Frugal Ways to Continue Your Education in Adulthood

Continuing Education Tips


You are a mom with young children, but you want to do more than just care for them.  So, you may be thinking of continuing education. However, you are concerned about the way the workplaces have changed.  Furthermore, you want to get new qualifications to help you get back into the workforce.  Attending a  college physically may be difficult with your family commitments.  As a result, let’s take a look at ways you can further your education without leaving the comfort of your own home.


Continuing Education Tips



Online Courses

Taking classes are a great way to earn qualifications. For instance, you want to obtain an online bachelors degree in business administration.  You would be able to study when the children are in bed or when they are at school.  Ideally, you can fit it in to suit your lifestyle, and work at your own pace.

Online courses are also cheaper than a physical college.  But, you will still have the same support from tutors with virtual meetings between you, them and other students.  Technology has made this possible.  And, there are not many colleges or universities that do offer the majority of their courses as an online option.


YouTube can be really good for continuing your education.  Especially, for things like learning other languages or getting up to date with the technological advances.  You can brush up on your math, learn more about science or maybe watch some cake decorating videos.  You could start your own business decorating cakes for other people’s special occasions.

Continuing Education Tips



Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a great resource for learning more about any subject you can think of.  It is good for children as well as adults, and has tests that you have to complete to ensure you understood the lesson.

You work at your own pace and it is all completely free of charge. Khan Academy has had more than 300 million views, which must please Sal Khan who founded it.

Code Academy

If you would like to work in website development, graphic design or marketing, Code Academy could be the ideal resource for you.  Code Academy is a great way for people to learn more about coding languages such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. They use interactive lessons for the fundamentals.  It’s a brilliant way to get started with the basics.

There is no end of online resources that you can use to further your education while still being a mom to your children. Many of them are free, and even the ones that you do have to pay for are not overly expensive.

You may not feel you have the time, but you must make time.  You will be surprised what you can accomplish once you start with continuing education.



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