Search Results for: pregnancy

Cool Facts About Moms From Around The World

Moms are cool. There is just no way around it. Think about everything that they do! Taking care of everyone else, cooking fabulous meals, doing everything from school runs to soccer clubs.  Not to mention either being a fulltime mom or having a job.  Yes, moms are the coolest!  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on cool facts about moms from around the world.



cool mom facts


Would you believe that there are some moms as ‘old’ as 70 who have given birth in the last few years? At the age of 65, Annegret Raunigk, in 2015, gave birth to quadruplets! Not only that, but she had 13 children before those new little babies arrive.


Omkari Panwar aged 70 gave birth in 2008 to twins. Although Omkari had to undergo IVF, this didn’t put her off her mission to have a son. Instead, they ended up with two sons who will now be an heir to their farmland.


Finally, Daljinder Kaur, at the age of 72, in 2016 had her first and only child with her 79-year-old husband. They opted to go for IVF after waiting for over 50 years to conceive naturally.



There are more flowers purchased on Mother’s Day than any other holiday – except for Christmas. Meaning that when the time rolls around, the gift of choice for billions of mothers is a beautiful bunch of flowers. In fact, that single day accounts for ¼ of all holiday sales of flowers.







Mother’s Day

The very first Mother’s Day was on May 10, 1908. It was founded by Ann Jarvis, and Woodrow Wilson made it a national holiday. Although later on, Jarvis asked for it to be removed from the yearly calendar sue to it being commercialized. It is a cool question, though, where did Mother’s Day originate from? – because there is so much more to learn about how and why we celebrate this lovely day.


Big Baby

The biggest baby born to a land mammal is an elephant! After a massive 22 months of pregnancy, a mother elephant gives birth to a 200-pound, blind calf. The most significant human baby was born to Carmelina Fedele of Italy. Her bundle of joy weighed in at 22 pounds and 8oz!



Ma and Da are two of the first sounds that babies learn to make. At least those are the two that we associate with something recognizable like Mama and Dada. Most languages around the world adopted that ‘ma’ as the basis for the worth ‘mother.’ In Vietnam, you will hear children say ‘me,’ ‘mamma’ in Iceland and ‘em’ in Hebrew. The most common names for Mother are Ma, Mom, Mum, Mama, Mam and Mummy.


The Feels

Across the board, it is reported that mothers face a few of the same feelings. Although they may face different daily challenges, typically guilt for not spending enough time with their children, or not being a good enough mother, feeling overwhelmed and in many cases frustration at being the one everyone goes to.


Being a mother is a journey, and there is no one way to do it right. Most of the time, you have to do what is right for you and your family. So there you have a couple of cool facts about mothers around the world!


How to Prepare for Being a Mother Again

If you already have kids, and you have taken a break to build your career, or to focus on creating the right family environment, chances are that you might be worried about whether or not you can go through the process again.  Finding out that you will be a mother and thinking about how to prepare for being a mother again can be challenging.  But, also very exciting. You can rely on the support of your kids and family, and you will be able to grow. First, however, you will need to get rid of the frustration to make the most out of these few special months. Find out more below.



Pregnancy Tips


Check You Are Physically Ready

One of the things you will have to do when you find yourself pregnant again after not thinking about having more kids is to prepare your body for the challenge. There are loads of physical changes you will go through.  And, you will need to ensure that you are ready. Get a general health checkup.  Additionally, find out whether or not you will need to take supplements.  Furthermore, talk to your practitioner about the risks and how to avoid them.  Especially, if you are over 40.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

The next thing you have to do is make sure that you have the right mindset to start raising kids again.  First, you might be tired, or exhausted, or simply tied up with the school and organizing family life. It is crucial that you ask for help from your family members if you need it.  And, make sure that you are able to focus on preparing yourself for the pregnancy and welcoming a new family member. You may have to dig deep, and this might be the right time to take some time off to focus on your spiritual well being.

Get Your Family on Board

If you have other kids, who are older, or school aged, you will definitely face some kind of jealousy.  So, you may have to sit down with your kids and partner to discuss the changes the arrival of the new baby will bring forward.  Get them on board, so you will be able to rely on their help and moral support. If your kids are smaller, you will have to explain to them that having a new sibling will be exciting, but there will certainly be challenges.



pregnancy tips


Find the Right Doctor

It will be a good idea to find a doctor you can trust.  Figuring out how to prepare for being a new mother can be unsettling at times.  It might have been a couple of years since you had your last baby.  If so, this means that you will have to find out about the latest trends and screenings.  So, ensure that you are in good hands and have a great birth without any complications.

