Tips for Appreciating Your Blessings

Today, I’m sharing empowerment tips on appreciating your blessings.  Everyday throws many blessings our way, but all too often we either take those blessings for granted, or don’t even notice them at all.  It’s natural to overlook a few things from time to time.  Especially, when you consider the fact that everyday life is arguably more hectic and haphazard these days.  Our jobs, round-the-clock contact, and all sorts of other everyday obligations mount up.


appreciating your blessings


Furthermore, if you regularly find yourself getting to the end of the day and not being able to identify enjoyable moments that you can really feel grateful for, then that’s a sign that things aren’t working the way they should.


Here are a few tips for appreciating your blessings:

Document things and reflect periodically


First, start documenting things.  You can create a scrapbook that includes photos taken by a professional photographer to commemorate big moments in your life, or regular daily journal entries recorded over a prolonged period of time.

When you document things in this way you create a record that you can look back on and appreciate the details later.  Documenting also helps train your skills of perception, and make it more likely that you will actually notice little details in everyday life.

It could be a good idea, to get in the habit of writing down something that you feel grateful for before going to bed each night.



how to receive blessings


Choose to be present wherever you are


Psychological research shows that people can be blind to their surroundings if they are distracted.  If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that the same thing happens to you.  It’s common for all of us to be distracted and caught up in attempts at “multitasking,” as opposed to just focusing on one thing at a time.

Not only does research indicate that multitasking doesn’t work, it’s unhealthy and increases stress.  Stress increases the odds that you’re going to miss some of the meaningful details of everyday life.  So, choose to be present wherever you are.   Learn how to get Focused on one thing at a time, and notice what’s actually happening around you.


Filter out the negativity


Not being in the right frame of mind can cause you to not recognize and appreciate your blessings.  You may be conditioned to look at the world through a negative lens.  This can be due to the constant negativity that dominates so much of the media.  It can also include online discourse and more.  To counteract this perception, filter out the negativity and stop immersing yourself in it.

Use the time that you would have wasted on negative information to inspire yourself.  Involve yourself in things that you can really find meaning in. For example, try hobbies that are on your bucket list.


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  1. Every day definitely does bring with it many blessings, in any situation. We just need to know how to look.
    I keep a journal and quite often concentrate on looking for things to be thankful for. It really helps to put things in perspective, because no matter how awful we think the day has been there are always a few moments that we can give thanks for. But I also, now give thanks for the not so good things because, always God knows best. And to live in Him with a thankful heart is just so precious. It helps to live in the present moment to. Being present in each moment brings you to the eternal now. I try to practice this. I don’t always manage and then I just start again.
    Yes, there are many blessing in life to appreciate.
    Keep well dear lady in this uncertain time, which I’m sure will bring it’s own blessings.