Why You Should Visit Amish Country – The Home and Farm


I spent the week-end in Lancaster, PA recharging my battery and admiring the Amish.  Regardless of the time span between my visits, I always find it to be peaceful. First, who can’t use a little peace in their life, right. We may recharge our batteries and seek peace in different ways, but we all need to stop and take action at some point.
Next, watching the Amish and their way of life causes me to pause. The fields of corn, horse and buggies, roadside produce stands, handmade quilts and the slow pace take me to a peaceful and simple way of living. They are gentle people with a deep belief in God and family above all else. Furthermore, they have a deep sense of community and helping their neighbor without the distraction of modern technology. Most importantly, they are self-sufficient, independent, and they take care of each other.   They pay income taxes, but no welfare or social security benefits for their community. They have no desire to integrate into our society, their lifestyle is a choice.  Plain and simple is their motto and they live it.
During my visits, I’ve taken tons of pictures and I thought I would share some of them with you in a two part post on the Amish and their lifestyle. This is Part I  – The Amish Home and Farm.  Before the Amish Home and Farm became a tourist attraction, Amish and Mennonites families lived in this house for many years.


Because most Amish families are large, most have 7 or more children, Amish homes are usually quite large.  When parents get older they remain at the home.  They usually stay in another home on the property called a Dawdi Haus.   The second home can also be used as a guest house.  The Amish take care of each other life.  Rarely is an Amish person put into a nursing home or sent elsewhere to live.
Furthermore, the Amish are a deeply religious community.  However, they don’t attend churches as we know it. For example, families take turns hosting church service at their homes. The picture above shows an Amish living room that has the furniture removed.  The host family removes the furniture and replaces it with benches.  Or, benches are set-up barn or buggy house on the property.
Benches are placed on both sides of the room. Women sit on one side and men on the other.  So, benches are placed on both sides of the room.  German is the official language of the service.  After the service, lunch is served.   Everyone socializes while the children play.  Sunday is the day of worship, so only the basic chores are done at home.  Therefore, businesses are closed. Visiting neighbors is high on the list for the Amish on Sundays.
There is no divorce in the Amish community.   The women take care of the home, husband, children and kitchen gardens.  The men bring home the money, work the fields and take care of the farm animals.  There are some Amish men and women who work outside the home or farm.  They own businesses such as making furniture, storage sheds and yard furniture.  Additionally, they also work as waitresses, in factories or other jobs with the English, non-Amish. I own 2 storage sheds built by the Amish.  Their work is superior.
Those who work on the farm are ready to go at sun up and stop working at sun down.  As a result, they eat a hearty breakfast before heading out to the fields.  Normally, they return around noon for lunch and again for dinner. They usually start their day at 5:30 am and are in bed by 8:00 or 9:00 pm.
The above picture is a typical Amish kitchen. Appliances are powered by propane gas.  Lights, faucets, sewing and washing machines, as well as blenders and mixers are powered by compressed air. As in most homes, the man sits at the head of the table and his wife to the right of him. The oldest child sits on the opposite end of the father. There are no pictures of family or children hanging on the walls, Amish do not take pictures. They do hang quilted wall hangings, a framed list of their children and their birthdays, framed puzzles etc.
Amish serve hearty meals.  They typically preserve hundreds of jars of vegetables, fruits and meat during the canning season to feed a family of 9 or more during the winter months. They are masters at baking bread, pies, and cakes.  Fortunately, they are able to grow their own fruit for jams, jellies, pies and cobblers as well as vegetables in their kitchen gardens. Their gardens and flower beds are meticulous. You won’t find a weed in them. The children start in the morning pulling weeds to ensure that nothing distracts from mom’s garden.  They butcher or use Amish butchering shops for their meat. Self-sufficiency and being experts at it is the name of the game.  And the Amish know how to play. They are astute at making things happen.
Amish women are experts at sewing and quilting.  They do the sewing for the entire family.  Furthermore, they make their own dresses and aprons, pants and shirts for their husbands and all of the children’s clothing.  Additionally, they also make quilts, diapers for infants and a host of other items. Most prefer the old Singer treadle sewing machines shown above.
They do shop at local stores such as Wal-mart for plates, glasses, and other home goods as well as undergarments, socks, hosiery, Birdseye diapers/pampers etc. Most stores provide hitching posts for their horse and buggies while they shop.
This is the typical wardrobe for Amish girls.  Dresses are muted colors and calf length.  Muted colors include: pink, green, purple, blue, brown and black.  However, no prints are allowed.  Prayer coverings are black or white. And are pinned onto the solid colored dresses.  Hook and eye closures can be used, but no buttons.  Prayer caps are white and heart shaped. Shoes are black.  I have seen the Lancaster Amish wear sandals, Crocs, sneakers or go barefoot.
Girls wear a white prayer cap around age 9.  A black bonnet can be worn over the prayer cap.  In the winter, a black cloak is worn.  The black bonnets may be worn without the cloak, but the black cloak can’t be worn without the black bonnet.  Also, Amish women do not cut their hair.  Amish women are not allowed to wear prints or jewelry, not even a wedding band.

