Helping Children Through Divorce

Today, I’m sharing empowerment tips on helping children through divorce.  Divorce can be a stressful time for anyone who is going through one.  I believe everyone enters marriage thinking they will be with their partner for life.  However, things don’t always work out that way.  Marriages end for many reason including infidelity, money problems, lack of communication, or people simply outgrow each other.

Divorce is also a stressful and scary time for children too.  Their comfort zone has been interrupted, their parents are arguing or not speaking or  one may have moved out and now they are separated.  Sadly, the children don’t know what will happen to their life or the comfort they once knew.  It’s the responsibility of the parent to assure them that their life will remain stable.

helping children through divorce



Helping Children Through Divorce:

  • Assure your children that the divorce is not their fault.
  • Let them know that mommy and daddy love them and will always be there for them.
  • Explain co-parenting, and let them know that you’re not the only family who goes through divorce.
  • Avoid arguments over child support and/or spousal support in front of the kids.
  • If possible, have some of the above conversations with your soon to be ex-husband or partner.
  • Try to attend school or other functions together to assure the children see that you can get along.  You don’t have to sit beside each other, but in the same vicinity is great.  Your child can see both of you without having to scour the room to find mommy and daddy.
  • If one or the other plans to remarry or becomes involved with another person try to get along with the new people.  It’s important for your children to see that life moves on and it’s okay when it happens.
  • Invite daddy to the birthday parties and other major events.
  • Stick to the visitation schedule.  If their dad gets them at 6:00 pm on Fridays have them ready.
  • Keep dad informed about doctor and dental visits.  He has a right to know what’s happening with his children’s health.
  • Share the football, baseball, ballet schedule or other activities with your ex-husband or partner.



helping children through divorce



Life is full of changes.  If we learn to deal with life as it comes and as mature, responsible and intelligent parents we can overcome the obstacles and live a healthy, healthy life.  Divorce is hard, but it doesn’t have to be the event that breaks you.

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So, I hope that you have found my tips on helping children through divorce beneficial.  Most importantly, I hope you will implement a few.  They worked for me, and I’m confident they will work for you.  You may also like Tips from Divorce Lawyers.


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