Take Advantage of Technology

There are some great devices that will take the anxiety out of your pregnancy. You should take advantage of the devices and health monitoring apps available. If you don’t want to worry about your baby’s health or your own, you might want to check out some of the latest technological inventions introduced in maternity care. For example, Bloom Life Can Time Braxton Hicks Contractions.  So, check it out so you will know when to grab your bags and head to the hospital.

Prepare the Family for the New Lifestyle

It is also a good idea to determine if  family members are ready for the change in their lifestyle.  Also, you can you meet their emotional and physical needs. It might be the case that your kids will have to take the school bus instead of getting a ride from you.  No matter what type of changes you  introduce, always sit down and discuss it with the kids and your partner.

Embrace the Moment

Motherhood is one of the best experiences in the world.  So, it is important that you prepare for being a mother and enjoy it. Take a step back from your business, outsource some of the processes if you can, and make the most out of your time alone. Become less busy, so you can ensure you are providing the best care for your family.

Most importantly, you will have to make sure that you are comfortable with the changes.  Also, make sure your family is ready for the challenges and new lifestyle. Choose the right doctor and plan carefully.  Make sure you look after number one, as your new baby is relying on you.


The Empowerment of Women

Check out my tips on the empowerment of women.  First, being a single mother was the avenue that lead me down a path of empowering myself and living through faith. Living my best life and being the best mother that I could be was my motto. You may ask what is empowerment? How to empower yourself is another question many ask.  Learning how to empower yourself is a process.  It requires you to take steps to build your self-esteem and become a stronger and more confident person. Additionally, it’s taking control of your life, setting boundaries and establishing your right to live a peaceful and healthy life.

Most importantly, I knew that I needed to put God first in my life if I wanted to start living life through faith. For you it could be Allah, Buddha or whoever you look to for spiritual guidance.  As a child and through my teen years, I went to Sunday School and attended church regularly. So, I had a sturdy spiritual base to build on. However, I had layers of hurt and pain that I had endured along my journey.  A linty of other problems stacked on top of your foundation will keep you from empowering yourself.  I needed to remove the damaged layers that I had acquired, and begin rebuilding a better me.


The Empowerment of Women





Another step in the empowerment of women is education.  Education helps build self-esteem, confidence and maintain a positive outlook on life. It doesn’t have to bee a formal education like a college or masters degree.  Read a book, check out my blog or take an on-line class.

Embrace and master by living through faith. Life is full of twists and turns. But, when you have a solid foundation all things are possible. So, when life throws you lemons, make yourself a Lemon Margarita!

You will find plenty of encouragement, inspiration, and tips on the empowerment of women here.  I  share tips on self-sufficiency, parenting, careers, beauty and fashion, pregnancy, engaging in hobbies that you’re passion,  building self-confidence and self-esteem, living a faith filled life. Here we go!




learning to empower yourself




First, having a little money of your own is empowering.  Furthermore, you can  contribute to the family bills, vacations and emergencies.  These are rewarding endeavors.  So, check out our tips on how to make additional money.


The Empowerment of Women Financially 


Careers to Consider When Your Kids Start School

Working From Home: A New Parent’s Guide to Side Cash

How to Snag a Promotion Without Compromising Your Kids

How to Balance Motherhood and a Career

15 Ways To Make Extra Money From Home

How to Make Additional Money





learning to empower yourself



Next,  becoming a mother doesn’t mean giving up who you are.  When you learn how to empower yourself, you will stop loosing yourself. When we become mothers, many lose themselves.  As a result, our world becomes breastfeeding, diapers, meal planning and our husbands.  We must stay true to ourselves.  Check out our tips on how to do just that.



