Driving Safety Tips You May Be Overlooking

Roughly 90 people each day are the victims of fatal car accidents in the US.  Unfortunately, this is the highest rate among other comparable countries. That’s certainly a scary statistic, but you can still take your family on the road.  The good news is that nearly all traffic collisions are preventable.  Driving the speed limit, proper car safety seats, and eliminating distractions are all well-known precautions. 



driving safety tips




Driving Safety Tips: 


Safety Measures Outside of the Vehicle

When shopping for a vehicle, be sure to exercise due diligence to select a vehicle that will keep your family safe.   Remember, though, that your kids don’t have to be inside of a car to be injured by one.  Nearby streets, busy or not, are a potential risk if your child isn’t consistently following safety guidelines.  Remind your child to stay out of streets and pay attention to their surroundings.  A majority of drivers speed in school zones, according to a study by Safe Kids Worldwide. This study also indicated that stop signs and other safety features put in place in neighborhoods with children are frequently ignored.  So, no matter how child-safe you think an area is, you must remain diligent with safety.

Age-Appropriate Seating

Child safety doesn’t just pertain to babies and toddlers. Children between the ages of 4 and 8 tend to be more at-risk for injury in cars.  This is due to oversight when it comes to proper child safety seats for kids in this age category.  They’ve likely grown out of their car seats at this age.  Many parents that means that they’re ready to ride with a standard seat belt.  However, most children aren’t big enough for regular seat belts until 10 years of age.  Once they’ve outgrown their car seat, they should be placed in a booster seat.


driving safety tips


Be Aware of Stationary Safety Risks

Also, you should also teach your kids about car safety when vehicles are both moving and parked.  For example, never cross the street by themselves.  They should have someone take them across or watch them as they’re crossing.  In addition, many accidents involve non traffic incidents.  Children playing inside the vehicle can get caught in a power window or trapped in the trunk.  Your children need to know that a car is n not a toy.  In addition, be sure to keep your car locked.

Remember: all precautions only part of the time are only partially effective in preventing vehicle accidents. Employ all of these techniques to increase vehicle safety.  Pass on this information to others as well; sharing is caring!


Before You Go

Before you even start driving, you should make sure that everything is as it should be. For example, some vehicles have ignition interlock devices which requires the driver to pass a breath test before the vehicle will turn on. If you experience an ignition interlock violation, the vehicle simply won’t allow you to move. Furthermore, make sure that everyone is buckled in safely before you move the car.  This will minimize the risk of an accident.  I hope you will take these driving safety tips into consideration, and make sure you and your family on safe before you hit the road and while you’re on it.