Backyard Birds That Love Suet

Today, I’m sharing a few birding tips on backyard birds that love suet. Cold weather is around the corner.  Not all backyard birds migrate to warmer climates, so they will need help keeping warm and finding food.  One of the ways that you can help is offer foods that will keep them warm and fill their little tummies.   And, how you can help our feathered friends through the cold, winter months.


Backyard Bird Suet



First, here’s a list of backyard birds that love suet:



  • Downy Woodpeckers
  • Hairy Woodpecker
  • Northern Flicker
  • Pileated Woodpecker
  • Red-Bellied Woodpecker
  • Red-Headed Woodpecker

Small Birds

  • Black-Capped Chickadee
  • Carolina Wren
  • Tufted Titmouse
  • Nuthatch
  • White-Breasted Nuthatch
  • Red-Breasted Nuthatch


Large Birds

  • Black-Headed Grosbeak
  • Brown Thrasher
  • Gray Catbird
  • Northern Cardinal
  • Northern Mockingbird
  • Blue Jays
  • Red-Winged Blackbird



birds that eat suet




This list is not all inclusive.  So, check the bird list for your area.  I live in West Virginia in Zone 6B.  Birds that are native to West Virginia may not be native to your state.  Last winter, I had a Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Red-winged Blackbird, Catbird and Mockingbird at the feeders daily.  I can tell you that the Woodpeckers and Mockingbirds devoured the suet.

You can purchase suet cakes or make your own.  I do both; however, I prefer making my own suet.  You can purchase suet cakes in a variety of flavors including peanut, apple snack, cherry crunch, zesty orange, beef suet and more.





Also, I make Bacon Birdseed Cookies.  So, be sure to check out the recipe. You can use bacon grease, rendered beef from your local grocery store, melted beef fat from roast etc.  It’s a fun project to make with these kids this winter.  You can hang these cookies in a tree or place in a dish.  Let the kids observe the birds enjoying their treat.





Start saving your fat/grease from your meals and start feeding our feathered friends.  They will thank you for it.



Backyard Birds That Eat Apples

So, today I’m sharing birding tips on backyard birds that eat apples  It’s apple season!  You can buy a few or you can buy them by the bushel.  You can make pies, jelly or jam, cobblers or just snack on them.  But, whatever you do pick up a few apples for your backyard birds.  They love them too.

Apples are an excellent source of sugar.  Sugar provides energy, which is essential during fall migration and winter months.  Furthermore,  apples help our backyard birds to maintain body heat during chilly weather.  So, help our feather friends by providing some of those delicious apples.


birds that eat apples



Here’s a list of backyard birds that eat apples:

  • Mockingbirds
  • American Robin
  • Blue Jay
  • Northern Bobwhite
  • Northern Cardinal
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Eastern bluebird
  • Eastern Towhee
  • Grosbeaks
  • Gray catbird
  • Hairy woodpecker
  • House Finch
  • Northern Mockingbird
  • Orioles,
  • Purple Finch
  • Red-bellied woodpecker
  • Red-headed woodpecker
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  • Crows


birds that eat apples


Place chucks or chopped apples in a small dish for backyard birds.  You can also use a platform or hopper feeder too.  Furthermore, you can cut the apples in half, remove the seeds, and just place the apples on the ground. If you can find a way to place an apple on a dead branch on a tree, that’s a great way to attract backyards to it.  Additionally, I have chopped apples in my kitchen chopper and mixed it in with the birdseed during the winter months too.




birds that eat apples



So, check your area to see what birds from the list can be lured to your backyard.  Please note, my list is not all inclusive.  There may be birds in your zone that are not on my list, so do your research on your backyard birds.  You may also like:  How to Attract Backyard Birds to Your Bird Bath.