Staying True to You


Staying True To Yourself When You Become A Mother

Learn More About Yourself

9 Tips for Repairing Strained Mother and Daughter Relationships



So, finding time for a spa day or girls night out is important.  Dress up, do your makeup and feel good about yourself.  Never forget that you are important and deserving of a little pampering.



self empowerment tips


The Empowerment of Women Through Self-Care 


6 Tips On How to Remove Makeup

Trendy Fashion Tips That Won’t Break Your Wallet

Spa Day Ideas and Party Favors

Spring/Summer Makeup Tips for Busy Moms

3 Tips For Your Winter Beauty Detox

Hippie Hair and Beauty Trends Are Back

Transitional Pieces From Summer To Fall For Every Woman

6 Great Style and Beauty Tips for Busy Moms

Is The Little White Dress Replacing The Little Black Dress

101 Style Guide For Busy Moms: Wear Flats

5 Fashion Tips for Busy Moms

5 Time Saving Skincare Tips





self empowerment tips


New Mom and Pregnancy Tips


How to Choose the Perfect Baby Name

Bad Baby Names

10 Natural Ways To Increase Your Breast Milk Supply

Key Ways To Help Boost Your Iron In Pregnancy

15 Homeopathic Treatments for Chronic Back Pain After Pregnancy

Getting Your Mojo Back: After Birth Tips

How To Choose Super Comfortable Maternity Lingerie

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy and Childbirth

How to Enhance Conception: 5 Lifestyle Changes

Take Time for You: Tips For New Moms

Buying the Right Breast Pump for You

Essential Advice For Expectant Mothers

Body Changes After Pregnancy

Tips For New Mothers and How to Adjust to Motherhood



Child Birth Essentials For Your Overnight Bag

How to Thrift Shop for Gorgeous Maternity Clothes

How to Find More Time for You

Tips on How to Become a Healthy Mom

Women’s Health Problems: Taking Back Your Health

Sleep Tips: Falling and Staying Asleep In the Midst of Commotion

Why Putting Color In Your Diet Is A Good Thing

6 Great Style and Beauty Tips for Busy Moms

Essential Advice for Expectant Mothers





how to empower yourself



Last, another important step in learning how to empower yourself by letting go of your past.  It is essential to moving forward in your life.  Also, getting rid of baggage from our past can be exhilarating.   Once you’re free, you will use the energy for more productive things in your life.  Trust me, I’ve been there.


Build Your Self-Esteem


Slay Your Dragons with Faith

25 Ways To Feed Your Soul

6 Tips To Boost Your Self Esteem

How to Empower Yourself Emotionally

Finding Your Self-Esteem After Divorce

How To Raise Your Credit Score After A Divorce

Tips for an Amicable Divorce When You Have a Child

5 Things You Should Know about Single Parents

6 Reasons Learning to Forgive Is Good

When Mom’s the Bread Winner

8 Reasons Dads Are Winning Custody

10 Steps To Deal With Grief From A Breakup

Dads Are Winning Custody of Their Children

15 Morning Habits to Make Coming Home Even Better



How to Learn More About Yourself

8 Ways Leading Your Children By Example Can Shape Their Life

How To Deal With Toxic People

5 Reasons You Should Keep Your Word

How to Build Confidence in Your Relationships


You may also like Ways to Empower Women.  


How to Deal with Teens and Respond Appropriately

The idea that all parents are going to encounter a rebellious teen is far from the truth. Certain teens are easier to deal with than others.  Even within the same family system.  So, we have parenting tips on how to deal with teens in a constructive way.  Regardless of the struggle with your teen, you want them to make decisions that won’t have a negative impact on their future.  This pertains to things like driving if they have been drinking or being on either side of a teen pregnancy.

The best thing that we can do as parents is to be as involved in their lives without being overbearing.  Additionally, this helps a parent recognize if their teen’s moods or behaviors are changing.  This could be signs that they are having trouble at school, experiencing emotional problems, or having trouble in their personal relationships. The following are problems parents can encounter with teens.



raising teens



Grades Are Plummeting

One of the first signs of a problem with a teen is that of their grades dropping. This is not the time to start accusing your teen of anything, but rather ask why their grades are falling.  Often times this is a sign of something like bullying or even substance abuse.  However, there is a chance that your teen is not living up to their potential and might need extra help in school.  Furthermore, teachers who are not of the highest quality just need their students to pass the standardized test rather learn the material.  Getting the students to pass the standardized test is all that is needed for job security.  Check the on-line portals to ensure your student is completing assignments and studying for tests.

