Unique Bald Eagle Facts for Kids

Today, I’m sharing educational resources on bald eagles facts for kidsThe Bald Eagle is the national bird and symbol for the United States.  It represents freedom. 

So, Bald Eagles are not really bald.  The name “balde,” means white not without hair.  If you liked those facts, check out my list of other Unique Bald Eagle Facts for Kids below.  Use them as a part of a science unit or interesting birding facts for kids.  



bald eagle facts for kids


Bald Eagle Facts for Kids:

Bald Eagles are large; they have a wing span of 5 – 8 feet.  The female is noticeably larger than the male, and weighs in around 13 pounds.  The male weighs around 9 pounds.  However, Alaska has the biggest eagles. These majestic birds prefer to live around large bodies of water like rivers and oceans.  The Bald Eagle likes to dive for fish, but they are known to take fish from other birds.  As a result,  Benjamin Franklin did not want the Bald Eagle as the United States symbol.  He believed the species was a thieve, and didn’t earn his keep honestly. Fortunately, the Bald Eagle would remain the iconic symbol of freedom.  

Native Americans have revered the Bald Eagle long before it became a symbol for the United States.  Native Americans believe eagles have magical powers. Many tribes use them in religious ceremonies and consider them medicinal. 

The oldest Bald Eagle was 38 years old.  Unfortunately, a car killed it in 2015. St. Petersburg, FL holds the record on the largest eagle’s nest.  However, a nest was found in Vermilion, OH.  It was  shaped like a wine glass, and weighed 2 tons. The tree holding the nest was blown over, sadly. 

So, here are a few other interesting Bald Eagle facts for kids.  Print a copy and discuss them with your student/children.   


bald eagle facts for kids


Also, take some time to view the Bald Eagles on the live EagleCam sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV.  The nest is located about 75 miles from Washington, DC along the Potomac River.

Furthermore, it’s a great way for students/kids to learn about these beautiful birds from the comfort of home. They can can watch the female eagle, Bella, incubate her clutch around mid-February.  Hopefully, at the end of March or early April there will be babies.  Her mate is Smitty.  They work together to build the nest and keep the eggs warm.  The camera is on the nest 24/7, so you can schedule time regularly to observe their behavior and happenings.

Eagle’s eggs must be kept warm at all times. So, they are only off the eggs for short periods of time.  The baby eaglets will be ready to fledge, leave the nest, in 10 – 12 weeks.  So, the Eagle Cam will give the students an opportunity to watch the Bald Eagles parent their babies. Have your student write an essay on their observations of the Bald Eagles. Another day have them write an essay on what they learned from the Bald Eagle fact sheet.  


Bald Eagle Activities for Kids:  



bald eagle facts



Next, give them a challenge with my math activity.  The activity includes a combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for older students. There is an addition sheet for younger students as well.



bald eagle facts



Last, have a little fun with my Bald Eagle Coloring pages.  They can watch the cam and than color the pictures.  For additional fun, make these Bald Eagle Treats:  

Patriotic Regal Eagle Cookies

Patriotic Edible Eagles


Finally, you can download the Bald Eagle activities here.