Tips for Backyard Bird Fall Migration

Today, I’m sharing birding tips on backyard bird fall migration.  Fall is around the corner, and many of our feather friends will be migrating south.  Migration usually occurs between September and November.  Are you anxious to assist during the backyard bird fall migration?   Assisting birds in the fall is just as important as assisting them in the spring.


backyard bird fall migration





Here’s a few tips on backyard bird fall migration:





Provide Moving Water  – Place a bird bath in a location that birds can see from the sky is crucial as a backyard birder.  Birds are attracted to moving water.  As a result, you can purchase a floating fountain or agitator to place in your bird baths.  I have floating fountains for my bird baths.  I love them, I can change the fountain heads to different sprays of water when I want a change.  If you’re going to provide water for backyard birds, clean your bird baths regularly.


Use Large Feeders – During the backyard bird fall migration, I use large bird feeders.  Hundreds of hungry birds are migrating south and will need to eat while in route.  I have found that using large feeders keeps me from having to refill my feeders so often.  I use several feeders, platform and tubes.  However, I have found that platform feeders draw the largest number of birds.



Provide High Energy Foods – Provide high energy foods for your feathered friends.  This includes black oil sunflower seeds, peanuts, a variety of suet, meal worms, cracked corn and fruit.


Clean Out Birdhouses –  Fall is a good time to clean out nesting boxes and store them for spring if they’re not mounted.



backyard bird fall migration


Provide Cover – Leave brush piles and/or piles of leaves in your garden or backyard if possible.  Birds love natural nesting areas like trees, shrubs, and bushes.  Furthermore, most will return to the same nesting spots year after year.  Baby birds will return to the yards they were born in and build their nests in the same area.  As a result, make your yard as bird family as possible.


Provide Natural Food Sources –  Providing berries from Wild Cherry, Dogwood, Holly, Chokeberry, Ash and other trees will be welcomed by our feathered friends.  Migrating birds will devour these berries.


So, start now so that you will be ready when backyard bird fall migration arrives.  Also, remember that birds scour for resources in the fall.  If your yard is well stocked, and they hang around during the winter month.  They will return to your yard!  When is Fall Migration.


7 Tips for Beginner Backyard Bird Watchers

Today, I’m sharing backyard bird tips for beginner backyard bird watchers.  Birdwatching can be a fun activity.  I love opening my curtains in the morning and listening to the song birds.  I’ve learned to identify several by their beautiful music even when they’re not in my sight.

So, backyard bird watching is becoming one of America’s favorite past times.  It is as enjoyable for me as gardening.  It’s a great way to get in touch with nature, have hobby that doesn’t require you to leave home and it’s budget friendly.  Open your curtains and start watching.


backyard birds

Here’s what you will need to begin your beginner backyard bird watching journey:



  • Binoculars – Invest in a pair of field glasses. When you’re just starting out, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on binoculars. I have a pair that I spent $30 on, and they work just fine for my backyard viewing.  Usually a lens magnification of 8x – 12x will be sufficient. So, make sure you read the particulars before you purchase to ensure the field glasses will be what you need.


  • Bird Identification Guide – Purchase a bird identification guide.  Become familiar with the birds in your region.  You can google to obtain a list to help you get started.  For example, I live in West Virginia.  Therefore, I want to look for birds that I will find in my backyard.  Birds that are native to Texas won’t be found in West Virginia and vice versa.



  • Bird Feeders –  You will find some birds prefer platform bird feeders and some prefer tube bird feeders.  Decide what birds you want to attract and than decide on a feeder or two to place in your backyard.  I use both tube and platform feeders.  I also use suet feeders in the winter.  You may like my bacon backyard bird birdseed cookies.


  • Bird Food  –  Next, beginner backyard bird watchers struggle with what to feed their backyard birds.  You can’t go wrong with black oil sunflower seeds and/or suet and fruits.  I started out with the black oil sunflower seeds.  I add suet cakes and birdseed cookies in the winter.  All are devoured.




  • Bird Bath  – Furthermore, backyard bird watchers must offer a water source for their feathered friends.  Place a bird bath were birds can see them from the air.  A heated bath is nice in the winter.  It keeps the water warm and thawed.