Practicing Unsafe Sex

Practicing unsafe sex can lead to various diseases as well as pregnancy. Bringing a child into the world is nothing a teen should have to deal with.  Birth control and other types of contraception are easy to obtain.  Consider options when you’re wondering how to deal with teens. Also, setting ground rules is important.  Don’t allow the significant other of your teen to sleep over.  This is simply asking for trouble. Educate your teen about safe sex.  Remember, preaching abstinence might lead them to avoid birth control because they want to discuss sex with you.



tips on teens


Drug Use

Drug use can be tough to detect if your teen makes a beeline for their room once they arrive home.  The last thing that you want as a parent is to figure out your teen is on drugs.  But, their addiction is now out of control. Marijuana probably is not going to ruin your teen’s life unless they are arrested for possession of the drug.  Marijuana can impact the growing brain negatively.  So, educate your teen on marijuana.  It is widely available, especially in states where recreational use is legal.  Drug testing a teen that you suspect of drug use can be done.  Home tests are affordable, and they can help keep your teen from falling into a life of destruction.

Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse can impact a person of any age, religion, race, or gender as well as impacts all levels of the socioeconomic ladder.  Fortunately, alcohol can be easier for a parent to detect due to the smell and impact it has on an individual.  The one thing that you need to consider if your teen has been drinking daily is a supervised detox. The last thing you want is your teen to have a seizure due to the effects of stopping daily alcohol use immediately. Take the time to talk to your teen about how alcohol abuse can impact them now and in the future.

Teen Arrest Jeopardizing Future

If your teen is arrested this is not the time to show them tough love.  Depending on their age, certain arrests can impact their future.  A drug related arrest can lead to a student who has been accepted into a college or university having their admission revoked.  For time arrests for a teen with the right lawyer, it is possible that your teen can enter drug education program or outpatient rehab.  Additionally, they may have the offense wiped from their record.

Noll Law Office, a criminal defense lawyer in Springfield, IL notes “You need to know that the attorney you hire has the training, knowledge and experience to defend you or your loved ones. When your future is at risk, there is no alternative but to obtain the best criminal defense lawyer available.”  An arrest can be a wakeup call for your teen.  But, do not let their arrest impact the rest of their life if you can help it!

This is just a shot list on how to deal with teens.  React with a plan in mind rather than flying off the handle.  You should implement this response even if your teen does need a good verbal reprimand.  The teenage years only last a while.  As a result, make sure that you help set your teen up for success in life.

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Name

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Name is a question many parents have.  We have parenting tips on how to choose the perfect baby name.  Not only do you need to find a name that you both like, but you also need to consider suggestions from over-eager family and friends.

One of the main concerns for parents now is that they may unintentionally choose a bad name not realizing that a particular name has connotations and could even threaten job opportunities later on. With so much to consider – how can you possibly choose the right name?


how to choose the perfect baby name



Consider Family Names

When you are choosing a name, one of the best places to look for family approval is your own family names. There is a long-standing tradition for naming children after parents and grandparents though you wouldn’t have to stick to the strict rules for which child gets named after which person!


Naming a baby after a family member is a huge mark of respect and something you might consider. Even if you want to choose another first name, picking a middle names from within your family is a nice way to show someone how much you care about them. And, if you are worried about choosing a ‘bad’ first name, a more regular middle name could be used later on. Of course, the same is true the other way around.  You could just pick a regular first name and then go a little wilder with the middle name.


baby names

Factor Nicknames into Your Decision

Finding a name is hard enough without having to worry about the kind of nicknames it might bring up. For example, you might love the name ‘Minerva’ but hate the inevitable nickname ‘Minnie’.  Nicknames tend to follow a similar pattern so you should consider all the different options that may present themselves.

A nickname might also be part of the reason for choosing a name. You might love ‘Minnie’ but worry that it won’t look great on a CV where Minerva might look better. Of course, the reality is that by the time your baby is looking for a job, things might have changed considerably. It’s entirely possible to overthink the name you choose and in the end, you have to pick something that you love.

A Name is For Life!

Something that some parents seem to forget is that a name is for life.  In some cases, it’s until the child reaches the legal age to be able to change their name.  While celebrities seem entirely fine with giving their children cutesy and often bizarre names, this seems to be a Hollywood thing that is best left alone.

While you are looking down at a little baby, do consider what that baby may grow up to be. Nominative determinism may not be a sure fire way towards success but equally, your baby is going to be an adult for a lot longer than they are an adorable bundle of love.

Finding the right name is a case of trial and error. As you research throughout your pregnancy, you will likely go through phases but in the end, when you look at your baby in your arms for the first time, you will know what the right answer is.


