Wordless Wednesday

I’m Going To Get You My Pretty!



  1. Wow, that is really cool.

  2. I hope that's not your backyard lol

  3. Neat!  We don't have anything like that here.:)

  4. How cool.

  5. Wow. How cool.

  6. OH MY!  That looks so cool AND REAL!

  7. That's an awesome picture.  My kids would have been scared by it.

  8. That is kind of creepy!

  9. Now that's a big mourning dove!  Ha.

    Very cool picture.

  10. Very cool

  11. Ooh…That looks like a fun place to visit.

  12. That would induce nightmares in my kids, lol. Cool photo! Happy WW!


  13. Creepy!

  14. Holy cow! My daughter would love it. Where is that???

  15. My kids would think that is so awesome!

  16. Love it !

    Funny my WW post this week is dinosaur related too.

  17. That's a cool picture!

  18. ACK!  hahaha

  19. Wow, that's cool!

  20. I'm running, Here’s my WW hope you can stop by!

  21. cool!

    Mine's up.  Take a peek at the beauty of Jasper National Park.

  22. How cool is that! I think the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago has a dinosaur exhibit like that going on.

  23. Lisa – This picture was taken at Dinosaur Land.  It's a little park nearby that features replicas of pre-historic animals.

  24. Very cool!  Happy WW!

  25. AAAH! Scarrryyyy!!!
    I am also participating in Wordless Wednesday: http://www.mamamakesmoney.net/2009/08/wordless-wednesday-swimming-with-daddy.html
    As well as a new meme called Worth a Listen Wednesday on my new blog: http://www.musicmoviesmayhem.com/2009/08/worth-listen-wednesday-random.html
    Also, feel free to link your giveaways here: http://www.mamamakesmoney.net/2009/08/win-it-wednesday-with-mr-linky_11.html

  26. WOW Look @ that!  Happy WW!

  27. That's scary!

  28. Wow, that took me by surprise, LOL!

    Happy WW.

  29. How cool is that?!  My little one would flip seeing it!

  30. Omg that's cool. Where did you take that ?