Tips for First Time Parents and Baby

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on tips for first time parents.  If you tried to create a list of the scariest things you will ever do in your life, becoming a parent would be number one. Becoming a parent will be a magical and wonderful time in your life.  It’s generally the fact that you will be responsible for another human being that scares everyone.

You wonder if you will do things right?  What if you don’t hear your baby cry?  What if you can’t figure how to change diapers, heat the milk to the right temperature, bath them correctly.  




tips for first time parents




Tips for first time parents:


Why Is Parenthood So Scary

When you are pregnant for the first time, you will find yourself fearful for many reasons.  Most of your fears will be justified, and you will find that it comes from everybody and everything around you.

Other parents and family members who are already parents will always be on hand to offer information.  They will tell you what you should and more often than not shouldn’t do. The trouble with this information is that it applies to their baby and their experiences.

You may find some universal information that will be useful.  However, you will find it’s baby specific and does not apply to you. Finally, all that fear you currently feel now, will  float away when you hold your baby in your arms.

Parenting is a learning experience.  You can’t find a manual telling you everything you need to do and Dr. Spock may have written a book, but he doesn’t have all the answers either.  You can take a class on giving birth, learning how to diaper your baby, feeding them, it’s a great experience for new parents.  However, I believe the true experience is taking your baby home and bonding with them.  You will get to know them, and they will get to know you.  You will learn and grow together.  



tips for first time parents



Be Mindful Of Your Shopping

If there is one thing that every mother does, it’s shop.  Lets be honest when it comes to having a new baby you will need many items.  This includes diapers, clothing, furniture, blankets, monitors and the list goes on.  So, make a list of what you need to shop for.

You will see shelves filled with products that you may think are great for your little one. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. So, before you buy anything, research the best and most reliable brands and what is truly needed.

While you may think this is crazy, there are simple things like talcum powder that can cause issues.  Unfortunately,  there are talcum powder lawsuits going on to this day.  Be sure to take a little extra time on your purchases.  And, make sure you are buying the best products that you can get for your little one and for the money.


Safety Proof  Your House

Finally, child proof your home.  Adding safety features to your home will give you peace of mind.  Children grow up fast.  Before you know it, your baby will be crawling and walking.

When it comes to safety proofing the home, be sure about what you need to secure or change things.  Grab a pen and paper and do a full walk through of your house. While you are walking around, make notes of anything that could pose a danger to your baby.

Once you have identified problem areas, make a list of everything you need to keep your little one out of harm’s way.

Baby proofing is one of the most basic things you can do as a parent.  Once you complete the safety procedures, take the time to enjoy your new baby.