Getting Your Mojo Back: After Birth Tips


pregnancy tips


Becoming a mother is the one of the greatest privilege in life.  Being a mother is not an easy task, but it will be one which you love with every fiber of your being.  Furthermore, preparing for and giving birth to a baby can be exhausting.  In the weeks following birth it can be difficult to feel up to anything; however, you must transition in the routine of after a new life.  You can get your mojo back, and be a happy, healthy and fit mom in no time at all.  Check out our after birth tips:

  1. Act like a mom

It might seem pretty obvious that once you become a mom you will act like a mom.  But, it can actually take time to adjust to your new role.  It can be stressful to adapt to this new environment at times.  However, the moment you start acting as if you know what you are doing, you will feel much more confident in your role as a mother.  Exuding confidence will make your baby feel safe too.

  1. Ignore bad advice

For the first few weeks of having a baby everyone will have advice.  They will want to give their two cents on how to look after your baby. The key is to not listen to any advice which doesn’t correlate with how you want to nurture your baby.  If your parents or friends start to tell you what your baby needs listen, but follow your own instincts.  You are the baby’s mother, and you know what’s best for your baby.

  1. You are not a bad mother

One of the biggest insecurities after giving birth is the feeling of not being good enough for your baby. This can be a condition which runs alongside post natal depression.  It is crucial for you to remember that you are new to this, and every new mother has experienced this at one point in their lives.  Most importantly, it is normal to feel this way.  When you feel these insecurities bubbling to the surface, remember to put things into perspective.  Most of the time your guilty feelings are totally unfounded.  You are not a bad mother if you baby cries a lot.  Some babies do!  Consult your pediatrician for any concerns that you really don’t know about.  They will be happy to provide any guidance, recommendations or insight needed.

  1. Find privacy

In the first months of your child’s life, you will likely be inundated with visits and people visiting.  Sometimes your baby will become irritated and they will start to cry while other people are around. This is purely because being in a stimulating environment for too long can be too much for them to handle.  As a result, if your baby becomes stressed and difficult to control, take your baby and leave the room.  Let your visitors know that you will return once you have the baby calmed down.

  1. Be decisive

Our after birth tips includes becoming decisive as a new mother.  Mom always knows what to do in any situation.  They always know if you have a cold or the flu, they seem to be mind readers. You might wonder how you will ever get to this stage with your own child.  You have to trust your own instincts. If you have a gut feeling that your child is ill, you are probably right.  Trust your instincts, because 99% of the time you are absolutely right. Be decisive and be confident in your abilities with your baby. Remember that you are the most qualified person in the room because you are the baby’s mother.

  1. Listen and learn

When you take trips to your doctor, make sure you listen to what they are saying.  Take notes if you need to, so you will remember everything that was discussed.  You can reference your notes in the future when the same ailment affects your child.  The more information you can take in, the better it will be for you and your baby.

  1. Don’t bottle up your feelings

Motherhood can be overwhelming.  Some days you will want nothing more than to walk out of the door and leave for a vacation.  It is perfectly normal to feel this way. You are not a bad person for getting stressed out with your child. Just make sure you don’t bottle up these feelings.  It can lead to anxiety, depression and physical ailments too. If you are having a hard time, confide in your partner and take a break.

  1. Don’t worry about competition

Every child is unique.  When they say their first word or take their first step will be different for every baby.  So, just because your friend’s child walked at 1, doesn’t mean that you are failing.  Be patient, their day will come.

  1. Take time for yourself

Finally, our after birth tips include personal image.  Many women struggle their personal image after giving birth.  Dealing with pregnancy stretch marks within 2 weeks of giving birth is not realistic for most mothers.  Take your time getting back to your old self.  Most importantly, take time for yourself.   Get someone to look after the baby or when they baby is napping, pamper yourself.  Do a few exercises or relax. You will be back to your old confident self in no time.


How To Choose Super Comfortable Maternity Lingerie


maternity lingerie


Pregnancy is a great phase of your life.  So, it is vital that you choose to be comfortable during this time.  Comfortable maternity clothes to maternity lingerie are important.  Both lace chemise and comfortable bras can give you the  comfort that you need during your pregnancy.

As a result, wear maternity bras that provide you with maximum coverage and support the upper bust area. Most importantly, choose lingerie that will be functional during your pregnancy.  We suggest that you choose maternity bras with wider straps.  Additionally, wear cotton lingerie if possible.  It will help your skin to breathe.  When you start to feel restricted wearing your regular bra, start wearing a nursing bra.

