Happy Birthday Xavier

My adorable grandson is turning 1 at the end of the month. It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by since he entered this world on 9/28/2007 at 5lbs 13 ounces. He was so small I could hold him in the palm of my hand. He was actually the smallest baby born into our family.

It has been amazing to watch the milestones in his life from holding his own bottle, crawling, getting his first tooth, his first experience with baby foods, toddler foods, walking at 11 months and now celebrating his first birthday.

I call him my miracle baby. My daughter was diagnosed with a kidney disease at 16. As a result, she has taken high blood pressure medicine everyday since to ensure no further damage to her kidneys. I was really against her becoming pregnant, we knew that a pregnancy would cause more damage. She insisted on giving her husband at least one child. When she announced her pregnancy, I honestly had mixed emotions. I thought about the movie Steel Magnolias constantly. What if she dies from kidney failure. She and her husband thought about it too. They discussed which of the two would live if she ran into trouble during the delivery, her or the baby. She wanted the baby to live. Her husband decided that he would never be able to face me if he made that decision. She is my only child. Talking about emotional moments and a mountain of stress.

As a result of her risky pregnancy, the doctors decided to induce labor at 32 weeks. At 9:00 p.m. on 9/27/2007, Marisha entered the hospital anxious to give birth to her son. Xavier decided he wasn’t ready to enter the world. If we wanted him out, we would have to send a doctor to get him. After 30 hours of labor, they decided to do a C-Sect. The above picture is of Xavier when they brought him out of the delivery room. He was on his way to the nursery, but stopped for a brief moment to let Gran admire him and to snap a picture. He’s been posing for the camera ever since. I’m telling you, if you bring out a camera that boy will stop and pose for the camera. He has brought so much joy into my life. He is truly my little sweetie pie. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings.
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