Toilet Paper Roll Turkey Crafts

Looking for fall or Thanksgiving crafts for your preschooler or elementary school crafter?  We’re sharing parenting tips on turkey crafts.  You can make this toilet paper roll turkey craft in no time and with little materials. It’s a great project to make with the kids for Thanksgiving.

So, save several toilet paper tubes.  Also, take a day and spend time with the kids gathering leaves from your backyard or better yet take a walk around you neighborhood.




turkey crafts



You will need to press the leaves once you get them home before you make the turkey crafts.  Pressing the leaves is quite simple. This is another fun project to do with the kids.  Give them 2 pieces of wax paper.  Place the leaves between the two sheets of wax paper.  Place the sheets between the pages of a heavy book.  I actually used an phone book, and placed the book under my Kitchen Aid mixer.  After a few days, check the leaves to see if they are dry.  All moisture should be removed.  Once the leaves have reached this stage you are ready to assemble your turkey crafts.




You will also need the following items:

  • toilet paper roll
  • brown paint
  • paint brush
  • yellow construction paper
  • Googly Eyes ( I found these at the Dollar Tree)
  • leaves

Paint the toilet paper roll brown and allow it to dry thoroughly, approximately 15 minutes.  While the toilet paper roll is drying, spread 4-5 leaves into a fan. Make sure your center leaf is a little higher than the others, you want it to be higher than the tube.

Glue your leaves together with a hot glue gun or Elmer’s glue pen. Next, make the feet and a nose with your construction paper. Be sure to make your legs and feet long enough to hang from beneath the tube. I glued the legs on the inside of the toilet paper roll. Once the toilet paper roll is dry, glue your leaves, eyes, nose and feet to the tube as shown.


You may also like:16 Mom Approved Beach Crafts
or Country Living Turkey Crafts for more ideas.  





Road Trip Printable Scavenger Hunt Game – Part 2

Our kid’s road trip scavenger hunt games series continues.  We have added to 2 additional printables to our travel tips Our scavenger hunts are bright and colorful just like the first scavenger hunt printables.  Children like to choose just like adults.  So, the more games the merrier.  If you have more than one child they may not be interested in searching for the same items. Who wants to hear over and over, I don’t want that one or I’m not going to be able to find those things.

road trip games


What’s the goal of the trip? Isn’t it to arrive at your destination safely, create great memories along the way and enjoy your time when you arrive. Why get into a struggle and ruin the memory while you’re trying to get there. Pouting, crying and unhappy kids can make the trip seem much longer than is really is.   Give each of them their choice of scavenger hunt printables, a snack, drink, and let the trip begin.

Searching for different items and trying to finish first makes the hunt exciting and challenging. Take their mind off of how long it’s taking to arrive at your destination by getting them focused on their surroundings. One of your greatest memories will be the kids searching for the items, the conversations you will engage in while hunting for them and the peace you will find by having happy children. Now that is priceless.



kid's gameskid's games



I suggest printing the games on stock card.  It makes the printable a little sturdier.  Stock paper is heavier than regular copy paper, and won’t tear as easily either.  Purchasing several clip boards so the kid’s will have something to hold their games.  They can place their pen or pencil on the clipboard as well.  Download Scavenger Hunt Games III and IV.

You may also like this game: Kid’s Road Trip Games I and II.



Kid’s Road Trip Games: Scavenger Hunt

Family road trips can be exciting, but they can also lead to a barrage of are we there yet.  Or,  if you’re traveling with children fights, screaming, whining and moaning.  Kids will be kids, but it’s enough to drive you crazy at times.  I don’t know about your children, but anything over an hour seems to be more than my grandchildren can bear.  That is probably typical of most children to be honest. So, today I am sharing a few travel tips.  To make things interesting, I created a series of kid’s road trip scavenger hunt games.   My grandchildren play this game when there’s a road trip.  Trust me, it keeps them busy for a few hours.
kid's games


Playing games allows time to unplug and enjoy the beauty that God has surrounded us with.  Additionally, road trips are a great way for children to observe the country side and what’s happenings on the interstate and highway.   Observations can lead to questions and interesting conversations with the children.  Kid’s road trip games can be a great way to bond.  Most importantly, make the trip educational and also memorable for everyone.

For this particular road trip game, children will love looking out the window in search of items on the paper. We come across most of them during our trips.  And, we have so much fun trying to find the items. If we find all of them all before we reach our destination we have other games to play. My grandson love doing word search puzzles, hidden objects or we do another Scavenger Hunt in the series.  I don’t know who has the most fun me or the kids.


Here’s a few tips for the games:

  • Purchase a few clip boards and pencil or pens
  • Print out several copies of the gamesI like to print the games on stock card.  It’s heavier than regular copy paper and that makes it easier to use without tearing.
  • You can also have the games laminated for a few dollars at Office Max or Staples.




If you like our Scavenger Hunts please share and feel free to print for your use.  Place an X on each item that you find. Good Luck!


kids games

kid's games



Stay tuned for other printables in my Road Trip series.  You can download the road trip scavenger hunt games here.   You may also like: Kid’s Road Trip Games: Scavenger Hunt II .