This is a picture of a nursery or small child’s bedroom in the Amish home.  They have the usual furniture that you would find in a nursery: a crib, rocker, changing table and dresser.  What I didn’t see was a bottle warmers, mobile or  baby monitors.


I bet this changing table is worth a mint.  It was heavy and study.  The hardwood floors are the wide planks and absolutely beautiful.  Amish women take their ability to keep house seriously.  As a result, their homes are spotless.


This is the typical Amish boy’s room. The boys wear black pants that hit about the ankle.  Their shirts are muted colors with snaps and hook and eyes.  The pants are worn with suspenders, but they have no zipper.  Instead, hook and eyes are used.  On Sundays, the boys and men wear black pants, white shirts, black vests or jackets.  Married men grow beards without a mustache.


This is the typical dress of a married Amish woman.  Her aprons are black instead of white.  Her husband’s clothing, is the same as the boys.
Another fact is, Amish women usually give birth at home and are assisted by a mid-wife.  However, they can use a birthing center or hospital if they desire.  



It looks like an older son is replacing posts on the farm.  Also, he has several of his younger siblings on the wagon.  He made sure everything was in place after making each turn.  Amish boys work the fields with their fathers at an early age.  Women and girls also help if needed.  Usually, Belgian horses or mules pull the equipment.


Corn fields are abundant in Lancaster. This young man above is handling a team of 6 horses.  The women are subservient, but equal partners in their marriage.  They are involved in the daily operation of the farm ensuring that it efficiently and that it is productive.  Many can be seen hand picking various vegetables or helping with the harvest.
Amazingly, the Amish still use wringer washers to do laundry.  Hanging clothes outside on a clothesline is still a part of their chores.  Once dry, they iron the clothes.
Most of all, Lancaster is a combination of things. For example, traffic, shopping malls, horse and buggies and endless rows of corn and other vegetables.  It’s a place where you can lose yourself in the simplicity of a culture.  The beauty of the farm houses and acres of rolling land capture your deepest senses.  Furthermore, it draws you into a life that can only be admired by those who are willing to put down their smart phones and laptops.  I admire their ability to persevere in the mist of modern technology.  Also, their calming affect takes me back to the days of running through the cool grass bare foot.  Eating homemade ice cream or drinking ice cold water from the hand pump down the lane when I visited my grandparents.  Oh, how I yearn for those days now.
Last, if you have an Amish community nearby and you haven’t visited, you should.  We can all learn from the Amish, and it’s a great family activity.  Additionally, you may also like:  Quilts, Transportation and Great Food.  

6 Tips To Save On Travel Food Budgets

Today, I’m sharing travel tips on how to save on travel food budgets. When I’m traveling with my family, I try to be frugal and stay within my budget.  Being frugal doesn’t mean that you can’t have a good time. 

So, my grandchildren like snacks and sandwiches.  But, I’m also feeding adults who need meals that will fill them up.  Eating 3 meals and snacks out for 7 days can be expensive for a family.  So, I have a grocery store budget and an eat out budget. 


travel food budgets



1.  Check Out Resorts That Offer Kitchens/Kitchenettes  –  First, I always book accommodations that have a full or partial kitchen. This allows me to cook meals and save on food expense.  Having a kitchen is great, especially when I’m traveling with my grandchildren. It’s difficult to get them up and out for breakfast and sometimes lunch.

2.  Look For Discounts in Travel Guides or Online – Second, I research local restaurants wherever I’m staying. And if I decide that I would like to check out a few of them  I search for a coupon or discount.

3.  Take Advantage of Happy Hour –  So, if you want to eat light check out restaurants that have happy hour.  I have taken advantage of specials on wings, burgers, stuffed mushrooms etc. during happy hour.   It’s a great way to have a few adult beverages on the cheap too.



travel tips

4.  Find The Local Grocery Store  – Next, I purchase snacks, drinks, bottled water and any items that I need for planned meals.  After checking in, this is the first task on my list. I’m able to purchase drinks and food for the beach, snacks, bagels for light breakfast, local fruit etc.  I save a ton of money by taking this step.  Sometimes we want to sleep in or just be lazy, but the kids are always hungry, so I prepare.

