How to Create a Scrapbook

In a world of digital memories it’s nice to create physical memories too.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on how to create a scrapbook. One of the most enjoyable things to create for the family is a physical scrapbook.  And what makes it extra fun – is that you get to plan your scrapbook.  It can be a family vacation, wedding, birth, birthday party, Christmas, gift for a grandparent, you name it.  Years from now, the scrapbook will be something you and your children can flip through and talk about for years to come.



scrapbook ideas

Here are some ideas to get you started on your scrapbooking journey:


There is a lot to be said for those moments that are captured without poses. The natural moments that are quiet and gorgeous. But, posed photos are something that can be recreated year after year. You could book the same photographer with a few years between each sitting and add them into the scrapbook to see how much you have changed.  Many people get newborn photoshoots of their children.  There is something a little bit magical about them when you get a photographer like Michael Kormos to do to them. Within a few years, your once small baby will be a toddler, and you can book another shoot and compare their features as they have grown.


The great thing about scrapbooks is that it isn’t just photos that you can put in there. Of course, you should add in as many photos as you like. But you can add in mementos like ticket stubs or postcards from the places that you have visited.    Additionally, add in what they found most enjoyable. It is also a great idea to save menus, chopsticks, peppermints, matches or napkins.   Check out vacation scrapbook printouts  for inspiration and to help you add some cool touches.


If you are the type of family that is partial to a Christmas jumper and some elf suits or really love easter – then you can create special pages to share what you did on those days.  For Christmas, you can add wrapping paper, stamps, glitter, and even add wrapping paper tags. Capturing the spirit of your family holidays and celebration isn’t too difficult once you get into it. Buttons and bells are also a great addition to the pages.


scrapbook ideas



About Page

A fun idea is when you first buy the photo album that you will be using, have each person create and decorate an about page for themselves. They can paste in their favorite poems, photos of themselves and write the date.  For these pages, give a two-page spread.  This will allow enough room for people to add photos or trinkets in later years too.  It is super important for the parents or care giver to have a page too. It will mean that the children will always have something to look back on.  Add a photo of yourself as a child and an adult, so you can see how much you’ve changed too.


If you want to keep the tradition going each year, dividing the scrapbook up into months is going to be a great idea. Get each family member to design the month at the top or across the middle.  Get creative.  And, use the space to add in exciting things that happened over the course of that month. Some months might have more going on that other so if you have a lot of birthdays in August or you take your family vacation in June, then give some extra room for all the good stuff.

Bad Things

While it might be tempting to only include the great things, view the scrapbook a bit like a book of your lives together. There are going to be sad moments. Losing people, pets, and other things do have an impact. And you can dedicate pages to celebrating people you loved or writing about things that haven’t been great. Life has both sweet and sour moments – document them all for a true overview of life.


One of the most wonderful things about scrapbooking is that you learn more and can be more creative as you go. You will know where to get the best printables, which stores have the small touches at a great price, and how thick you really need it to be. Once your scrapbook is made, you will no longer wonder about how to create a scrapbook.  You will just move on to your next one.

You may also like my digital Beach Vacation Scrapbook Pages.



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