  • Bird Houses – Last, some birds roost in trees.  Others will build nest inside nice warm bird houses.  Decide if you want to build a house for Wrens, Chickadees, Robins etc. Purchase your birdhouse accordingly.  Or, get creative and build your own.



  • Magazine Subscription –  I love the magazine Birds and Blooms.  I let them stack up during the spring and summer, and enjoy them with a roaring fire and a cup of coffee during the winter.  This magazine has beautiful photos of birds across the country and from other birdwatcher’s backyards.  They also include gardening ideas.


Finally, I hope that you find our beginner backyard bird watcher tips helpful.  I’ve been bird watching for years, and I know that all bird watchers have to start somewhere.

Backyard Birds That Love Cherries

Today, I’m sharing birding tips on backyard birds that love cherries.  I purchased several pints of second cherries from my local farm market.  They weren’t that tasty, so I decided to give them to the birds rather than trash them.  My backyard birds devoured the cherries each time that I set them out.

So, if you have room try planting cherry trees .  If not, try buying seconds from your local farmer’s market.  I’ve been setting cherries out for several weeks now.  They’re gone within a hour.  The Gray Catbirds, Robins and Cardinals devour cherries.  However, I believe the Catbirds are eating the majority of them.  They built a nest in my Dogwood Tree, and that’s where I place the cherries.


backyard birds

Here’s a list of backyard birds that love cherries:


Yellow-billed Cuckoo –  I’ve never seen a Yellow-Billed Cuckoo in my backyard.  However, I must get to work on attracting them.

Red-bellied Woodpecker – I see the Red-bellied Woodpecker often in the winter.  They love suet, so I make sure there’s plenty.

Downy Woodpecker – Another visitor that I see often in the winter.  They love peanut suet.

Blue Jay – My Blue Jays seemed be more interested in shelled peanuts rather than the cherries.  I have 4 that visit regularly.

Tufted Titmouse – Next, my Tufted Titmouse prefer black-oil sunflower seeds.  Maybe because there’s no cherries left.

Wood Thrush –   I haven’t seen the Wood Thrush around much this summer.  In the winter they are plentiful.

American Robin – Cherries are a favorite.  They love blueberries and blackberries too.  I was fortunate enough to watch a Robin’s nest this spring.  They feed berries to their babies too.




birds that eat cherries





Gray Catbird – The Gray Catbird has had the advantage of the cherries this year.  The early bird gets the cherries.

Northern Mockingbird – I haven’t seen much of the Northern Mockingbird since the spring.  I see them more often at the feeders in the winter.

European Starling – What don’t they eat?  They will devour the feeders in no time.  I don’t see much of them in warm weather.  I change the food that is offered.  Apparently, they don’t like what’s for dinner in my backyard.

Northern Cardinal – Next, my Cardinals prefer Safflower seeds more than anything.  But, Cardinals will eat cherries.  They are my state bird, and are plentiful year round.  They are seen as visitors from heaven.

Red-winged Blackbird – This bird is stunning.  I have seen a few in my backyard this summer; however, not at the feeders.  But, they do come to the feeders in the winter.

Common Grackle– They’re in the same family of the Baltimore Oriole.  Unfortunately, they invade my yard by the dozens.  Thankfully, I haven’t seen much of them this summer.

Baltimore Oriole –  Last, I have not been able to attract the Baltimore Oriole to my backyard.  Not with grapes, cherries, oranges, jelly or anything else.



backyard birds



Finally, try leaving a few cherries in a dish if you don’t have cherry trees.  You will have new backyard birds that love cherries in no time.


Attracting Birds to Your Bird Baths

Today, I’m sharing backyard bird tips on attracting birds to your bird baths.  Do you find water refreshing? Do you dream of relaxing in a tub of nice warm bubbles.  Personally, I find the ocean, infused water, fountains, pools, ponds and rivers refreshing.  But, they most be safe.  Backyard birds also find water refreshing.  However, they also want an area that is safe.