5.  Check Out The Resort/Hotel Welcome Package –  Finally, I visit the hotel or resort concierge and ask for information on local activities or restaurants. They normally have a welcome package which contains coupons for local attractions and other valuable information.  Take the coupons into consideration, it will help with your budget.

6.  Look For Resorts/Hotels That Offer Free Activities – Most importantly, I look for resorts or hotels that offer water slides, lazy rivers, or firework displays.  In addition to the beach, I like to have nearby activities for the kids.  I search for coupons for miniature golf, amusement parks, seek out free concerts.  Furthermore, I use the savings for ice cream treats, Sno-cones etc. while we’re out and about.

Finally, don’t wait until a month or two before you arrive at your vacation destination to start saving. You should be saving all year for your vacation. This takes the stress off and any worries that everyone won’t be able to have a good time because of a cash shortage.

Additionally, you may also like 15 Ways You Can Save Money to help with your travel food budgets expense.

Road Trip Printable Scavenger Hunt Game – Part 2

Our kid’s road trip scavenger hunt games series continues.  We have added to 2 additional printables to our travel tips Our scavenger hunts are bright and colorful just like the first scavenger hunt printables.  Children like to choose just like adults.  So, the more games the merrier.  If you have more than one child they may not be interested in searching for the same items. Who wants to hear over and over, I don’t want that one or I’m not going to be able to find those things.

road trip games


What’s the goal of the trip? Isn’t it to arrive at your destination safely, create great memories along the way and enjoy your time when you arrive. Why get into a struggle and ruin the memory while you’re trying to get there. Pouting, crying and unhappy kids can make the trip seem much longer than is really is.   Give each of them their choice of scavenger hunt printables, a snack, drink, and let the trip begin.

Searching for different items and trying to finish first makes the hunt exciting and challenging. Take their mind off of how long it’s taking to arrive at your destination by getting them focused on their surroundings. One of your greatest memories will be the kids searching for the items, the conversations you will engage in while hunting for them and the peace you will find by having happy children. Now that is priceless.



kid's gameskid's games



I suggest printing the games on stock card.  It makes the printable a little sturdier.  Stock paper is heavier than regular copy paper, and won’t tear as easily either.  Purchasing several clip boards so the kid’s will have something to hold their games.  They can place their pen or pencil on the clipboard as well.  Download Scavenger Hunt Games III and IV.

You may also like this game: Kid’s Road Trip Games I and II.



Kid’s Road Trip Games: Scavenger Hunt

Family road trips can be exciting, but they can also lead to a barrage of are we there yet.  Or,  if you’re traveling with children fights, screaming, whining and moaning.  Kids will be kids, but it’s enough to drive you crazy at times.  I don’t know about your children, but anything over an hour seems to be more than my grandchildren can bear.  That is probably typical of most children to be honest. So, today I am sharing a few travel tips.  To make things interesting, I created a series of kid’s road trip scavenger hunt games.   My grandchildren play this game when there’s a road trip.  Trust me, it keeps them busy for a few hours.
kid's games


Playing games allows time to unplug and enjoy the beauty that God has surrounded us with.  Additionally, road trips are a great way for children to observe the country side and what’s happenings on the interstate and highway.   Observations can lead to questions and interesting conversations with the children.  Kid’s road trip games can be a great way to bond.  Most importantly, make the trip educational and also memorable for everyone.

For this particular road trip game, children will love looking out the window in search of items on the paper. We come across most of them during our trips.  And, we have so much fun trying to find the items. If we find all of them all before we reach our destination we have other games to play. My grandson love doing word search puzzles, hidden objects or we do another Scavenger Hunt in the series.  I don’t know who has the most fun me or the kids.


Here’s a few tips for the games:

  • Purchase a few clip boards and pencil or pens
  • Print out several copies of the gamesI like to print the games on stock card.  It’s heavier than regular copy paper and that makes it easier to use without tearing.
  • You can also have the games laminated for a few dollars at Office Max or Staples.




If you like our Scavenger Hunts please share and feel free to print for your use.  Place an X on each item that you find. Good Luck!


kids games

kid's games



Stay tuned for other printables in my Road Trip series.  You can download the road trip scavenger hunt games here.   You may also like: Kid’s Road Trip Games: Scavenger Hunt II .

These Dinosaurs Are Larger Than Life

dinosaurs, T-Rex, prehistoric dinosaurs

                                                                          Dinosaur Land

Looking for inexpensive places to visit before the kids return to school? If you’re planning a trip to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia take time to check out Dinosaur Land. It’s an inexpensive roadside attraction that has been around since 1962, and is a great place for photo ops with the little dinosaur lover. 

