Moving Tips for Families with Kids

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on moving tips for families.  Moving to a new location is a stressful time for most people. Changing life circumstances like a new job or relationship may require selling your home. So, making the transition is tough for adults, but it gets a lot more challenging when you have young kids.

It’s important that you take the time to plan each aspect of the move carefully.  Furthermore, planning for your kids’ needs and reassuring them is important too.  Children feel insecure when giving up familiar rooms, friends, teachers, and play areas. Keep reading for some helpful tips that can help you make the change less stressful for them.



moving tips for families

Moving Tips for Families:


Communicate and Talk Openly About What’s Going On

Your kids are smarter than you think.  And, they always sense that something is going on. You may be meeting the realtor to discuss your options, or may be scheduling a showing. Having strange people walking around can make kids uneasy. So, sit the kids down (choose a time after they’ve eaten or had a nap) and talk about the move.  Discuss your new home and emphasis that they will have a beautiful room and new friends.  Additionally, answer questions in terms that make sense to them.  But, be prepared for meltdowns. Add lots of hugs and reassurances and give them time to assimilate the information and come around to embracing the move.


Introduce the New Home With Images and Videos

Familiarize your kids with images of the new home. The realtor assisting you with the purchase will likely share lots of pictures.  Or, you can get them from the seller’s listing. Use Google Maps to get an overview of the neighborhood, including some exciting landmarks to explore. A tree with enough room for picnics under it or a garden where they can play will make the new home exciting.  Knowing what to expect will make the transition smoother. 


Keep the Kids Busy While You Pack

Even with local movers assisting you, there will be an endless list of tasks to do.  Have a plan to get organized so you can keep the kids busy and out of trouble. If they’re older, you can get them to help. For the smaller children, place them in a room that has already been cleared.  If they are technically savvy let them watch videos or play games.  For smaller children give them toys that they like to play with or a few books.  Add in a snack with some juice or water.  Better yet, stack up some of the sealed boxes to make a fort and let the kids play where you can keep an eye on them.




moving tips for families


Maintain Normalcy For As Long As You Can

The most effective way to provide a sense of security after the move is to make sure that you stick to their routine as much as possible.  Make sure that you can access their favorite sheets, plates and utensils, and other bedtime essentials.  Think about commissioning hand-illustrated house portraits and hanging them up in the kids’ rooms. They will feel like they’re bringing over the old house with them. 

Remember, moving to a new place can be a scary for kids. So, take the time to understand their fears and help them transition by providing security and giving lots of love. 


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