Achieving Financial Stability In Your Life

Today, I’m sharing empowerment tips on  achieving financial stability.  Financial stability is one of the most important things to strive for in life. It reduces stress, improves mental health, and supports loved ones. While you do not have to be rich, the knowledge that your finances are in good health will enhance your quality of life. So, taking steps to achieving financial stability should be a priority.

Your home is where you spend most of your time, as well as the biggest expense. Naturally, this is the perfect place to start the transformation. 


achieving financial stability


Achieving Financial Stability:


#1. Clear Debt

Whether the debts relate to home purchases or other items isn’t important.  Losing money to interest rates and administrative costs adds to your debt. Therefore, knowing what is the best tax debt relief company should be at the top of your agenda. It’s impossible to start moving in the right direction if you haven’t tied up loose ends from past mistakes. 

Establishing a better repayment plan won’t suddenly remove debt overnight.  However, it helps to relieve some of the financial debt your shoulders. As you move closer to becoming debt-free, it should provide a springboard for future upgrades.


#2. Consider Remortgaging

Your mortgage is probably the biggest financial commitment you have. So, if you can find a better mortgage rate, it would be foolish to ignore it. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of remortgaging before committing to any process. Under the right circumstances, it’s a move that could save you thousands of dollars over the next few years.  Therefore, it is one of the smartest moves you can make.

Remortgaging is particularly useful when you come to the end of a fixed-rate deal. Meanwhile, homeowners that have seen their property increase in value can use remortgaging too. A better loan-to-value can unlock lower interest rates to boost your savings.


#3. Go Green

Energy consumption is one of the most influential features for determining the costs of running your home. Making your home more economical through eco-friendly updates is essential. It will significantly reduce water, electricity, and gas usage. Moreover, your efforts to build a better home support the environment by reducing your carbon footprint. 

While some of the tasks require an initial outlay but, the investment will pay for itself in time. Most importantly, many local authorities run schemes to subsidize solar panels and double glazing. It is always worth researching the possibilities that may be available.


#4. Lose Unnecessary Bills

As a homeowner, you will encounter monthly bills and expenses. Sadly, most people are guilty of paying for services or overspending on features they do not need. For example, if you run an internet speed test, it’s quite likely you are paying for more than you receive. Similarly, TV packages and cell packages may include excessive data or channels that you do not need.

Unnecessary bills may also include insurance premiums for devices that are covered by your home owners insurance policy. Take the time to analyze all current bills to determine if any can be lost or cut down to size. The individual benefits may be small, but their cumulative impact is huge.



achieving financial stability



#5. Stop Hoarding

Most homeowners are guilty of a little hoarding. It can sometimes be hard to give up something that you may want to use down the line.  However, if you haven’t used a product for six months, it’s likely that it serves no purpose in your life. The noteworthy exception is, of course, decorations for the festive season or Halloween period. 

Hoarded items are taking up valuable storage space in the property.  Fortunately, selling items online or via garage sales can bring in a significant sum of money. In fact, many households have between $5,000-$10,000 tied up in electronics, art, and clothes that are no longer wanted.


#6. Use The Garden

The backyard adds a whole new dimension to the property, if you let it. Spending more time outside as a family can reduce your household electricity bills. Similarly, hosting a small family gathering or BBQ can be cheaper than heading out to a restaurant. If you use the facilities regularly, the value for money will be even greater. Many of the upgrades will boost the property value too.

Another potential benefit comes from growing fruit and vegetables. This can reduce your grocery bills and food waste. Better still, it can become a cheap hobby that saves you from wasting money on other tasks. The satisfaction of growing great tasting produce is also a wonderful thing.


#7. Choose Home Upgrades With High ROIs

Boosting your financial health doesn’t always have to show immediate returns. Sometimes, protecting your asset is one of the smartest solutions available. Most families will want to adapt and modify their homes to meet their evolving needs. However, choosing ideas that are shown to add value to the property puts you in a far stronger position. Do not forget it.

The most popular options are turning a guest room into an office, or adding an extension. Turning an attic or basement into a living space can make the home feel bigger and better while adding significant value. Aside from the financial boost, it adds value to your daily lives. Perfect.


#8. Repair, Don’t Replace

We live in a society that encourages us to replace broken items right away. In many situations, it is a far better option to repair them. Whether it’s using video tutorials to fix a faulty appliance or calling a professional roofer doesn’t matter. Repair jobs can often be completed at a fraction of the costs it would take to replace the items. 

In addition to repairing appliances, you can look to use upcycling to great effect. From turning crates into garden furniture to altering your clothes, the benefits are plentiful. It adds personality while also saving money. What more could you ask for?


#9. Protect The Property

In truth, financial rewards are of secondary importance when looking at home security. The primary incentive for adding CCTV and alarms is to save your family from an unenviable situation. However, it should not be forgotten that keeping burglars at bay also ensures that your possessions are kept safe. In turn, this prevents the need to replace those items.

