Healthy Eating Tips for Kids

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on healthy eating tips for kids.  Implementing small steps is the key to getting your child to eat healthy. Pushing your kids until they eat their greens might ensure that they get the right nutrition, but it’s not going to get them excited about choosing the right foods.



kids healthy eating tips





As any parent knows, there’s more to teaching children about the benefits of healthy eating than simply encouraging them to eat the right foods every day.  It’s also important to make sure that your children feel passionate about the meals that they’re getting.  They’re more likely to build healthy habits that last for a lifetime.

The good news?  Changing your child’s attitude towards food doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems. Everything from getting your child involved in the cooking process to gamifying the experience of learning about food can make a huge difference.


5 Healthy Eating Tips for Kids:


Start Gardening Together

Our kids healthy eating tips begins with a garden.  Gardening with your children can also help to improve your child’s attitude towards nutrition and healthy eating.  When your child works with you on tending a garden and growing their own fruits and vegetables, they’re less likely to turn their noses up at the same items on their plate.

Children want to celebrate their achievements and eating the food that they have grown themselves is a way of doing that.  You don’t need to start a huge vegetable patch to make a lasting impact on your kids with gardening either.  There are plenty of foods that you can grow in a very small space. For instance, tomatoes and runner beans grow perfectly in smaller spaces, if you’ve got a wall or some sticks for the vines to climb. You can even work with your children on finding vegetables that would be suitable for your garden.


Start Cooking Together as a Family

Having kids in the kitchen can often be a recipe for disaster. However, if you really want to create a positive relationship between your children and their food, then you’re going to need to deal with a little mess.


kids healthy eating tips




Bringing your children into the kitchen gives them a chance to experiment with different ingredients and flavors behind the scenes.  They get an insight into what’s going into their food before they see it on their plate.  And, they’ll be more likely to want to experiment with new things.  One study found that school-based cooking programs can have an excellent impact on the food-related preferences of children, as well as their attitude towards food.

At the same time, you get the benefit of being able to spend some quality time with your youngsters, teaching them skills that they’ll be able to use in the future.


Get Technical

When it comes to kids, it’s always a good idea to gamify.  If simply telling your children why certain foods are so good for them doesn’t seem to make an impact, use something they love to make them passionate about food—use technology!

Technology is not a bad thing and can make things easier for you and them too. In fact, you can even use apps that help you monitor your kid’s health and progress. There are also plenty of amazing educational apps built specifically for children that uses fun graphics to connect exercise and food for children into a language that they can understand.

You might find an app that teaches your children the benefits of each food item on their plate are by having them match food to its healthy outcome.  Alternatively, you could download apps that allow you and your child to plan future meals together.

Planning meals with your little one will make them feel more invested in the food that they’re eating so they will clean off their plate more often.


Share the Benefits of Nutritious Foods

Children like to know the reasons for what they’re doing. There’s something exciting about getting to see the inner workings of the world around you.

Rather than just telling your children that they need to eat their carrots, tell them that those carrots are an amazing source of good things like antioxidants, beta carotene, and other crucial substances and explain what they do.


kids healthy eating tips


Sitting down and talking to your children about the food on their plate each day and why it’s going to make them healthy and strong will make them more likely to want to eat it.

Try linking the benefits to something that matters to them.

For instance, if you eat your broccoli the iron in it will help give you the energy you need to do really well in your next soccer game.

You could even go online and watch some educational videos about how certain foods improve your health and fitness.


Be a Role Model

If you’re constantly dieting or struggling with erratic eating habits where you fail to have a full meal every night, then you’re going to confuse your children.  It’s important to learn how to be a role model for your children.  Although it’s tempting to make sure that your child gets good food, then completely forget about your own needs, it’s important to remember that your behavior makes a difference to what your child sees as normal.

Be honest with yourself about the kind of messages you’re sending to your child about food. Whenever you can, sit down for a full meal with your little ones at a table, and let them see you eating the same ingredients that they’ve got on their own plates.

You could even bring your child along to the supermarket and let them see what kind of food you buy, and why.


Teaching Kids About Food

Teaching children about food isn’t always easy. The chances are that your little ones will automatically want to spend more of their time eating fast food and sugar than fruits and veggies.  However, the five tips above will give you the support you need to introduce your children to the amazing world of healthy ingredients, and their benefits.

Remember, successfully teaching your children about food means building habits that they can keep honing over the years. Don’t give up if your first attempt to impart wisdom on kids healthy eating tips doesn’t have an impact.


