Practical Tips for Raising Happy Kids

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on raising happy kids. Raising a child is the biggest task in life for any parent.  Its difficult and tiring task, but most importantly it’s incredibly rewarding. Many people believe that they will be a good parent; however, it’s impossible to prepare yourself totally for the task of being responsible for another life.  So, the only thing you can do is prepare yourself to be the best parent possible.  


raising happy kids


Tips on Raising Happy Kids



Bonding with your kids is an important task for a parent. It is something that takes place from the moment your child is born until one or the other is no long on earth.  So, creating activities and spending time with them is an excellent way to bond with your child.  It is also a great way to maintain a healthy and fun relationship with them at all ages. Neglecting your kids from a young age can have a negative impact on them throughout their life.  As a result, bonding with your children should be a priority!





In addition to bonding with your kids, you will spend a lot of time and money caring for them.  As a parent, you are responsible for providing a roof over their head, medical and dental attention, food, education and host of other products for your kids.  It can be difficult to keeping up with their needs, but it’s your responsibility to cover all basis from infancy to adulthood.  

So, make sure that you’re providing everything they need to help stimulate and comfort them through their youth, teens and into adulthood.  Your first step is nurturing them as an infant.  So, putting your money toward a topponcino can be a great first step.  This pillow will provide comfort and support through the first months of their life.  




raising happy kids





Providing healthy and nutriouts meals for your children is important.  Research recipes to find meals that are delicious and provides the best diet for your kids.  Every parent wants their children to be healthy and happy.   You are responsible for their health, so set a good example with healthy meals and snacks.  You want your kids to grow up feeling healthy and fit.  



Every soul on this planet needs a healthy amount of sleep.  But, some kids are more reluctant than others to go to bed at a set time and get a good night’s sleep.  From a very young age, kids can struggle to stay asleep or will even refuse to go to sleep. It’s up to you to teach them the value of getting the sleep they need and even find ways to encourage them to do so.



raising happy kids




Praise and Encourage

Praising accomplishments that your children achieve is a must.  It helps them strive to do even more. It’s important to recognize things from their perspective. Be proud of your kids!  They need your approval more than anything! Additionally, encourage your kids to do more.  But, never imply that they aren’t doing enough.  You don’t want them to feel that their best is not good enough.  Push them without belittling anything they do. 


Having Boundaries

Setting boundaries for your children is another in raising happy children.   While they’re young, kids are very impressionable.  And, it’s not healthy to allow them to think that they can have whatever they want or do whatever they want.  Learn when to say no!  You don’t have to be a cold parent, but teach them that saying no isn’t always a negative thing.  


Don’t Be Too Strict

Strict parenting can often lead to rebellious kids. Kids won’t often understand why you act strict and it can come across as you being a cold parent. Make sure to maintain a loving relationship with them and try to help them understand why you are making the decisions that you make.  They don’t need to approve your decisions, but letting them know that you’re making the best decision for them and the family is needed.  


Listen To Them

While you might not trust your kids on most topics, trust and believe they know how they’re feeling.  As a result, you should not ignore how they feel.  You may be thinking that you know what’s best for your kids.  That may be true, but having someone to listen to them is important too.  Even if what they have to say doesn’t change your decision, knowing when to listen to them is very important for building strong relationships.  


Set Examples

Don’t do anything that you wouldn’t want your kids to do. Number one on this list is lying. You should never lie to your children, and always find a way to tell kids the truth and help them understand. If you teach your kids that it’s okay to lie, that’s something that you’re going to have to deal with as they grow up.


Being a parent isn’t an easy journey, not for anyone, but hopefully our raising happy kids tips has prepared you a little more!



Speak Your Mind



  1. Great tips you have here, Rhonda!

    Giving kids happy childhoods could set them up for success.