How to Prepare Teens for Adulthood

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on how to prepare teens for adulthood.  When your children reach their teenage years, life will change for everyone.  Where did the time go, they’re not babies anymore.  Driver’s license, college, weddings and grandchildren flash before you.  Are you wondering how to help them prepare for these responsibilities?


how to prepare teens for adulthood



Here’s a few ideas on how to prepare teens for adulthood:


Give Them Responsibilities

First, start with things that helps prepare them for adulthood.  It is your responsibility to ensure they become responsible adults. This means having chores and actually doing things to take care of themselves.  Without these responsibilities, it’s hard for them to be able to understand what life as an adult is really like.  Doing laundry, taking out the garbage, mowing the lawn, cleaning or getting a summer job will help ensure they understand responsibility.


Talk About Their Future

It’s important for you to make sure that you’re talking about their future with them. Rather than protecting them and just trying to make them a child their entire life, help them make decisions.  These decisions should include planning for their future like college preparation or obtaining skills for a trade.  Make arrangements for them to visit colleges/universities, trade schools or businesses that jobs in the fields they’re interested in.  Also, include fun things like traveling and family activities.


Manage Their Health

Finally, ensure they are as happy and healthy.  This means eating well, exercising and also managing their mental health. Because anxiety can be an issue for teens, include their mental health.  If you’d like to learn more about helping teens with anxiety, take a look at the infographic below.


Infographic Design By Bradley University


I hope that our tips on how to prepare the teens for adulthood are beneficial to you.  Start with responsibilities and add our other tips in slowly.  You don’t want to overwhelm your teen, so slow is best.





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  1. […] you can begin by describing different things that can happen as she grows up.  You can begin with duties and responsibilities she can help with around the house.  It will help her in seeing  her period as a part of the […]