[Read more…]

9 Virginia Beach Budget Activities

Today, I’m sharing a few travel tips on Virginia Beach budget activities.  First, as a single mother budgeting has become second nature to me. This year I will be spending a few days in Virginia Beach with my grandchildren instead of taking them to Myrtle Beach as we normally do.   So, before I leave for vacation I search for things to do to ensure we don’t get bored and the activities within my budget.  Unfortunately, many families think they can’t afford a vacation because they have to fund every activity for the entire week. Not true!  


Virginia Beach budget activities

There’s more to Virginia Beach than the Atlantic Ocean and miles of sand.  So, the key is to research free and budget friendly things for the family to do before you leave for vacation.  Furthermore, make a list of Virginia Beach activities and discuss them with your family. If it’s something they aren’t interested in, you still have time to do additional research before you arrive.  I searched the Hampton Roads area, which  includes Norfolk, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Williamsburg and Hampton.  Trust me, there’s something for everybody.


Here’s 9 Virginia Beach Budget Activities:

1. Naval Station Norfolk 
–  You must see the world’s largest naval base. The base houses 75 ships and 134 aircraft  carriers, cruisers, destroyers, large amphibious ships, submarines, supply ships, airplanes and helicopters. In addition, the tour includes historic homes in the Jamestown, VA area.





2.  Beach Street USA Entertainment – Next, you can find laser and light shows to interactive adventures based on a theme or popular movies. You could be required to unravel a murder mystery, play other games or compete in contests. Also, they have nights where you dress up as characters from movies or watch a movie on the beach. Check out the site for activities of for day.



    photo from Virginia Legends 



3.  Virginia Beach Legend Walk – Additionally, free tours of Virginians who have made significant contributions to the country and/or world. Some of the inductee are Arthur Ashe, Patsy Cline, Katie Couric, Ella Fitzgerald, and Bill “Bojangles” Robinson to name a few.  Great way to get a family conversation going on the inductees.

Virginia Beach budget activities

4.  Virginia Beach Amusement Park – The Hurricane, Skycraper, Music Express and Comic Storm are a few rides that you will discover on the boardwalk. Great entertainment for the entire family, and the park offers all day wrist bands too.




Virginia Beach budget activities

                                                                                  photo from Mt. Trashmore



5.  Mt. Trashmore Park –  Also, a 165 acre park that has 11 picnic shelters of various sizes, 2 volleyball courts, horseshoe pits, playgrounds, a skate park, restrooms, outdoor fitness stations, concessions and fishing awaits you.  Also, if you have a driver’s license or other photo ID you can check out badminton equipment, a football, frisbee, horseshoes, volleyball and net, wheelchairs and more.  So, it’s a great way to spend the day away from the beach and enjoy free activities along with a picnic.





photo from Jungle Golf 


6.  Jungle Golf  – So, if you love miniature golf check out this 18 hole golf course with an air conditioned snack bar.



Virginia Beach budget activities

                                                                                                Photo from Ocean Breeze Water Park


7.   Ocean Breeze Water Park  –  Fortunately, the park has over 30 rides, slides, and attractions.  Additionally, it is located approximately 10 minutes from the Virginia Beach ocean front. Parking, sunscreen and inner tubes are free. Trams are also available to help you breeze your way into the park.  Be sure to put this on your list.




Virginia Beach fireworks


8.  Firework Display –  The firework displays are awesome.  The fact they are ocean front makes it even better. So, be sure to check the schedule for dates and times for the firework displays.



Virginia Beach Hunt Club

9.  Hunt Club Farm – Last, Virginia Beach has plenty of ocean and sand. But, it also has a Petting Zoo and Pony Rides at Hunt Club Farm. They have chickens that are friendly enough to pickup, llamas, goats, peacocks, turkeys and many other animals.  They also offer pony rides, a playground area and shaded tables to enjoy a snack. The farm also sells homemade jams, jellies, soaps, candles and more.  So, be sure to grab a few souvenirs while you’re there.


Finally, the fireworks displays are truly spectacular over the ocean.  Be sure to add this to your Virginia Beach activities.  Additionally, my grandchildren love the petting zoo and pony rides at Hunt Club Farm. The Ocean Breeze Water Park is  a great way to spend the day too.  Adults and kids can enjoy Beach Street USA entertainment.  Most importantly, you can find something for everyone on my Virginia Beach activities list without breaking the bank.