I have several bird baths in my backyard.  Bird baths need to be clean and a safe source of water for drinking and preening.  Unfortunately, puddles dry up quickly.  So, today we’re sharing backyard bird tips on how to attract backyard birds to your bird bath and why it’s important.



bird baths




Water helps keep a bird’s body cool.  Water is as refreshing to a bird as it is to you and me.  Furthermore, bird baths remove loose feathers and other debris from their feathers.  I have found several types of feathers in or around my bird bath.  Loose feathers around your bird bath is sign that your bird bath is being used.




how to attract birds to bird baths




So, you can either purchase a bird bath or make one.  Either will be welcomed by your backyard birds.  Here a few things to consider when placing a bird bath in your backyard:

  • First, consider a fountain when your purchase a bird bath.   Moving water attracts backyard birds.
  • Next, place a  rock or stones in the bird bath.  This gives birds stability when they are drinking or preening.
  • Make sure the water in the bird bath is no more than an inch deep.
  • Every 2 – 3 days, change the water in the bird bath.
  • Add algae cleaner to the water to help keep it clean.
  • Make sure your bird bath is 3 feet from the ground
  • Bird bath should be seen from the sky.
  • The larger the bird bath the larger birds you will attract.  Blue Jays, Robins, Woodpeckers and more use my large bird bath as well as the smaller birds.
  • Clean your bird baths regularly.  A solution of water and bleach or water and vinegar can be used.  Scrub the basin with a scrub brush.  Rinse the basin with clear water.



bird baths



Other advantages of having a backyard birdbath is:


  • You will attract backyard birds to your feeders.
  • Backyard birds will hunt for worms, seeds, and berries. They will aerate your soil.
  • Bees and butterflies will also use the bird bath.


Finally, you may like:  Attract West Virginia Backyard Birds With These Backyard Birds



Native West Virginia Plants for Zone 6B

Attract West Virginia backyard birds, Zone 6B,  by planting native West Virginia plants.  If you want to take your backyard garden to another level and attract more backyard birds, we have a few tips for you.  Are you wondering what are native plants?  So, native plants were grown thousand of years before Europeans arrived.  If you plant Native West Virginia plants in Zone 6B, you will love your new landscape, and the birds will love it too.



West Virginia Native Shrubs

Native West Virginia Plants:


Allegheny Monkey Flower – First, the Monkey Flower is a perennial.  It grows 1 to 3 feet and produces lilac/purple flowers from June to September.  It loves the shade, moist soil and it’s deer resistant.  Personally, I haven’t seen the Allegheny Monkey at any of the local garden centers; however, I’m sure one of the local nurseries will have it.  The Monkey Flower attracts Orioles, Mocking Birds, Thrashers, Humming Birds, Waxwings, Wood Warblers and Sparrow.

American Black Elderberry – Second, the Black Elderberry is a perennial shrub that grows approximately 10 to 15 feet.  It produces white flowers during the summer and black berries in late summer to fall.  Birds love them.  The Elderberry loves partial shade and moist acidic soils.  The Black Elderberry attracts Blue Jays, Woodpeckers, Orioles, Waxwings, Thrashers, and Thrushes.

American Pokeweed –  The American Pokeweed is a perennial.  It is also called Pokeberry.  The particular plant grows in my backyard.  It grows 4 to 10 feet tall.  I cut mine off at about 4 or 5 feet.  It is a very pretty plant producing clusters of small blackberries in the late summer to fall. However, it is poisonous if consumed by humans.

Black Raspberry – So, the black raspberry is a perennial shrub that produces 3 to 5 foot long thorny stems.  It produces juicy dark purple berries in the late summer.  It will grow in both shade or full sun.  Their  is also a variety of this bush that doesn’t have thorns.  I love picking the berries for jam or an ice cream topping, but you must be careful picking the berries.  The thorns aren’t friendly.  It’s a great source of food for birds too.  The Black Raspberry attracts Woodpeckers, Vireos, Mocking Birds, Wood Warblers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks and Nuthatches.




