Four Ways to Look and Feel Your Best Every Day


how to reduce stress

Since two million years ago when our ancestors were born in Ethiopia’s Ledi River Valley, people have experienced stress.  Over the years, it has been determined from our ancestors that the number one way to look and feel better is to relieve the stress.  Unfortunately, many people do this by self-medicating either with alcohol, street drugs or pharmaceuticals.  But, there are other ways to relieve stress that won’t damage the body.  For example, raising your self-esteemed will make your body function more efficiently and naturally.  Here are 4 simple tips for that will help you feel your best everyday:


 1. Work Out 

 Our first tip on how to reduce stress is to exercise vigorously for an extended period.  Good things happen to your body when your exercise.  Your brain produces endorphins – hormones that are analgesics, which relieves stress.  Additionally, the oxygenated blood from your workout brightens your skin.  Furthermore, it lowers cortisol levels which makes your skin more elastic .  It also helps to reduce wrinkles and gives you better muscle tone and reduces fat.  A good workout is the best bang for your buck commitment. 

2. Smile Every Day 

Our second tip on how to reduce stress is to smile.  As Mother Theresa once said: “Peace begins with a smile.”  There is research data that supports the theory that even if you’re in a bad mood, if you force a smile it can actually make you feel happier.  It only takes a brief smile to experience this benefit.  One expert, Dr. Javod K. Gol, at Precision Dentistry in Columbia, MD, states: “Your smile is the very first thing that people notice about you. A bright and confident smile makes a great first impression and naturally makes you more attractive personally and professionally.” 

Psychologists say that a person who is smiling seems more friendly.  Thus more trustworthy than a person who is frowning.  There are also psychological studies which support the concept that the habitual act of smiling helps the mind move into more positive thinking patterns.  All you have to do is remember that we all live in a world of endless possibilities – so why not smile about it?


3.  Protect Yourself  From the Sun 

Another tip on how to reduce stress and have healthy skin is to protect yourself from the sun.   Although that suntan may seem like it makes you more sexy and attractive, it’s also drying your skin.  Too much sun makes it less elastic and, therefore, more susceptible to wrinkling.  You should make sunscreen application a daily habit. It is especially important to protect your skin during the summer months.  The sun is high and more intense for longer periods of time during the summer.  I

It’s also a good idea to cover up as much of your body from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet radiation during 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.  Rays are the most powerful during that timeframe.  Being cautious also protects you from the hazards of melanoma, a form of skin cancer.  Melanoma occurs when pigment-producing cells, known as melanocytes, mutate and become cancerous.


4. Get the Proper Amount of  Sleep 

Our last tip on how to reduce stress is sleep.  The best way to de-stress and feel better is to make sure you get a good night’s sleep.  Not only does sleep help you manage anxiety, it also enhances your mood.  Additionally, it strengthens your immune system, increases energy levels, improves memory and expands cognitive functioning.  If you’re injured, sleep periods are when the body produces hormones, which helps it repair and heal itself.   As a result, sleep is an important component of recovery.  Also, you produce more white blood cells while you sleep.  White blood cells help strengthen your immune system.  So, sleep provides fundamental needs for your body.  Most importantly,  make sure you get plenty of it.