Traveling Solo As a Female

Today, I’m sharing travel tips for women traveling alone.  I’ve traveled solo many times for business and on a much needed vacation. I’ve lost track of the number of times that I’ve been asked throughout my journeys, “Are you going alone?” “Don’t you have a friend to go with you?” or “You aren’t afraid to travel by yourself, I could never do that.” Lets not forget this one, “Do you get lonely?”  There’s a difference being lonely and being alone.  



females traveling solo, women traveling solo, travel tips for females


I remember the first time I traveled alone for vacation although I was married.  At the time my daughter was five years old.  So, I decided to head to Los Angeles to visit my sister and her family. It was the first time that my daughter and I had flown. My husband made sure we got on the plane without issues, and the flight to Los Angeles was smooth. The next task was to get our luggage and find my sister.

This too went without incident. I juggled luggage and a 5 year old through a international airport.  We had a great time in Los Angles and the surrounding areas. We made our way back to Washington-Dulles, and it was at that point I was bitten by the travel bug.  Traveling solo as a female no longer intimidated me.


tips for women traveling alone




I started making my way around the country for my job shortly thereafter. Getting in and out of airports became second nature to me as well as either renting cars and driving in strange cities or hailing taxis to get from point A to B. When you have a job that requires you to travel, your company doesn’t pay for another person to accompany you.  So, you go alone. You put on your big girl pants and you conduct business. 


tips for women traveling alone

               Vacationing in Savannah, GA

I’m no longer married, so I travel solo as a female.  I still love to do personal travel. Yes I have friends that I could travel with.  But, trying to coordinate a week’s vacation with a friend or group of people can be taxing. I’ve been through that experience before.  And, it was by far worst than anything I’ve encountered while traveling solo.
So, I made a vow to never go there again.  I’m not one to sit around and wait for another person to get in a position financially to vacation.  Or find the time for a vacation. Most importantly, because a person is alone doesn’t mean they are lonely. There’s a difference.  I wish people would understand that.

The people that I have met along the way have been insightful.  They have impacted my life immensely. On my last trip I met a lady at the airport that I have now become friends with.  She called me her angel.  I had arrived early at the airport, and the United counter had not opened.  Furthermore, they didn’t have a sign posted about their hours.

As a result, I asked if she knew what time the counter opened. She didn’t, but after a small conversation I could clearly see that she was stressed. She was on her way to the states as well; however, she was an inexperienced traveler. We talked and got to know each other and it turns out that she was from South Africa. In fact, not far from where I would like to go on safari.

        tips for women traveling alone                                                                     



It’s funny people see women traveling alone as courageous or brave. Why don’t they see men this way?  Actually,  I see myself as neither.  I’m simply doing what I love to do. As a matter of fact, I believe traveling solo has contributed to making me who I am today. I also believe that every woman should travel solo at least once in their life.  It’s empowering!  If you decide to travel, here’s a few tips for women traveling alone:


1. It Forces You To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone – It requires you to face your fears. I was quite nervous the first time I traveled alone, but I pushed through and marched forward. As a result, I became quite confident in my abilities to reach a destination and enjoy myself. It is definitely a self-esteem boost.

2. It Broadens Your Perspective  – Traveling allows you to see that that there is another part of the world.  It allows you to interact with  people outside of your circle.  Furthermore, it allows you to get to know them and a little about their daily life.  I have met wonderful people along my journey.  Some I have remained in touch with and some I’ve just had a pleasant conversation with.   All remain memorable.  Why should you miss out, simply because you’re traveling solo as a female.

3. It Allows You to Experience Different Cultures and Foods – One of the things that I love most is experiencing different cultures and treating myself to local dishes. Eating out by myself the first time was a little uncomfortable.  However, I decided to take my Kindle and catch up on my reading list. I noticed one lady who was traveling solo doodling.  Traveling solo as a female doesn’t have to be difficult.

People find a way to occupy themselves. I’m comfortable enjoying my meals alone and not feeling like an outcast. I’ve had people invite me to join them, but I’ve found I like relaxing and eating alone.  Besides, I’m really not into small talk or trying to force a conversation.  Getting online and retrieving emails is a much better way for me to occupy my time.

4. It Teaches You To Think About Your Safety – Safety should be a major concern when traveling solo. It forces you to listen to your intuition and to become aware of your surroundings. I always do my homework before traveling. I educate myself on taxi fares so I will have some idea of what I should be buying. If I will be driving, I make sure I arrive during the day so I can reach my destination before night fall.

I make it a habit of checking my surroundings, and never venture too far my hotel at night. I always park under lights and always keep my doors locked when driving or in my hotel room. They make peep holes for a reason, I use it before opening the door for room service, maintenance etc.