If you are wondering how you would choose maternity lingerie, here are a few tips for you.

  1. Soft Nursing Bra

Soft bras not only make you feel at ease, but also make you look stylish during pregnancy. This comfortable nursing bra has clip off nursing straps that can be adjusted accordingly. The bra has padded cups that support you and fits just right.  The floral lace design has a sexy look. This maternity lingerie design is a must for your maternity fashion. It is available in different colors and sizes.

  1. Maternity Thong

Maternity thongs are comfortable, so add them to your maternity wardrobe. The cotton thong has full stretch and full coverage that adds to the comfort. It has a cotton lined gusset and minimal coverage on the backside. The floral design on the front side is crafted with lace. Its available in six different colors and three sizes.

  1. Racerback Bralette

Bralette bras look trendy. You can choose a racer back bralette for your maternity wear too.  This bralette has an easy clip-on strap with padded support. The deep neckline makes the bra sexy and stylish to wear.  Furthermore, there is a wide band under bust coverage with lace back detail.  Because it is completely wire-free, it’s comfortable to wear during pregnancy.

  1. Hotpants

Hotpants look really sexy, so you must own a pair or two during pregnancy. The cotton hot pants have wide coverage that contributes to the comfort. It has lace trim at leg openings with cotton-lined gusset.  They are sexy and stylish. Additionally, they are available in two different colors with two different sizes for your comfort level.  So, buy a pair of hot pants to add to your maternity lingerie.

  1. Lace Slip

If comfort is what you are looking for, then a simple lace chemise or slip can really help you. It is stylish and simple enough to wear at home during pregnancy.  Furthermore,  it has a full lace body with lace trim design at the neckline. It has a single back seam that helps to enhance its comfort. There are many colors and sizes to choose from. It is a must buy style for your maternity fashion.

  1. Simple nursing bra

It’s a must to own a simple nursing bra during pregnancy. The bra has nursing straps for easy opening and adjustable sling cups that give you full support. The straps can also be converted for sheer support. A basic maternity lingerie will make you feel comfortable during pregnancy. It is available in two different colors and three different sizes.

You can look sexy and feel stylish with the above styles of lingerie. Who says you can’t be fashionable when you are pregnant. Go ahead and shop for styles that would make you comfortable and sexy.

Author Bio:

Jennifer Saylor is a creative writer by profession and hobby, currently working as a freelance writer. She aspires to help her readers achieve their best style by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research.

6 Reasons Learning to Forgive Is Good

I’ve endured many hurtful events in my life.  They actually started in childhood.  Growing up in an alcoholic home, having an emotionally unavailable and abusive mother, being called names by others, teen pregnancy, and divorce added to my pain.   I remember being called names because of skin color, my hair, or because I was skinny.  There were times when I just didn’t feel loved or cared for.  On an emotional and psychological level, it leaves your hurt, angry,  and depressed.  It also causes you to lose your confidence, self esteem and faith.  Today, I’m going to share tips on why you need to forgive those who have hurt you.  When you do, it allows you to let go, move on and that in itself is empowering.  


learning to forgive



Even at this stage of my life, a few of my relationships are rocky.  However, I have acquired the tools to deal with relationships and situations so they don’t cause emotional damage in my life.  For example, I have learned that forgiveness is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal.  I have learned that forgiveness is key in getting rid of baggage that most of us carry through life.

As a matter of fact, learning to forgive is the first step to empowering yourself.  It’s the first step in taking back what is rightfully yours, that is your life.  You have the right to live your life without being a victim in its entirety.  Without forgiveness, we continue to hold on to things that bind us to the hurt and pain that we endured.  There’s a saying, forgive and forget.  I won’t ever tell you to forget it, but I will say let it go and move on.

Why, because learning to forgive is a freeing experience.  Remove the weight of the burden you have been carrying for years with forgiveness.  Learning to forgive also provides the following benefits:

Moves You Forward – Once you learn to forgive, it frees you to move on with your life.  So, remove the shackles and the weight that once held you down.

Helps Heal Emotional Wounds –  Emotional wounds can be just as damaging as physical wounds.  I played the hurtful words that were said to me over and over again in my head.  It was like a broken record.  The words seep into your soul, and if allowed they will become your voice.

Empowers You – Forgiveness returns your power back to you.

Renews Your Faith – Forgiveness helps to re-establish your faith.  If you’ve left your church, return and join a bible study group.  Feeding your soul is important in your growth.