Native West Virginia Plants




Black Walnut – Additionally, the Black Walnut can reach 75 to 100 feet in height.  My back property is lined with these trees.  They produce walnuts in a green shell.  Each year they drop and the squirrels have a grand time gathering and burying the walnuts.  They are wonderful in brownies.  I wait for the shell to darken and than remove the black hull.  If you decide to indulge, wear gloves because the hulls will stain your hands.  The stain is a night-mare to remove.  They attract Orioles, Wrens, Cardinals, Grosbeaks and more.

Black-eyed Susan – Furthermore, the Black-eye Susan will grow approximately 1 to 2 feet tall in full sun.  The flowers look like daisies.  They are yellow with a brownish color center.  They plant from June to October.  Birds love the seeds.  Unfortunately, the Black-eye Susan is an annual.  As a result, you will have to plant them every year.

Butterfly Milkweed – Next, the milkweed is one of nature’s most important flowers.  It looks beautiful in the landscape, and grows from 1 to 3 feet.  It produces clusters of orange to yellowish orange flowers.  Butterflies and Humming Birds love butterfly milkweed.  The Butterfly Milkweed is drought resistant.  It will grow in the full sun as well as moist soil.  It also attracts the American Gold Finch, Titmouse, Chickadees, Orioles and Mocking Birds.

Flowering Dogwood –  The Flowering Dogwood grows anywhere from 15 to 30 feet tall with a low-branching, flat-topped habit. White or pink flowers bloom in early spring.  In late summer or fall, they produce bright red fruits.  I love my dogwood, which happens to be pink.  My Cat Birds love flowering dogwoods.  Dogwoods attracts Mocking Birds, Grosbeaks, Cardinals, Blue Jays and more. I have my feeders set up in a Dogwood, and I see lots of traffic.




Native West Virginia Plants



Pink Azalea –  So, the Pink Azalea can grow 6 to 12 feet in height.  It keep mine cut at about 3 to 4 feet.  The clusters of flowers are quite stunning.  It grows best in partial shade.  It attracts Humming Birds, Blue Jays, Woodpeckers, Orioles, Wrens, Wood Warblers and more.  I currently have a pink Azalea in my landscape.  However, I try to keep it around 3 feet.

Red Mulberry  – Unfortunately, I cut my Mulberry tree down and replaced it with a rose garden.  I miss it, I miss watching the deer and birds devour the berries.  The trees produce berries every year and can grow to approximately 60 feet tall.  Beware, it can be messy.  It drops mulberries everywhere, which was the deciding factor for me cutting it down.  The berries attract Woodpeckers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Blue Jays, Mocking Birds and more.

Redbud Trees – Redbud, or Eastern Redbud is a small tree.  It grows around 30 feet.  It produces beautiful pink flowers during the summer.  The flowers turn into brown seedpods during the summer through fall.   Redbuds are beautiful in the landscape or along edges of properties.  They attract Finches, Wrens, Cardinals, Humming Birds, Chickadees, Woodpeckers, Vireos and more.



attracting backyards



Virginia Strawberry – So, the Virginia Strawberry is also know as Wild Strawberry.  It is perennial that only grows about a foot tall.  It produce white flowers followed by small strawberries.  I have it growing behind my vegetable garden.  How it got there, it’s wild.  They attract Woodpeckers, Wrens, Orioles, Titmouse, Chickadees, Blue Jays and more.

Virginia Creeper –  Last, the Virginia Creeper is climber.  However, it doesn’t damage buildings, fences, trellis etc.  The leaves turn a beautiful red and purplish color in the fall.  The white flowers ripen into small blue berries.  The Virginia Creeper can grown in full sun or shade.  The plant attracts Mockingbirds, Waxwings, Wrens, Chickadees, Titmouse and more.

Finally, I hope that you will plant a few of these native shrubs and trees in your backyard if you live in zone 6B.  You will be able to attract West Virginia backyard birds with these West Virginia Native Plants in no time.  Additionally, you may also like:  How to Attract Catbirds to Your Backyard.






