Key Tips For Helping Your Child Get A Good Night’s Sleep

how to help your child get a good night's sleep


Do you may have trouble making your little one hit the hay at night.  Do you know the possible impact of having a poor night’s sleep?  If a child doesn’t get enough sleep, they could get cranky, have poor concentration or behavioral and memory problems throughout the day.

Here are key tips for helping your child get a good night’s sleep.


  1. Unplug

Do you know that exposure from blue light emitted on screens can be harmful to your child? It can greatly disrupt sleep because melatonin, the sleep hormone, can drop. Exposure to these screens isn’t advisable for children with developing eyes and brains.  Same as with video games.

In fact, a study published in Pediatrics showed that children who play video games at least an hour before bedtime causes disruption of overall quality of sleep.


  1. Check your environment

Next, another culprit as to why your child may not be able to sleep is the environment. Itching, congestion, allergies and overheating are just a few examples. Have your little one tested for allergies if your child is coughing, sneezing or itching.


helping children get a good night's sleep


  1. Turn the lights off

Unfortunately, most kids are afraid of the dark.  However, complete darkness is one of the healthiest ways to sleep.  In fact, bright lights can disrupt the regulation of hormones, overall sleep quality, and even function of the immune system.


  1. Make bedtime extra special

Last, make a predictable bedtime routine for your child that they’ll look forward to. One of the best ways is cuddling them for a bedtime story. This would help them relax and sleep more peacefully.

Finally, maintain healthy sleep habits and be sure to follow these key tips for helping your child get a good night’s sleep and fall asleep fast.  Most importantly, you have to be consistent about these tips so healthy routines can develop.



About the author:  Sandra Wells believes that one of the best ways to express one’s creative spirit is through experimentation and using one’s imagination, and this creative flair is seen through her works. As a contributor to Betterbed, Sandra Wells brings about the comfort of healthy living and lifestyle through her articles, which she hopes could constantly be a source of inspiration for others. She likes to paint when she has free time off work.