5. You Return Feeling Like You Can Conquer The World – Traveling solo as a female makes you stronger as a person. It enhances your leadership, planning and organizational skills. It allows you to get in touch with what you like and do they things you want to do. You get to plan and set your own schedule and not feel obligated to anyone. It’s freeing and totally invigorating!


Furthermore, why can’t women travel alone?  Women who are executives in corporations or own their own businesses travel constantly.  It seems that traveling for business is acceptable, but there’s still a stigma about a woman traveling alone for a little rest and relaxation. Women want to feel invigorated, and they are refusing to be stifled in any matter.  Tips for women traveling alone can be beneficial. Assert your independence, and have a great time!



Virginia Beach Neptune Festival

If you’re looking for an event to attend with the family in the Hampton Roads area, check out the Virginia Beach Neptune Festival in Virginia Beach, VA.   It’s a great way to spend the day with the family, soak up some sun and end the summer with a bang.  It’s been on my list of travel destinations for several years.  



Virginia Beach Neptune Festival, summer activities in Virginia Beach, Things To Do In Virginia, beach activities



First, the festival starts in September.  So, be sure to check the site for up to date information.  You can stroll along the boardwalk from 18th – 29th street and find vendors under a sea of white canopies selling their wares.  Furthermore, the smell of delicious foods will engulf you. If you decide to attend, find the vendor selling the fish tacos. They are yummy in your tummy. Also, they sell veggie burgers, gyros, and a variety of other foods.   Musicians will gladly entertain you throughout the day.

Next, what excites me about the festival is the artists who create the sand sculptures.  They are amazing.  So, the sculptors bring their skills from the USA and around the world.  I have seen sculptors from Russia, Holland, Canada, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Ireland and Singapore.  As a result, big money is up for grabs and big sand sculptures will rise up on the sand. The precision that the sculptors use is incredible.  As a result, it is so much fun to walk along the beach and check out these beautiful works of art.  To give you a taste of what you will see here’s a few pictures from prior festivals:






As a matter of fact, the first time that I saw sand sculptures was in Venice Beach, CA.  I couldn’t believe that such beautiful artwork could be made out of sand.  I was hooked.  Fortunately, my daughter moved to Virginia Beach years ago.  So, I try to attend the Neptune Festival when I can.  The sand artists never disappoint.

Additionally, if you’re willing to pay an entry fee, you can sit under this massive canopy.  If the weather is not cooperating, it’s a perfect place to watch the artists sculpt.  The fee also allows you to mingle with the artists.

Last, mark your calendar for the annual Neptune Festival.  Parking can be found on Pacific Avenue without too much trouble.  And, it allows easy access to the boardwalk.  Be sure to bring a stroller for baby, hat and your sunscreen. You’ll want to spend the day.  Finally, you may also like 9 Budget Friendly Activities in Virginia Beach.

11 Reasons To Visit St. Thomas

Today, I’m sharing reason why you should vacation in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.  It is now one of my favorite places to visit, and I’ve added it to my favorite travel destinations.   So, at least once a year I head to the Caribbean or some other destination on my bucket list.  And, I always return with a positive outlook and feeling relaxed.  I found St. Thomas to be truly breathtaking from the condo that I rented for the week.  I don’t think I could have made a better selection.  Let’s check out why you should visit too.   

St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

Here’s 11 Reasons Why You Should Visit St Thomas Virgin Islands:

1.  First, these are pictures from my balcony, which overlooked the harbor in Charlotte Amalie. The view was just as spectacular during the day as it was at night. St. Thomas is hilly as you can see in the pictures.  As a result, many homes and businesses are built into the hills. Reaching certain destinations can be a struggle if you’re walking around the island. If you decide to visit and rent a car.  As a matter of fact, I would suggest a jeep. You may also want to remember they drive on the opposite side of the road in the Virgin Islands.  If you’re not comfortable with that concept, cabs are plentiful.




St. Thomas Virgin Islands


St. Thomas Virgin Islands


2.  Next, this is a picture of Blue Beard’s Castle named after the Pirate Blue Beard. The castle is actually a tower that sits on a hill. It was used as a look out by Blue Beard for ships coming into the Charlotte Amalie Harbor. The canons used by Blue Beard on still on the premises,  Also, a statute of Blue Beard is pictured below. The tower is open several days a week for tours.



St. Thomas Virgin Islands


St. Thomas Virgin Islands



3.  Cruise ships dock in St. Thomas.  The ships actually passed my balcony before docking in the harbor. I captured these pictures after they had docked on the other side of the resort. They arrive around 6:00 – 7:00 am several days a week and normally depart around 9:00 pm that night. Cruise passengers must shop and explore the island between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.



