Building Confidence in Yourself

Today, I’m sharing empowerment tips on building confidence in yourself.   Are you the kind of person that always wants to please everyone around you? That’s great, but it can also mean that you aren’t making yourself a priority.  Not making yourself a priority can  cause its own problems. First, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to put yourself first in life.  And, making sure that your needs are met is important.  Some people feel selfish when they do.


building confidence in yourself


Building Confidence in Yourself:


Consider Yourself  When Making Decisions

It’s always important to consider yourself when making decisions and going through life.  Ask how your decision will affect your mental and physical health.  Will it help relieve stress or cause?  Your mental health is as important as your physical health, and must be considered at all times.


Have Faith in What You’re Doing 

Having faith in your goals and the things you’re doing is important.  If you don’t believe in yourself who will?  Having faith will lead putting the time and energy into the steps that you need to take to achieve your goals.  When people see that you’re focused, they’ll respect that.  Most importantly, your children, family and friends will also see that you are making yourself a priority, and that is a great thing.



building confidence in yourself




Building Confidence in Yourself Requires You to Learn to Say No 

Learning to say no is so important.  It may take practice and may feel harsh at first, but you will eventually become more comfortable with your decision.  Saying no lets people know that you have your own life.  Give a simple explanation such as I’m busy or I already have plans and move on.  Don’t feel bad or continue to apologize for saying no.


Put Your Needs First

It’s sometimes necessary to put your needs and feelings above others.  When you sacrifice your own well being for others, it can leave you feeling exhausted.  For example, if you’ve been involved in an accident or other incident where you received a personal injury, don’t feel guilty.  Get the smartest personal injury attorneys in town to fight your case, and stop feeling guilty about the interests of those that caused your injuries.  This includes family and friends.  Take care of you, so that you will be able to take care of others.


Have Confidence in Yourself

Having more confidence in yourself and becoming a confident mom will change your outlook on life.  Becoming confident is not about being arrogant.  It’s about making sure you value yourself and your priorities.  Putting other people’s lives, goals and projects before your own can affect your confidence negatively.


Putting yourself first can be difficult.  But, there are ways in which you can start doing more to put yourself first.  Unfortunately, it may feel  strange at first. But, don’t feel guilty.  Just say no, follow my tips above and continue with your goals.


12 Motivation Ideas for Women

Having confidence or self-esteem issues? You’re not alone. Today, I’m sharing tips on motivation ideas for women.   First, stop wondering how to empower yourself and start implementing our these empowerment and motivational tips.  Yes, start thinking about that.  Unfortunately, we can lose ourselves when we become wives and mothers.  We wake up wondering what happened to us?  Where and when did we lose who we were as a woman and human beings.

Shamelessly, I lost myself years ago and became a shell of a woman.  Being functionable was about all I could manage to do each day.  I was simply going through a routine day after day.  Finding myself again became a priority, and I vowed never to loose my way again.  I am happy to say that I reached my goal and have never looked back.  I focused on this Bible Verse, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 (NIV).


building confidence

Additionally, I changed my habits and thought process.  Your attitude and your thinking is everything.  I realized that I was just as important as those that I loved and took care of.  And, I was just as deserving of love, time and attention as they were.  Furthermore, I realized that we all have a purpose.  But, unless we take the time to meditate and take care of ourselves we could miss our calling.  How to empower yourself  should become a priority in taking back your life.

Here are a few motivation ideas for women:


  • Learn to say no – Some where I read that No is a complete sentence.  Actually, I liked the concept and adopted it.  Saying no doesn’t have to be a long drawn out explanation.  Just say no.  You will find it empowering.
  • Start speaking up – Next, speak up.  If you don’t nobody will hear you.  Learn to voice your opinions, wants and needs.
  • Enhance Your Education – Education is power.  Take a few classes, which could lead to the degree that you always wanted.
  • Have a fixed income – Furthermore, get a part time  job or learn to make money from home.  Contributing to the household or being able to treat yourself and your kids is an exhilarating experience.
  • Remove yourself from domestic violence –  Furthermore, learn your value.  If you are being abused in anyway, you must remove yourself from the situation.  Come up with a plan to get out with your children safely.  Call 1-800-799-7233 for assistance.
  • Stop any harassment or shaming – Don’t allow anyone to make you feel bad about yourself or bully you.  Speak up, and take any necessary action to eliminate the behavior.
  • Set standards for yourself – Most importantly, when people see that you have standards and don’t lower them, they raise to your level or leave.  If they choose to leave, let them.
  • Adopt a positive attitude – Also, people gravitate to those who have a positive outlook on life.
  • Assess your friendships and Associates – So, take a look at your friends and relationships.  Are you associating with those who you strive to be like or have the same goals and ambitions as you?  If not, you may want to change your circle.
  • Start taking care of yourself – Eating right and exercising is imperative to feeling good about yourself and improving your health.
  • Learn the meaning of respect – Most importantly, learn to respect yourself.  When you do, others will respect you too.
  • Renew Your Faith –  Last, learn to believe in something or someone other than yourself.  Having faith to get you through the turbulent times in your life and giving thanks when you’re blessed is important.


Finally,  learning how to motivate and empower yourself is a choice.  You can remain in your current situation unhappy, feeling weak and abused or you can take your power back.  Each of us are where we are because of choices that we make.  Let that sink in for a few minutes.  Only you can make the changes needed to reach your goals, raise your self-esteem and become physically and emotionally.  Nowhere is it written that we have to lose ourselves because he have a job, husband, kids, not where we want to be financially, gained weigh.  Whatever you have going on you can change it.

You must learn to play the hand that you are dealt or you will get played by life.  Get in the game, and start taking small steps to making changes in your life.  Motivation ideas for women is a good start.

Also, you may also like:  Repairing Strained Mother Daughter Relationships or Keeping Your Emotional Health.  



Assertiveness Quotes to Empower Women

Do you struggle with asserting yourself?  Finding a balance between being assertive and not being aggressive can be tricky.  Being assertive means being able to say no without feeling guilty.  It requires you to get a backbone and stop allowing others to intrude on you and enter your personal space.  Today, I’m sharing tips to empower yourself  with assertiveness quotes



quotes for women

“If you behave like a doormat, expect to be stepped on and don’t complain about it.”
Suzette Haden Elgin

“I’m a woman / Phenomenally. / Phenomenal woman, / That’s me.”
Maya Angelou

“The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.”
Maureen Dowd

“The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others.”
Sharon Anthony Bower

“Too many of us fail to fulfill our needs because we say no rather than yes, yes when we should say no.”
William Glasser

“Every time we speak, we choose and use one of four basic communication styles: assertive, aggressive, passive and passive-aggressive.”
Jim Rohn

“My theory is that if you look confident you can pull off anything – even if you have no clue what you’re doing.”
Jessica Alba


assertiveness tips




“Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”
Groucho Marx

“You create your opportunities by asking for them.”
Patty Hansen

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
J. K. Rowling

“Like what you do, and then you will do your best. ”
Katherine Johnson





“The duty we owe ourselves is greater than that we owe others.”
Louisa May Alcott

“If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu.”
Elizabeth Warren

“I encourage people to remember that “no” is a complete sentence.”
Gavin de Becker

“When fools come for a piece of you with their shenanigans and tomfoolery let them come. However, remember to give them enough that they won’t ask for seconds.”
Donavan Nelson Butler


Most importantly, think about these assertiveness quotes and start asserting yourself.   It will change your relationships and raise your confidence and self-esteem.