Forgiveness is About You – Forgiving your abusers/victimizers is not about them.  People don’t forgive because they believe their abuser is getting off the hook. Wrong!  You forgive so you can let yourself off the hook.  You free yourself from the secrets, shame, hurt and pain.

Brings a Sense of Peace –  Once you’re free from the people who hurt you, you will find peace.  Forgiveness allows a calm to enter your life, and it clears your head to make rational decisions for you and your family.

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Take Time for You: Tips For New Moms


Tips for New Moms


One of the biggest traps most new moms fall into is not getting enough time for themselves. New moms often forget to do simple things.  For example, taking a daily shower and pursuing their personal interests. If you too are a new mom who has limited time because of your newborn baby, you’re reading the right article. Check out our tips for new moms and how you can find time for yourself in spite of being a new mother.

#1: Take time for a shower

Choose a time when you baby is napping or content in his swing or exersaucer.  Take the swing or exersaucer inside the bathroom or place it outside the bathroom.  If the swing or exersauce is outside the bathroom, leave the door open. If your baby suddenly starts to cry, you can sing a song or play a game with him from inside the bathroom. That may pacify them enough for you to complete your shower.

#2: Dress in the best possible manner

If you haven’t lost enough baby weight, don’t continue to wear maternity clothes.  Even though you may have weight loss in mind, find cheap shirts and jeans for your present size. Don’t forget the theory that looking good will also make you feel good.

#3: Measure yourself

More than 80% of women wear the wrong bra size.  Pregnancy hormones bring about changes in your body. Find a store where you can be measured properly or learn how to take our own measurements for a bra.  Purchase one that makes you feel and look good.

#4: Take out some time for yourself

Don’t feel bad or scared about leaving your baby for a few minutes.  If you find your blood pressure rising or you questioning yourself about why you embraced motherhood, take a 5 minute break.  Leave your baby in the crib or swing for 5 minutes.  You can even lose pregnancy weigh if you workout for even 5-10 minutes. You may also lose weight in your face after giving birth to your little bundle of joy.

As we see, motherhood is indeed an adjustment.  We hope that you found our tips for new moms helpful, and you will continue to still take care of your own needs.  You can never become a perfect mom in the beginning and you don’t have to stress about it. Don’t forget that your baby loves you the way you are too.

Child Safety Tips All Parents Should Implement

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on child safety tips.  So, there are lot of fears and worries that can arise both during pregnancy and when your baby is born.  Especially, if you are a first time parent.  But, it’s important to remember that a baby is an amazing and rewarding experience.  So, don’t allow quality time with your child to be tainted by panic.  However, there are many parental safety tips many either ignore or aren’t aware about. And it’s these tips that could possibly eliminate your worry or anxiety.




child safety tips




Child Safety Tips Parents Should Implement:  



Cover all electrical outlets

 Electrical outlets are solely for appliances, but to the curious eyes of a toddler they are just another thing to touch and explore.  Installed at easy-to-reach heights for most children, electrical outlets are often appealing.  Therefore, it gives them easy access to stick things into the openings.  In some cases, causing serious electrical burns.

Therefore, cover all electrical outlets throughout your home.  Outlet caps are widely available both in stores or online.  Using electrical covers will help safeguard against electrical harm.




child safety tips





Use the correct car seat and install it properly

With the huge range of car seats available, it can be difficult to make a decision on which one is right for you. The most important rule regarding any car seat is when to use a rear-facing or front facing seat.  It’s important to remember, to use a rear-facing seat until your baby is at least one year old and weights over 20 pounds.

In terms of installation, make sure all seat belts and straps are routed correctly.  Most importantly, make sure everything is in ‘lock mode’ when your child is seated and before you start driving. If you have a large family-friendly vehicle like the Dodge Grand Caravan, your installation experience will be much easier.  You’ll have more space and room to move around.


Make sure your crib is up-to-date 

Crib safety regulations change very frequently.  It’s likely it will need to be upgraded if it’s over 5 years old.

Today’s current standards state that the slats of a crib should be no wider than 2 3/8 inches apart to ensure your child’s body can’t slip through. It’s also important to remove any fluffy blankets or toys from the crib when your baby is in there.

It’s natural to experience fear and worry when you become a parent. But if you adhere to the above safety tips and ensure your child’s bed is as up-to-date as possible and assembled correctly, you’ll have no reason to question your baby’s safety!