Moreover, the investments into improved home security may bring down your home insurance premiums. For the sake of ongoing overheads and avoiding unforeseen problems, ignoring money saver is not an option. On a side note, it will also deliver a far greater sense of internal peace.


#10. Lose The Need For Ownership

It is very easy to fall into the trap of wanting to own everything. Ultimately, though, you have to do what’s right for you. In some cases, renting a property may actually be better than buying a property. Furthermore, leasing a car is often a smarter choice than purchasing a vehicle. Not least due to the depreciation that a purchased vehicle will encounter.

Similarly, there are plenty of items that you might only need for a one-off event or short period of time. Rather than using the item once and then leaving it in storage for years, rentals are easier. Clothes and filming equipment are just two great examples that you may wish to utilize.


#11. Quit Bad Habits

While efficient appliances and Smart tech are important, do you really need the latest and greatest?  Habitual changes can transform your financial future.  For example, cutting down on take out and alcohol can reduce your finances.  Likewise, if you learn to stop smoking, it can cut your annual expenses by thousands of dollars.  Sacrifice is worthwhile.

With the money that is saved from eliminating alcohol, take out and smoking, you join a gym.  Getting healthy is worth the expense.  


#12. Earn From Home

Starting a side hustle from home, or working as a freelancer for a few hours, can make all the difference. Even an extra $500 per month would completely change your fortune.  Now is the time to make it happen.

You may have long-term plans of turning your hustle into a full business. Or, maybe you’re happy to keep supplementing your salary in this way. In either scenario, with a little extra money entering the household each month, your hopes of achieving financial stability is far greater.


Finally, striving for financial stability shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying life. Instead, the focus should remain on making responsible decisions and long-term outcomes. When combined with good organization and a commitment to consistency, your finances will look better than ever. 

Financial Security for Single Parents

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on achieving financial security for single parents.  As a single parent, stretching your money can be a significant concern. Taking on lucrative side gigs can bring in extra funds to help make ends meet.  However, with smart money and time management, you can pad your financial cushion without giving up time with your family.


finance tips for single parents



Flexible opportunities – The gig economy is a haven for entrepreneurs, temporary workers and freelancers.  It offers the freedom and flexibility to take on as much or as little work as you want. Along those same lines, Entrepreneur points out gig work allows you to earn as much or as little as you need. By altering the level of intensity, difficulty and quantity of your workload you can adjust your income level and time commitment. You are free to take a light load on the weeks your youngster is performing in a play, or engage more work to pay for gifts during the holiday season. Side gigs offer opportunities for variety as well.  So, if you become bored doing routine tasks you can switch things up when things become dull.


Personal and financial growth. When you’re tight on time and money, your circumstances can feel limiting.  But, a side gig can be a long-awaited chance to get your foot in the door to a new career. For example, maybe you’re talented in graphic design.  But, you can’t get hired in a traditional role without experience. As Coople explains, a side gig can bring much-needed notches in your belt. It’s also a chance to put a hobby or skill to work in your spare time.  For example, doing things like pet care, bookkeeping or house cleaning. The income can be deposited into retirement savings, a vacation fund or just used to pay routine bills. No matter what you decide, it’s income that can be earned in a manner flexible and pleasurable to you.



financial tips for single parents



Monitor that money –  Obviously income is a driving force in your choice to pick up a side gig. Some experts point out that many people who participate in freelance work don’t do an effective job of managing finances. However, you need to keep tabs on your gig income because you will pay taxes on it.  And, tracking it can also help you learn market trends. For instance, if you decide to be a dog walker or sitter, you may notice you stay especially busy during the spring break season. Or if you’re cleaning houses, your busy season may be during the holidays. Setting up separate accounts can help keep your finances on track.  Furthermore, it will project when you will see increases in income and being busy.

Tracking your expenditures is another issue. You don’t want your personal money going into your business venture.  Also, you need to monitor exactly what you spend on your business adventures so you can make appropriate tax deductions.  A business credit card can simplify tracking your spending and alleviate bookkeeping headaches. It’s important to choose a card that supports how you’ll use it. For example, some cards are better suited to traveling, some are more accommodating if you lack credit history, and some offer cash back incentives. Another option is taking out a loan for your small business. Short-term loans usually work best if you have a new business and decent credit. Research your options before committing so you can make the best choice for your situation.


Engage tools –  With the growth of the gig economy, tools for effectively engaging in gig work are plentiful. One way to participate is through a platform. Platforms are websites that connect people desiring services with people providing services. For instance if you are a bookkeeper, you might engage an administrative professionals platform. Then busy entrepreneurs can go to the platform to hire you. The platform page typically vets the freelancers they list.  This in turn provides peace of mind to clients hiring help and validity to those offering services. As Forbes notes, engaging a platform website can be a way to find work in the gig economy quickly.


Side gigs help. If you’re a single parent and strapped for cash, taking on a side gig can be a boon. The flexibility makes it possible to enjoy family time while making ends meet. Use the tools at your disposal to manage your finances and business carefully.  Side gigs can provide financial security for single parents as well open a wealth of opportunities to you!