Keeping Your Kids Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are here, and with them a variety of health concerns: the cold, the flu, and the holiday fat.  Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on keeping your kids healthy during holidays.  The holiday season can be amazing.  But, between the flu bug and the holiday overeating our best intentions for health and fitness can awry.



keeping kids healthy


Here are 5 tips to keeping your kids healthy:


1). Make Sure They See the Doctor

First, are your kids current on their pediatrician visits?  Your pediatrician can evaluate their overall health and identify any pressing issues as well as keep them current on their vaccinations,

According to Families First Pediatrics in South Jordan, UT, it’s a good idea to bring your children in around the beginning of holiday season.  Vaccinations are an important concern.  Especially with the flu and other nasty bugs going around.  But, there may be other issues you may want to address head-on so you can have a good holiday season.

So, be sure to ask about any health concerns you may have.  Furthermore, their vitamin levels.  Are they getting enough Vitamin D and/or Vitamin E?  Discuss this concern with your doctor.


2). Let Them Have Sick Days

It’s likely that you’ll have to deal with some runny noses, coughs, and sniffles during the holiday season.  As a result, it’s a good idea to allow your children to have a sick day or two now.   Push them to go to school could end up with them missing more days and exposing other children in their classes.


keeping your kids healthy




3). Keep Everyone Moving

It can be very easy to let physical activity fall by the wayside during the holidays. After all, everyone’s busy celebrating and eating lots of delicious food.  Furthermore, there’s a good chance it’s a lot colder outside and the days are shorter. Admittedly, winter may present you with some of your biggest tests, but there are a few tried and true ways to getting your kids physically active and healthy.

For example, walk as much as possible.  A brisk walk in the cold can be refreshing.  Walking a few blocks with the family after dinner can be a good source of exercise and a chance to burn calories.  When you return, cozy up to the fire and play a game. Also, try to find opportunities to be physically active indoors.  Yoga, which requires very little room or special equipment,  can be done by practically anyone. This includes kids as well as adults.

No parent condones running inside, but sled riding or building a snowman can be fun if you have snow in your area.  A day at the roller skating or ice skating rink can be fun too. If it’s not too cold riding bikes around the neighborhood can be fun.



keepingkids healthy



4). Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is also important not only during the holidays, but throughout the year. It’s flu season, and colds are common as well.  Make sure your kids adhere to frequent hand-washing after using the restroom, before meals, and after blowing their noses.  A simple bar of soap should suffice for all hand-washing needs.


5). Look for Healthy Food Alternatives

You’re likely to get a lot of resistance to healthier meal planning for the holidays.  So, “Hey guys, we’re going to try some healthier versions of all our favorite holiday foods!” is likely to get you push back.  Unfortunately, for many kids and many adults, when they hear “healthier” they think it means “terrible and icky”.

Instead, make brownies using black beans instead of flour or cookies made with bananas instead of butter.  Serve them to your children without explanation of what’s in them. Let them enjoy these treats without realizing they’re eating something different.



Being healthy for the holidays can help everyone enjoy them.  From careful hand hygiene to paying attention to what you eat, these 5 tips should help you get the most out of your holiday season.

Getting Your Kids Physically Active and Healthy

If you have noticed that your children have started to become a less active and are picking up weight?  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on getting your kids physically active.  The last thing you want is to allow them to become obese and unhealthy.  So, it is always best to bring the situation under control immediately if you notice a problem. Are you wondering how to do that?



physically active kids


Here’s a few tips on getting your kids physically active and healthy:

Encourage Them To Join A Sports Team

One of the most important things you will need to do is to make sure your children are getting physical exercise.  Exercising is one of the major ways to ensure that they do not get too overweight.  As a result, you should try to find a way to get them to be physically active.  One of the best and most effective ways is encourage them to join a sports team.  Ask your children what interests them as far as sports.  Is it futsal vs. indoor soccer, ballet, dance, tennis, basketball, or swimming.   Make sure it is something they want to do so they will stick with it.  So be sure to encourage them in a way that will boost their self-esteem and help them moving.




getting kids physically active

Take Control Of Their Diet

If your child is starting to put on weight, take control of their diet.  Make sure they are eating less unhealthy and fattening foods and more fruits and vegetables.  You may need to put your foot down while taking control of their diet, but their health is worth it.  Controlling their diet will help them to loose weight and keep it off.



getting kids physically active


Improve Their Quality Of Sleep

You might well be wondering what sleep has to do with getting into shape.  There is evidence that strongly suggests that getting enough deep sleep is vital to your health and weight.  Sleep helps your body to regulate its metabolism.  As a result, make your child’s bedroom comfortable.  Encourage them to develop a nighttime routine.  You can expect them to get quality sleep, and ultimately that will lead to some improvements in their weight too.

These are all useful ways to getting your kids physically active.  Consider them all, and implement them one step at a time.