How to Attract Rose-breasted Grosbeaks

The Rose-breasted Grosbeak is one of the most beautiful birds to visit my backyard.  The red, black and white males are stunning.  And, their thick bills make you wonder who are you?  What kind of bird are you?   If you are a backyard bird lover, I have a few tips on how to attract Rose-breasted Grosbeaks to you backyard too.  So, lets get started.




backyard birds


I had just switched my feeder, which had a mixture of sunflower, safflower, cracked corn, peanuts pieces and veggies to Safflower feeder.  Safflower seeds helps to eliminate Starlings and Crackles from devouring the feeders.  Most Starlings and Crackles aren’t fond of Safflower.  However,  songbirds love it.  Within days of the switch, I noticed a new bird at the feeder.  I looked at her and thought to myself she looks like the sparrow, but she’s larger.  Is she a new visitor?  Yes, she was.  It was a female Grosbeak.



backyard birds


Her partner appeared a little later and took my breath away. This is the male Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  He was stunning, and provided me with hours of joy.  He returned to the feeder again and again to enjoy the treats.   I first noticed the male hanging out on a branch.  His rose colored bib caught my attention.  I wondered if it was a wood-pecker initially.  Finally, he finally made his way to the feeder.  And, I realized I had a new visitor and a beauty at that.  It’s these moments that excite the backyard bird watcher. Always have your camera or binoculars ready, you never know when a new visitor will appear.



backyard birds



If you’re wondering how to attract Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, here are a few tips:

  • Offer Black-oil Sunflower Seeds or Safflower Seeds –  Add Safflower and/or Black-oil seeders to your feeders in the spring.  These seeds are their favorite foods.  I have Safflower seeds in mine.  And,  he visited the feeder at least 5 or 6 times to devour the tasty treats.
  • Offer raw peanuts, they love them.
  • Use a hopper or platform feeder
  • Provide fruit – Furthermore, the Rose-breasted Grosbeak love elderberries, blackberries, raspberries, and mulberries.
  • Make sure they have access to a bird bath or other means of water –   I have a wet weather stream that runs through my property.  Normally, it only runs if we have a large amount of rain.  However, it has been running for an entire year.  The birds love it.
  • Leave nesting materials –  Also, the female uses dried leaves, sticks, weeds, and other earth materials to build her nest.
  • Breeding season is from May to September.  Plan accordingly.


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Additionally, if you’re unable to bring them to your backyard, they love hanging out in parks and orchards.  Plan a morning or afternoon stroll through your local park or a farmer’s orchard.  Get permission first, if you decide to go the farm route.  Furthermore, the Rose-breasted Grosbeak likes woody areas.  Last, you may also like:  How to Attract Catbirds to Your Backyard.


Backyard Bird Nesting Materials You Can Provide

Today, I’m sharing tips on backyard bird nesting materials. Backyard birds are arriving, and looking for a mate.  They will breed tiny little birdies, so they will need bird nesting materials to build a home for their family.  Some backyard birds use mud to build their nest others need items that you have in your home to assist them.




backyard bird nesting material




Backyard Bird Nesting Material: 


  • Twigs or sticks
  • Dead leaves
  • Grass clippings or dead grass
  • Yarn, string or thread
  • Human hair
  • Pine needles
  • Straw or other plant stems
  • Tree Bark
  • Shredded paper
  • Broom bristles or mop string
  • Cotton balls
  • feathers




backyard bird nesting material




Birds that need help building their nest:


Robins – Dead grass and twigs are great material to leave for Robin’s to build their nest.

Black-capped Chickadee –  Moss and animal fur will assist Black-capped Chickadees.

Carolina Wren –  Twigs, grass, weeds, leaves, moss, pine needles, bits of bark, hair, string, and feathers.

Dark-eyed Junco – Leaves, moss and small roots are great nesting material for the Dark-eyed Junco

House Finch – Burlap, newspaper shreds, coconut fiber, and shreds of facial tissue are good nesting material for Finches.

Gray Catbird – Gray Catbirds love to use twigs, weeds, grass, leaves, and sometimes pieces of trash to build their nest.

