also grow pepper plants from seed under grow lights.  Actually, peppers have a lot of requirements that the tomato has.  So, I actually start my tomato seeds the same time I start my peppers.  Furthermore, I plant my tomatoes and peppers at the same time in the garden and in the same vicinity.  Since they have the same needs, I can water and fertilizer them at the same time.  


Correct Spacing for Pepper Plants 

If you decide to grow both, make sure you give your tomato plants more space to grow.  They will be taller and grow wider than pepper plants.  Both need full sun, at least 6 – 8 hours of sunlight per day is good. As a result, I plant my tomatoes in one or two rolls and my peppers in another roll with 3 feet of space between them. You want to make sure your plants have good air circulation. 

Also, plant your tomato at least 24 inches apart.  You will need to get between them harvest your delicious treats and maintain them.  I plant my peppers about 20 inches apart.  So, lets focus on peppers.  



growing pepper plants from seed



Decide the type of peppers that you want to grow.  If you don’t want to grow them from seed, or you’re simply not ready to take that step, it’s all good.  You can purchase plants from the local nursery.  Better yet, you may find a local gardener who has too many plants and would love for you to take them off their hands.

My family eats a lot of hot spicy foods, so jalapenos are a must.  I also plant a variety of belle peppers.  I freeze them to add to chili, salsa or other foods during the winter.  They’re also great fresh on a vegetable tray for a BBQ, girls night or baby shower.  Chili peppers are great in salsa or chili too.  My point, grow what you and your family will eat.  



how to grow peppers




Planting Pepper Plants in Your Garden: 


  • Once the ground has thawed and is workable, transplant your seedlings to a container or plant in your garden. If you’re using a container make sure it is large enough for the plant to grow in and you can fit a stake or trellis in.  They have small stakes and trellis for containers. You can make one out of a small branch or find one at your local garden center. 
  • Add lots of compost or organic matter to your soil while preparing your soil.  I use composted leaves; however, I use Black Cow compost too.  
  • Plant your peppers so they are sitting at ground level in the pot.  Remove the plant and backfill your hole.
  • Water thoroughly and regularly until the plants are established.  I’m in Zone 6B.  In July and August, I still have to water my garden regularly.


how to grow peppers



  • Stake your pepper plants.  I use untreated garden stakes from Home Depot.  
  • Mulch your plants with chopped leaves or straw.  
  • You will need to tie your pepper plants to the stakes so they don’t touch the ground when fruit develops.  So, it’s important that you put your stake in place when you plant your seedings or plants.  You can cut an old tee-shirt into strips, panty hose, use yard or whatever soft material you have on hand.  Don’t have time to cut up tees or hose, purchase twist ties from your local Dollar Store.  You can save them from year to year, I do. 


I love being able to walk down to my garden and pick a few peppers off the vine for whatever dish I’m making.  Home grown peppers have a different flavor from the store brought variety.  As a result, I grow enough to preserve during the winter months.  There’s nothing like locking in freshness and saving it for another day.  

Start growing pepper plants from seed with a goal of germinating one or two plants.  If you enjoy nurturing and enjoying fresh peppers start planning to grow more for next year. It’s always best to start small and increase your plants.  

Duke Ellington Famous Quotes

Today, I’m sharing Duke Ellington Famous Quotes.  I have put together a roundup of his quotes as a part of my Duke Ellington educational activities. Duke Ellington was born, Edward Kennedy Ellington.  Duke Ellington became one of the greatest jazz pianist, composers, and bandleaders of all times.  His music will move you and his words will inspire you. 



Duke Ellington Quotes



Duke Ellington Famous Quotes:


“There are two kinds of music, good music and the other kind.”

“A goal is a dream with a finish line.”

“The most important thing I look for in a musician is whether they know how to listen.”

“Gray skies are just clouds passing over.”

“A problem is a chance for you do your best.”

“If it sounds good and feels good, then it is a good.”


“Every man prays in his own language.”

“Music is the tonal reflection of beauty.”

“I merely took the energy it takes to pout and I wrote some blues.”





Duke Ellington Quotes



“There are two kinds of worries – those you can do something about and those you can’t. Don’t spend time on the latter.”

“People do not retire.  They are retired by others.”

“The wise musicians are those who play what they can master.”

Love is indescribable and unconditional.”

“Sing sweet, but put a little dirt on it.”

“Selfishness is essential to survival.”

“Create and be true to yourself, and depend only on your own good taste.”




Duke Ellington Quotes




“Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one.”

“There are two rules in life, Number 1 – Never Quit; Number 2 – Never forget rule Number 1.”

“Without a deadline I don’t do nothing.”

“A Satin Doll is a woman who is as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside.”


I hope you enjoy these Duke Ellington Famous Quotes, and you will find inspiration in them throughout the year. You may also like:  Central Park Duke Ellington Statute

Pileated Woodpecker Facts for Kids

Today, I’m sharing Pileated Woodpecker facts for kids.  The Pileated Woodpecker is the largest member of the woodpecker family.  Its name comes from the Latin word Pileatus, meaning capped.  The Pileated Woodpecker prefers wooded areas with large, mature trees.  These woodpeckers create large holes in dead trees for nests. The holes are so large, they would snap a small tree. 

I have created a Pileated Woodpecker fact sheet, word search puzzle, fill in the blank, and added a few coloring pages and connect the dot worksheet for a little for the younger kids. Also, the worksheets make a great homeschool unit or an extra educational activity for kids to learn about the Pileated Woodpecker.  



pileated woodpecker facts for kids



Pileated Woodpecker Facts for Kids: 

  • Males have a red cheek stripe, females have black stripes. 
  • Pileated Woodpeckers eat carpenter ants, beetles, fruits, nuts and will visit suet feeders.
  • They pull bark off trees to find ants.
  • Nests are large holes bored into large tree trunks. 
  • Females lay  2 – 5 white eggs.  Both the male and female keep the eggs warm.  However, the male keeps them warm at night.
  • Eggs hatch in 2 weeks. 
  • Babies stay with parents for 30 days. 



Pileated Woodpecker facts for kids




  • Pileated Woodpeckers drum to help establish boundaries and to scare away rivals.  They also drum when digging for food and building their nest. 
  • They stay in their territory year round. 
  • Their claws a large so they can grip trees. 
  • Nesting areas have several entrances so it can be large enough to house up to five off-spring. 
  • Females pick their mates based on the best nesting area.  
  • Pileated Woodpeckers only use wood chips for nesting material.
  • Nests are not reused the next breeding season.



Pileated Woodpecker Facts for Kids


Finally, you can attract the Pileated Woodpecker to your backyard with a Pileated Woodpecker suet feeder.  Since the Pileated Woodpecker is a large bird, they need a large feeder.  They love suet.  So, make my homemade Crunchy Apple Raisin Suet Cake to keep this beauty coming back. Download the Pileated Woodpecker Worksheets and enjoy.  


Check out my other bird facts for kids before you: 

Bald Eagle Facts

Interesting Facts About Blue Jay for Kids 

Kids Bird Identification Tips

Facts About Baby Blue Jays