St. Thomas Virgin Islands


St. Thomas Virgin Islands



4.  St. Thomas offers world class shopping for the rich and famous as well as unique boutiques and shops for the everyday person. Many of the shops are housed in narrow alley ways, but they also have major shopping areas with stores like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Cartier, Rolex etc.  They are a little to rich for my pocket, but you can also find flea market type items at Vendor’s Plaza.  Nice place to visit for tees, jewelry and other items for souvenirs.

5.  Historical churches and landmarks are a big part of St. Thomas too.  This is the world famous Frederick Lutheran Church. It’s the oldest church in St. Thomas and the second oldest church in the western hemisphere.  Also shown is the oldest building in St. Thomas, Fort Christian, built in 1671.
St. Thomas Virgin Islands
St. Thomas Virgin Islands



6.  Exotic fruits and hot sauces are plentiful.  It was interesting to see coconuts in their original state after being picked from the palm trees. What we see in our stores are coconuts that have the shell shown removed.  The coconut has reached its final stage, and contains the coconut meat that we use for cooking.  Fresh mangoes are huge on the island too.   I’m a lover of all things hot, so I went in search of unique hot sauces to bring back to the states.  I found the perfect stand at Market Square. The vendor allowed me to taste the sauces before purchasing to ensure I went home with the perfect sauce. I did!    


7.  I enjoyed watching the yachts of the rich and famous pass my balcony as they headed out to the Caribbean Sea and their next destination.  You see million dollar yachts on television, but to see them in person is truly amazing.  This one has a helicopter on board, see it on the back of the yacht?


St. Thomas Virgin Islands



St. Thomas Virgin Islands



8.  I love eating native dishes when I’m traveling.  Gladys’ Cafe came highly recommended.  So I headed there for lunch. The cafe is downtown and specializes in Ox Tails and curried dishes. They were both amazing. The Cafe is very small.  Pauline was our waitress and the only waitress.  What amazed me the most, the cafe didn’t have a rest room.  In the states, a business would not be able to operate.

Patrons were required to  go outside and several doors down a small building housed the Ladies and Men’s rooms. Most of the establishments are open for either breakfast and lunch or they’re just open for dinner. Those that are open for breakfast and/or lunch close by 5:00 pm. Since many businesses depend on tourists, the money must be spread around.



St. Thomas Virgin Islands



9.  Also, you can find Green Iguanas in many areas in St. Thomas. The Green Iguana is native to Central and South American.  Wondering how they have populated the Caribbean?  Biologist believe they arrived via hurricanes over the years. This is an older Iguana. Unfortunately, they loose their bright green color as they age.  It appeared to be used to people and was enjoying crackers when I spotted it.



St. Thomas Virgin Islands



10.  There’s nothing like relaxing with a little steel drum music when your vacationing in the Caribbean.  As a matter of fact, one evening we were entertained by a brother and sister team pool side. In addition to Calypso, you will find Reggae which is popular on the island of St. Croix.  Furthermore, salsa dancing in the Virgin Islands is a must too.  So, be sure to brush up on your moves before you arrive.


11.  So, the supermarket in the background below was about a mile from my condo. Some items were reasonable and some caused my mouth to hang open. For example, $9.00 for a gallon of ice cream, $10.00 for a gallon of milk, and $5.00 for a dozen of eggs.  Needless to say, I didn’t purchase any milk or ice cream.  Truthfully, it was cheaper to eat it out.  In spite of the of the high prices, the views are awesome on the island.  They make-up for the high cost of living.  As a result, things balanced out for me.      

Last, rent a vehicle. If you’re simply going to cruise around the island, I would recommend a convertible. Remember, the maximum speed limit is 35 mph on the island and it’s hilly.

Finally, I wish I could share all of my photos of this trip.  It is a beautiful island.  Unfortunately, I was unable to visit several places during my visit.  So, I will be returning in the near future.  In my opinion, turquoise water, beautiful beaches, great food, and nice people make another trip worth it.  In closing, you may also like  18 Places to Travel Off Season.

Tips On How To Pack For Vacation

Some people think Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.  I agree, but so is packing for a vacation.  In the past, I tried to pack everything that I owned.  For some insane reason, I really thought I needed 2 – 3 outfits per day and 10 pair of shoes.  I remember when I used to carry a garment bag.   Seriously, I had bruises on my shoulders because the bag was so heavy.  You think I would have learned, but no I didn’t pack less.  I purchased new luggage and filled that to capacity too.  Today I have travel tips on how to pack for vacation.  Lets get started!  
how to pack for vacation