Northern Cardinal –  Twigs, grapevine bark, dried grass, stems, rootlets, and pine needles are the preferred material for the Northern Cardinal.

Mockingbird – Dead twigs, grasses, leaves, trash, bits of plastic, and aluminum foil are great material for a Mockingbird’s nest.





backyard bird nesting material




Red-Winged Blackbird – Mud, grass or marsh vegetation and wet leaves.

Tufted Tit Mouse –  Hair, fur, wool, and cotton are loved by Tufted Tit Mouse.

Mourning Dove – Twigs, grass, weeds and pine needles are great material for Mourning Doves.  I have a row of pine trees behind my house, so I provide plenty of pine needs for them. However, I did have one nest in my Alberta Spruce tree.

Baltimore Orioles – Grass, strips of grapevine bark, wool, and horsehair are loved by Orioles when building their nests.

Blue Jays – Paper towels, tissues, candy wrappers and pieces of cloth are perfect.  Also twigs, bark, moss, and other man-made materials can be used.  Mud is used as a mortar.

Blue Birds – Grass, pine needles, straw, hair and sometimes feathers.


So, you can place the backyard bird nesting materials in a basket, an expensive suet feeder, or in tree crevices. Furthermore, place string on shrubs/bushes and more.  Also, I use a suet feeder that I had hanging around.  I normally place suet cakes in the feeder during the winter.  However, I also use it in the spring to house the nesting material.

Finally, find a place where your kids can watch the birds remove the materials from a window with a great pair of binoculars. I have mine placed in a Dogwood Tree in my front yard.  You can check out the list of best kids binoculars at globo surf.

You may also like:  How to Attract Backyard Birds with Eggshells.




How to Attract Catbirds to Your Backyard

Spring is around the corner!  Catbirds are at the top of the backyard birds that birdwatchers want to attract to their backyard.  I have been successful bringing them to my backyard.  As  a matter of fact, they build a nest in my backyard Bradford Pear tree each year or in this huge tree close to my picnic table.  However, in the winter they roost in lower shrubs at the edge of my property.


Backyard Catbirds


Gray Catbirds mimic several other birds and even other animals.  I remember noticing the catbird years ago.  It was meowing like a cat.  I looked around my property, but there was no cat in sight.  My neighbors have cats; however, they are inside cats.  I do have feral cats pass through the property, but they were nowhere in sight either.  So, I went inside to grab my binoculars and pointed them in the direction of the sound.  There it was, a Gray Catbird.  Oh my they are a beauty.  The pictures don’t do it justice.




I have learned to keep my camera nearby when I’m outside.  You never know when a photo opportunity will present itself.  I decided to keep these beauties around as long as I could.  I learned that Gray Catbirds love the Dogwood Tree.  So, I was able to capture this photo in the spring when my pink Dogwood was flowering.  What an amazing backdrop it presents to any bird that visits when it is blooming.  Other birds that love the Dogwood are Eastern Bluebirds, Robins, Purple Finches and the Northern Flicker.  I have spotted Robins in the same tree.

The male and female Gray Catbirds look identical, so it is difficult to tell them apart.  Both male and female give the “meow” sound.  They love thick, dense, tangled and low shrubbery bushes.   If you’re out birding, look in that direction.   Notice how they perch on the branch, their tail is always downward.  It is long and makes as statement among the pink or white Dogwood blossoms.

Gray Catbirds



You can also lure them with grape jelly and raisins.   Baltimore Orioles love grape jelly too.  So, a dish that will hold the grape jelly is recommended.  Start setting the dish out in April or May. In the fall the leaves on the Dogwood turn a beautiful burgundy with red berries that ripen into fall. They are loved by migrating songbirds in the fall, and songbirds that plan to hang around throughout the winter.



Try enticing them with berries too.  Blackberries, blueberries, oranges and raisins are favorites.  The majority of their diet is insects, so what you offer will be a supplement.  Most Catbirds migrant to warmer climates in the winter.  However, if you see one or two that have remained during the winter, offer raisins and berry flavored suet.