Lisa Michaels is a freelance writer, editor and striving content marketing consultant from Portland. Being self-employed, she does her best to stay on top of the current trends in business and tech. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter @LisaBMichaels.



Get Your Picky Eater to Eat: 12 Picky Eater Tips

picky eater tips


This post contains affiliate links.  Because I make many purchases from Amazon for my grandchildren and myself, I am a member of the Amazon Affiliate program.  If you make a purchase, I may receive compensation for the referral.
Do you have a picky eater?  Picky eaters begin their careers early, but there are solutions that may help.  So, check out our picky eater tips.  My grandson is a picky eater, and my granddaughter is even worst.  Needless to say, meal time can be a struggle. His mother, my daughter, was a picky eater too.  Lets add in the fact that she couldn’t stand for her food to touch.  If it did, I had to fix another plate if I wanted to get some nourishment into her.
As a result of my picky eaters, I had to come up with a plan to get my children to eat.  So, I thought I would share tips that I used for my picky eaters:
    1. Get your child involved in the meal preparation.  Kids love to help, so why not let them help with preparing the meal. They’re more likely to eat what they’ve helped prepare.
    2. Incorporate 1 – 2 items that you know they will eat into the daily meal plan.    
    3. Serve fruits and veggies for snacks instead of chips and cookies.  I serve apple slices and peanut butter or ranch dip and celery or carrots.  My grandson loves to dip things and my granddaughter loves peanut butter.  Also, I invested in a vegetable cutter that will make crinkles in vegetables.  Carrots, cucumbers and celery are perfect for crinkle kids foods
    4. Kids love animals or alphabet shaped foods.  Additionally, cutting foods into various shapes and patterns is more exciting than regular food and vegetables. I now have a cabinet full of molds for pancakes and waffles.  What kid doesn’t want a cow, pig, dinosaur or zoo animal on their breakfast plate.  If you want breakfast to be fun and delicious, purchase the Zoo Animal Waffle Maker.  There is also an Animal Pancake Maker available.
    5. If your child is a pasta lover use wagon wheels, corks, or spaghetti.  I remove the green from cucumbers and finely chop them before placing them in the pasta.  My grandchildren love pasta with Zesty Italian dressing.  Get creative with the pasta.  I get a “Happy Plate” every time I serve it.
    6. Make zucchini or banana bread and muffins instead of cakes and cupcakes.  I invested in Top with a little whipped cream.  I purchase Nordic cake and muffin pan.  This is my latest purchase Nordic Ware Sweet Rides Classic Car Pan.
    7. Invest in sandwich cutters for P & J or grilled cheese sandwiches.  Kids love interesting foods.
    8. Limit snacks before meals.
    9. Make eating out and fast foods a treat rather than the norm.      
    10. Eat meals together rather than placing your child in front of the TV.  They’ll see you eating and may be willing to try something new.
    11. Encourage your child to try new things.  Start with getting them to taste rather than forcing them to eat anything.  After all, they are picky eaters.
    12. Make fresh fruit smoothies together using Almond milk.  My grandchildren love Almond milk.

Praise, praise, praise your children when they eat a good portion of their meal.  Children need and love encouragement in all areas of their life.  When my grandchildren eat all of their meal, I shout “Happy Plate.”  They giggle with joy.  What tips do you use for your picky eater?  We would love to hear from you.  

Kids Breakfast Ideas: Oatmeal Funny Face

Do you have a hard time getting your kids to eat breakfast?  Did I just ask that question.  Getting kids to eat any meal can be difficult at times.  I’ve been in search of fun and kid friendly recipes that can help us make meals enjoyable for our little ones and will be starting a series of posts with fun meal ideas. 

Oatmeal is big in my household, especially in the winter.  It’s hearty and warm on cold, rainy days and the kids love it.  I came across this little guy and immediately tossed him into the kids recipe box.  He’s adorable and has earned a spot on the breakfast table in the Gales household minus the squiggly lines.

It’s simple and the ingredients are healthy.  I think my 5 year old would enjoy decorating his bowl of oatmeal.  You will need the following ingredients:    

Oatmeal ( I use Maple Quaker Oats)
Sliced strawberries (eyes, nose, ears, mouth)
Raisins (eyes, hair)
Walnuts (eyebrows)

This recipe is from the book  Funny Food: 365 Fun, Healthy, Silly, Creative Breakfasts by Bill & Claire Wurtzel and can be purchased from Amazon.