I had the nerve to look at people at the airport and wonder how they traveled with so little.  Now I realize that they were probably looking at me and wondering why I was dragging around my closet.  Want to know what turned me around?  When I traveled for business.  I usually drove myself to the airport for business trips.  Additionally, I was on per diem when I traveled.  As a result, my company would not pay for daily parking.  So, I was forced to park in the satellite parking lot.  When you park in satellite parking, you have to take a shuttle to the terminal to catch your flight.  I soon realized that the world isn’t full of gentlemen who jump up to assist you.  No sir, I was on my own getting everything in the car, out the car, on the shuttle, off the shuttle through the airport and back into my car.
I realized that it was unnecessary for me to take so much.  I realized that I had to learn how to pack for vacation and business trips like a pro.  Have you noticed that we’re the cause of the majority of our own problems? The light bulb finally came on and I accepted that I didn’t need half of what I packed. I don’t know what took me so long, but I’m glad I arrived.
Here’s a few of my packing tips and tricks on how to pack for vacation:
1.  Make a list with 4 columns –  One column is for what I have to take like medicines, phone charger, tickets, address for the hotel/resort and confirmation numbers.  Another column is for things that I would like to take like my laptop, Kindle, camera, additional batteries etc. The third column is for activities that I have planned and the fourth column is for clothing, shoes and accessories based on what I have planned.  If I’m on vacation, I check out sights that I would like to see prior to my trip so I can plan accordingly.
2.  Assess your luggage – Most airlines will allow 2 bags on the plane.  So, I will have my tote with my laptop and another carry on. The tip here is to place your small purse into your tote.  I use a cross body bag. It holds the essentials: money, hairbrush, keys, lipstick, a credit card, drivers licence and money.  I pack a larger bag in my suitcase if needed.  If you’re checking your bag, remember the weight limit so you don’t incur additional expense.
3. Decide on a color theme – I lay everything that I want to take based on the activities on my list. I cut everything down to half and place the excess back into my closet and drawers.  Mixing and matching pieces has become second nature for me.  Using the same shoes, but different accessories will give you the change you need with your outfits.  For example, I take a black skirt that I can wear with 2 different blouses.  I just use different accessories.
I also pack sundresses that I can wear casually or dress up with a necklace, scarf, and cute sandals or pumps. They’re light and don’t take up much space. Leggings are great too. You can wear them under a casual dress or skirt from the above group, pair with a shirt or wear with a tee to lounge around in for the day. Throw in a few pair of shorts and tees. You can pair these with sandals.

4. Pack toiletries in zip lock bags –  Pack body wash, hand wipes, toothbrushes, shampoo, toothpaste, sunscreen, tanning lotion etc. in gallon zip lock bags. Take extra bags with you too. I always have one handy for my wet loofah after showering the  morning on my return trip. It’s never dry enough to just toss in the luggage.  Additionally, zip lock bags are great for your lotions and wipes on the beach or by the pool.

5.  Shoes –  I take a pair of black pumps to wear if I want to dress up, a pair of walking shoes for sight seeing, and a few pair of sandals or two that will go with my final selection of clothing.

6. Neutral hat  – When I’m heading to the beach or a tropical location, I always take a neutral hat that’s made specifically for travel. I can pack it and not worry about it losing its shape or getting damaged. Make sure that it will give you UV protection that you will need as well.

7. Pack neutral custom jewelry  –  Learning how to pack for vacation includes zip lock bags.  Using zip lock bags to pack my custom jewelry allows me to see what I have.  I place the zip lock bag in a cosmetic bag for extra protection. With the exception of my rings, I do not take my gold jewelry with me.  I also don’t remove my rings when I’m traveling.

8. Take 2 swimsuits and a plastic tote – How to pack for vacation includes a tote, which I place the tote on the bottom of my suitcase.  I use the plastic tote as my beach bag. I’ve been carrying the same plastic tote for years. It can withstand the sand and I can wash it off to repack on the return trip.

9.  Pack a wrap or blanket  – I always pack a wrap or light weight blanket in my carry on.  I don’t like to be cold on my flights, so I just fold it and place it back in the bag after I land.

10.  Roll your clothes –  Roll your clothes instead of folding them. It give you more room and less wrinkles. Rolling your items in tissue paper keeps down the wrinkles too.  If you don’t want to deal with tissue paper.  Get a travel spray bottle, and fill it with Downy Wrinkle Releaser.  This stuff is great.

11. Buy sturdy luggage  –  Purchase or use luggage that can endure your flight.  Make sure your address and cell phone number are on your luggage tag.  I also tie a piece of red ribbon on the handle of my luggage. The ribbon helps me to identify it on the carousal.



I hope these tips on how to pack for vacation will help you pack more efficiently too. They certainly have helped me to keep it simple when I travel now.

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